Academic Profile : Faculty

Prof Anandasivam Gopal
Head, Division of Information Technology and Operations Management
President's Chair in Information Systems and Innovation
Professor, College of Business (Nanyang Business School) - Division of Information Technology & Operations Management
External Links
Journal Articles
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pulled from PRDS)
(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
Wang, Y., J. Ramaprasad, J., A. Gopal. 2024. "Dancing to the hashtag#challenge: The Effect of TikTok on Closing the Artist Gender Gap in the Music Industry", MIS Quarterly, Forthcoming 2024
S. Fang, H. Kwon, A. Gopal, Y. Park. 2024. “Return of the Movie Night? Analyzing the Impact of Netflix Subscriptions on Offline Movie Spending”, 2024. Information Systems Research.
Y. Wang, N. Langer, and A. Gopal. 2024. "The Effect of Gender on Willingness to Bid for Competitive and Uncertain Information Technology Work", Journal of MIS, Forthcoming
Gopal, A., Chen, P.Y., Oh, W., Xu, S.X. and Sarker, S., 2024. "On Crafting Effective Theoretical Contributions for Empirical Papers in Economics of Information Systems: Some Editorial Reflections", Information Systems Research.
G.T. Ozer, B. Greenwood, and A. Gopal. 2024. “Noisebnb: An Empirical Analysis of Home Sharing Platforms and Noise Complaints”, Information Systems Research, Forthcoming,
Dongwon Lee, A. Gopal, Dokyun Lee, and D. Shin. 2023. “Nudging Private Ryan: Mobile Microgiving Under Economic Incentives and Audience Effects”, MIS Quarterly, 47, no. 3, 1101-1146
A. Alhauli, W. Elmaghraby and A. Gopal. 2023. “Impressionable or Immune? On Examining The Influence of Marquee Sellers in B2B Secondary Markets for IT Products”, Information Systems Research, 34, no. 2, 570-589
G.T. Ozer, B. Greenwood, and A. Gopal. 2023. “Digital Multisided Platforms and Women's Health: An Empirical Analysis of Peer-To-Peer Lending and Abortion Rates”, Information Systems Research, 34, no.1, 223-252
A. Alhauli, A. Gopal, and W. Elmaghraby. 2022. “Adverse Selection in B2B Secondary Market Online Auctions for IT Equipment: An Empirical Analysis”, MIS Quarterly, 46, no. 3, 1793-1816
K. Kim, J. Lee, and A. Gopal. 2022. “Soft but Strong: Software-Based Innovation, Product Market Competition, and Value Creation in the IT Hardware Industry”, MIS Quarterly, 46, no. 2, 1273-1294
J. Mejia, S. Mankad, and A. Gopal. 2021. “Service Quality Using Text Mining: Measurement and Consequences”, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 23, no.6, 1333-1682
J. Mejia, A. Gopal and M. Trusov. 2020. “Deal or No Deal? Competition, Online Daily Deals and Consumer Quality Perceptions”. Information Systems Research 31, no. 4. 1087-1106.
Lee, D., Gopal, A. and Park, S.H., 2020. “Different but Equal? A Field Experiment on the Impact of Recommendation Systems on Mobile and Personal Computer Channels in Retail”, Information Systems Research 31, no. 3. 892-912.
Gopal, A., Karmegam, S.R., Koka, B.R. and Rand, W.M., 2020. “Is the Grass Greener? On the Strategic Implications of Moving Along the Value Chain for IT Service Providers.” Information Systems Research Vol.31, 1. 148-175.
Mejia, Jorge, S. Mankad, and A. Gopal. 2019. "A for Effort? Using the Crowd to Identify Moral Hazard in New York City Restaurant Hygiene Inspections." Information Systems Research Vol. 30, 4. 1363-1386.
Y. Pan, P. Huang and A. Gopal. 2019. “Storm Clouds on the Horizon? New Entry Threats and R&D Investments in the U.S. IT Industry”. Information Systems Research. Vol. 30, 2. 540–562
B. Greenwood, Ritu Agarwal, Rajshree Agarwal and A. Gopal. 2019. “The Role of Individual and Organizational Expertise in Adoption of New Practices”. Organization Science. Vol. 30, 1. 191-213
• 2022 – Exemplar Article for Routine Based Intra-Organizational Knowledge Transfer
• Reprinted in Organization Science Special Issue on Organizational Knowledge Transfer
S. Mankad, S. Hu, and A. Gopal. 2018. “Single Stage Prediction with Embedded Topic Modeling of Online Reviews for Mobile App Management”. Annals of Applied Statistics. Vol. 12, 4. 2279-2311
Y. Pan, P. Huang, and A. Gopal. 2018. “New Entry Threats and Firm Performance in the IT Industry: The Moderating Role of Board Independence”. MIS Quarterly. Vol. 42, 3. Pp. 979-1000
W. Elmaghraby, A. Gopal and A. Pilehvar. 2018. "Starting Prices in Liquidation Auctions for IT Equipment: Evidence from Field Experiments". Production and Operations Management. Vol. 27, 11. Pp. 1906-1927
A. Gopal and B. Greenwood. 2017. “Traders, Guns, and Money: The Effects of Mass Shootings on Stock Prices of Firearm Manufacturers in the U.S”. PLOS-ONE. Vol. 12, 5: e0177720.
