Academic Profile : Faculty

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Asst Prof Luke Lu
Assistant Chair (Academic), School of Humanities
Assistant Professor, School of Humanities
Journal Articles
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Lu, Luke (2022). Exploring Singlish as a Pedagogical Resource in the ELT classroom: Implementing bidialectal pedagogy in Singapore. TESOL Quarterly.

Lu, Luke (2021). The punctuated equilibrium model of public policy: Explaining inertia in Singapore’s Mother Tongue policy. Language Policy.

Lu, Luke (2021). Disaffiliation amongst academically elite students in Singapore: The role of a non-standard variety of English. International Journal of Sociology of Language. 271, 139-166.

Lu, Luke (2021). Applying a ‘glonacal’ framework: The education choices of academically elite students in Singapore in relation to state scholarships. Globalisation, Societies and Education.

Lu, Luke (2020). The (in)significance of race in Singapore’s immigration context: Accounts of self-differentiation by academically elite students. Journal of Language, Identity and Education.

Lu, Luke. (2016). Academically elite students in Singapore: a collective moral stance toward aspirations and trajectories. AILA Review, 29, 141-172.
Book Chapters
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Lu, Luke (2021). When ‘Chineseness’ is not preferred: Accounts of academically elite students from China in Singapore’s schools. In Gao, S. (Ed), Undoing Chineseness: The cultural politics of language and culture in globalizing China. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 38-56.

Lu, Luke (2020). Singapore’s nation branding through language policy: ‘commercial nationalism’ and internal tensions. I. Theodoropoulou and J. Woydack (Eds) Language and country branding research companion. London: Routledge, 145-162.

Lu, Luke.(2016). ‘Designer Immigrant’ Students in Singapore: Challenges for Linguistic Human Rights in a Globalising World. Engaging Superdiversity: Recombining Spaces, Times and Language Practices(277-302). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Conference Papers
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pulled from PRDS)
Lu, Luke (7-10 June, 2021). Unsettling attitudes toward Singlish in Singapore’s ELT classrooms. Sociolinguistics Symposium 23. University of Hong Kong.

Lu, Luke (2019). Singapore’s recruitment of academically elite foreign students: An empirical examination of multiple social fields. Language Policy Forum. University of Edinburgh. 30-31 May 2019.

Lu, Luke (2018). Accounts of Self-differentiation by Academically Elite Students in Singapore. Sociolinguistics Symposium 22. University of Auckland. 27-30 June 2018.
Opinions & Commentaries
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Lu, Luke (2020, December 3). Understanding Xenophobia and Integration in Singapore Schools. Today.

Lu, Luke (2019, June 20). Improving students’ proficiency in mother tongues and other languages, for life. Today.

Lu, Luke (2016, December 12). What the Anglophone reaction to the PISA test results tells us. Today.

Lu, Luke (2014, November 12). Recognise superdiversity in S’pore to overcome stereotyping. Today.

Lu, Luke (2014, July 30). Debunking myths in revitalising Chinese languages. Today.

Lu, Luke (2014, March 19). Singapore and the cosmopolitan ideal. Today.

Lu, Luke (2013, December 26). Include ‘them’ in ‘our’ network of relationships. Today.

Lu, Luke (2013, October 17). Does the ‘authentic’ Chinese/Malay/Indian S’porean exist?. Today.

Lu, Luke (2013, September 4). Should we change the way we teach languages?. Today.

Lu, Luke (2013, July 15). Can English be a Singaporean mother tongue?. Today.