Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Hee Wai Siam
Associate Professor, School of Humanities
Journal Articles
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Hee Wai-Siam. 2023. “From amorous histories to sexual histories: rethinking male love narrative in Ming and Qing dynasties and the discourse on homosexuality in modern China,” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 24.6: 958-978.

许维贤, 詹闵旭. 2023. 〈弁言:“殖民、冷战、帝国或全球化重构下的南方”专輯〉[Introduction-Reconstructing the South: Colonization, Cold War, Empire, and Globalization,] 《中外文学》 Chung Wai Literary Quarterly,(Jun)481: 13-20.

Hee Wai-Siam. 2021. "The Lure of Diaspora: Diaspora Discourse, Accented Style, and Sinophone Malaysian Culture” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, 33.2: 205-257.

Hee Wai-Siam. 2020. "Queer Latent Image, Post-Loyalism and the Cold War: The Case of an Early Sinophone Star, Bai Yun" Cultural Critique, 108: 94-124.

Hee Wai-Siam. 2019. "Accented Style: On Namewee’s Sinophone Malaysian Film and Rap Songs" Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 21.2:273-290.

Hee Wai-Siam. 2018. “Anti-Communist Films Sponsored by the US Government in Singapore and Malaya: On the New York Sound Masters Inc.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies,19.2: 310-327.

许维贤.2017. 〈 “华语电影”的说法和起源:回应近年的华语电影争论〉[Chinese-language Cinema’s Origins and its Development: The Debate on the Concept of Chinese-language Cinema] 《当代电影》Contemporary Cinema, 5: 46-50.

许维贤.2016. 〈反离散的华语语系:以陈翠梅和刘城达的大荒电影为例〉[Against-Diaspora and Sinophone: A Case Study on Tan Chui-mui and Liew Seng-tat’s Dahuang Films] 《文艺争鸣》Literature and Art Forum, 6: 31-40.

许维贤. 2015. 〈高行健早期的小说艺术理论与实践:以《现代小说技巧初探》为中心〉[Gao Xingjian’s Early Theory and Practice of the Art of Fiction: A Focus on A Preliminary Examination of Modern Fictional Techniques] 《师大学报(语言与文学类) 》Journal of National Taiwan Normal University, 60.2: 29-55.
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Hee Wai-Siam. 2019. Remapping the Sinophone: The Cultural Production of Chinese-language Cinema in Singapore and Malaya Before and During the Cold War. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. 242 pages.

许维贤. 2018.《华语电影在后马来西亚:土腔风格、华夷风和作者论》(Post-Malaysian Chinese-language Film: Accented Style, Sinophone and Auteur Theory) 台北[Taipei] : 联经出版社[Linking Publishing Company].392 pages.

许维贤. 2018.《重绘华语语系版图:冷战前后新马华语电影的文化生产》[Remapping the Sinophone: The Cultural Production of Chinese-Language Cinema in Singapore and Malaya before and during the Cold War] (in Chinese) 香港[Hong Kong] : 香港大学出版社[The Hong Kong University Press]. 180 pages.

许维贤. 2015. 《从艳史到性史:同志书写与近现代中国的男性建构》[From Amorous Histories to Sexual Histories: Tongzhi Writings and the Construction of Masculinities in Late Qing and Modern China] 台北[Taipei]:国立中央大学出版中心[National Central University Press]. 351 pages.

Edited Books:

With Quah Sy-Ren, eds.. 2020. Memorandum: A Sinophone Singaporean Short Story Reader. Singapore: Ethos Books. 476 pages.

柯思仁, 许维贤, eds.. 2016. 《备忘录:新加坡华文小说读本》[Memorandum: A Reader of Singapore Chinese Short Stories] 新加坡[Singapore]:南大中华语言文化中心[Centre for Chinese Language and Culture, NTU]. 346 pages.

With Brian Bergen-Aurand, Mary Mazzilli, eds.. 2014. Transnational Chinese Cinema: Corporeality, Desire and the Ethics of Failure. Los Angeles: Bridge21 Publications. 282 pages.
Book Chapters
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Hee Wai-Siam. 2024. “The Lure of Diaspora and Sinophone Malaysian Literature in Taiwan,” In Howard Chiang, Shu-mei Shih eds., Sinophone Studies Across Disciplines: A Reader, pp.226-242. New York: Columbia University Press.

许维贤. 2022. 〈早期马华电影:从《新客》到《南洋小姐》的回顾〉[Early Sinophone Malaysian Films: A Retrospective from New Friend to Miss Nanyang] . In Tee Kim Tong, Ng Kim Chew and Ko Chia Cian eds, 《马华文学与文化读本》[Sinophone Malaysian Literature: A History through Literary and Cultural Texts] pp. 518-522. Taipei: China Times Publishing Co.

Hee Wai-Siam. 2020. “The Making of Malaya: On the Malayan Film Unit’s Cold War Moving Images,” In Show Ying Xin, Ngoi Guat Peng eds., Revisiting Malaya: Uncovering Historical and Political Thoughts in Nusantara, pp.185-216. Petaling Jaya: Strategic Information and Research Development Centre.

With Quah Sy-Ren. 2020. “A memorandum of Sinophone Singapore,” In Quah Sy-ren, Hee Wai-siam eds., Memorandum: A Sinophone Singaporean Short Story Reader. pp. 21-67. Singapore: Ethos Books.

With Ari Larissa Heinrich. 2014. “Desire Against the Grain: Transgender Consciousness and Sinophonicity in the films of Yasmin Ahmad,” In Howard Chiang Hsueh-hao & Ari Larissa Heinrich, eds., Queer Sinophone Cultures, pp. 179-200. New York;London: Routledge.
Creative Works
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Literary Works (Written under the pseudonym of Weng Xian-wei)

Poetry anthology:

Collection of Fictions:

Creative Non-fiction:
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues
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Edited Volumes:

许维贤, 詹闵旭. 2023. 专辑主编《殖民、冷战、帝国或全球化重构下的南方》专辑Guest Editor (Special issue on Reconstructing the South: Colonization, Cold War, Empire, and Globalization) .《中外文学》 Chung Wai Literary Quarterly(Jun)481. 289 pages.

许维贤. 2011. 客座主编《新马电影》专辑Guest Editor (Special issue on Singaporean and Malaysian Cinema) 〈电影欣赏学刊〉Film Appreciation Academic Journal, 8.2 No. 15. 88 pages.