Academic Profile : Faculty
Prof Yeo Puay Hwa Jesvin
Deputy Associate Provost (Strategy) and Acting Chair (School of Art, Design and Media)
Professor, School of Art, Design and Media
Acting Chair, School of Art, Design and Media (ADM)
Deputy Director, University Scholars Programme
External Links
Journal Articles
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Berglund, P., Dannetun, P., Chan, W. L., Gold, J., Han, S., Hansson, H., Harvey, S., Huang, J.S., Larsson, A., Linton, S., McInerney, G., Magnell, M., Popov, O., Quttineh, N., Richards, T., Song, J., Switzer, A.D., Jerselius, K.T., Vikström, S., Wikström, M., Yu, K.Y.T., Yeo, J.P., Zary, N., Pohl, H., & Ellervik, U. (2019). Linking Education and Research: A Roadmap for Higher Education Institutions at the Dawn of the Knowledge Society. Preprints.
Yeo, J.P., Koh, C., & Chye, S. (2017). Conceptions of design research: discursive phenomenography in undergraduate visual communication design research. ITERATIONS Design Research and Practice Review, 5, 14-21.
Yeo, J.P. (2014). An overview of research methods in visual communication design education. International Journal of Design Creativity & Innovation, 2(1), 51-62.
Yeo, J.P., Koh, C., & Chye, S. (2014). A phenomenographic study of students’ conceptions of formal research procedures. The International Journal of Design Education, 8(2), 1-9.
Yeo, J.P. (2014). The design of user-defined packaging as a tool to educate visual
education students. The International Journal of Design Education, 7(3), 1-9. doi:10.18848/2325-128X/CGP/v07i03/38446
Yeo, J.P. (2014). Using blog to develop an online exhibition for typography research and education. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 34(2), 103-109.
Yeo, J.P., Liew, K.K. (2012). Kopi Sua’ style: Colonial cosmopolitanism and the sculptures of tombs in bukit brown cemetery. The Design Society Journal, 4, 106-115.
Ng, D., Yeo, J.P. (2012). Designing for tradition: Singapore’s vanishing trades. The Design Society Journal, 4, 92-105.
Yeo, J.P., Sim, R.F. (2012). Beyond typography: Form and function. The International Journal of the Book, 9(4), 87-96.
Yeo, J.P. (2011). Beyond Typography: Experiments in form. Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal, 5(6), 273-284. doi: 10.18848/1833-1874/cgp/v05i06/38231
Yeo, J.P. (2011). Beyond Typography: Exploration of experimental book design through typeface anatomy. The International Journal of the Book, 8(2), 25-36. doi: 10.18848/1447-9516/cgp/v08i02/36866
Yeo, J.P., Koh, C., & Chye, S. (2017). Conceptions of design research: discursive phenomenography in undergraduate visual communication design research. ITERATIONS Design Research and Practice Review, 5, 14-21.
Yeo, J.P. (2014). An overview of research methods in visual communication design education. International Journal of Design Creativity & Innovation, 2(1), 51-62.
Yeo, J.P., Koh, C., & Chye, S. (2014). A phenomenographic study of students’ conceptions of formal research procedures. The International Journal of Design Education, 8(2), 1-9.
Yeo, J.P. (2014). The design of user-defined packaging as a tool to educate visual
education students. The International Journal of Design Education, 7(3), 1-9. doi:10.18848/2325-128X/CGP/v07i03/38446
Yeo, J.P. (2014). Using blog to develop an online exhibition for typography research and education. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 34(2), 103-109.
Yeo, J.P., Liew, K.K. (2012). Kopi Sua’ style: Colonial cosmopolitanism and the sculptures of tombs in bukit brown cemetery. The Design Society Journal, 4, 106-115.
Ng, D., Yeo, J.P. (2012). Designing for tradition: Singapore’s vanishing trades. The Design Society Journal, 4, 92-105.
