Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Thirumaran s/o Thanabalu
Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences
Journal Articles
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pulled from PRDS)
Lee YH, Verma NK, Thanabalu T (2021). Prebiotics in atopic dermatitis prevention and management, J. Functional Foods, 78: 104352

Kalailingam P, Tan HB, Pan JY, Tan SH, Thanabalu T. (2019) Overexpression of CDC42SE1 in A431 Cells Reduced Cell Proliferation by Inhibiting the Akt Pathway. Cells. 8(2). pii: E117

Mitra P, Kalailingam P, Tan HB, Thanabalu T. (2018) Overexpression of GRB2 Enhances Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition of A549 Cells by Upregulating SNAIL Expression. Cells. 7(8). pii: E97

Kalailingam P, Tan HB, Jain N, Sng MK, Chan JSK, Tan NS, Thanabalu T. (2017) Conditional knock out of N-WASP in keratinocytes causes skin barrier defects and atopic dermatitis-like inflammation. Sci Rep. 7(1):7311.

Jain N, Kalailingam P, Tan KW, Tan HB, Sng MK, Chan JSK, Tan NS and T Thanabalu (2016) Conditional knockout of N-WASP in mouse fibroblast caused keratinocyte hyper proliferation and enhanced wound closure, Sci Rep. 6:38109.

Jain N, Thanabalu T. (2015) Molecular difference between WASP and N-WASP critical for chemotaxis of T-cells towards SDF-1α. Sci Rep. 5:15031.