Academic Profile : No longer with NTU
Journal Articles
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Shuman, B. (2020, July 6-9). Extreme Case Formulations (ECFs) in Children’s Interactions [Paper presentation]. The 13th Annual International Conference on Language & Linguistics, Athens, Greece.
Shuman, B. (2018, March 30-31). Vowel reduction in Serbian [Paper presentation]. The 4th Belgrade International Meeting of English Phoneticians (BIMEP), Belgrade, Serbia.
Shuman, B. (2017, July 3-6). Children's Discursive Practices and Employment of Membership Categories as a Resource for Resistance to Impositions [Paper presentation]. The 10th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics, Athens, Greece.
Shuman, B. (2017, January 18). Membership Categories in Children’s Interactions [Paper presentation]. The Symposium on Membership Categorization Analysis, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Shuman, B. (2016, October 26). Invocation of rules in adversative episodes within children’s interactions [Paper presentation]. The Discourse and Rhetoric Group (DARG) event series, Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom.
Shuman, B. (2018, March 30-31). Vowel reduction in Serbian [Paper presentation]. The 4th Belgrade International Meeting of English Phoneticians (BIMEP), Belgrade, Serbia.
Shuman, B. (2017, July 3-6). Children's Discursive Practices and Employment of Membership Categories as a Resource for Resistance to Impositions [Paper presentation]. The 10th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics, Athens, Greece.
Shuman, B. (2017, January 18). Membership Categories in Children’s Interactions [Paper presentation]. The Symposium on Membership Categorization Analysis, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Shuman, B. (2016, October 26). Invocation of rules in adversative episodes within children’s interactions [Paper presentation]. The Discourse and Rhetoric Group (DARG) event series, Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom.