Academic Profile : Faculty

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Prof Goh Hoe Lian, Dion
Associate Dean (Graduate and Continuing Education)
Professor, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information
Dion Goh is Professor with Nanyang Technological University where he is also the Associate Chair for Graduate and Continuing Education at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information.

Dion has extensive experience in the areas of game-based techniques for shaping user perceptions and motivating behavior, online information sharing and seeking, and human-computer interaction. Dion has led a number of funded projects in deepfake identification and education, wellbeing in the extended reality environments, game-based techniques for crowdsourcing, and games for mental health interventions. He has published more than 300 articles in international journals and conference proceedings as well as delivered keynote talks at international conferences in his areas of research. As part of his work, he collaborates with organizations such as Meta, SkillsFuture Singapore, Workplace Health and Safety Institute, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Institute of Mental Health.
Serious games and gamification; Online information sharing and seeking; Crowdsourcing; Misinformation, scams and deepfakes; User experience and human computer interaction.
  • Avoiding Blind Trust: Evaluating Credibility of Generative Artificial Intelligence Content in Higher Education Information Searching
  • Navigating Transitions: An Information-based Perspectives to Understanding Lifelong Learning for STEM and SHAPE majors
  • Empowering Senior Self-Health Management Through Smart IoT
  • Decision-Making Strategies in Human-AI Coopetition: The Case of Knowledge Professionals
  • Developing Effective Lifelong Learning Practices across Educational Transitions: An Information-Oriented Perspective
  • Inclusion by Design: Towards Disability Digital Inclusion in Singapore
  • Seeing is no Longer Believing: Examining Deepfake Identification, Impact and Instruction
  • Malfeasance in the Metaverse: An Examination of Misinformation and its Mitigation
Courses Taught
CI6220 - Usability Engineering
CS0102 - Making Sense of Big Data
HD0102 - Making Sense of Big Data
CS2401 - Information Analytics: Tools, Techniques & Technologies