Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Yi Yaolin
Associate Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
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Dr. Yi is an Associate Professor in School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He was the Deputy Co-Director of Surbana Jurong-NTU Corporate Laboratory from 2022 to 2024. Dr. Yi obtained his Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD degrees from Southeast University in 2004, 2008, and 2013, respectively. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow in University of Alberta from 2013 to 2016, and an Academic Visitor in University of Cambridge from 2009 to 2010.

Dr. Yi’s research areas include geotechnical engineering, sustainable construction materials, and treatment of solid wastes. He has an ambition to use interdisciplinary approaches to improve the sustainability in geotechnical engineering. Hence, he is specially interested in interdisciplinary areas among geotechnical engineering, materials engineering, and environmental engineering, such as sustainable geo-materials, geo-environmental engineering, and geo-environmental materials. Main research topics in Dr. Yi’s group include: (1) Sustainable geotechnology based on industry by-products/wastes; (2) Durable materials for coastal protection and marine geotechnology; (3) Carbonation for CO2 sequestration, hazard mitigation, and strength enhancement; (4) Treatment and utilization of hazardous solid wastes; and (5) Deep soil mixing for soft ground improvement.

Dr. Yi is serving as Associate Editor for Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE) and Editorial Member for Geotechnical Engineering (ICE) and Ground Improvement (ICE). He is the Secretary of ISSMGE Technical Committee 'Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering (TC307)', member of ASCE Geo-Institute Soil Improvement Committee, and member of Singapore Standards Council Technical Committee member (Civil and Geotechnical Work).
• Sustainable geotechnology based on industry by-products/wastes
• Durable materials for coastal protection and marine geotechnology
• Carbonation for CO2 sequestration, hazard mitigation, and strength enhancement
• Treatment and utilization of hazardous solid wastes
• Deep soil mixing for soft ground improvement
  • Sustainable Soil Stabilization Using Novel Binders For Various Geotechnical Applications in Singapore (BCA for ZYG Co-I)
  • Sustainable Soil Stabilization Using Novel Binders For Various Geotechnical Applications in Singapore (Zhao Yang Geotechnic Pte Ltd)
  • Sustainable Soil Stabilization Using Novel Binders For Various Geotechnical Applications in Singapore (EnGro Corporation Limited)
  • A sustainable and economical binder for construction of low permeable and high durable seepage cut-off wall in marine environment: preparing for sea-level rise in Singapore
  • Overhead Recovery - SJ-NTU Corporate Lab
  • Sustainable Soil Stabilization Using Novel Binders For Various Geotechnical Applications in Singapore (BCA)
  • Treating Excavated Soft Marine Clay as Filling Materials
  • Use of waste soft marine clay as alternative to bentonite for coastal protection applications
  • Sustainable Soil Stabilization Using Novel Binders For Various Geotechnical Applications in Singapore (BCA for NTU PI: Yi Yaolin)
  • Utilization of freshwater sludge and carbide sludge to produce expansive agent for civil engineering applications
Courses Taught
Foundation Engineering, Ground Improvement, Excavation and Earth Retaining Systems, Civil Engineering and Sustainable Built Environment, Inland and Coastal Flood Management