Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

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Asst Prof Mo Jiahui
Assistant Professor, College of Business (Nanyang Business School) - Division of Information Technology & Operations Management
Journal Articles
(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
Mo, Jiahui, and Li, Zhuoxin. (2018). Proceeding of ICIS: Is Product Sampling Good for Brands’ Online Word of Mouth?. ICIS.

Jiahui Mo, Sumit Sarkar, and Syam Menon. (2018). Proceeding of ICIS: Participation Behavior and Performance in Open Innovation. ICIS.

Le Wang, Jiahui Mo, and Beibei Li. (2018). Proceeding of ICIS: An Empirical Investigation of Sales Cheating Effect in E-commerce. ICIS.

Jiahui Mo, Sumit Sarkar, and Syam Menon. (2018). Know When to Run: Recommendations in Crowdsourcing Contests. MIS Quarterly, 42(3), 919-944.

Jiahui Mo, Sumit Sarkar, Jianqing Chen. (2017). Examining the Effects of Sponsoring Tasks in Crowdsouring Contests. Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS).