Academic Profile : Faculty

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Prof Law Wing-Keung, Adrian
Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Journal Articles
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staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
- Bi, C., Wu, M.S., and Law, A.W.K. 2022. “Dual Poroviscoelastic Wave Barriers for Compliant Floating Platforms”. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 148 (8), 04022041.
- Bi, C., Wu, M.S., and Law, A.W.K. 2022. “Surface wave interaction with a viscoelastic barrier”. Applied Ocean Research, 120, 103073.
- Bi, C., Wu, M.S., and Law, A.W.K. 2022. “Performance of dual viscoelastic wave barrier system with unequal draft”. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 148 (1), 04021129.
- Kieu, H.T., and Law, A.W.K., 2022. “Determination of surface film thickness of heavy fuel oil using hyperspectral imaging and deep neural networks”. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 43(3), 997-1014.- Soon, G., Zhang, H., Yang, C., and Law, A.W.K., 2022. “Modelling of Melting in Packed Media due to Forced Air Convection with Higher Temperature using Euler-Euler-Lagrangian approach”. Int. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 194, 123055.
- Sree D.K. K., Law, A.W.K., Pang, D.S.C., Tan, S.T., Wang, C.L., Kew, J.H., Seow, W.K., and Lim, V.H., 2022. “Fluid-structural analysis of modular floating solar farms under wave motion”. Solar Energy, 233, 161–181.- Trinh, H.L., Kieu, H.T., Pak, H.Y., Pang, D.S.C., Cokro, A.A., and Law, A.W.K., 2022. “A Framework for Survey Planning Using Portable Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (pUAVs) in Coastal Hydro-Environment.” Remote Sensing, 14(9), 2283.
- Wei, Y., Law, A.W.K., and Yang, C., 2022. “Real-Time Data-Processing Framework with Model Updating for Digital Twins of Water Treatment Facilities.” Water, 14(22), 3591. 14 pages.
- Wei, Y., Law, A.W.K., Tang, D., and Yang, C., 2022. “Combined Anomaly Detection Framework for Digital Twins of Water Treatment Facilities.” Water, 14(7), 1001. 18 pages.