Academic Profile : Faculty
Assoc Prof Xiang Liming
Assistant Chair (Students), School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences - Division of Mathematical Sciences
Associate Professor, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences - Division of Mathematical Sciences
Controlled Keywords
Dr. Xiang Liming joined the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore as an assistant professor in 2007, and she is currently an Associate Professor of Statistics. She received her Ph.D. degree in statistics from the City University of Hong Kong in 2002, and was awarded the Outstanding Research Thesis Award for 2002-2003 by the City University of Hong Kong. She did her postdoctoral research at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the City University of Hong Kong, respectively, during 2003-2006. Her research interests include survival analysis, longitudinal/clustered data analysis, mixture modelling and biostatistics. Dr. Xiang is an associate editor of Computational Statistics & Data Analysis and Statistics in Medicine.
Dr. Xiang Liming's areas of expertise are survival analysis, longitudinal/clustered data analysis, mixture modelling and biostatistics. Her current research work focuses on developing semiparametric methods for analysis of survival data subject to complex censoring that arises in health and biomedical studies.
- Developing Flexible and Robust Methods for Analysis of Complex Survival Data
Courses Taught
MH4513 Survival Analysis
MH8321 Statistical Modelling & Data Analysis
PS0002 Introduction to Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
MH8321 Statistical Modelling & Data Analysis
PS0002 Introduction to Data Science & Artificial Intelligence