Academic Profile : Faculty

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Prof Zhou Yan
Associate Chair (Faculty)
Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Journal Articles
(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
^ Denotes corresponding author
~ Denotes PI/Supervisor/Team Lead
** Denotes directly supervised research staff, i.e. POs, RAs, RFs, postdocs, etc.
* Denotes PhD or research students (supervised or co-supervised)
## Denotes Tier 1A papers
# Denotes Tier 1B papers

Year 2022

1. Xu H.**, Zhang L.**, Yao C., Yang B., Zhou Y.^~ (2022) Synergistic Effect of Extracellular Polymeric Substances and Carbon Layer on Electron Utilization of Fe@C During Anaerobic Treatment of Refractory Wastewater, Water Research [IF:13.4], in press. ##
2. Zhang P.*, Zhou Y., He J., Zou X., Zhong Y., Zhang J., Cai Q., Pan X. (2022) Enhanced acidogenic fermentation from Al-rich waste activated sludge by combining lysozyme and sodium citrate pretreatment: perspectives of Al stabilization and enzyme activity. Science of The Total Environment [IF:10.75], 864, 161108. (Zhang P. is Dr. Zhou’s exchange student, this study is jointed developed with his main supervisor in HIT) ##
3. Wang J.S.*, Huang J.J., Zhou Y., Liao Y., Li S., Zhang B., Feng S. (2022) Synchronous N and P Removal in Carbon-coated Nanoscale Zerovalent Iron Autotrophic Denitrification–the Synergy of Carbon Shell and P Removal. Environmental Science & Technology [IF:11.36], 56, 18, 13314-13326. (Wang J. S. is Dr. Zhou’s exchange student, this study is jointed developed with her main supervisor in Nankai University) ##
4. Xu Y., Wang N., Peng L., Li S., Liang C., Song K., Song S., Zhou Y. (2022) Free nitrous acid inhibits atenolol removal during the sidestream partial nitritation process through regulating microbial-induced metabolic types. Environmental Science & Technology [IF:11.36], 56,16, 11614-11624. ##
5. Zhang L.**, Gong X.Z., Chen Z.Y., Zhou Y.^~ (2022) Genome-centric metagenomics analysis revealed the metabolic function of abundant microbial communities in thermal hydrolysis-assisted thermophilic anaerobic digesters under propionate stress. Bioresource Technology [IF:11.88], 360, 127574. ##
6. Qian T.T.**, Ong W.S.*, Lu D.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2022) A potential phosphorus fertilizer to alleviate the coming “phosphorus crisis”-biochar derived from enhanced biological phosphorus removal sludge. Science of The Total Environment [IF:10.75], 838, 156559. ##
7. Cao S.B.**, Du R., Zhou Y.^~ (2022) Integrated thermal hydrolysis pretreated anaerobic digestion centrate and municipal wastewater treatment via partial nitritation/anammox process: A promising approach to alleviate inhibitory effects and enhance nitrogen removal. Bioresource Technology [IF:11.88], 356, 127310. ##
8. Liang J.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2022) Iron-based advanced oxidation processes for enhancing sludge dewaterability: state of the art, challenges, and sludge reuse. Water Research [IF:13.4], 218, 118499. ##
9. Zhang L.**, Gong X., Xu R., Guo K., Wang L.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2022) Responses of mesophilic anaerobic sludge microbiota to thermophilic conditions: Implications for start-up and operation of thermophilic THP-AD systems. Water Research [IF:13.4], 216, 118332. ##
10. Wu D.**, Zhao Z., Zhang L.**, Wang L.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2022) Metagenomic assembled genomes unravel purple non-sulfur bacteria (PNSB) involved in integrating C, N, P biotransformation. Science of the Total Environment [IF:10.75], 830, 154591. ##
11. Cao S.**, Du R., Yan W.W.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2022) Mitigation of inhibitory effect of THP-AD centrate on partial nitritation and anammox: Insights into ozone pretreatment, Journal of Hazardous Materials [IF:14.224], 431, 128599. ##
12. Geng Y.K.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2022) Reduction of refractory Maillard reaction products by Fe3+ during thermal hydrolysis pretreatment and enhanced sludge biodegradability. Journal of Hazardous Materials [IF:14.224]. 430, 128400. ##
13. Lu X. Q., Wang J. H., Han Y. L., Zhou Y., Song Y.N., Dong K., Zhen G. Y. (2022) Unrevealing the role of in-situ Fe(II)/S2O82- oxidation in sludge solid-liquid separation and membrane fouling behaviors of membrane bioreactor (MBR). Chemical Engineering Journal [IF:16.744], 434, 134666. ##
14. Xiao K.K., Maspolim Y., Zhou Y., Guo C.H., Ng W. J. (2022) Effect of sodium on methanogens in a two-stage anaerobic system. Applied Sciences [IF:2.679], 2022, 12(3), 956
15. Chen R. F.*, Cao S.B.**, Zhang L.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2022) NOB suppression strategies in a mainstream membrane aerated biofilm reactor under exceptionally low lumen pressure. Chemosphere [IF:7.086], 290, 133386. ##
16. Zhang L.**, Guo K., Wang L.*, Xu R.H., Lu D.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2022) Effect of sludge retention time on microbial succession and assembly in thermal hydrolysis pretreated sludge digesters: Deterministic versus stochastic processes. Water Research [IF:13.4]. 209. 117900. ##
17. Chen R. F.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2022) Mainstream nitrogen removal in membrane aerated biofilm reactor at minimal lumen pressure. Science of the Total Environment [IF:10.75], 818, 151758. ##
18. Yan W.W.**, Xu H.*, Lu D.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2022) Effects of sludge thermal hydrolysis pretreatment on anaerobic digestion and downstream processes: mechanism, challenges and solutions. Bioresource Technology [IF:11.88], 344, Part B, 126248. ##
19. Cetin, E., Magden, A. K., Zhou, Y., Yilmaz G. (2022) Effect of hydrodynamic conditions on the formation and structure of aerobic granular sludge performing enhanced biological phosphorus removal. Water and Environment Journal [IF:1.977], 36 (1), 56-66.

