Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

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Asst Prof Amartya Sanyal
Nanyang Assistant Professor, School of Biological Sciences
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Journal Articles
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pulled from PRDS)
Khalil AIS, Muzaki SRBM, Chattopadhyay A*, Sanyal A*. (2020). Identification and utilization of copy number information for correcting Hi-C contact map of cancer cell lines. BMC Bioinformatics, 21, 506.

Guin K, Chen Y, Mishra R, Muzaki SRBM, Thimmappa BC, O’Brien C, Butler G, Sanyal A*, Sanyal K*. (2020). Spatial inter-centromeric interactions facilitated the emergence of evolutionary new centromeres. eLIFE, 9, e58556.

Khalil AIS, Khyriem C, Chattopadhyay A*, Sanyal A*. (2020). Hierarchical discovery of large-scale and focal copy number alterations in low-coverage cancer genomes. BMC Bioinformatics, 21(1), 147.

Sreekumar L, Jaitly P, Chen Y, Thimmappa BC, Sanyal A, Sanyal K. (2019). Cis- and trans-chromosomal interactions define pericentric boundaries in the absence of conventional heterochromatin.. Genetics, 212(4), 1121-1132.

Hong R, Lin B, Lu X, Lai LT, Chen X, Sanyal A, Ng HH, Zhang K, Zhang LF. (2017). High-resolution RNA allelotyping along the inactive X chromosome: evidence of RNA polymerase III in regulating chromatin configuration. Scientific Reports, 7, 45460.