Yeo, J.P., Sim, R.F. (2012). Beyond typography: Form and function. The International Journal of the Book, 9(4), 87-96.
Yeo, J.P. (2011). Beyond Typography: Experiments in form. Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal, 5(6), 273-284. doi: 10.18848/1833-1874/cgp/v05i06/38231
Yeo, J.P. (2011). Beyond Typography: Exploration of experimental book design through typeface anatomy. The International Journal of the Book, 8(2), 25-36. doi: 10.18848/1447-9516/cgp/v08i02/36866
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Chai, Caroline. & Yeo, Jesvin. (2022) Forgotten Heritage: Uncovering Singapore’s Traditional Chinese Puppets. Singapore: Basheer Graphic Books.
Yeo, Jesvin. (2021). A collection of Singapore’s fading traditional crafts and trades. Singapore: Basheer Graphic Books.
Yeo, Jesvin. (2017). A phenomenographic study of students’ conceptions of design research, and their experiences of formal research procedures and the design process. Singapore: National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University.
Yeo, Jesvin. (2015). Vanishing crafts. Singapore: National Library Board and Basheer Graphic Books.
Yeo, Jesvin. (2015). Vanishing materials. Singapore: National Library Board and Basheer Graphic Books.
Yeo, Jesvin. (2015). Vanishing wisdom + memory. Singapore: National Library Board and Basheer Graphic Books.
Yeo, Jesvin. (2014). Architectural decoration: negotiating symbols across time and place. Basheer Graphic Books.
Yeo, Jesvin. (2014). Visual/Senses. China, Beijing: Topredart.
Yeo, Jesvin. (2010). Choi! Touchwood! A walking journey in Chinatown based on Chinese traditions, superstitious, myths & taboo. Singapore: Basheer Graphic Books.
Yeo, Jesvin. (2021). A collection of Singapore’s fading traditional crafts and trades. Singapore: Basheer Graphic Books.
Yeo, Jesvin. (2017). A phenomenographic study of students’ conceptions of design research, and their experiences of formal research procedures and the design process. Singapore: National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University.
Yeo, Jesvin. (2015). Vanishing crafts. Singapore: National Library Board and Basheer Graphic Books.
Yeo, Jesvin. (2015). Vanishing materials. Singapore: National Library Board and Basheer Graphic Books.
Yeo, Jesvin. (2015). Vanishing wisdom + memory. Singapore: National Library Board and Basheer Graphic Books.
Yeo, Jesvin. (2014). Architectural decoration: negotiating symbols across time and place. Basheer Graphic Books.
Yeo, Jesvin. (2014). Visual/Senses. China, Beijing: Topredart.
Yeo, Jesvin. (2010). Choi! Touchwood! A walking journey in Chinatown based on Chinese traditions, superstitious, myths & taboo. Singapore: Basheer Graphic Books.
Book Chapters
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Yeo, J.P. (2023). Designing sustainable designs: making designers future-ready. In M. J. Lehtonen, T. Kauppinen, and L. Sivula, Design education across disciplines: Transformative learning experiences for the 21st century. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Yeo, J.P. (2017). Case Studies, Designing cultures studio: Reversible and recyclable packaging. In E. Benson and Y. Perullo, Design to Renourish: Sustainable Graphic Design in Practice. Boca Raton: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Sustainable graphic design case studies.
Yeo, J.P. (2017). Case Studies, Designing cultures studio: Reversible and recyclable packaging. In E. Benson and Y. Perullo, Design to Renourish: Sustainable Graphic Design in Practice. Boca Raton: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Sustainable graphic design case studies.
Conference Papers
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Yeo, J.P., Teo, C., and Tay, R. (2022). Visual communication design as a form of mindfulness-based intervention, in Lockton, D., Lenzi, S., Hekkert, P., Oak, A., Sádaba, J., Lloyd, P. (eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao, 25 June - 3 July, Bilbao, Spain.
Yeo, J.P., Teo, C. (2020). Designing Wellness: the role of design in developing open-mindedness in mental health. Online Proceedings of Design4Health 2020 Conference, Designing Future Health: The future is now!, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 766-773.
Yeo, J.P., Teo, C. (2020). Exploring transdisciplinary learning and lifelong training in visual communication design education. Proceedings of The Design Research Society 2020 International Conference (DRS2020) ISSN 2398-3132, Australia, Brisbane, 1817-1827.
Yeo, J.P., Teo, C. (2018). A pilot study of existing design research methods in design education. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Organizational Behavior (ICEPO) ISSN 2521-7445, Taipei, Taiwan, 1-13.
Yeo, J.P., Koh, C., Chye, S. (2015). Phenomenographic study of visual communication students’ experiences of design research. Proceedings of the International Design Conference of KSDS and ADADA with Cumulus, Kwangju, South Korea, 124-129.
Yeo, J.P., Koh, C., Chye, S. (2015). Enhancing design research in visual communication undergraduate programme. Proceedings of ICERI2015 Conference, Seville, Spain, 5764-5770.
Yeo, J.P. (2014). Negotiating symbols across time & place. Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, Beijing, China, 556-569.
Chang, J.M., Yeo, J.P. (2013). A study to explore the impact of graphic design on political campaigning, focusing on visual communication with the Singapore youth. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain, 779-788.**
Yeo, J.P. (2012). A phenomenographic study of students’ conceptions of formal
research procedures. Proceedings of the Incorporating Disciplinary Dynamics into Design Education Conference 2012, Hong Kong, China, 284-296.
Yeo, J.P. (2012). Packaging design with sense-ability. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Madrid, Spain, 6212-6217.
Yeo, J.P., Quek, T. (2012). A comparative study between concentration and distraction. Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Media and Mass Communication 2012, Osaka, Japan, 380-388.**
Yeo, J.P., Teo, C. (2020). Designing Wellness: the role of design in developing open-mindedness in mental health. Online Proceedings of Design4Health 2020 Conference, Designing Future Health: The future is now!, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 766-773.
Yeo, J.P., Teo, C. (2020). Exploring transdisciplinary learning and lifelong training in visual communication design education. Proceedings of The Design Research Society 2020 International Conference (DRS2020) ISSN 2398-3132, Australia, Brisbane, 1817-1827.
Yeo, J.P., Teo, C. (2018). A pilot study of existing design research methods in design education. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Organizational Behavior (ICEPO) ISSN 2521-7445, Taipei, Taiwan, 1-13.
Yeo, J.P., Koh, C., Chye, S. (2015). Phenomenographic study of visual communication students’ experiences of design research. Proceedings of the International Design Conference of KSDS and ADADA with Cumulus, Kwangju, South Korea, 124-129.
Yeo, J.P., Koh, C., Chye, S. (2015). Enhancing design research in visual communication undergraduate programme. Proceedings of ICERI2015 Conference, Seville, Spain, 5764-5770.
Yeo, J.P. (2014). Negotiating symbols across time & place. Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, Beijing, China, 556-569.
Chang, J.M., Yeo, J.P. (2013). A study to explore the impact of graphic design on political campaigning, focusing on visual communication with the Singapore youth. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain, 779-788.**
Yeo, J.P. (2012). A phenomenographic study of students’ conceptions of formal
research procedures. Proceedings of the Incorporating Disciplinary Dynamics into Design Education Conference 2012, Hong Kong, China, 284-296.
Yeo, J.P. (2012). Packaging design with sense-ability. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Madrid, Spain, 6212-6217.
