Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

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Mr Daniel Ng
ICC Specialist, Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core Office
Lecturer, Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core Office
Daniel Ng is an Interdisciplinary Curriculum Core Career & Entrepreneurship Specialist (ICC Specialist). He has over 12 years of commercial and academic teaching experience as Adjunct Lecturer to youths and adults at Singapore Institute of Retail Studies (SIRS), a subsidiary of Nanyang Polytechnic, ITE College, Training Vision Institute and NTUC Learning Hub. He was also a SSG Skills Ambassador at CareerConnect Centre offering advice to PMETs and adults, amid their mid-career challenges, to switch careers by upgrading and up-skilling themselves with relevant SGUS / SGUP programmes to better their career opportunities. Prior to teaching, Daniel had over 12 years of commercial experience as conference and event producer, conceptualising, developing, and running commercially viable C-suite business events in Asia. During which he had 4 years of entrepreneurial experience, co-founded his event business organisation, running commercially viable events in the Asian region. With his experience as business entrepreneur, teaching experience to youths and adults, and giving practical career advice at CareerConnect Centre, he finds his role as ICC Career and Entrepreneurship Specialist enriching in equipping undergrads with practical skills for future-readiness in this volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world.