Academic Profile : Faculty

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Prof Erik Cambria
Professor, College of Computing & Data Science
External Links
Erik Cambria is the Founder of SenticNet, a Singapore-based company offering B2B sentiment analysis services, and a Professor at Nanyang Technological University, where he also holds the appointment of Provost Chair in Computer Science and Engineering. Prior to joining NTU, he worked at Microsoft Research Asia (Beijing) and HP Labs India (Bangalore) and earned his PhD through a joint programme between the University of Stirling and MIT Media Lab. His research focuses on neurosymbolic AI for explainable natural language processing in domains like sentiment analysis, dialogue systems, and financial forecasting. He is recipient of several awards, e.g., IEEE Outstanding Career Award, was listed among the AI's 10 to Watch, and was featured in Forbes as one of the 5 People Building Our AI Future. He is an IEEE Fellow, Associate Editor of many top-tier AI journals, e.g., Information Fusion and IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, and is involved in various international conferences as keynote speaker, program chair and senior program committee member.
neurosymbolic AI
sentic computing
sentiment analysis
commonsense reasoning
natural language understanding
  • B2: Conversational Assistant (IAF-ICP)(01.12.2019-30.11.2024)
  • B2: Conversational Assistant (RCA)(01.12.2019-30.11.2024)
  • Neurosymbolic AI for Commonsense-based Question Answering in Multiple Domains
  • Non-Fungible Tokens: What Makes Them Valuable?
  • Project: 010-Generative AI (Alibaba)
  • Project: 010-Generative AI (IAF-ICP)
Recipient of several awards, e.g., IEEE Outstanding Career Award, listed among the AI's 10 to Watch, and featured in Forbes as one of the 5 People Building Our AI Future
Fellowships & Other Recognition
IEEE Fellow