Year 2021

20. Zhao H., Lu D.**, Wang J., Tu W., Wu D.**, Koh S. W., Gao P., Xu Z., Deng S., Zhou Y.^~, You B., Li H. (2021) Raw biomass electroreforming coupled to green hydrogen generation. Nature Communication [IF:17.69], 12 (1), 1-10. ##
21. Cao S.**, Yan W.**, Yu L., Zhang L.**, Lay W., Zhou Y.^~ (2021) Challenges of THP-AD centrate treatment using partial nitritation-anammox (PN/A) – inhibition, biomass washout, low alkalinity, recalcitrant and more. Water Research [IF:13.4], 203, 117555. ##
22. Zhou Y.^~ (2021) Water and environment innovation in Singapore and China. Water and Environment Journal [IF:1.977]. Editorial. 35 (3), 863-864.
23. Xie M., Xu L., Zhang R., Zhou Y., Xiao Y., Su X., et al. (2021) Characterization and molecular analysis of the viable but nonculturable state of a yeast Candida sp. strain LN1 induced by high phenol concentrations. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. [IF:5.005] 87 (18), 1-15. ##
24. Zhang L.**, Qiu, Y., Zhou Y.~, Chen G., Loosdrecht M.C.M., Jiang F. (2021) Elemental sulfur as electron donor and/or acceptor: Mechanisms, applications and perspectives for biological water and wastewater treatment. Water Research [IF:13.4], 202, 117373. ##
25. Zhang L.**, Gong X., Wang L.**, Guo K., Cao S.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2021) Metagenomic insights into the effect of thermal hydrolysis pre-treatment on microbial community of an anaerobic digestion system. Science of the Total Environment [IF:10.75], 791, 148096. ##
26. Wu, D.**, Zhang, L.**, Le, C.**, Wang, L.**, Zhou, Y.^~ (2021) Pathways and mechanisms of single cell protein production – carbon and nutrients transformation. ACS ES&T Water [new journal], 1 (5),1313 – 1320. #
27. Zhang L.**, Wu D.**, Liang J. L.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2021) Triclosan transformation and impact on an elemental sulfur-driven sulfidogenic process. Chemical Engineering Journal [IF:16.744], 421, 129634. ##
28. Gao S.**, Lu D.*, Qian T.T.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2021) Thermal hydrolyzed food waste liquor as liquid organic fertilizer. Science of the Total Environment [IF:10.75], 775, 145786. ##
29. Liang J.*, Zhang L.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2021) Pyrite assisted peroxymonosulfate sludge conditioning: Uncover triclosan transformation during treatment. Journal of Hazardous materials [IF:14.224], 413, 125368. ##
30. Chen R.F.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2021) Measure microbial activity driven oxygen transfer in membrane aerated biofilm reactor from supply side. Environmental Research [IF:8.431], 195, 110845. ##
31. Wang L.*, Liu J. B.*, Oehmen A., Le C.C.**, Geng Y.K.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2021) Butyrate can support PAOs but not GAOs in tropical climates. Water Research [IF:13.4], 193, 116884. ##
32. Tiwari SB., Gahlot P., Tyagi V., Zhang L.**, Zhou Y., Kazmi A.A., Kumar M. (2021) Surveillance of Wastewater for Early Epidemic Prediction (SWEEP): Environmental and Health Security Perspectives in the post COVID-19 Anthropocene, Environmental Research [IF:8.431], 195, 110831. ##
33. Yan W.**, Vadivelu V., Maspolim Y., Zhou Y.^~ (2021) In-situ alkaline enhanced two-stage anaerobic digestion system for waste cooking oil and sewage sludge co-digestion. Waste Management [IF:8.816] 120, 221-229. #
34. Ding J.**, Seow W.Y., Zhou J., Zhou Y.^~ (2021) Effects of Fe(II) on anammox community activity and physiologic response. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering [IF:6.048], 15 (1), 1-11.
35. Liu J.*, Sun F.**, Zhang P., Zhou Y.^~ (2021) Integrated powdered activated carbon and quorum quenching strategy for biofouling control in industrial wastewater membrane bioreactor. Journal of Cleaner Production [IF:9.297], 279, 123551. ##
36. Su X.M., Li S., Xie MQ, Tao LQ, Zhou Y., Xiao YY, Lin HJ, Chen JR, Sun FQ (2021) Enhancement of polychlorinated biphenyl biodegradation by resuscitation promoting factor (Rpf) and Rpf-responsive bacterial community. Chemosphere [IF:7.086], 263, 128283. ##
37. Cai J., Pan A., Li Y., Zhou Y., Su X. (2021) A novel strategy for enhancing anaerobic biodegradation of an anthraquinone dye reactive blue 19 with resuscitation-promoting factors. Chemosphere [IF:7.086], 263, 127922. ##
38. Yan W.**, Qian T.**, Zhang L.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2021) Interaction of perfluorooctanoic acid with extracellular polymeric substances - Role of protein. Journal of Hazardous Materials [IF:14.224], 401, 123381. ##
39. Lu D.*, Qian T.**, Le C.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2021) Insights into thermal hydrolyzed sludge liquor - identification of plant-growth-promoting compounds. Journal of Hazardous Materials [IF:14.224], 403, 123650. ##
40. Cao S.**, Du R., Zhou Y.^~ (2021) Coupling anammox with heterotrophic denitrification for enhanced nitrogen removal: A review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology [IF:11.36], 51(19), 2260-2293. ##

Year 2020

41. Cao S.**, Wang L.*, Yan W.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2020) Primary sludge as solid carbon source for biological denitrification: System optimization at micro-level. Environmental Research [IF:8.431] 191, 110160. ##
42. Wang L.*, Oehmen A., Le C.C.**, Liu J.B.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2020) Defluviicoccus vanus Glycogen-Accumulating Organisms (DvGAOs) Are Less Competitive Than Polyphosphate-Accumulating Organisms (PAOs) at High Temperature. ACS ES&T Water [new journal], 1(2), 319-327. #
43. Liu J.*, Zhang L.**, Zhang P., Zhou Y.^~ (2020) Quorum quenching altered microbial diversity and activity of anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) and enhanced methane generation. Bioresource Technology [IF:11.88], 315, 123862. ##
44. Zhang L.**, Sun F.**, Wu D.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2020) Biological conversion of sulfamethoxazole in an autotrophic denitrification system. Water Research [IF:13.4], 185, 116156. ##
45. Liang J.*, Zhang L.**, Yan W.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2020) Mechanistic insights into a novel nitrilotriacetic acid-Fe0 and CaO2 process for efficient anaerobic digestion sludge dewatering at near-neutral pH. Water Research [IF:13.4], 184, 116149. ##
46. Yan W.**, Mukherjee M., Zhou Y.^~ (2020) Direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET) can be suppressed under ammonia-stressed condition – Reevaluate the role of conductive materials. Water Research [IF:13.4], 183, 116094. ##
47. Cao S.**, Du R, Zhou Y.^~ (2020) Development of a denitrification system using primary sludge as solid carbon source – Potential to couple with anammox process. Science of The Total Environment [IF:10.75], 737, 140315. ##
48. Wang L.*, Shen N.**, Oehmen A., Zhou Y.^~ (2020) The impact of temperature on the metabolism of volatile fatty acids by Polyphosphate Accumulating Organisms (PAOs). Environmental Research [IF:8.431], 188, 109729. ##
49. Tang Z., Liu Z., Wang H., Zhou Y, Liu Y. (2020) Trace determination of eleven natural estrogens and insights from their occurrence in a municipal wastewater treatment plant and river water. Water Research [IF:13.4], 182, 115976. ##
50. Sun F.**, Zhang W., Jiang G., Zhou Y.^~ (2020) Effective biological nitrogen process and nitrous oxide emission characteristics for the treatment of landfill leachate with low carbon-to-nitrogen ratio. Journal of Cleaner Production [IF:9.297], 268, 122289. ##
51. Wang Y., Wang H., Wang X., Zhou Y., Sun F. (2020) Resuscitation, isolation and immobilization of bacterial species for efficient textile wastewater treatment: A critical review and update. Science of The Total Environment [IF:10.75], 730, 139034. (Sun F. was Dr. Zhou’s RF, the work was jointed developed) ##
52. Jiang J.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2020) A Specious Correlation between Sludge Rheology and Dewaterability. Environmental Science and Technology [IF:11.36], 54, 10, 5928–5930. ##
53. Zhu Y., Xiao K.**, Zhou Y., Yang J. (2020) Profiling of amino acids and their interactions with proteinaceous compounds for sewage sludge dewatering. Water Research [IF:13.4], 175, 115645. ##
54. Lim J.X., Zhou Y., Vadivelu V. (2020) Enhanced volatile fatty acid production and microbial population analysis in anaerobic treatment of high strength wastewater. Journal of Water Process Engineering [IF:7.34], 33, 101058.
55. Waheed H.*, Xiao Y.Y.**, Imran H., Zhou Y.^~ (2020) The selective pressure of quorum quenching on microbial communities in membrane bioreactors. Chemosphere [IF:7.086]. 247, 125953. ##
56. Lu D.*, Wu D.**, Qian T.T.**, Jiang J.K.**, Cao S.B.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2020) Liquid and solids separation for target resource recovery from thermal hydrolyzed sludge. Water Research [IF:13.4]. 171, 115476. ##
57. Fernando I.*, Tay Y.Y., Karunasekera H., Zhou Y.^~ (2020) Observation of the interactions of Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) mediated by acid in the aquatic matrices using in-situ liquid cell transmission electron microscopy. Analytica Chimica Acta. [IF:6.911], 1104, 47-52. ##
58. Yan W.W.**, Soh Y. N. A., Qian T.T.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2020) Microlevel evaluation of organic compounds transformation in anaerobic digestion under feast and famine conditions assisted by iron based materials – Revealing the true mechanism of AD enhancement. Environment International [IF:13.35]. 135, 105362. ##
59. Xiao K. K.** Zhou Y.^~ (2020) Protein recovery from sludge: a review. Journal of Cleaner Production [IF:9.297]. 249, 119373. ##
60. Dong F.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2020) Distinct mechanisms in the heteroaggregation of silver nanoparticles with mineral and microbial colloids. Water Research [IF:13.4]. 170, 115332. ##
61. Fernando I.*, Lu D.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2020) Interactive influence of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and electrolytes on the colloidal stability of silver nanoparticles. Environmental Science: Nano. [IF:9.473] 7, 186-197. ##
62. Yan W. W.**, Zhang L.**, Wijaya S. M.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2020) Unveiling the role of activated carbon on hydrolysis process in anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology [IF:11.88]. 296, 122366. ##
63. Qian T.T.**, Lu D.*, Soh Y. N. A., Zhou Y.^~ (2020) Biotransformation of phosphorus in enhanced biological phosphorus removal sludge biochar. Water Research [IF:13.4], 169, 115255. ##
64. Wu D.*, Sun F.Q.**, Chua F. J. D.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2020) Enhanced power generation in microbial fuel cell by an agonist of electroactive biofilm – Sulfamethoxazole. Chemical Engineering Journal [IF:16.744]. 384, 123238. ##
65. Cao S.B.**, Lu D.*, Phua K. M., Yan W.W.**, Le C.C.**, Tao G.H., Zhou Y.^~ (2020) Organics transformation and energy production potential in a high rate A-stage system: A demo-scale study. Bioresource Technology [IF:11.88], 295, 122300. ##

