Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Chi Seng Pun (潘志成)
Assistant Chair (MSc Programmes), School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences - Division of Mathematical Sciences
Associate Professor, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences - Division of Mathematical Sciences
External Links
Journal Articles
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staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
1. Tan, E.X.. *Tang, J., Leong, Y.X., Phang, I.Y., Lee, Y.H., ^Pun, C.S., and ^Ling, X.Y. (2024) Creating 3D Nanoparticle Structural Space via Data Augmentation to Bidirectionally Predict Nanoparticle Mixture’s Purity, Size, and Shape from Extinction Spectra. Angewandte Chemie. ##

2. *Lei, Q. and ^Pun, C.S. (2024) Nonlocality, Nonlinearity, and Time Inconsistency in Stochastic Differential Games. Mathematical Finance. 34(1), 190-256. ##

3. *Lei, Q. and ^Pun, C.S. (2023) An Extended McKean—Vlasov Dynamic Programming Approach to Robust Equilibrium Controls under Ambiguous Covariance Matrix. Applied Mathematics & Optimization. 88, 91 (46 pages). #

4. Pun, C.S., Wang, T., and Yan, Z. (2023) Data-Driven Distributionally Robust CVaR Portfolio Optimization Under Regime-Switching Ambiguity Set. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 25(5), 1779-1795. ##

5. *Lei, Q. and ^Pun, C.S. (2023) Nonlocal Fully-Nonlinear Parabolic Differential Equations arising in Time-Inconsistent Problems. Journal of Differential Equations. 358, 339-385. ##

6. ^Pun, C.S. and *Ye, Z. (2023) Optimal Multi-period Transaction-cost-aware Long-Only Portfolios and Time Consistency in Efficiency. Quantitative Finance. 23(2), 351-365. #

7. +Marisu, G.P. and ^Pun, C.S. (2023) Bayesian Estimation and Optimization for Learning Sequential Optimal Regularized Portfolios. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics. 14(1), 127-157. #

8. ^*Lesmana, N. S., +Su, H., and Pun, C.S. (2022) Reinventing Policy Iteration under Time Inconsistency. Transactions on Machine Learning Research.

9. ^Pun, C.S. (2022) Robust Classical-Impulse Stochastic Control Problems in an Infinite Horizon. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. 96, 291-312. #

10. Tan, E.X.. Chen, Y., Lee, Y.H., Leong, Y.X., Leong, S.X., Stanley, C., ^Pun, C.S., and ^Ling, X.Y. (2022) Incorporating Plasmonic Feature Engineering with Machine Learning to Achieve Accurate and Simultaneous Prediction of Nanoparticle Size and Size Distribution. Nanoscale Horizons. 7, 626-633. ##

11. §Chen, K., §Pun, C.S., and ^Wong, H.Y. (2022). Efficient Social Distancing during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Integrating Economic and Public Health Considerations. European Journal of Operational Research, 304(1), 84-98. #

12. §^Pun, C. S., +Lee, S.X., and §^Xia, K. (2022). Persistent-Homology-based Machine Learning: A Survey and A Comparative Study. Artificial Intelligence Review, 55, 5169-5213. ##

13. §Han, B., §^Pun, C.S., and Wong, H.Y. (2022). Robust Time-Inconsistent Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Control with Drift Perturbation. Applied Mathematics & Optimization, 86, 4.# SciSpace Newspaper Series

14. **Liu, R. and ^Pun, C.S. (2022). Machine-Learning-enhanced Systemic Risk Measure: A Two-Step Supervised Learning Approach. Journal of Banking and Finance. 136, 106416. ##

15. ^Pun, C.S. and *Ye, Z. (2022). Optimal Dynamic Mean-Variance Portfolio subject to Proportional Transaction Costs and No-Shorting Constraint. Automatica, 135, 109986. ##

16. §Han, B., ^§Pun, C.S., and Wong, H.Y. (2021). Robust Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection with State-Dependent Ambiguity and Risk Aversion: A Closed-Loop Approach. Finance and Stochastics. 25, 529-561. #

17. ^Pun, C.S. (2021). A Sparse Learning Approach to Relative-Volatility-Managed Portfolio Selection. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 12(1), 410-445. #

18. ^Pun, C.S. and **Wang, L. (2021). A Cost-effective Approach to Portfolio Construction with Range-based Risk Measures. Quantitative Finance. 21, 431-447. #

