Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

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Assoc Prof Wong Sze Sze
Associate Professor, College of Business (Nanyang Business School) - Division of Strategy, International Business & Entrepreneurship
Deputy Head, Division of Strategy, International Business and Entrepreneurship, College of Business (NBS)
Controlled Keywords
Wong Sze-Sze is Associate Professor in the Strategy, International Business, and Entrepreneurship Division at the Nanyang Business School. She received her Ph.D. from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University (USA). In 2015, Sze-Sze was at Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) for her sabbatical. Her past research focus on how knowledge and social capital of managers and groups impact their effectiveness in organizations. She has published in leading internationally referred journals including Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, and Journal of Organizational Behavior.

In Nanyang Business School, Sze-Sze was awarded the Research Excellence Award in 2021 and 2009, and the Teaching Excellence Award in 2021 and 2008. In 2020, she was nominated the Teacher of the Year (Business).

Given the pressing need for firms to be transparent and accountable to stakeholders, Sze-Sze currently conducts research in strategic leaders' communication to stakeholders, and corporate governance in the Board of Directors. She also currently serves as the Associate Editor of the Journal of Organizational Behavior (
Current research interests are focused on strategic leaders' communication of the firm's strategies and vision, and corporate governance practices in Board of Directors.
Courses Taught
Strategic Management (undergraduate course)
Organization Theory (doctoral course)