Academic Profile : Faculty

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Prof Stefan Wuertz
Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
2000 Habilitation, Technical University of Munich, College of Engineering, Germany, Dr. rer. nat. habil., Thesis: “In situ analysis of
spatial structure and function of biofilms“,
1986 – 1992 Doctoral student, University of Massachusetts at Boston, Environmental Sciences Program. Ph.D. thesis: Tributyltin and tributyltin-
resistant bacteria in Boston Harbor (Massachusetts, USA)
1982 - 1986 The National University of Ireland, Galway. B.Sc. in Microbiology (Honors)

2011 – present Visiting Professor at Nanyang Technological University
2001 – present Associate and Full Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Davis
1998 – 2001 Administrative Director of Center of Excellence on Fundamental Studies of Aerobic Biological Wastewater Treatment, TU Munich
1995 – 2001 Head of research group ”Biofilm processes/microscopy” at the Institute of Water Quality Control and Waste Management, TUM
1994 - 1995 Research Scientist at VITO, Belgium, in charge of DNA sequencing laboratory
1992 - 1994 European Union Postdoctoral Fellowship to work on "Gene fusions and the regulation of heavy metal resistance genes" in host laboratory of Dr. Mergeay, VITO, Mol, Belgium
1986 - 1992 Research and Teaching Assistant, Univ. Massachusetts, (20 hours/week) independent of doctoral dissertation

International Water Association (IWA), American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP)

2007 Marie Curie Experienced Researcher Fellowship to visit Environmental Change Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway
1996 European Science Foundation Fellowship for Workshop on Integrated Process Design, Espoo, Finland
1992 – 1994 European Union Fellowship for postdoctoral work in biotechnology ”Gene fusions and the regulation of heavy metal resistance genes”
1993 Bursary of the Flemish Government for EERO Course ”Environmental technology - applied technology for bioremediation and purification”, Grobbendonk, Belgium.
1991 Fellowship to laboratory course ”Applications of nucleic acid probes in microbial ecology”, Gray Freshwater Biological Institute, Minnesota, USA.

Editor and reviewer
2003 – present Editor of Water Research, the top-ranked journal in the field of Water Resources
2004 – 2007 Associate Editor of Biodegradation
2002 – 2003 Associate Editor of Water Research
2001 – 2006 Associate Editor of Re/Views in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology

1999 – present Ad hoc reviewer for Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Science and Technology, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Chemosphere, FEMS Microbiology Letters, FEMS Microbial Ecology, Molecular Ecology, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Water Research, and Water Science and Technology

1995 – 2002 Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
The basic task of an environmental engineer engaged in water quality management is the maintenance of adequate water supplies for the benefit of society. Aspects of both quality and quantity of water are very much at the forefront of today’s challenges in the face of a changing climate and diminishing resources. For example, being able to determine the origins of fecal pollution in urban waterways is becoming increasingly important as we aim to respond to natural and man-made disasters. Knowledge about the sources of microbial and other contaminants can help mitigate their impacts and facilitate risk assessment of exposure to drinking and recreational waters, Similarly, treatment of used water requires increasingly stringent and innovative technologies that build on the discovery and exploitation of microbiological processes, such as those found in the N and P cycle.

Through the development of new tools in the life sciences it has become possible to complete whole genome analyses of microorganisms in a short period of time. Bioinformatics tools, while lagging behind in the development of technical solutions to fast and” deep” sequencing technology, are being readied to accommodate the growing need of data compilation, management and interpretation. Across the developed world engineers have begun to interact with their counterparts in the natural sciences in a search for knowledge that can result in new technology for the treatment of water and used water.

As a researcher and educator steeped in both environmental engineering and life sciences disciplines, I strongly believe in studying fundamental biological and physico-chemical processes to develop new technology that is sustainable and market-ready in the long term. My vision for the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) along with the Singapore Center on Environmental Life Sciences Engineering (SCELSE) is to train students in practical and theoretical aspects of what can truly be called environmental life sciences engineering (a new discipline coined by the directorate of SCELSE) and provide guidance to academic colleagues and postgraduate researchers at NTU.

In specific terms, my research program involves the following three thrusts:

a) Fundamental studies of biofilms and microbial communities in natural and engineered systems

The emphasis is on a complete spatial and temporal description of microbial aggregates involved in the removal of chemical constituents-of-concern using advanced imaging and pyrosequencing techniques.

b) Optimizing bioreactor treatment strategies

As chemical analytical techniques become more sophisticated, so does our knowledge about the occurrence of specific contaminants in the environment. The field of wastewater treatment has historically been based on general treatment goals using empirically derived methods in design. However, this system often fails to deliver specific treatment goals such as degradation of a specific contaminant without affecting general treatment performance. An ever increasing number of chemical contaminants are being detected in treated used water effluent and in biosolids. Therefore, knowledge of the removal mechanisms of specific contaminants as well as an in-depth understanding of overall microbial community dynamics and expression of functional genes in a reactor is necessary.

c) Protecting Public Health in Singapore

For several years I have been working on the quantitative detection of pathogens in natural (e.g. storm) waters and biosolids using procedures based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Much of this research is driven by the growing realization in the scientific and professional community that for a variety of reasons standard microbial indicators like E. coli, fecal coliforms and enterococci may be inadequate predictors of recent fecal contamination in recreational waters.
  • Cluster 1 - Environmental Engineering
  • Development of a Multi-modal 3D Food Printing Platform for Innovative Functional Food
  • Energy-efficient water disinfection by catalysis-assisted sonochemistry
  • Integrated Methods of Biological Analysis and Effect-Directed Analysis (EDA) to Guide Safe Reuse of Water
  • Monitoring and Quantifying Antimicrobial Resistance Risk in Water Reuse Systems in Singapore
US 2018/0016618 A1 : Electrochemical Detection Of Microorganisms (2019)
Abstract: The present invention provides a method for determining the presence of a microorganism in a sample using an electrochemically active reporter, wherein the method comprises (a) contacting the sample with an electrochemically active reporter, wherein the electrochemically active reporter is a conjugate comprising a sugar moiety and a redox active reporter moiety that are covalently linked such that the covalent bond can be enzymatically cleaved in the presence of the microorganism by an enzyme expressed by the microorganism, wherein the redox active reporter moiety is selected from the group consisting of resorufin and compounds of formula (I) as defined herein, under conditions that allow enzymatic cleavage of the covalent bond between the sugar moiety and the redox active reporter moiety and reduction of the redox active report moiety in the presence of the microorganism; (b) electrochemically determining the released redox active reporter moiety; and (c) determining the presence of the microorganism and, optionally, number of the microorganisms in the sample based on the determined released redox active reporter moiety. Also encompassed are the electrochemically active reporters used in the described methods and their use for determination of the presence of microorganisms in a sample.