Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Wong Kin Shun, Terence
Associate Professor, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Journal Articles
(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
T.K.S. Wong, R. Kumar, S.C. Rustagi. (2009). Wide band (0.05-40GHz) characterization and signal propagation in Cu-porous MSQ interconnects. Microelectronic Engineering, 86(7), 1918-1929.

T.K.S. Wong, Y. Gong, P. Yang, C.M. Ng. (2007). Characterization of biaxial stressed silicon by spectroscopic ellipsometry and synchrotron x-ray scattering. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 22, 1232-1239.

R. Kumar, K. Kang, S.C. Rustagi, K. Mouthaan, T.K.S. Wong. (2007). SPICE compatible modelling of on-chip coupled interconnects. Electronics Letters, .

R. Kumar, S.C. Rustagi, K. Kang, T.K.S. Wong, K. Mouthaan. (2007). Characterization and modeling of CMOS on-chip coupled interconnects. ESSEDEC 2007.

T.K.S. Wong.(2007). Electrophosphorescent organic light emitting diodes: device physics, materials and applications. Handbook of Organic Electronics and PhotonicsAmerican Scientific Publishers.