Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

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Dr Althea Liang
Lecturer, School of Computer Science and Engineering
Althea Liang holds a PhD in Computer Engineering from the University of Florida, USA and is currently a lecturer at School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She is mostly interested in research problems at the intersection of classic computer science areas of AI and database and the emerging practical IT phenomena. She has accumulated a good mixture of academia and industrial research experience and has a passion in developing research that solves real world problems. More recently, she has participated in writing a proposal for a CorpLab project of the school with NCS. She has 50 research publications, including two book chapters and referred papers at international journals and conferences, such as IEEE TSC, IEEE TSMC, ISR, KAIS, JWSR, IEEE ICWS, ICSOC, IEEE SCC, IEEE CLOUD, IEEE IRI, IEEE ICEBE. Her activities in the research community also include journal editorship; conference organization; and invited talks. She was an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, and is currently the International Journal of Big Data (IJBD) and on the editorial board of International Journal of Cloud Computing. She has also widely and actively participated in the organization work of more than 15 international themed conferences, serves the Program Vice-Chair and on the TPC of more than 30 international conferences.

Her teaching interests are pretty wide and in a breadth range of subjects. Her most recent teaching experience is on the courses of advanced software engineering, Object Oriented Design and Programming, and software engineering at the school. She is highly motivated to the innovation of her teaching approaches in a way that characterizes the nature of the teaching subject itself and that shapes the skill sets defined by the timely needs of the industry and society. She has been designing and implementing a tool-based approach for teaching more practical subjects like advanced software engineering in order to incorporate a high industrial relevance with a dated context. This approach has already started to show effectiveness in achieving better learning outcome in the past years. She is exploring opportunities to a wider application of the approach to a wider range of subjects if possible.

She has extensive experience in developing and leading software prototypes based on her research results. For example, in her 3-year plus experience with HP corporate research lab (immediately prior to joining the school) as a research staff member, her leading roles spanned several projects for development and testing. These include one that is honourably selected as a seed project in the biggest HP annual global technical event (highly selective with a selection rate < 1%), and two other recent projects that, as collaborations between the lab and an HP business unit, have led to the filing of three technical patents (one patent pending and another being filed).

Due to the recognition of her work among the peers in her expertise area, she was officially selected by HP to represent the company to found Singapore Cloud Forum in Singapore. She was an exco member of the forum focusing on technology-adoption-related activities of the forum. She also severs the Honorary Treasurer of the forum.

Her career path also embraces some experience in planning an Institutions-of-Higher-Learning program for the HP Labs Singapore. The program constitutes a number of functions to benefit the lab in various aspects including financial, intern programs and collaborations.
Two-way and multi-way data analytics and middleware support for Web Services, cloud computing

AI and machine learning and its applications in service and cloud computing and supporting frameworks
  • Efficient Federated Learning Services For Finance
  • Towards Making Distributed Ledger Systems Protocol-Compliant