Academic Profile : Faculty

Asst Prof Kang Hyunjin_1.jpg picture
Assoc Prof Kang Hyunjin
Associate Professor, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information
External Links
Dr. Kang, Hyunjin is an associate professor of the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information. Prior to joining WKWSCI in 2016, she worked as a postdoctoral scientist in the Center for the Connected Consumer at the George Washington University School of Business. Her research investigates psychological effects of interactive communication technologies on consumer behaviors and communication processes. Her work has been published in Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, New Media & Society, Media Psychology, Computers in Human Behaviors, Mass Communication & Society, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, and elsewhere. Various research and education institutes in Singapore have funded her research projects and collaborations, including the Ministry of Education (MOE Tier 1), College of Humanity, Arts, and Social Science, NTU, and NTU Institute of Science and Technology for Humanity. She received a research grant award from Meta Research (2021 People’s Expectations and Experiences with Digital Privacy).
human-computer interactions, psychological aspects of interactive technology, online privacy, persuasion
  • Supporting Citizens Against Manipulations through Message and Audience Research in Singapore (SCAMMERS)
  • Understanding the Roles of Discrete Emotions in Privacy Management
  • Unpacking user responses to virtual influencers, Harness human-virtual influencer communication to promote strategic communication
  • Empowering Senior Self-Health Management Through Smart IoT
  • The Refracted Self on Personalized Ads: A Study on the Impact of Algorithmic-based Personalized Advertising on Privacy Calculus
Courses Taught
CS4023 Persuasive Technology for Strategic Communication
CI7014 Advanced Quantitative Research Methods in Communication and Information
CS2058 Integrated Marketing Communication
CS4034 Brand Management
CS4004 Final Year Project (Campaign & Research)