Academic Profile : Faculty

Vidya Sudarshan is a Lecturer at College of Computing & Data Science (CCDS) in Nanyang Technological University (NTU). She received her PhD from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore and has more than 15+ years of research and teaching experience. Her main research expertise is in medical data mining, time series prediction, image and bio-signal processing, deep learning, Intelligent systems and AI applications. She has published more than 40 research papers in high impact factor journals.
- Assessing the effectiveness of interdisciplinary teams on learning and assessment for STEM versus non-STEM students
- Individual Factors, Reliance Behaviours, and Critical Thinking During Human-AI Problem-Solving
- STEPS Community - Use of Digital Games as a Pedagogical Approach for Teaching and Learning in Undergraduate Education
- Unlocking Game-based Learning Potential: Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs using 3D Maze
- Game-based Authentic Learning in Engineering Courses