Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Gruber Ardina
Senior Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences
Assistant Chair (Curriculum), School of Biological Sciences (SBS)
Professional Experience
Since Nov. 2011- present, Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University
2005 – 2011, Research Fellow, School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University
2003 – 2005, Research Fellow, University of the Saarland, Institute of Biophysics, Germany
My research interest in the last several years has been mainly focused on understanding the role of nucleotides within specific cellular processes. It is well known that nucleotides play an important role as metabolic regulators through the hormonal action of cAMP, in protein phosphorylation through ATP and GTP, as well as being allosteric regulators in carbohydrate metabolism. These molecules are responsible for energy storage and energy transfer in the form of ATP or GTP. Nucleotides as components of coenzymes are essential for enzymatic processes. They are the building blocks for the synthesis of nucleic acids like DNA and RNA and as such are fundamental for life. Their endless involvement in many essential processes has piqued my interest in understanding their roles in greater depth.

Research Areas
In addition to the Reticulocyte binding proteins from Plasmodium yoelii and some RNA Viruses such as Dengue and Zika I am interested in RNA binding protein. Being fascinated with the complex life cycle and diverse modes of action of Plasmodium species in human disease, I started investigating RNA binding proteins (RBPs) which are known to be regulators of different aspects of RNA function such as transcription, splicing, intracellular trafficking, and translation. In the case of P. falciparum, it has been reported that mutation of the putative RBP, PF13_0318 caused up to a 75% decrease in the proliferation rate relative to wild type. Attenuation of the gene for this protein (PF13_0318) has significant consequence on the parasite’s survival in all stages of its life cycle implicating on this way its importance for parasite. Elucidating the mechanisms of this protein can provide further insight into the molecular aspect of the malaria parasite’s stability and its ability to invade red blood cells.
2018 - Nanyang Education Award (School), NTU Singapore
Fellowships & Other Recognition
2009 - ICMAT presentation award at the International Conference on
Materials for Advanced Technologies, Singapore

1997-1998 - PhD-fellowship of the federal country Lower Saxony, Germany
Courses Taught
BS1005 - Biochemistry I
CM1051- Basic Biology & Biochemistry
BS2003 - Biochemistry II
BS5016 - EURECA Program
BS4227 - Professional Internship
BS9001 - Research Experience Course
BS4020 - NTU FYP Program