Academic Profile : Faculty
Prof Neil Murphy
Toh Puan Mahani Idris Daim (TPMID) Chair Professor
Professor, School of Humanities
Professor, School of Art, Design and Media (Courtesy Appointment)
External Links
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Murphy Neil. (Ed., with Michelle Wang, Cheryl Julia Lee), The Routledge Companion to Death and Literature, 2023.
Murphy Neil. (Ed., with Michelle Wang, Daniel K. Jernigan), The Routledge Companion to Death and Literature, 2020.
Neil Murphy. John Banville (Contemporary Irish Writers Series). Bucknell University Press, 2018.
Murphy, Neil. (Ed. with Keith Hopper), The Short Fiction of Flann O’Brien. Dalkey Archive Press, 2013.
Murphy Neil. (Ed., with Michelle Wang, Daniel K. Jernigan), The Routledge Companion to Death and Literature, 2020.
Neil Murphy. John Banville (Contemporary Irish Writers Series). Bucknell University Press, 2018.
Murphy, Neil. (Ed. with Keith Hopper), The Short Fiction of Flann O’Brien. Dalkey Archive Press, 2013.
Book Chapters
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Murphy, Neil. “Painters Writing: Art and the Contemporary Irish Novel,” Companion to the Contemporary Irish Novel (Costello-Sullivan, Hand and Murphy Eds.). Syracuse University Press. Forthcoming 2024.
Murphy, Neil. “Ekphrasis & the Contemporary Novel,” The Routledge Companion to Literature and Art (Murphy, Wang, and Lee co-eds.) Forthcoming 2023.
Murphy, Neil. “Traces of Mischief: Flann O’Brien and Luigi Pirandello,” in Flann O'Brien: Acting Out. Eds. Paul Fagan & Deirdre Flynn. Cork: Cork University Press, 2022.
Murphy, Neil. “Aidan Higgins: Disguised Autobiographies,” in Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Contemporary Literature. Ed. James Ward, Oxford: Blackwell, 2021: 29-38.
Murphy, Neil. “John Banville’s Fictions of Art,” The Oxford Handbook of Modern Irish Fiction. Ed. Liam Harte. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2020: 320-334.
Murphy, Neil. “Ekphrasis & the Contemporary Novel,” The Routledge Companion to Literature and Art (Murphy, Wang, and Lee co-eds.) Forthcoming 2023.
Murphy, Neil. “Traces of Mischief: Flann O’Brien and Luigi Pirandello,” in Flann O'Brien: Acting Out. Eds. Paul Fagan & Deirdre Flynn. Cork: Cork University Press, 2022.
Murphy, Neil. “Aidan Higgins: Disguised Autobiographies,” in Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Contemporary Literature. Ed. James Ward, Oxford: Blackwell, 2021: 29-38.
Murphy, Neil. “John Banville’s Fictions of Art,” The Oxford Handbook of Modern Irish Fiction. Ed. Liam Harte. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2020: 320-334.