Academic Profile : Faculty

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Prof Lee Kwan Min
Professor, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information
Director, Cognition and behaVioural sciEnces Lab (COVE), COgnition and behaVioural sciEnces (COVE) laboratory
Korea Foundation Professor in Contemporary Korean Society and New Media, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information (WKWSCI)
Journal Articles
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staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
Highly Cited:
Lee, K. M. (2004). Presence, explicated. Communication Theory, 14(1), 27-50.

Nass, C., & Lee, K. M. (2001). Does computer-synthesized speech manifest personality? Experimental tests of recognition, similarity-attraction, and consistency-attraction. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 7(3), 171-181.

Lee, K. M., Peng, W., Jin, S. A., & Yan, C. (2006). Can robots manifest personality?: An empirical test of personality recognition, social responses, and social presence in human–robot interaction. Journal of Communication, 56(4), 754-772.

Lee, K. M., Jung, Y., Kim, J., & Kim, S. R. (2006). Are physically embodied social agents better than disembodied social agents?: The effects of physical embodiment, tactile interaction, and people's loneliness in human–robot interaction. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 64(10), 962-973.

Hou, J., Nam, Y., Peng, W., & Lee, K. M. (2012). Effects of screen size, viewing angle, and players’ immersion tendencies on game experience. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(2), 617-623.

Park, N., Lee, K. M., & Cheong, P. H. (2007). University instructors’ acceptance of electronic courseware: An application of the technology acceptance model. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), 163-186.

Park, N., Rhoads, M., Hou, J., & Lee, K. M. (2014). Understanding the acceptance of teleconferencing systems among employees: An extension of the technology acceptance model. Computers in Human Behavior, 39, 118-127.

Song, H., Kim, J., Tenzek, K. E., & Lee, K. M. (2013). The effects of competition and competitiveness upon intrinsic motivation in exergames. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(4), 1702-1708.

Lee, K. M., & Nass, C. (2004). The multiple source effect and synthesized speech: Doubly-disembodied language as a conceptual framework. Human Communication Research, 30(2), 182-207.

Park, N., Song, H., & Lee, K. M. (2014). Social networking sites and other media use, acculturation stress, and psychological well-being among East Asian college students in the United States. Computers in Human Behavior, 36, 138-146.

Click here for more publications.

Recent Publication:
Lee, K. M., Moon, Y., Park, I., & Lee, J. G. (2023). Voice orientation of conversational interfaces in vehicles. Behaviour and Information Technology, Article in press.

Lee, K. M., Lee, J. G., & Sah, Y. J. (2022). Interacting with an embodied interface: Effects of embodied agent and voice command on smart TV interface. Interaction Studies, 23(1), 116-142.

Lee, J., & Lee, K. M. (2022). Polite speech strategies and their impact on drivers’ trust in autonomous vehicles. Computers in Human Behavior, 127.

Wang, X., Shi, J., & Lee, K. M. (2022). The digital divide and seeking health information on smartphones in Asia: Survey study of ten countries. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(1), e24086.

Ratan, R., Earle, K., Rosenthal, S., Chen, V. H. H., Gambino, A., Goggin, G., ... & Lee, K. M. (2021). The (digital) medium of mobility is the message: Examining the influence of e-scooter mobile app perceptions on e-scooter use intent. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 3, 100076.

Song, H., Kim, J., Nguyen, T., Lee, K.M. & Park, N. (2021) Virtual reality advertising with brand experiences: the effects of media devices, virtual representation of the self, and self-presence, International Journal of Advertising, 40(7), 1096-1114, DOI: 10.1080/02650487.2020.1834210.

Wang, X. & Lee, K. M. (2020). The paradox of technology innovativeness and risk perceptions – A profile of Asian smartphone users. Telematics and Informatics, 51,

Hou, J., Rashid, J., & Lee, K. M. (2017). Cognitive map or medium materiality? Reading on paper and screen. Computers in Human Behavior, 67, 84-94.

Jung, Y., Park, N., & Lee, K.M. (2015). Effects of trait hostility, mapping interface, and character identification on aggressive thoughts and enjoyment after playing a violent video game. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 18, 711-717.
Creative Works
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• Major awards and Press Coverages of Samsung products that I directed as the head of UX Group and C-Lab

o Samsung TV Remote and SmartHub (2016)
 The Wall Street Journal Review: Samsung Fixes the TV Remote -

o Mirror Display (2015)
 Samsung Electronics Annual Awards – Innovation Category, 2015, S. Korea
 Prototype displayed, IFA, Germany
 Prototype displayed at Raemian Model House, S. Korea

o Smart Signage, Digital Mirror (2015)
 Commercial prototype displayed, 8-Seconds & BeanPole flagship stores, S. Korea

o Movable TV (2015)
 Prototype commercialized, branded, and marketed as “Galaxy View” by Samsung Mobile Division, USA, EU, S. Korea.

o Samsung Smart TV (2014)
 Best of Innovations Award, CES (Consumer Electronics Show), USA
 iF Design Award, Germany

o Samsung UHD TV & Smart Hub Interface (2013)
 Best of Innovations Award, CES (Consumer Electronics Show), USA
 Editor Choice Award by Popular Mechanics, 2013, USA
 Best Smart Platform Award, Best of Year Television Award,, USA

o Samsung Smart TV AR (2013)
 Red Dot Award, Communication Design, Germany

o Samsung Smart TV Voice & Motion Control (2012)
 Good Design Award, Japan
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues
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pulled from PRDS)
Keynote Speech at Victoria University Webinar on “User-Avatar Bond: Risk and Opportunities in Gaming and Beyond.” Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia, November 11, 2021.

Invited Panel Discussion on Education for UX, Savvy UX Summit 2020, Dec 7, 2020.

Keynote Speech at IMCOM2020: International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication. User Experience of ICT Products. Taichung, Taiwan, January 4, 2020.

Keynote Speech at the Annual Meeting of Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in Singapore. ICT Innovation and Media Psychology. NUS, Singapore. Feb. 11, 2019.

Closing Keynote Speech at the World Usability Congress. Psychology and Design of Smart Media. Graz, Austria. Oct. 19, 2016.
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