Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Chu Yeong Lim
Senior Lecturer
Journal Articles
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Tracey Zhang, Chu Yeong Lim, Themin Suwardy. (2023). Audit Adjustments and the Discontinuity in Earnings Distribution Around Zero. Pacific Accounting Review 35(5), 746-772.

Chu Yeong Lim, Phoebe Gao, Colin Zeng Cheng, Xiumei Liu. (2022). Loan Loss Provisions and Return Predictability: A Dynamic Perspective. China Journal of Accounting Research 15(2), June 2022.

Jeffrey Ng, Clarence Goh, Chu Yeong Lim, Kevin Ow Yong, Gary Pan. (2021). Trust in Fair Value Accounting: Evidence from the Field.The Journal of International Accounting Research 20(3), 21-42.

Chu Yeong Lim, Arif Perdana, Shin Ren Wong. (2020). Pursuing effectiveness and efficiency: Data model for workforce scheduling at Alvarino. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, .

Tharindra Ranasinghe, Kevin Ow Yong, Pearpilai Jutasompakorn, Chu Yeong Lim. (2020). Impact of Basel III on the Discretion and Timeliness of Banks’ Loan Loss Provisions. Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics 17(2).

Koh Wei Chern, Lim Chu Yeong, Tong Yen Hee. (2018). Accounting For Financial Liabilities Under IFRS 9 and IAS 39.IS Chartered Accountant Journal.

Chu Yeong Lim, Jiwei Wang, Cheng Zeng. (2018). China’s “Mercantilist” Government Subsidies, the Cost of Debt and Firm Performance. Journal of Banking and Finance, 86, 37-52.

Pearl Tan, Chu Yeong Lim. (2017). Heineken's Acquisition of Asia Pacific Breweries: Accounting for Business Combinations and Ownership Interests. Issues in Accounting Education, 32(4), 101-127.

Christopher Humphrey, Margaret Woods, Chu Yeong Lim, Jean Seow. (2017). The paradoxes of risk management in the banking sector. British Accounting Review, 49(1), 75-90.

Kevin Ow Yong, Chu Yeong Lim. (2016). Regulatory Pressure and Income Smoothing by Banks in Response to Anticipated Changes to the Basel Accord. China Journal of Accounting Research 10(1), 9-32.

Gary Pan, Shan Ling Pan, Chu Yeong Lim. (2015). Examining how firms leverage IT to achieve firm productivity. Information and Management, 52(4), 401-412.

Martin Walker, Edward Lee, Asad Kausar, Chu Yeong Lim. (2014). Bank accounting conservatism and bank loan pricing. Journal of Accounting Public Policy, 33(3), 260-278.

Chee Yeow Lim, Gerald Lobo, Chu Yeong Lim. (2014). IAS 39 Reclassification Choice and Analyst Earnings Forecast Properties. Journal of Accounting Public Policy, 32(5), 342-356.
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Pearl Tan, Chu Yeong Lim, Ee Wen Kuah. (2019). Advanced Financial Accounting. McGraw-Hill Education (Asia).
Book Chapters
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Mark Christensen, Chu Yeong Lim, Jamus Jerome. Book chapter titled “Public Management and Crisis: Lessons for Neoliberalism Drawn from a City-State" published in book “The Routledge Handbook of Public Sector Accounting” by Routledge.