Yeo, J.P., Quek, T. (2012). A comparative study between concentration and distraction. Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Media and Mass Communication 2012, Osaka, Japan, 380-388.**
Creative Works
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Music Concert
Intimate Intricacies 绣艺·留香 – A multidisciplinary music concert on Singapore’s disappearing Chinese traditional handicrafts: Traditional Teochew embroidery and giant Joss stick making. Cultural Extravaganza 2023. SCCC Far East Organisation Auditorium, 10 Jun 2023, 2 performances. Funded by the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC). I am the Cultural Researcher and Script Writer of the concert.
Intimate Intricacies 绣艺·留香 – A multidisciplinary music concert on Singapore’s disappearing Chinese traditional handicrafts: Traditional Teochew embroidery and giant Joss stick making. Cultural Extravaganza 2023. SCCC Far East Organisation Auditorium, 10 Jun 2023, 2 performances. Funded by the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC). I am the Cultural Researcher and Script Writer of the concert.
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues
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Yeo, J.P. Keynote: Designing Futures: From Nurturing Creative Artists to Exceptional Talents and Business Leaders. International Seminar on ‘Design Education in the Post-AI Era’, 24 February 2024, Centre for Design Studies, Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. Invited by the Centre for Design Studies.
Yeo, J.P. Keynote: A Cultural Journey of Chinese Traditional Puppets of Singapore. The Belt and Road Cultural Talk Series, Macao Museum of Art, 18 November 2023, Macao, China. Invited by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao SAR Government.
Yeo, J.P. Keynote: The Role of Traditional Crafts in Sustainable Development. Building a Human Community with a Shared Future Along the Belt and Road Academic Symposium, the 300th of Jinlun Guild Hall Cultural Seminar, 12 November 2023, Guangzhou, China. Invited by the Liwan District Government.
Yeo, J.P. Keynote: Exploring Avenues for Creative Write-Ups. Writing Up Creative Processes and Performances Workshop Series 2023, 22 August 2023, Sunway University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Invited by the School of Arts, Sunway University.
Yeo, J.P. Keynote: Creating Social Change through Creative Research. Arts & Design Practice Research Exchange, 27 July 2023. Invited by University of Arts Singapore, NAFA, Singapore.
Yeo, J.P. Keynote: Interweaving for the New World: Changing Roles of Design, Designers and Education. World Congress of Education-2023: Edu-Research Innovation Forum, 9-11 January 2023, Sapporo, Japan. Invited by the World Congress of Education Organizing Committee.
Yeo, J.P. Keynote: SADM: Making Designers Future Ready. International Conference on Art & Design Education (ICADE 2022) – the International Forum of Art & Design Institute President, Virtual, 15-17 December 2022. Invited by Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Presentation Video
Yeo, J.P. Keynote: It’s a Challenge, Not a Threat: Design Education Futures. EDDE 2022 – International Design Education Conference, Virtual, 1-3 September 2022. Invited by the Indiana University Southeast, New Albany, Indiana, US.
Yeo, J.P. Keynote: A Cultural Journey of Chinese Traditional Puppets of Singapore. The Belt and Road Cultural Talk Series, Macao Museum of Art, 18 November 2023, Macao, China. Invited by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao SAR Government.
Yeo, J.P. Keynote: The Role of Traditional Crafts in Sustainable Development. Building a Human Community with a Shared Future Along the Belt and Road Academic Symposium, the 300th of Jinlun Guild Hall Cultural Seminar, 12 November 2023, Guangzhou, China. Invited by the Liwan District Government.
Yeo, J.P. Keynote: Exploring Avenues for Creative Write-Ups. Writing Up Creative Processes and Performances Workshop Series 2023, 22 August 2023, Sunway University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Invited by the School of Arts, Sunway University.
Yeo, J.P. Keynote: Creating Social Change through Creative Research. Arts & Design Practice Research Exchange, 27 July 2023. Invited by University of Arts Singapore, NAFA, Singapore.
Yeo, J.P. Keynote: Interweaving for the New World: Changing Roles of Design, Designers and Education. World Congress of Education-2023: Edu-Research Innovation Forum, 9-11 January 2023, Sapporo, Japan. Invited by the World Congress of Education Organizing Committee.
