Academic Profile : Faculty

PrasanthiRam-400-px1aece6a7-ccd2-4aea-9194-37ba5ab9d06e.jpeg picture
Dr Prasanthi Ram
Lecturer, School of Humanities
Prasanthi Ram is a lecturer in the Language and Communication Centre at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). After receiving her BA in English literature from the National University of Singapore in 2014 and her MA in creative writing from the University of Sydney in 2016, she most recently completed her PhD in creative writing at NTU. Her short stories have been anthologised in Food Republic: A Singapore Literary Banquet (Landmark Books: 2020) and A Tapestry of Colours 2: Stories from Asia (Marshall Cavendish: 2021), as well as published in various online journals including The Willowherb Review. Outside of fiction writing, she contributes to Singapore Unbound's literary and arts blog SP Blog as both a reviewer and an essay reader. She is also the co-founder and fiction editor of Mahogany Journal, an online literary journal dedicated to South Asian anglophone writers born or based in Singapore.
Short story form, South Asian literature, Hindu mythology, global popular culture, feminism(s).