Year 2019

66. Fernando I.*, Qian T.T.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2019) Long term impact of surfactants & polymers on the colloidal stability, aggregation and dissolution of silver nanoparticles. Environmental Research [IF:8.431], 179, 108781. ##
67. Sun F.Q.**, Lu D.*, Ho J.S., Chong T. H., Zhou Y.^~ (2019) Mitigation of membrane fouling in a seawater-driven forward osmosis system for waste activated sludge thickening. Journal of Cleaner Production [IF:9.297], 241, 118373. ##
68. Cao S.B.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2019) New direction in biological nitrogen removal from industrial nitrate wastewater via anammox. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology [IF:5.56], 103, 18, 7459–7466. #
69. Wu D.*, Lu D.*, Sun F.Q.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2019) Process optimization for simultaneous antibiotic removal and precious metal recovery in an energy neutral process. Science of The Total Environment [IF:10.75], 695, 133914. ##
70. Cao S.B.**, Oehmen A., Zhou Y.^~ (2019) Denitrifiers in Mainstream Anammox Processes: Competitors or Supporters? Environmental Science and Technology [IF:11.36], 53, 19, 11063-11065. ##
71. Chua F.J.D.*, Yan W.W.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2019) The interaction between ionic liquids (ILs) and an enriched ammonia oxidising bacteria (AOB) culture. Chemosphere [IF:7.086], 235, 842-848. ##
72. Cao S.B.**, Qian T.T.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2019) New insights on the sludge fermentation liquid driven denitrification: Evaluation of the system performance and effluent organic matter (EfOM). Bioresource Technology [IF:11.88], 289, 121621. ##
73. Yan W.W.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2019) The presence of ferrihydrite enhances greenhouse gas-methane emission in the environment. Science of The Total Environment [IF:10.75], 688, 462-469. ##
74. Qian T.T.**, Wang L.*, Le C.C.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2019) Low-temperature-steam activation of phosphorus in biochar derived from enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) sludge. Water Research [IF:13.4], 161, 202-210. ##
75. Cao S. B.**, Sun F. Q.**, Lu D.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2019) Characterization of the refractory dissolved organic matters (rDOM) in sludge alkaline fermentation liquid driven denitrification: Effect of HRT on their fate and transformation. Water Research [IF:13.4]. 159, 135-144. ##
76. Liu J.B.*, Eng C.Y.**, Ho J. S., Chong T. H., Zhou Y.^~ (2019) Quorum quenching in anaerobic membrane bioreactor for fouling control. Water Research [IF:13.4]. 156, 159-167. ##
77. Chua F.J.D.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2019) The role of ammonium oxidising bacteria (AOB) in ionic liquid 1-dodecylpyridinium chloride removal. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology [IF:5.56]. 103(11), 4595-4604. #
78. Yan W.W.*, Lu D.*, Liu J.B.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2019) The interactive effects of ammonia and carbon nanotube on anaerobic digestion. Chemical Engineering Journal [IF:16.744]. 372, 332-340. ##
79. Fernando I.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2019) Concentration dependent effect of humic acid on the transformations of silver nanoparticles. Journal of Molecular Liquids [IF:6.633]. 284, 291-299.
80. Eng C.Y.**, Yan D.N.**, Withanage N.**, Liang Q.Y.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2019) Wastewater treatment and recycle from a semiconductor industry: A demo-plant study. Water Practice and Technology [IF:0.784], 14, 2, 371-379.
81. Dong F.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2019) Differential transformation and antibacterial effects of silver nanoparticles in aerobic and anaerobic environment. Nanotoxicology [IF:5.913], 13(3), 339-353. #
82. Chua F.J.D.*, Sun FQ.**, Mukherjee M., Zhou Y.^~ (2019) Comparison of nitrous oxide emission between a partial and full nitrification enriched ammonia-oxidising culture. Chemosphere [IF:7.086], 220, 974-982. ##
83. Wu D.*, Sun F.Q.**, Chua F.J.D.*, Lu D.*, Stuckey D.C., Zhou Y.^~ (2019) In-situ power generation and nutrients recovery from waste activated sludge - long-term performance and system optimization. Chemical Engineering Journal [IF:16.744], 361, 1207-1214. ##
84. Qian T.T.**, Yang Q., Chua F.J.D.*, Dong F.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2019) Transformation of phosphorus in sewage sludge biochar mediated by a phosphate-solubilizing microorganism. Chemical Engineering Journal [IF:16.744], 359, 1573 - 1580. ##
85. Wang H.**, Xu G.J.**, Qiu Z., Zhou Y.~, Liu Y. (2019) NOB suppression in pilot-scale mainstream nitritation-denitritation system coupled with MBR for municipal wastewater treatment. Chemosphere [IF:7.086], 216, 633-639. (Dr. Zhou was Co-PI of the project and in charge of Pilot plant operation, Wang and Xu were RFs who worked on pilot plant) ##
86. Fernando I.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2019) Impact of pH on the stability, dissolution and aggregation kinetics of silver nanoparticles. Chemosphere [IF:7.086], 216, 297-305. ##
87. Sun F.Q.**, Wu D.*, Chua FJD*, Zhu W.Y.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2019) Free nitrous acid (FNA) induced transformation of sulfamethoxazole in the enriched nitrifying culture. Water Research [IF:13.4], 149, 432-439. ##

Year 2018

88. Sun F.Q., Hu J., Zhou Y., Mei R. W., Wang C.Z., He Y.Y., Wu W. X. (2018) High efficient alternating anaerobic/aerobic process for polyester resin wastewater treatment: Performance and microbial community structure. Biochemical Engineering Journal [IF:4.446]. 138, 121-130. #
89. Yan W.W.*, Sun F. Q.**, Liu, J.B.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2018) Enhanced anaerobic phenol degradation by conductive materials via EPS and microbial community alteration. Chemical Engineering Journal [IF:16.744]. 352, 1-9. ##
90. Lu D.*, Sun F. Q.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2018) Insights into anaerobic transformation of key dissolved organic matters produced by thermal hydrolysis sludge pretreatment. Bioresource Technology [IF:11.88]. 266, 60-67. ##
91. Lu D.*, Xiao K.K.**, Chen Y.*, Soh Y.N.A., Zhou Y.^~ (2018) Transformation of dissolved organic matters produced from alkaline-ultrasonic sludge pretreatment in anaerobic digestion: From macro to micro. Water Research [IF:13.4]. 142, 138-146. ##
92. Tyagi V.K.**, Fdezguelfo A., Zhou Y.~, Alvarez C., Romero L. Ng W.J. (2018) Anaerobic Co-digestion of Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (OFMSW): Progress and challenges. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews [IF:16.799]. 93, 380-399. (Dr. Zhou was Co-PI of the project - Lab-Scale Study on Anaerobic Co-Digestion on Food Waste And Used Water Sludge, and contributed the manuscript overall design and write-up) ##
93. Chen Y.*, Xiao K.K.**, Shen N.**, Zeng JX, Zhou Y.^~ (2018) Hydrogen production from a thermophilic alkaline waste activated sludge fermenter: effects of solid retention time (SRT). Chemosphere [IF:7.086]. 206, 101-106. ##
94. Zhu W.Y.*, Li Z., He C., Ge L.Y., Sun F.Q.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2018) Enhanced Photodegradation of Sulfamethoxazole by a Novel WO3-CNT Composite under Visible Light Irradiation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds [IF:6.371]. 754, 153 - 162. ##
95. Suwarno S.R.**, Huang W.H.**, Chew Y.M., Tan S.H., Trisno A.E., Zhou Y.^~ (2018) On-line biofilm strength detection in cross-flow membrane filtration systems. Biofouling [IF:3.797]. 34(2), 123-131. #
96. Xiao Y.Y.**, Waheed H.*, Xiao K.K.**, Hashmi I., Zhou Y.^~ (2018) In tandem effects of activated carbon and quorum quenching on fouling control and simultaneous removal of pharmaceutical compounds in membrane bioreactors. Chemical Engineering Journal [IF:16.744]. 341, 610-617. ##
97. Yu S.Y.*, Wang Y.N., Sun F.Q.**, Wang R., Zhou Y.^~ (2018) Novel mpg-C3N4/TiO2 nanocomposite photocatalytic membrane reactor for sulfamethoxazole photodegradation. Chemical Engineering Journal [IF:16.744]. 337, 183-192. ##
98. Sun F.Q.**, Xiao K.K.**, Zhu W.Y.*, Withanage N.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2018) Enhanced sludge solubilization and dewaterability by synergistic effects of nitrite and freezing. Water Research [IF:13.4]. 130, 208-214. ##
99. Chen Y.*, Xiao K.K.**, Jiang X.**, Shen N.**, Zeng R.J. Zhou Y.^~ (2018) Long solid retention time (SRT) has minor role in promoting methane production in a 65oC single-stage anaerobic sludge digester. Bioresource Technology [IF:11.88], 247, 724-729. ##