19. ^Pun, C.S. (2021). G-Expected Utility Maximization with Ambiguous Equicorrelation. Quantitative Finance. 21, 403-419. #

20. ^Pun, C.S. and **Hadimaja, M.Z. (2021). A Self-calibrated Direct Approach to Precision Matrix Estimation and Discriminant Analysis in High Dimensions. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 155, 107105. #

21. ^§Pun, C.S., **Yong, Y.S., and §Xia, K. (2020). Weighted-Persistent-Homology-based Machine Learning for RNA Flexibility Analysis. PLOS ONE, 15(8): e0237747. #

22. ^Yan, T., Han, B., Pun, C.S., and Wong, H.Y. (2020). Robust Time-Consistent Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection Problem with Multivariate Stochastic Volatility. Mathematics and Financial Economics, 14, 699-724. #

23. *Chen, Y. and ^Pun, C.S. (2019). A Bootstrap-based KPSS Test for Functional Time Series. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 174, 104535. #

24. ^Pun, C.S. and Wong, H.Y. (2019). A Linear Programming Model for Selection of Sparse High-Dimensional Multiperiod Portfolios. European Journal of Operational Research, 273, 754-771. #

25. ^Pun, C.S. (2018). Time-Consistent Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection with Only Risky Assets. Economic Modelling, 75, 281-292. #

26. ^Pun, C.S. (2018). Robust Time-Inconsistent Stochastic Control Problems. Automatica, 94, 249-257. ##

27. ^Chiu, M.C., Pun, C.S., and Wong, H.Y. (2017) Big Data Challenges of High-Dimensional Continuous-Time Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection and a Remedy. Risk Analysis, 37, 1532-1549. #

28. Pun, C.S. and ^Wong, H.Y. (2016) Resolution of Degeneracy in Merton’s Portfolio Problem. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 7, 786-811. # (SIFIN Featured Article in Jan-Feb 2017)

29. Fouque, J.-P., Pun, C.S., and ^Wong, H.Y. (2016) Portfolio Optimization with Ambiguous Correlation and Stochastic Volatilities. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 54, 2309-2338. ##

30. Pun, C.S., Siu, C.C., and ^Wong, H.Y. (2016) Non-Zero-Sum Reinsurance Games subject to Ambiguous Correlations. Operations Research Letters, 44, 578-586. #

31. Pun, C.S. and ^Wong, H.Y. (2016) Robust Non-Zero-Sum Stochastic Differential Reinsurance Game. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 68, 169-177. #

32. Pun, C.S. and ^Wong, H.Y. (2015) Robust Investment-Reinsurance Optimization with Multiscale Stochastic Volatility. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 62, 245-256. #

33. Pun, C.S., Chung, S.F., and ^Wong, H.Y. (2015) Variance Swap with Mean Reversion, Multifactor Stochastic Volatility and Jumps. European Journal of Operational Research, 245, 571-580. #

34. Pun, C.S. and ^Wong, H.Y. (2013) CEV Asymptotics of American options. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 403, 451-463. #
rations Research Letters, 44, 578-586. #
Conference Papers
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1. +Foo, J.R., ^*Lesmana, N. S., and Pun, C.S. (2023). DRL Trading with CPT Actor and Truncated Quantile Critics. Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Conference on AI in Finance (ICAIF '23), 574-582.

2. +Foo, J.R. and ^Pun, C.S. (2022). Bayesian Social Reinforcement for Stock Movement Prediction. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICNLP '22).

3. ^Pun, C.S., **Wang, L., and Wong, H.Y. (2020). Financial Thought Experiment: A GAN-based Approach to Robust Vast Portfolio Selection. Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI ’20), 4619-4625.
Opinions & Commentaries
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pulled from PRDS)
1. Mehta, N. and ^Pun, C.S. (2021). Innovation, Inspiration, and Inclusion: A Succinct Account of the Singapore FinTech Landscape. Asia-Pacific Perspectives. 2021: Issue 4, 19-24.
Other Research Outputs/Projects
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staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
1. ^Pun, C.S. and **Zhu, D. (2021). Portfolio Backtester. PyPI, Python library.

2. *Chen, Y. and ^Pun, C.S. (2021). STFTS: Statistical Tests for Functional Time Series. CRAN, R package version 0.1.0.

3. ^Pun, C.S. and **Hadimaja, M.Z. (2019). rDecode: Descent-Based Calibrated Optimal Direct Estimation. CRAN, R package version 0.1.0.
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