Yeo, J.P. Keynote: SADM: Making Designers Future Ready. International Conference on Art & Design Education (ICADE 2022) – the International Forum of Art & Design Institute President, Virtual, 15-17 December 2022. Invited by Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Presentation Video
Yeo, J.P. Keynote: It’s a Challenge, Not a Threat: Design Education Futures. EDDE 2022 – International Design Education Conference, Virtual, 1-3 September 2022. Invited by the Indiana University Southeast, New Albany, Indiana, US.
Other Research Outputs/Projects
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Invited Presentations
Yeo, J.P., Tan, T. Histories – Crafts and Trades of Early Singapore. NLB Histories Series, 12 November 2022. Invited by the National Library Board. Histories Series highlights research on historical and related matters in Singapore and the region, creating an appreciation of the role of humanities and social science research in contemporary society.
Yeo, J.P. Engaging the Arts and Design for Wellbeing. IPS-NAC Arts & Culture Research Symposium 2022: The Role of Arts in Well-Being and Social Inclusion, 25 August 2022, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre. Invited by the Institute of Policy Studies, NUS.
Yeo, J.P. Forgotten Heritage: Uncovering Singapore’s Traditional Chinese Puppets. NHB Heritage Grants Clinic, 26 July 2022, Malay Heritage Centre. Invited by the National Heritage Board Singapore.
Yeo, J.P. Design Education in Context: Singapore. Asian Design Education Conference, Virtual, 8 January 2022. Invited by the Centre for Asian Art and Design (CAAD), School of Art, Design, and Media, Singapore and the IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay, India.
Chia, C. & Yeo, J.P. Forgotten Heritage: Graphical introduction to Singapore’s traditional Chinese puppets. South East Asia Seminar Series 2021, 11 December 2021, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre. Invited by the Chinese Heritage Centre.
Yeo, J.P. Design as a Cultural Artifact. The Design Week 2021 (DW21), 16-17 September 2021. Invited by the University Brunei Darussalam, Brunei.
Yeo, J.P. Documenting Oral Tradition in Singapore’s Multiracial Society: Pantang, Myths and Taboos. Intangible Cultural Heritage Symposium 2018, 29-30 October 2018, Asian Civilisations Museum Singapore. Invited by the National Heritage Board Singapore.
Yeo, J.P. A Walking Journey in Chinatown. The Launch of Incheon Chinatown in Korea Photographic Exhibition and Forum on Chinatowns in Korea and Singapore,
09 February 2018, Chinese Heritage Centre. Invited by the Chinese Heritage Centre.
Yeo, J.P. Interpretation of Chinese Culture through Design. Design Trails 2017, Singapore Design Week 2017, 11 March 2017, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre.
Yeo, J.P. Vanishing Crafts and Vanishing Materials. Asian Festival of Children’s Content (AFCC) Singapore, 06 June 2015, National Library Building. Invited by the National Library Board Singapore.
Yeo, J.P. Designing Cultures Studio: Perspectives from a Singaporean Designer. Singapore Society of Asian Studies Culture Salon 2014 Talk Series, 16 July 2014, National Library of Singapore. Invited by Singapore Society of Asian Studies.
Yeo, J.P. Exploring artistic aspects of Chinese woodblock prints. New Silk Road (NSR) Peak of Excellence Workshop, 13-14 March 2014, Amara Sanctuary Resort Sentosa, Singapore. Invited by New Silk Road Governance & Coordinating Committee, NTU.
Yeo, J.P. 百年福建人建筑:古典装饰与现代的对话. SSAS-NLB talk series 2012, 26 August 2012, National Library of Singapore, Singapore. Invited by Singapore Society of Asian Studies.
Yeo, J.P. Typography Theory & Artist’s Book Structure. Doverodde Book Arts Festival IV & Symposium, 17-21 May 2012, Book Arts Center, Doverodde, Denmark. Invited by Doverodde Book Arts Festival Committee.