Year 2017

100. John M., Trzcinski A., Zhou Y., Ng W.J. (2017) Microbial stress mediated intercellular nanotubes in an anaerobic microbial consortium digesting cellulose. Scientific Reports - Nature [IF:4.996]. 7 (1), 1-14. ##
101. Xu G.**, Wang H., Gu J., Shen N.**, Qiu Z., Zhou Y., Liu Y. (2017) A novel A-B process for enhanced biological nutrient removal in municipal wastewater reclamation. Chemosphere [IF:7.086]. 189, 39-45. ##
102. Thanh P.M.*, Ketheesan B., Stuckey D., Zhou Y.^~, (2017) Dosing of ethylenediamine-N,N'-disuccinic acid (EDDS) to improve the bioavailability of Fe2+ in the presence of sulfide in a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor. Chemical Engineering Journal [IF:16.744]. 330, 175-182. ##
103. Thanh P.M.*, Ketheesan B., Zhou Y.~, and Stuckey D. (2017) Effect of operating conditions on speciation and bioavailability of trace metals in submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactors. Bioresource Technology [IF:11.88]. 243, 810-819. ##
104. Zhang D.Q.**, Zhou Y.~, Bugge T.V., Mayanti B., Yang A., Poh L.S., Gao X., Maszenan A.M., Ng W.J. (2017) Soluble microbial products (SMPs) in a sequencing batch reactor with novel cake filtration system. Chemosphere [IF:7.086]. 184, 1286-1297. ##
105. Zhou Y., Lisowski W., Zhou Y., Ng W.J., Huang K., Fong E. (2017) Genetic improvement of Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense for enhanced biological removal of phosphate. Biotechnology Letters [IF:2.716], 1-6.
106. Thanh P.M.*, Ketheesan B., Stuckey D., Zhou Y.^~ (2017) Effects of trace metal deficiency and supplementation on a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology [IF:11.88]. 241, 161-170. ##
107. Xiao K.K.**, Chen Y.*, Jiang X.**, Seow W.Y.**, He C., Yin Y., Zhou Y.^~ (2017) Comparison of different treatment methods for protein solubilisation from wasted activated sludge. Water Research [IF:13.4]. 122, 492-502. ##
108. Sun F.Q.**, Xiao Y.Y.**, Wu D.*, Zhu W.Y.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2017) Nitrite-driven abiotic transformation of sulfonamide micropollutants during freezing process. Chemical Engineering Journal [IF:16.744], 327, 1128-1134. ##
109. Yan W.W.*, Shen N.**, Xiao Y.Y.**, Chen Y.*, Sun F.Q.**, Tyagi V.K.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2017) The role of conductive materials in the start-up period of thermophilic anaerobic system. Bioresource Technology [IF:11.88]. 239, 336-344. ##
110. Waheed H.*, Xiao Y.Y.**, Hashmi I., Stuckey D., Zhou Y.^~ (2017) Insights into quorum quenching mechanisms to control membrane biofouling under changing organic loading rates. Chemosphere [IF:7.086]. 182, 40-47. ##
111. Zhu W.Y.*, Sun F.Q.**, Goei R., Zhou Y.^~ (2017) Construction of WO3-g-C3N4 composites as efficient photocatalyts for pharmaceutical degradation under visible light. Catalysis Science & Technology [IF:6.177]. 7, 2591-2600. #
112. Wu D.*, Sun F.Q.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2017) Degradation of chloramphenicol with novel metal foam electrodes in bioelectrochemical systems. Electrochimica Acta [IF:7.336]. 240, 136-145. #
113. Xiao K.K.**, Seow W.Y.**, Chen Y.*, Lu D.*, Jiang X.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2017) Effects of thermal-Fe(II) activated oxone treatment on sludge dewaterability. Chemical Engineering Journal [IF:16.744]. 322, 463-471. ##
114. Chen Y.*, Xiao K.K.**, Jiang X.**, Shen N.**, Zeng R.J., Zhou Y.^~ (2017) In-situ sludge pretreatment in a single-stage anaerobic digester. Bioresource Technology [IF:11.88]. 238, 102-108. ##
115. Yu S.Y.*, Webster R., Zhou Y.^~, Yan X.L. (2017) Ultrathin g-C3N4 nanosheet with hexagonal CuS nanoplates composite under solar light irradiation for H2 production. Catalysis Science & Technology [IF:6.177]. 7, 2050-2056. #
116. Yu S.Y.*, Webster R., Zhou Y.^~, Yan X.L. (2017) Novel carboxylated graphene oxide-CuS-Ag nanocomposite glass coating for organic degradation under solar light. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnolog [IF:3.709]. 92 (10), 2626-2634. #
117. Zhu W.Y.*, Sun F.Q.**, Goei R., Zhou Y.^~ (2017) Facile fabrication of RGO-WO3 composites for effective visible light photocatalytic degradation of sulfamethoxazole. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental [IF:24.319]. 207, 93-102. ##
118. Chen Y.*, Jiang X.**, Xiao K.K.**, Shen N.**, Zeng R.J., Zhou Y.^~ (2017) Enhanced volatile fatty acids (VFAs) production in a thermophilic fermenter with stepwise pH increase - investigation on dissolved organic matter transformation and microbial community shift. Water Research [IF:13.4]. 112, 261-268. ##
119. Thanh P.M.*, Ketheesan B., Zhou Y., Stuckey D. (2017) Effect of Ethylenediamine-N,N'-disuccinic acid (EDDS) on the speciation and bioavailability of Fe2+ in the presence of sulfide in anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology [IF:11.88]. 229, 169-179. ##
120. Shen N.**, Chen Y.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2017) Multi-cycle operation of Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) with different carbon sources under high temperature. Water Research [IF:13.4]. 114, 308-315. ##
121. Zhang D.Q.**, Eng C.Y.**, Stuckey D., Zhou Y.^~ (2017) Effects of ZnO nanoparticle exposure on wastewater treatment and soluble microbial products (SMPs) in an anoxic-aerobic membrane bioreactor. Chemosphere [IF:7.086]. 171, 446-459. ##
122. Xiao K.K.**, Chen Y.*, Jiang X.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2017). Evaluating filterability of different types of sludge by statistical analysis: the role of key organic compounds in extracellular polymeric substances. Chemosphere [IF:7.086], 170, 233-241. ##
123. Yu S.Y.*, Liu J., Zhou Y., Webster R., Yan X.L. (2017) Effect of Synthesis method on the nanostructure and solar driven photocatalytic properties of TiO2-CuS composites. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering [IF:9.224]. 5(2), 1347-1357. ##
124. Xiao K.K.**, Chen Y.*, Jiang X.**, Yang Q.*, Seow W.Y.**, Zhu W.Y.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2017) Variations in physical, chemical and biological properties in relation to sludge dewaterability under Fe (II) - oxone conditioning. Water Research [IF:13.4], 109, 13-23. ##

