Academic Profile : Faculty

Assoc Prof Kang Yang Trevor Yu
Associate Professor, College of Business (Nanyang Business School) - Division of Leadership, Management & Organisation
Co-Director, Centre for Research and Development in Learning (CRADLE)
Journal Articles
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Dineen, B. R., Yu, K. Y. T., & Stevenson-Street, J. (2023). Recruitment in personnel psychology and beyond: Where we've been working, and where we might work next. Personnel Psychology, 76(2), 617-650.
Yu, K. Y. T., Dineen, B. R., Allen, D. G., & Klotz, A. C. (2022) Winning applicants and influencing job seekers: An introduction to the special issue on employer branding and talent acquisition. Human Resource Management, 61(5), 525-524.
Yu, K. Y. T., Goh, K. H., & Kawasaki, S. (2022) Investigating electronic word-of-mouth on social media: An eye-tracking approach. Human Resource Management, 61(5), 599-616.
Yu, K. Y. T. 2019. Influencing how one is seen by potential talent: Organizational impression management among recruiting firms. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(7): 888-906.
Yu, K. Y. T., & Verma, K. 2019. Investigating the Role of Goal Orientation in Job Seekers’ Experience of Value Congruence. Applied Psychology, 68(1): 83-125.
Yu, K. Y. T., & Davis, H. M. 2019. Integrating job search behavior into the study of job seekers’ employer knowledge and organizational attraction. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(9): 1448-1476.
Yu, K. Y. T., & Davis, H. M. 2016. Autonomy's impact on newcomer proactive behaviour and socialization: A needs–supplies fit perspective. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 89(1): 172-197.
Yu, K. Y. T. 2016. Inter-Relationships among Different Types of Person–Environment Fit and Job Satisfaction. Applied Psychology, 65(1): 38-65.
Yu, K. Y. T. 2014. Person–organization fit effects on organizational attraction: A test of an expectations-based model. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 124(1): 75–94.
Yu, K. Y. T., & Cable, D. M. 2013. Oxford Handbook of Recruitment. New York: Oxford University Press.
Yu, K. Y. T. 2009. Affective influences in person-environment fit theory: Exploring the role of affect as both cause and outcome of P-E fit. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(5): 1210-1226.
Yu, K. Y. T., Dineen, B. R., Allen, D. G., & Klotz, A. C. (2022) Winning applicants and influencing job seekers: An introduction to the special issue on employer branding and talent acquisition. Human Resource Management, 61(5), 525-524.
Yu, K. Y. T., Goh, K. H., & Kawasaki, S. (2022) Investigating electronic word-of-mouth on social media: An eye-tracking approach. Human Resource Management, 61(5), 599-616.
Yu, K. Y. T. 2019. Influencing how one is seen by potential talent: Organizational impression management among recruiting firms. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(7): 888-906.
Yu, K. Y. T., & Verma, K. 2019. Investigating the Role of Goal Orientation in Job Seekers’ Experience of Value Congruence. Applied Psychology, 68(1): 83-125.
Yu, K. Y. T., & Davis, H. M. 2019. Integrating job search behavior into the study of job seekers’ employer knowledge and organizational attraction. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(9): 1448-1476.
Yu, K. Y. T., & Davis, H. M. 2016. Autonomy's impact on newcomer proactive behaviour and socialization: A needs–supplies fit perspective. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 89(1): 172-197.
Yu, K. Y. T. 2016. Inter-Relationships among Different Types of Person–Environment Fit and Job Satisfaction. Applied Psychology, 65(1): 38-65.
Yu, K. Y. T. 2014. Person–organization fit effects on organizational attraction: A test of an expectations-based model. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 124(1): 75–94.
Yu, K. Y. T., & Cable, D. M. 2013. Oxford Handbook of Recruitment. New York: Oxford University Press.
Yu, K. Y. T. 2009. Affective influences in person-environment fit theory: Exploring the role of affect as both cause and outcome of P-E fit. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(5): 1210-1226.
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Yu, K. Y. T., & Cable, D. M. (2013). The Oxford Handbook of Recruitment. New York: Oxford University Press.
Book Chapters
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Yu, K. Y. T., Chan, K. Y., & Lin, J. (2020) Measuring Preference for Non-standard work: Relationships with EPL motivations, efficacies, perceived employability and career adaptability. In Ho, M. H., Kennedy, J., Uy, M. A., & Chan, K. Y. (Eds), Entrepreneurship–Professionalism–Leadership - A Multidimensional Framework for Human Capital and Career Development in the 21st Century. Springer
Cable, D. M., & Yu, K. Y. T. (2013). Taking stock of recruitment research: A look into the future. In K. T. Yu & D. M. Cable (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Recruitment. (pp. 528-531). New York: Oxford University Press.
Yu, K. Y. T., & Cable, D. M. (2013). Investigating recruitment: An introduction. . In K. T. Yu & D. M. Cable (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Recruitment. (pp. 1-4). New York: Oxford University Press.
Yu, K. Y. T. (2013) A Motivational Model of PE Fit: Psychological Motives as Drivers of Change in PE Fit. In A. L. Kristof-Brown & J. Billsberry (Eds). New Directions in Organizational Fit. Wiley-Blackwell.
Yu, K. Y. T & Cable, D. M (2012). Recruitment and competitive advantage: A brand equity perspective. In S.Kozlowski (Ed). Oxford Handbook of Industrial Organizational Psychology. Oxford University Press.
Cable, D. M., & Yu, K. Y. T. (2007). How selection and recruitment practices develop the beliefs used to assess fit. In C. Ostroff & T. A. Judge (Eds.), Perspectives on organizational fit (pp. 155-181). Mahwah, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
Cable, D. M., & Yu, K. Y. T. (2013). Taking stock of recruitment research: A look into the future. In K. T. Yu & D. M. Cable (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Recruitment. (pp. 528-531). New York: Oxford University Press.
Yu, K. Y. T., & Cable, D. M. (2013). Investigating recruitment: An introduction. . In K. T. Yu & D. M. Cable (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Recruitment. (pp. 1-4). New York: Oxford University Press.
Yu, K. Y. T. (2013) A Motivational Model of PE Fit: Psychological Motives as Drivers of Change in PE Fit. In A. L. Kristof-Brown & J. Billsberry (Eds). New Directions in Organizational Fit. Wiley-Blackwell.
Yu, K. Y. T & Cable, D. M (2012). Recruitment and competitive advantage: A brand equity perspective. In S.Kozlowski (Ed). Oxford Handbook of Industrial Organizational Psychology. Oxford University Press.
Cable, D. M., & Yu, K. Y. T. (2007). How selection and recruitment practices develop the beliefs used to assess fit. In C. Ostroff & T. A. Judge (Eds.), Perspectives on organizational fit (pp. 155-181). Mahwah, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
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