Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

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Asst Prof Faizah Binte Zakaria
Assistant Professor, School of Humanities
External Links
Journal Articles
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Faizah Zakaria. (2022). "The Toba Super-catastrophe as the History of the Future," Indonesia 111 (1), (forthcoming).

Faizah Zakaria. (2021). "Birth, Life and Afterlife of an Indonesian Graveyard." Journal of Social History 55. (2), 744-66.

Faizah Zakaria, Robert Cribb, Monamie Bhadra Haines, Alicia Izharuddin and Juno Salazar Parrenas. (2021). "Power, Care and Species Difference in Orangutan Rehabiltation in Sarawak: A Roundtable." Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 94 (1), 203-215

Faizah Zakaria. (2019). "Religion, Mass Violence and Illiberal Regimes: Recent Research on the Rohingya in Myanmar." Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 38(1), 1-14.

Faizah Zakaria. (2018). "Qingzhen from the Perspective of the Other: Consumption and Muslim Boundary-Making in Republican China, 1920-1949." Journal of Islamic and Muslim Studies, 3(2), 3-22.

Faizah Zakaria. (2018). "Indonesia's Mass Killing of 1965-66: Retrospective and Requiem." Critical Asian Studies, 50(4), 664-669.

Faizah Zakaria and Humairah Zainal. (2017). "Traditional Malay Medicine in Singapore: A Gramscian Perspective." Indonesia and the Malay World, 45(131), 127-144.

Faizah Zakaria and Douglas Kammen. (2013). "Detentions in the Mass Violence: Policy and Practice in Indonesia 1965-68." Critical Asian Studies, 44 (3), 441-66.
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Faizah Zakaria, The Camphor Tree and the Elephant: Religion and Ecological Change in Maritime Southeast Asia. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2023)
Book Chapters
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Faizah Zakaria. (2023).“Cov-Eid as image, event and archive,” in CoronAsur: Religious Life in a Covidian Age , edited by Emily Hertzman, Natalie Long and Carola Lorea, (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, forthcoming)

Faizah Zakaria. (2022). "Songbirds in a Garden City," in Timothy Barnard ed. Nature's Creatures: Animals in Postwar Singapore , (NUS Press, forthcoming)

Faizah Zakaria (2022). “Camphor, celluloid and colonialism: The Dutch East Indies and colonial Taiwan in comparative perspective,” in The Cultivated Forest: People and Woodlands in Asian History, ed. Bradley C. Davis, Brian Lander, John S. Lee and Ian M. Miller. (Seattle: University of Washington Press)
Creative Works
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Faizah Zakaria, "Impian Jannah" . Short Story, honorable mention in National Arts Council Golden Point Awards, 2017.
Opinions & Commentaries
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Faizah Zakaria, “The banyan tree: Between the natural and the supernatural,” in Climates. Environments. Habitats., edited by Ute Meta Bauer, (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2021), 171-3.

Faizah Zakaria, “Gaza in Diverse Singaporean Eyes,” AcademiaSG, [online], June 2021.

Joseph Alter, Judith Farquhar, Volker Scheid, Faizah Zakaria et. al., “Why study Asian medicine?” – A roundtable,” Asian Medicine, 15:2, (2021), 301-314.

Faizah Zakaria, “The Pandemic and New Muslim Publics,” The Immanent Frame, SSRC, [online], November 2020.

Faizah Zakaria, “From Fatwas to Environmental Ecumenism,” Berkley Forum for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, Georgetown University, [online], November 2020.

Faizah Zakaria, “What Grows in a Graveyard,” Environmental History Now [online], October 2020.

Faizah Zakaria, “Senandung Cov-Eid 19,” Sekata: Jurnal Majlis Bahasa Melayu Singapura, August 2020 (in Malay).

Faizah Zakaria, “Cov-Eid Images as Event and Archive,” CoronAsur, Asia Research Institute Blog on Religion and the Pandemic, [online], May 2020.

Faizah Zakaria, "The Toba Super Catastrophe and the Environmental History of a Future," Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Nalanda-Sriwijaya Center Highlights, August 2018.

Faizah Zakaria, "Trailing the Anthropocene in the Footsteps of Claire Holt," Cornell Southeast Asia Program Bulletin, August 2018.
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