Year 2016

125. Xiao K.K.**, Chen Y.*, Jiang X.**, Tyagi V.K., Zhou Y.^~ (2016) Characterization of key organic compounds affecting sludge dewaterability during ultrasonication and acidification treatments. Water Research [IF:13.4], 105, 470-478. ##
126. Xiao K.K.*, Guo C.H.**, Maspolim Y.*, Zhou Y.^~ and Ng W.J. (2016) The role of methanogens in acetic acid production under different salinity conditions. Chemosphere [IF:7.086], 161, 53-60. ##
127. Zhu W.Y.*, Liu J., Yu S.Y.*, Zhou Y. and Yan X.L. (2016) Ag loaded WO3 nanoplates for efficient photocatalytic degradation of sulfanilamide and their bactericidal effect under visible light irradiation. Journal of Hazardous Materials [IF:14.224], 318, 407-416. ##
128. Zhu W.Y.*, Li Z., Zhou Y.^~ and Yan X.L. (2016) Deposition of silver nanoparticles onto two dimensional BiOCl nanodiscs for enhanced visible light photocatalytic and biocidal activities. RSC Advances [IF:4.036], 6(69), 64911-64920. #
129. Shen N.**, Zhou Y.^~ (2016) Enhanced biological phosphorus removal with different carbon sources. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology [IF:5.56], 100(11), 4735-4745. ##
130. Yang Q., Shen N.**, Lee ZMP**, Xu G., Cao Y.S., Kwok B., Lay W., Liu Y., Zhou Y.^~ (2016) Simultaneous nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal (SNDPR) in a full-scale water reclamation plant located in warm climate. Water Science and Technology [IF:2.43], 74(2), 448-456.
131. Zhou, Y., Sun, W., Rui, X., Zhou, Y., Ng, W.J., Yan, Q., Fong, E. (2016) Biochemistry-derived porous carbon-encapsulated metal oxide nanocrystals for enhanced sodium storage. Nano Energy [IF:19.069]. 21, 71-79. ##
132. Lim C.P., Neo J.L., Mar’atusalihat E., Zhou Y.^~, Ng W.J. (2016) Biosorption for carbon capture on acclimated sludge - process kinetics and microbial community. Biochemical Engineering Journal [IF:4.446]. 114, 119-129. #
133. Thanh P.M.*, Ketheesan B., Zhou Y., Stuckey D. (2016) Trace metal speciation and bioavailability in anaerobic digestion: A review. Biotechnology Advances [IF:17.681]. 34 (2), pp. 122-136. ##
134. Ganda L., Zhou Y.^~, Lim C.P., Liu Y., Ng W.J. (2016) Free nitrous acid inhibition on carbon storage microorganisms: accumulated inhibitory effects and recoverability. Chemical Engineering Journal [IF:16.744], 287, 285-291. ##
135. Li D., Zhou Y., Tan Y.M., Pathak S., Maszenan A.M., Ng W.J. (2016) Alkali-solubilized organic matter from sludge and its degradability in the anaerobic process. Bioresource Technology [IF:11.88], 200, 579-586. ##
136. Xiao K.K., Guo C.H., Zhou Y.^~, Maspolim Y., Ng W.J. (2016) Acetic acid effects on methanogens in the second stage of a two-stage anaerobic system. Chemosphere [IF:7.086], 144, 1498-1504. ##
137. Huang W.H., Wang Z.Y., Guo Q.M., Wang H.Z., Zhou Y.^~, Ng W.J. (2016) Pilot-scale landfill with leachate recirculation for enhanced stabilization. Biochemical Engineering Journal [IF:4.446], 105, part B, 437-445. #
138. Maspolim Y., Guo C.H., Xiao K.K., Zhou Y.^~, Ng W.J. (2016) Performance and microbial community analysis in alkaline two-stage enhanced anaerobic sludge digestion system. Biochemical Engineering Journal [IF:4.446], 105, part A, 296-305. #
139. Xiao K.K., Zhou Y., Guo C.H., Maspolim Y., Ng W.J. (2016) Impact of undissociated volatile fatty acids on acidogenesis in a two-Phase anaerobic system. Journal of Environmental Science [IF:6.796]. 42, 196-201.

Year 2015

140. Poh L.S., Jiang X., Zhang Z., Liu Y., Ng W.J., Zhou Y.^~ (2015) N2O accumulation from denitrification under different temperatures. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. [IF:5.56], 99 (21), 9215-9226. #
141. Feng H, Zhou Y, Zhao G, Lee J, Guo C et al. (2015) Analysis of soluble microbial products by mass spectrometry: potential in monitoring bioprocesses of wastewater treatment. Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques [IF:21.25], 6(3), 1000241. (Dr. Zhou was the co-researcher with Feng H for experiment implementation)
142. Maspolim Y., Zhou Y., Guo C.H., Xiao K.K., Ng W.J. (2015) The effect of pH on solubilization of organic matter and microbial community structures in sludge fermentation. Bioresource Technology [IF:11.88], 190, 289-298. ##
143. Zhou Y., Rui X., Sun W.P., Xu Z.C., Zhou Y., Ng W.J., Yan Q., Fong E. (2015) Biochemistry-Enabled 3D Foams for Ultrafast Battery Cathodes. ACS Nano [IF:18.03], 9(4), 4628-35. ##
144. Zhou Y., Xu H., Liu Y. (2015) Molecular mechanisms governing aerobic granular sludge processes. Water Practice and Technology [IF:0.784], (10) 2, 277-281.
145. Li D., Tan Y.M., Zhou Y., Pathak S., Sendjaja A.Y., Maszenan A.M., Chowdhury P., Ng W.J. (2015) Comparative study of low energy ultrasonic and alkaline rreatment on biosludge from secondary industrial wastewater treatment. Environmental Technology [IF:3.475], 2, 1-10. (Li D. was co-supervised by Dr. Zhou during this study design and implementation)
146. Xu G., Zhou Y., Yang Q., Lee ZMP, Gu J., Lay W., Cao Y., Liu Y. (2015) The challenges of mainstream deammonification process for municipal used water treatment. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology [IF:5.56], 99(6):2485-90. (Dr. Zhou was project Co-PI and in charge of pilot plant operation, prepared the manuscript with Xu G.) #
147. Maspolim Y., Zhou Y., Guo C.H., Xiao K.K., Ng W.J. (2015) Determination of the archaeal and bacterial communities in two-phase and single-stage anaerobic systems by 454 pyrosequencing. Journal of Environmental Sciences [IF:6.796], 36, 121-129.
148. Sendjaja A.Y., Tan Y.M., Pathak S., Zhou Y., Maszenan A.M., Liu J.L., Ng W.J. (2015) Regression based state space adaptive model of two-phase anaerobic reactor. Chemosphere [IF:7.086]. 140, 159-166. ##
149. Huang W.H., Wang Z., Zhou Y.^~, Ng W.J. (2015). The role of hydrogenotrophic methanogens in an acidogenic reactor. Chemosphere [IF:7.086]. 140, 40-46. ##
150. Xiao K.K., Zhou Y., Guo C.H., Maspolim Y., Ng W.J. (2015). Dynamics of propionic acid degradation in a two-phase anaerobic system. Chemosphere [IF:7.086]. 140, 47-53. ##
151. Lim C.P., Zhang S., Zhou Y.^~, Ng W.J. (2015). Enhanced carbon capture biosorption through process manipulation. Biochemical Engineering Journal [IF:4.446]. 93, 128-136. #
152. Maspolim Y., Zhou Y., Guo C.H., Xiao K.K., Ng W.J. (2015). Comparison of single-stage and two-phase anaerobic sludge digestion systems – Performance and microbial community dynamics. Chemosphere [IF:7.086], 140, 54-62. ##
153. Tan C.H., Koh K.S., Xie C., Zhang J., Tan X.H., Lee G.P., Zhou Y., Ng W.J., Rice S., Kjelleberg S. (2015) Community quorum sensing signalling and quenching: Microbial granular biofilm assembly. NPJ Biofilms and Microbiomes [IF:8.462], 1, 10056. (Tan C.H. was co-supervised by Dr. Zhou during this study design and implementation) #

