Academic Profile : Faculty
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B. Tan, H. Li, Y. Zhuo, L. Han, R. Mupparapu, D. Nanni, V. A. Barathi, D. Palanker, L. Schmetterer, T. Ling, “Light-evoked deformations in rod photoreceptors, pigment epithelium and subretinal space revealed by prolonged and multilayered optoretinography,” Nature Communications 15, 5156 (2024).
T. Ling, K. C. Boyle, V. Zuckerman, T. Flores, C. Ramakrishnan, K. Deisseroth and D. Palanker, “High-speed interferometric imaging reveals dynamics of neuronal deformation during the action potential,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 117, 10278-10285 (2020).
V. P. Pandiyan, A. Maloney-Bertelli, J. Kuchenbecker, K. C. Boyle, T. Ling, Z. C. Chen, B. H. Park, A. Roorda, D. Palanker and R. Sabesan, “The optoretinogram reveals the primary steps of phototransduction in the living human eye,” Science Advances 6, eabc1124 (2020).
T. Ling, K. C. Boyle, G. Goetz, P. Zhou, Y. Quan, F. S. Alfonso, T. W. Huang and D. Palanker, “Full-field interferometric imaging of propagating action potentials,” Light: Science & Applications 7, 107 (2018).
T. Ling, D. Liu, X. Yue, Y. Yang, Y. Shen, and J. Bai, “Quadriwave lateral shearing interferometer based on a randomly encoded hybrid grating,” Optics Letters 40, 2245-2248 (2015).