B. Greenwood and A. Gopal. 2017. “Ending the Mending Wall: Herding, Media Coverage, and Co-Location in IT Entrepreneurship”, MIS Quarterly. Vol 41, 3. Pp. 989-1007
Y. Qiu, A. Gopal and I. Hann. 2017. “Logic Pluralism in Mobile Platform Ecosystems: A Study of Indie App Developers on the iOS App Store”. Information Systems Research. Vol. 28, 2. Pp. 225-249
B. Greenwood, Ritu Agarwal, Rajshree Agarwal and A. Gopal. 2017. “The When and Why of Abandonment: The Effect of Organizational Incentives on Technology Lifecycles”, Management Science. Vol. 63, 9. Pp. 2948-2966
S. Fang, H. Kwon, A. Gopal, Y. Park. 2024. “Return of the Movie Night? Analyzing the Impact of Netflix Subscriptions on Offline Movie Spending”, 2024. Information Systems Research.
Y. Wang, N. Langer, and A. Gopal. 2024. "The Effect of Gender on Willingness to Bid for Competitive and Uncertain Information Technology Work", Journal of MIS, Forthcoming
Gopal, A., Chen, P.Y., Oh, W., Xu, S.X. and Sarker, S., 2024. "On Crafting Effective Theoretical Contributions for Empirical Papers in Economics of Information Systems: Some Editorial Reflections", Information Systems Research.
G.T. Ozer, B. Greenwood, and A. Gopal. 2024. “Noisebnb: An Empirical Analysis of Home Sharing Platforms and Noise Complaints”, Information Systems Research, Forthcoming,
Dongwon Lee, A. Gopal, Dokyun Lee, and D. Shin. 2023. “Nudging Private Ryan: Mobile Microgiving Under Economic Incentives and Audience Effects”, MIS Quarterly, 47, no. 3, 1101-1146
A. Alhauli, W. Elmaghraby and A. Gopal. 2023. “Impressionable or Immune? On Examining The Influence of Marquee Sellers in B2B Secondary Markets for IT Products”, Information Systems Research, 34, no. 2, 570-589
G.T. Ozer, B. Greenwood, and A. Gopal. 2023. “Digital Multisided Platforms and Women's Health: An Empirical Analysis of Peer-To-Peer Lending and Abortion Rates”, Information Systems Research, 34, no.1, 223-252
A. Alhauli, A. Gopal, and W. Elmaghraby. 2022. “Adverse Selection in B2B Secondary Market Online Auctions for IT Equipment: An Empirical Analysis”, MIS Quarterly, 46, no. 3, 1793-1816
K. Kim, J. Lee, and A. Gopal. 2022. “Soft but Strong: Software-Based Innovation, Product Market Competition, and Value Creation in the IT Hardware Industry”, MIS Quarterly, 46, no. 2, 1273-1294
J. Mejia, S. Mankad, and A. Gopal. 2021. “Service Quality Using Text Mining: Measurement and Consequences”, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 23, no.6, 1333-1682
J. Mejia, A. Gopal and M. Trusov. 2020. “Deal or No Deal? Competition, Online Daily Deals and Consumer Quality Perceptions”. Information Systems Research 31, no. 4. 1087-1106.
Lee, D., Gopal, A. and Park, S.H., 2020. “Different but Equal? A Field Experiment on the Impact of Recommendation Systems on Mobile and Personal Computer Channels in Retail”, Information Systems Research 31, no. 3. 892-912.
Gopal, A., Karmegam, S.R., Koka, B.R. and Rand, W.M., 2020. “Is the Grass Greener? On the Strategic Implications of Moving Along the Value Chain for IT Service Providers.” Information Systems Research Vol.31, 1. 148-175.
Mejia, Jorge, S. Mankad, and A. Gopal. 2019. "A for Effort? Using the Crowd to Identify Moral Hazard in New York City Restaurant Hygiene Inspections." Information Systems Research Vol. 30, 4. 1363-1386.
Y. Pan, P. Huang and A. Gopal. 2019. “Storm Clouds on the Horizon? New Entry Threats and R&D Investments in the U.S. IT Industry”. Information Systems Research. Vol. 30, 2. 540–562
B. Greenwood, Ritu Agarwal, Rajshree Agarwal and A. Gopal. 2019. “The Role of Individual and Organizational Expertise in Adoption of New Practices”. Organization Science. Vol. 30, 1. 191-213
• 2022 – Exemplar Article for Routine Based Intra-Organizational Knowledge Transfer
• Reprinted in Organization Science Special Issue on Organizational Knowledge Transfer
S. Mankad, S. Hu, and A. Gopal. 2018. “Single Stage Prediction with Embedded Topic Modeling of Online Reviews for Mobile App Management”. Annals of Applied Statistics. Vol. 12, 4. 2279-2311
Y. Pan, P. Huang, and A. Gopal. 2018. “New Entry Threats and Firm Performance in the IT Industry: The Moderating Role of Board Independence”. MIS Quarterly. Vol. 42, 3. Pp. 979-1000
W. Elmaghraby, A. Gopal and A. Pilehvar. 2018. "Starting Prices in Liquidation Auctions for IT Equipment: Evidence from Field Experiments". Production and Operations Management. Vol. 27, 11. Pp. 1906-1927
A. Gopal and B. Greenwood. 2017. “Traders, Guns, and Money: The Effects of Mass Shootings on Stock Prices of Firearm Manufacturers in the U.S”. PLOS-ONE. Vol. 12, 5: e0177720.
B. Greenwood and A. Gopal. 2017. “Ending the Mending Wall: Herding, Media Coverage, and Co-Location in IT Entrepreneurship”, MIS Quarterly. Vol 41, 3. Pp. 989-1007
Y. Qiu, A. Gopal and I. Hann. 2017. “Logic Pluralism in Mobile Platform Ecosystems: A Study of Indie App Developers on the iOS App Store”. Information Systems Research. Vol. 28, 2. Pp. 225-249
B. Greenwood, Ritu Agarwal, Rajshree Agarwal and A. Gopal. 2017. “The When and Why of Abandonment: The Effect of Organizational Incentives on Technology Lifecycles”, Management Science. Vol. 63, 9. Pp. 2948-2966