Year 2014 and before

154. Zhou Y., Yang D., Zeng Y., Zhou Y., Ng W.J., Yan Q., Fong E. (2014) Recycling Bacteria for the Synthesis of LiMPO4 (M = Fe, Mn) Nanostructures for High-Power Lithium Batteries. Small [IF:15.15], 10 (19): 3997-4002. ##
155. Tan C.H., Koh K.S., Xie C., Tay M., Zhou Y., Williams R., Ng W.J., Rice S. and Kjelleberg S. (2014) The role of quorum sensing signaling in EPS production and the assembly of a sludge community into aerobic granules. The ISME Journal [IF:13.214], 8(6):1186-97. ##
156. Liu ZH, Zhou Y, Maszenan AM, Ng WJ and Liu Y. (2013) pH-Dependent Transformation of Ag Nanoparticles in Anaerobic Processes. Environmental Science & Technology [IF:11.36], 47 (22), 12630–12631. (The manuscript was prepared by Liu ZH and Dr. Zhou) ##
157. Zhou Y., Zhang D.Q., Le M.T., Puah A.N., Ng W.J. (2013). Energy utilization in sewage treatment – a review with comparisons. Journal of Water and Climate Change [IF:2.803], 4, 1-10.
158. Xiao K.K., Guo C.H., Zhou Y.^~, Maspolim Y., Wang J.Y., Ng W.J. (2013) Acetic acid inhibition on methanogens in a two-phase anaerobic process. Biochemical Engineering Journal [IF:4.446], 75, 1-7. #
159. Zhou Y., Ganda L., Lim M., Yuan Z., Ng W.J. (2012). Response of Poly-phosphate Accumulating Organisms to Free Nitrous Acid Inhibition under Anoxic and Aerobic Conditions. Bioresource Technology [IF:11.88], 116, 340-347. ##
160. Zhou Y., Lim M., Harjono S., Ng W.J. (2012). Nitrous oxide (N2O) emission by denitrifying phosphorus removal culture using polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) as carbon source. Journal of Environmental Sciences [IF:6.796], 24, 9, 1616-1623.
161. Peyong Y.N., Zhou Y., Abdullah A.Z., Vadilelu V.M. (2012). The effect of organic loading rates and nitrogenous compounds on the aerobic granules developed using low strength wastewater, Biochemical Engineering Journal [IF:4.446], 67, 52-59. #
162. Zhou Y., Oehmen A., Lim M., Vadivelu V., Ng W.J. (2011). The Role of Nitrite and Free Nitrous Acid (FNA) in Wastewater Treatment Plants. Water Research [IF:13.4]. 45(15):4672-82. ##
163. Zhou, Y., Ganda L., Lim M., Yuan Z., Kjelleberg S, Ng WJ (2010) Free nitrous acid (FNA) inhibition on denitrifying poly-phosphate accumulating organisms (DPAOs). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology [IF:5.56], 88, 1, 359-369. #
164. Zhou, Y., Pijuan, M., Oehmen, A., Yuan, Z. (2010) The source of reducing power in the anaerobic metabolism of polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) – a mini-review. Water Science & Technology [IF:2.43], 61, 7, 1653-1662.
165. Zhou, Y., Pijuan, M., Zeng, R., Yuan, Z. (2009) Involvement of TCA Cycle in the Anaerobic Metabolism of Polyphosphate Accumulating Organisms (PAOs)? Water Research [IF:13.4]. 43, 1330-1340. ##
166. Lim M., Zhou Y., Guo Y., Sun C., Wood B., Wang L., Hulicova-Jurcakova D., Zou J., Rudolph V, Lu G. (2009) Visible-light photoresponsive heterojunctions of (Nb–Ti–Si) and (Bi/Bi-O) nanoparticles. Electrochemistry Communications [IF:5.443], 11, 509-514. #
167. Lim M., Zhou Y., Wood B., Rudolph V, Lu G. (2009) Highly Thermostable Anatase Titania-Pillared Clay for the Photocatalytic Degradation of Airborne Styrene. Environmental Science & Technology [IF:11.36], 43, 538-543. ##
168. Lim M., Zhou Y., Wang L., Rudolph V, Lu G. (2009) Development and potential of new generation photocatalytic systems for air pollution abatement: an overview. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering [IF:1.777], 4(4), 387-402.
169. Zhou, Y., Pijuan, M., Yuan, Z. (2008) Development of a 2-Sludge, 3-Stage System for Nitrogen and Phosphorous Removal from High-strength Wastewater Using Granular Sludge and Biofilms. Water Research [IF:13.4]. 42, 12, 3207-3217. ##
170. Zhou, Y., Pijuan, M., Zeng, R., Yuan, Z. (2008) Free Nitrous Acid Inhibition on Nitrous Oxide Reduction. Environmental Science and Technology [IF:11.36]. 42, 22, 8260-8265. ##
171. Zhou, Y., Pijuan, M., Zeng, R., Yuan, Z. (2008) Could Polyphosphate Accumulating Organisms (PAOs) be Glycogen Accumulating Organisms (GAOs)? Water Research [IF:13.4]. 42, 10-11, 2361-2368. ##
172. Lim M., Zhou Y., Wood B., Guo Y., Wang L., Rudolph V, Lu G. (2008) Fluorine and Carbon Codoped Macroporous Titania Microspheres: Highly Effective Photocatalyst for the Destruction of Airborne Styrene under Visible Light. Journal of Physical Chemistry C [IF:4.177], 112, 19655-19661. #
173. Zhou, Y., Pijuan, M., Yuan, Z. (2007) Free Nitrous Acid Inhibition on Anoxic Phosphorus Uptake and Denitrification by Phosphorus-accumulating organisms. Biotechnology and Bioengineering [IF:4.395], 98, 903-912. #
Book Chapters
(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
1. Chen R.*, Zhou Y.^~ (2021) Single Cell Protein Production using Anaerobic Digestate. Anaerobic Digestate Management: Invitation for Book Chapter (IWA Publishing).
2. Lu, D.*, Le, C.C.** and Zhou Y.^~ (2019) Identification of recalcitrant compounds after anaerobic digestion with various sludge pretreatment methods. In V.K. Tyagi et al. (Ed), Post Treatments of Anaerobically Treated Effluents, 279-293. London, UK: IWA Publishing.
3. Xiao, K.K** and Zhou Y.^~ (2017). The Characterization of Key Organic Compounds Affecting Sludge Dewaterability. In J.A. Daniels (Ed), Advances in Environmental Research (v59, chapter 1). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
4. Xiao, K.K** and Zhou Y.^~ (2017). The Effects of Thermal and Alkaline Pretreatments on Anaerobic Digestion. In J.A. Daniels (Ed), Advances in Environmental Research (v59, chapter 3). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
5. Xiao, K.K** and Zhou Y.^~ (2017). The Dynamics of Volatile Fatty Acid Depletion in a Two-Phase Anaerobic Digestion System. In J.A. Daniels (Ed), Advances in Environmental Research (v59, chapter 4). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Conference Papers
(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
Oral presentations

