Academic Profile : Faculty
Assoc Prof Angie Low An Chee
Head, Division of Banking and Finance
Provost's Chair in Finance
Associate Professor, College of Business (Nanyang Business School) - Division of Banking & Finance
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Journal Articles
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Liu, Claire, Angie Low, and Talis Putnins (2024). The real impacts of public short campaigns: Evidence from stakeholders. Journal of Corporate Finance, 88, 102624
Chung, Tuck Siong, Angie Low, and Roland Rust (2023). Executive confidence and myopic marketing management, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51, 1118-1142
Kim, Hyemin, Rüdiger Fahlenbrach, and Angie Low (2023). CEO networks and the labor market for directors, Journal of Empirical Finance, 70, 1-21.
Kang, Jun-koo, Hyemin Kim, Jungmin Kim, and Angie Low. (2020). Activist rookie directors. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 57, 1343-1376.
Chung, Tuck Siong and Angie Low (2022). CEO regulatory focus and myopic marketing management, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39, 247–267.
Liu, Claire, Angie Low, Ronald Masulis, and Le Zhang. (2020). Monitoring the monitor: Distracted institutional investors and board governance. Review of Financial Studies, 33, 4489-4531.
Kang, Jun-Koo, Wei-Lin Liu, Angie Low, and Le Zhang (2018). Friendly boards and innovation, Journal of Empirical Finance, 45, 1-25.
Fahlenbrach, Rüdiger, Angie Low, and René M. Stulz. (2017). Do Independent Director Departures Predict Future Bad Events?. Review of Financial Studies, 30, 2313–2358.
Li, Xiaoyang, Angie Low, and Anil K. Makhija (2017). Career concerns and the busy life of the young CEO, Journal of Corporate Finance, 47, 88-109.
Xin Chang, Kangkang Fu, Angie Low, and Wenrui Zhang. (2015). Non-executive Employee Stock Options and Corporate Innovation. Journal of Financial Economics, 115, 168-188.
Hirshleifer, David, Angie Low, and Siew Hong Teoh. (2012). Are overconfident CEOs better innovators?. Journal of Finance, 67, 1457-1498.
Fahlenbrach, Rüdiger, Angie Low, and René M. Stulz (2009). Why do firms appoint CEOs as outside directors?, Journal of Financial Economics, 97, 12-32.
Low, Angie (2009). Managerial risk-taking behavior and equity-based compensation, Journal of Financial Economics, 92, 470-490.
Chung, Tuck Siong, Angie Low, and Roland Rust (2023). Executive confidence and myopic marketing management, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51, 1118-1142
Kim, Hyemin, Rüdiger Fahlenbrach, and Angie Low (2023). CEO networks and the labor market for directors, Journal of Empirical Finance, 70, 1-21.
Kang, Jun-koo, Hyemin Kim, Jungmin Kim, and Angie Low. (2020). Activist rookie directors. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 57, 1343-1376.
Chung, Tuck Siong and Angie Low (2022). CEO regulatory focus and myopic marketing management, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39, 247–267.
Liu, Claire, Angie Low, Ronald Masulis, and Le Zhang. (2020). Monitoring the monitor: Distracted institutional investors and board governance. Review of Financial Studies, 33, 4489-4531.
Kang, Jun-Koo, Wei-Lin Liu, Angie Low, and Le Zhang (2018). Friendly boards and innovation, Journal of Empirical Finance, 45, 1-25.
Fahlenbrach, Rüdiger, Angie Low, and René M. Stulz. (2017). Do Independent Director Departures Predict Future Bad Events?. Review of Financial Studies, 30, 2313–2358.
Li, Xiaoyang, Angie Low, and Anil K. Makhija (2017). Career concerns and the busy life of the young CEO, Journal of Corporate Finance, 47, 88-109.
Xin Chang, Kangkang Fu, Angie Low, and Wenrui Zhang. (2015). Non-executive Employee Stock Options and Corporate Innovation. Journal of Financial Economics, 115, 168-188.
Hirshleifer, David, Angie Low, and Siew Hong Teoh. (2012). Are overconfident CEOs better innovators?. Journal of Finance, 67, 1457-1498.
Fahlenbrach, Rüdiger, Angie Low, and René M. Stulz (2009). Why do firms appoint CEOs as outside directors?, Journal of Financial Economics, 97, 12-32.
Low, Angie (2009). Managerial risk-taking behavior and equity-based compensation, Journal of Financial Economics, 92, 470-490.
Other Research Outputs/Projects
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The Gender Gap in Shareholder Proposals (with Yenn-Ru Chen and Chia-Hsien Lin)
Growing beyond firm boundaries through strategic alliances: Role of labor market frictions (with Hyemin Kim, Min Suk Lee, Jingoo Kang)
How do US Firms Respond to Labor Market Regulation Shocks around the World? Evidence from the Global Supply Chain (with Xiaoxue Hu, Dongxu Li, Rose Liao, Carrie Pan)
The Gender Gap in Shareholder Proposals (with Yenn-Ru Chen and Chia-Hsien Lin)
Growing beyond firm boundaries through strategic alliances: Role of labor market frictions (with Hyemin Kim, Min Suk Lee, Jingoo Kang)
How do US Firms Respond to Labor Market Regulation Shocks around the World? Evidence from the Global Supply Chain (with Xiaoxue Hu, Dongxu Li, Rose Liao, Carrie Pan)
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