Yeo, J.P. A Walk Through Singapore Chinatown. All in! Young Writers Seminar 2011, 19 February 2011, National Museum of Singapore, Singapore. Invited by Singapore Book Council.
Yeo, J.P., Tan, T. Histories – Crafts and Trades of Early Singapore. NLB Histories Series, 12 November 2022. Invited by the National Library Board. Histories Series highlights research on historical and related matters in Singapore and the region, creating an appreciation of the role of humanities and social science research in contemporary society.
Yeo, J.P. Engaging the Arts and Design for Wellbeing. IPS-NAC Arts & Culture Research Symposium 2022: The Role of Arts in Well-Being and Social Inclusion, 25 August 2022, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre. Invited by the Institute of Policy Studies, NUS.
Yeo, J.P. Forgotten Heritage: Uncovering Singapore’s Traditional Chinese Puppets. NHB Heritage Grants Clinic, 26 July 2022, Malay Heritage Centre. Invited by the National Heritage Board Singapore.
Yeo, J.P. Design Education in Context: Singapore. Asian Design Education Conference, Virtual, 8 January 2022. Invited by the Centre for Asian Art and Design (CAAD), School of Art, Design, and Media, Singapore and the IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay, India.
Chia, C. & Yeo, J.P. Forgotten Heritage: Graphical introduction to Singapore’s traditional Chinese puppets. South East Asia Seminar Series 2021, 11 December 2021, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre. Invited by the Chinese Heritage Centre.
Yeo, J.P. Design as a Cultural Artifact. The Design Week 2021 (DW21), 16-17 September 2021. Invited by the University Brunei Darussalam, Brunei.
Yeo, J.P. Documenting Oral Tradition in Singapore’s Multiracial Society: Pantang, Myths and Taboos. Intangible Cultural Heritage Symposium 2018, 29-30 October 2018, Asian Civilisations Museum Singapore. Invited by the National Heritage Board Singapore.
Yeo, J.P. A Walking Journey in Chinatown. The Launch of Incheon Chinatown in Korea Photographic Exhibition and Forum on Chinatowns in Korea and Singapore,
09 February 2018, Chinese Heritage Centre. Invited by the Chinese Heritage Centre.
Yeo, J.P. Interpretation of Chinese Culture through Design. Design Trails 2017, Singapore Design Week 2017, 11 March 2017, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre.
Yeo, J.P. Vanishing Crafts and Vanishing Materials. Asian Festival of Children’s Content (AFCC) Singapore, 06 June 2015, National Library Building. Invited by the National Library Board Singapore.
Yeo, J.P. Designing Cultures Studio: Perspectives from a Singaporean Designer. Singapore Society of Asian Studies Culture Salon 2014 Talk Series, 16 July 2014, National Library of Singapore. Invited by Singapore Society of Asian Studies.
Yeo, J.P. Exploring artistic aspects of Chinese woodblock prints. New Silk Road (NSR) Peak of Excellence Workshop, 13-14 March 2014, Amara Sanctuary Resort Sentosa, Singapore. Invited by New Silk Road Governance & Coordinating Committee, NTU.
Yeo, J.P. 百年福建人建筑:古典装饰与现代的对话. SSAS-NLB talk series 2012, 26 August 2012, National Library of Singapore, Singapore. Invited by Singapore Society of Asian Studies.
Yeo, J.P. Typography Theory & Artist’s Book Structure. Doverodde Book Arts Festival IV & Symposium, 17-21 May 2012, Book Arts Center, Doverodde, Denmark. Invited by Doverodde Book Arts Festival Committee.
Yeo, J.P. A Walk Through Singapore Chinatown. All in! Young Writers Seminar 2011, 19 February 2011, National Museum of Singapore, Singapore. Invited by Singapore Book Council.
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