1. Thomson R., Batstone D., Wang L.*, Zhou Y., Oehmen A. Modelling the Metabolism and Population Dynamics of Fermentation-Enhanced EBPR Processes. 6th IWA International Conference on Eco-Technologies for Wastewater Treatment, Spain, 26 – 29 June 2023.
2. Zhang BR*, Cai C.**, Zhou Y. ^~ Insights into biogas transformation in a methanotroph-microalgae coculture regulated by iron and nitrogen. 18th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies, Korea, 28 May – 2 June 2023.
3. Xu H.**, Zhou Y.^~ Synergistic Feammox-anammox niche in microgranules treating low-strength wastewater. 18th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies, Korea, 28 May – 2 June 2023.
4. Zhou Y.^~, Cao S.B.** Mitigation of inhibitory effect of THP-AD centrate on partial nitrification and anammox: Insights into ozone pretreatment. Singapore International Water Week 2022, Singapore, 17 to 21 April 2022.
5. Wang L.*, Zhou Y.^~ Competition Between Polyphosphate Accumulating Organisms And Glycogen Accumulating Organisms Under Tropical Climate. IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition 2021 (Virtual Congress), 24 May-6 June 2021.
6. Cao S.B.**, Zhou Y.^~ Insights on sludge fermentation liquid driven denitrification: Evaluation of the system performance and EfOM. Innovation Conference on Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery, China, 25-28 Nov 2019.
7. Le C.C.**, Wang L.*, Zhou Y.^~ Cometabolic Production of Unusual Poly-β-Hydroxyalkanoates using Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Process in Sequencing Batch Reactors. IWA Resource Recovery, Italy, 8-12 Sep 2019.
8. Qian T.T.**, Zhou Y.^~ A potential P fertilizer – biochar produced by EBPR sludge. IWA Resource Recovery, Italy, 8-12 Sep 2019.
9. Liu J. B.*, Eng C. Y.**, Zhang P. Y., Zhou Y.^~ Integrated resource recovery in an anaMBR-FO system with quorum quenching (QQ) for fouling control. IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 18-21 November 2018.
10. Wu D.*, Zhou Y.^~ Simultaneous power generation, nutrient removal and recovery in a microbial fuel cell (MFC) fed with fermented liquor. IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 18-21 November 2018.
11. Wu D.*, Zhou Y.^~ Effects of sulfamethoxazole on power generation in microbial fuel cells. IWA – Anaerobic Digestion 15, Beijing, China. 17-20 Oct 2017.
12. Zhou Y. Long term effect of temperature from 55 to 70 degree on methane production within a single-stage sludge anaerobic digester. The IWA specialist conference on sludge management: Sludgetech 2017, Imperial College, UK, 9-13 July, 2017.
13. Zhu W.Y.*, Zhou Y.^~ Improved photocatalytic and disinfection efficiency of 2D BiOCl modified by Ag nanoparticles. 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation (ROS), Athens, Greece, 14-16 Sep. 2016.
14. Yu S.Y.*, Zhou Y.^~ Novel Graphene Oxide Based Photocatalyst Glass Coating for Organic Removal Under Solar Light. 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation (ROS), Athens, Greece, 14-16 Sep. 2016.
15. Shen N.**, Zhou Y.^~ Evaluating Step-feed for Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) in Tropical climate. 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater System. 14-16 Sep. 2016 Athens, Greece.
16. Shen N.**, Zhou Y.^~ Effect of Carbon Sources for Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) under Tropical Climate. WEF/IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery 2016 Conference. 10-13 July, Denver, Colorado, USA.
17. Xu G.J.**, Zhou Y, Liu Y. Development of a mainstream nitritation-denitritation process for low-strength wastewater treatment. WEF/IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery 2016 Conference. 10-13 July, Denver, Colorado, USA.
18. Xiao K. K.**, Guo C. H., Zhou Y, Maspolim Y., and Ng W. J. Effects of ultrasonic pretreatment on sludge digestion in single-stage and two-phase anaerobic systems. ADTechydrogen015: Proceeding of the international conference on anaerobic digestion AD technology and microbial ecology for sustainable development. 3 - 6 February, 2015, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
19. Xu G.J.**, Zhou Y., Yang Q., Lee Z., Gu J., Liu Y. Mainstream nitritation-denitritation in a SBR. IANAS. 8-10 Aug 2015, Dalian, China.
20. Lim C.P., Zhou Y., Ng W.J. Carbon Capture by Acclimated Activated Sludge -Biosorption Kinetics and Capacity. The Seventh International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. 9 – 13 June 2014 Houston, Texas, USA.
21. Li D., Tan Y. M., Zhou Y., Venkatakrishnan H., Pathak S., Sendjaja A. Y., Majid M. A., Ng W.J. Comparative Study Of The Mechanisms Of Ultrasonic, Alkaline, And Sono-Alkaline Pretreatment Of Industrial Biosludge, IWA Wastewater and Treatment and Reuse, 8-14 June 2014, Otranto, Italy.
22. Venkatakrishnan H., Tan Y. M., Pathak S., Sendjaja A. Y., Li D., Zhou Y., Majid M. A., Ng W.J. Influence of one step temperature increase acclimation method on microbial community dynamics during thermophilic biochemical methane potential test of an industrial wastewater, IWA Wastewater and Treatment and Reuse, 8-14 June 2014, Otranto, Italy.
23. Sendjaja A. Y., Tan Y. M., Pathak S., Zhou Y., Majid M. A., Ng W.J. Linear time invariant model of anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge development and analysis, IWA Wastewater and Treatment and Reuse, 8-14 June 2014, Otranto, Italy.
24. Zhang S.*, Zhou Y., Ng W.J. Effect of Organic loading on Enhanced Biosorption Performance in a Re-configured Wastewater Treatment Process. IWA-WCE 2012. May 2012, Dublin.
25. Guo C.H., Maspolim Y., Xiao K.K., Zhou Y., Ng W.J., Zhai B., and Yeo K.C. Degradation and microbial profiles in single stage and 2-phase CSTR sludge digestion. The Sixth International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. June 2012, Houston, Texas, USA.
26. Huang W.H., Wang Z.Y., Zhou Y., Ng W.J. Energy Recovery From Food Waste Leachate Using 2-Phase Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor. The Sixth International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. June 2012, Houston, Texas, USA.
27. Jiang X.*, Zhou Y., and Ng W.J. The Role of Methanogens in Degradation of Chlorophenols Under Acidic Condition. The Sixth International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. June 2012, Houston, Texas, USA, 372-373.
28. Maspolim Y.*, Xiao K.K., Guo C.H., Zhai B., Zhou Y., Goh T., Ng W.J. Degradation and Microbial Profiles in Single Stage and Two Phase Sludge Digestion. Singapore International Water Week: Water Convention 2012. July 2012, Singapore.
29. Xiao K.K.*, Maspolim Y., Zhai B., Zhou Y., Ng W.J., and Guo C.H. Degradation of Propionic and Acetic Acids, and Microbial Profiles in Two-phase Anaerobiosis. Singapore International Water Week: Water Convention 2012. July 2012, Singapore.
30. Guo C.H., Zhai B., Zhou Y., Zhang X.W., Wang J.Y., Ng W.J. Wastewater Treatment Plant as an Urban Eco Power Station-an Early Report on Two-phase Anaerobic Process for Enhanced Digestion of Sewage Sludge. Waste Sustainable Utilization and Management. Oct, 2011. Xiamen, China.
31. Maspolim Y.*, Guo C.H., Zhai B., Zhou Y., Zhang X.W., Wang J.Y., Ng W.J. Wastewater Treatment Plant as An Urban Eco Power Station: A Preceeding Report on Two-Phase Anaerobic Process for Enhanced Digestion of Sewage Sludge. R3C International Symposium. Nov, 2011, Singapore.
32. Ganda L.*, Zhou Y., Tan C.H., Jiang X., Liu Y., Ng W.J. Effects of Coexistence of FNA and HAc on Simultaneous Nitrification-Denitrification and Phosphorus Removal (SNDPR). Minamata International SympoSIum ON Environment and Energy Technology 2011. 6-8 Dec, 2011. Japan, 90-92.
33. Ganda L.*, Zhou Y., Yuan Z., Ng W.J. Free Nitrous Acid (FNA) Inhibition on Aerobic and Anoxic Phosphate Uptake and Denitrification by Denitrifying Poly-phosphate Accumulating Organisms. WEF-IWA Nutrient Recovery and Management 2011: Inside and Outside the Fence, 9-12 January 2011, Miami, Florida, USA, 102-106.
34. Pijuan M, Zhou Y, Yuan Z. Inhibition by free nitrous acid on the P uptake of polyphosphate accumulating organisms. World Water Congress, (cd-cd). 7-12 September, 2008, Vienna, Austria, 12-15.
35. Zhou, Y., Pijuan M., Zeng R. and Yuan Z. Free Nitrous acid (FNA) inhibition on nitrous oxide (N2O) reduction. In: World Water Congress and Exhibition. World Water Congress and Exhibition, Vienna, (cd-cd). 7-12 September 2008.
36. Zhou, Y, Pijuan M., Zeng R. and Yuan Z. Free Nitrous Acid (FNA) inhibition on nitrous oxide (N2O) reduction by denitrifying EBPR sludge. In: Young Water Professionals. Young Water Professionals, Brisbane, (130-131). 4-6 February 2008.
37. Zhou, Y, Pijuan M and Yuan Z. Biological nutrient removal from abattoir wastewater using combined aerobic granular sludge and biofilm SBRs: improvement to the 2-sludge 3-stage concept. In: 4th Sequencing Batch Reactor Conference. 4th Sequencing Batch Reactor Conference, Rome, Italy, 7-10 April, 2008.

Poster presentations

1. Chen R.F.*, Zhou Y. ^~. Achieving Mainstream Partial Nitritation In Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor Via 'Shock-Recover-Maintain' Strategy. IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition 2021 (Virtual Congress), 24 May-6 June 2021.
2. Chen Y.*, Zhou Y. The effect of temperature on VFA production and composition treating mixed sludge. 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation (ROS). 14-16 Sep. 2016 Athens, Greece.
3. Poh L.S.*, Jiang X., Zhou Y., Liu Y., Ng W.J. N2O emission from a nitrite shortcut SBR at different temperatures. SIWW, June 2016, Singapore.
4. Lim J.T., Zhou Y., Hwang S., Ng W.J. Diversity of Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria in Wastewater Treatment Processes. IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery 2012: Trends in NRR. Sep. 2012, Harbin, China.
5. Tan C.H.*, Koh K.S., Rice S., Zhou Y., Ng W.J., Kjelleberg S. Concurrent Quorum Sensing and Quorum Quenching in a Simultaneous Nitrification, Denitrification & Phosphorus Removal (SNDPR) Sludge Community. Biofilms4 International Conference, 1-3 September 2010, Winchester, UK.
6. Jiang X.*, Zhou Y., Ng W.J. Acidogenic Removal of Monochlorophenols. Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, 31 October – 4 November 2010, Guadalajara, Mexico.
7. Zhou, Y., Harjono S. Nitrous oxide (N2O) accumulation by denitrifying polyphosphate accumulating organism (DPAO) using internal carbon source. IWA Water and Energy Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
8. Zhou, Y., Pijuan M., Oehmen A. and Yuan Z. The source of reducing power in the anaerobic metabolism of polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs)-A mini-review. In: Jan Oleszkiewicz, IWA 2nd Nutrient Management in Wastewater Treatment Processes Conference, Krakow, Poland, (895-905). 6-9 September, 2009.
9. Zhou Y, Pijuan M, Zeng R, Yuan Z. Free Nitrous Acid (FNA) Inhibition on Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Reduction by a Denitrifying Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Sludge. Leading Edge Technology, 23-25 June, 2009, Singapore, CD-IWA-783.
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues
(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
Plenary Lecture

1. Zhou Y. (2022) Energy Efficient Used Water Management – Scale Up and Down, IWA Biofilms 2022, Phuket, Thailand, 6 – 8 Dec 2022.
2. Zhou Y. (2017) Water and Energy nexus – recent advances and challenges of wastewater treatment, Sustainable Chemical Technologies’ Summer Showcase, University of Bath, UK, 10-11 July 2017.

Keynote Speeches

1. Zhou Y. (2022) Resource Recovery and Sustainability in Used Water Management, Korea International Water Week 2022 (KIWW2022) under the 8th International Water Industry Conference, EXCO, Daegu, Korea, 23-25 Nov. 2022.
2. Zhou Y. (2022) Mitigate the impact of recalcitrant organics produced during
pre-treatments on downstream processes, 17th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion – IWA AD17 Biogas & Beyond. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 17-22 June, 2022 (Joined Online).
3. Zhou Y. (2021) Resource Recovery and Sustainability, Asia-Pacific water, environment and sustainability development conference, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China, 29-31 October, 2021 (Joined Online).
4. Zhou Y. (2021) What else do we need to know about pretreatment? International Conference on Sustainable Biowaste Management 2021 (SBM2021), Hongkong, China, 12-14 April, 2021 (Joined Online).
5. Zhou Y. (2019) Nutrient removal and Resource Recovery, 3rd IWA Resource Recovery Conference, 8-12 Sep, 2019, Venice, Italy.
6. Zhou Y. (2019) Membrane Fouling Control in Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor Based on Quorum Quenching, Membrane Science and Technology 2019 (MST2019), Singapore 13-14 June 2019.

Invited Talks

1. Zhou Y. (2022) Misplaced Resources in Used Water. WO+MEN fEST 2022, Sustainability: Leading the next frontiers, NTU, Singapore, 7 Nov 2022.
2. Zhou Y. (2022) Mitigate the Impact of Recalcitrant Organics Produced during
Pre-treatments on Downstream Processes, Nanjing Normal University, 27 June 2022 (Online).
3. Zhou Y. (2021) Resource Management and Recovery from Wastewater and Sludge, Beijing University of Technology, 30 September 2021 (Online).
4. Zhou Y. (2019) Integrated Resource Recovery in an AnaMBR-FO System with Quorum Quenching (QQ) for Fouling Control, 5th International Water Industry Conference 2019, Daegu, Korea, 3-6 Sep 2019.
5. Zhou Y. (2017) Water and Energy Nexus – Energy reduction and recovery in wastewater treatment, ICRA, Girona, Spain.15 Dec 2017.
6. Zhou Y. (2014) SBR technology application in wastewater treatment. University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 9 July 2014.
7. Zhou Y., C. H. Tan, Y. H. Xiong, Y. Liu, W. J. Ng (2013) Cell-cell communication during granulation process, IWA/WEF Nutrient Removal and Recovery 2013, Vancouver, Canada, 28-31 July 2013.
Other Research Outputs/Projects
(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
2022-2023 Biogas upgrading with carbon capture and energy recovery enhancement – proof of concept (Ongoing), S$100,000, Conny Tech Pte Ltd
2021-2024 A Sustainable Bio-platform for High Quality Microbial Protein Production (Ongoing), S$9,103,200, Singapore Food Agency (SFA)
2020-2023 Chemical and microbial characterization of food-processing wastewaters (Ongoing), S$610,656, National Research Foundation (NRF)
2020-2022 Feasibility of reutilization of sewage sludge via biochar, $481,005, Public Utilities Board (PUB)
2020-2022 Feasibility study of novel alginate-bacteria-powdered activated carbon (AB-PAC) beads for the biofouling control in MBR systems for anaerobic digested wastewater treatment application, S$163,500, JFE Engineering
2019-2020 Study on the Dewaterability of the Sludge and the Optimization of the Polymer Dosage in Ulu Pandan, Kranji, Changi and Jurong Water Reclamation Plants, S$480,120, Public Utilities Board (PUB)
2019-2020 Investigation of the carbon transformation and potential impacts of thermal hydrolysis process (THP) in JWRP, S$313,286, Public Utilities Board (PUB)
2019-2020 Application Of Novel Alginate-Powered Activated Carbon-Quorum Quenching Bacteria (APQ) Beads For The Biofouling Control And Sludge Modification In MBR Systems, S$250,000, Ministry of Education (MOE) via NTUitive
2018-2021 Product Prototype Development Of Optofluidic Machine For On Line And Rapid Monitoring Of Water-Borne Parasites For PUB Application, S$39,600, Water Optics Technology Pte Ltd
2018-2020 Feasibility Study Of Novel Alginate-Bacteria-Powdered Activated Carbon (AB-PAC) Beads For The Biofouling Control And Sludge Modification In MBR Systems For Industrial Wastewater Treatment Application, S$70,800, Kurita Water Industries Ltd
2018-2019 Investigation Of Energy Production Potential And Sludge Rheology Of An A/B Process In UPWRP Integrated Validation & Demonstration Plant, S$309,456, Public Utilities Board (PUB)
2017-2018 Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) Survey in Source/Treated Waters and Treatment of PPCPs by Ozonation for Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd (MEAP), S$50,000, Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd
2015-2018 Water and Energy Saving Solutions for the Wafer Fabrication and Semi-Conductor Industry – Micron, S$2,662,100, Environment & Water Industry (EWI)
2015-2018 Water Saving Solutions for the Wafer Fabrication and Semi-Conductor Industry - Global Foundries, S$2,971,100, Environment & Water Industry (EWI)
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