Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

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Dr Chew Lee Chin
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - Psychology and Child & Human Development
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Dr Chew Lee Chin has been with the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technology University since 1991. She is Senior Lecturer at Psychology, Child and Human Development Academic Group and currently Assistant Dean at the Office of Academic Faculty Affairs. She received her BSc (Hons) and MEd degree from the National University of Singapore and PhD from the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Previous to joining the National Institute of Education, she was for many years a school teacher and administrator. At NIE, Dr Chew teaches pre-service, and master-level courses in the teacher education programmes. Her teaching and research interests are focused on the areas of educational testing, item response theory and its application, IT use for testing, and programme evaluation. She has been commended for excellent teaching five times between 1995 and 2003.

In research, Dr Chew has successful collaborated on several funded projects – as team member of JOBS (1992-1994) and OSCAR (2005-2010), as co-PI of an AcRF project (2001-2004) and as PI of a EdRF project (2006-2011) on computer-assisted testing, and as collaborator of a research project funded by the Learning Sciences Lab (2007-2008). She is currently co-PI of a MOE AcRF Tier 2 research project on “Measuring well-being: Adapting and validating a PERMA-Profiler for use with secondary school students in Singapore”.

In service, Dr Chew has contributed as Assistant Dean, Higher Degrees by Coursework at the Office of Graduate and Professional Learning (July 2007- June 2018).

Dr Chew is active with local and overseas consultancy teaching in her specialism. She has been involved with NIE International’s consultancy services to local institutions such as MOH and SAF and to educational institutions overseas such as China and Abu Dhabi. She has also been done other consultancy teaching in Indonesia and Bhutan.

Dr Chew is life member of the Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) since 1999, and she has been Honorary Secretary and Vice-President of the ERAS.
Educational Assessment, Item Response Theory & its Applications, IT Use for Testing, Programme Evaluation, Action Research
  • Harnessing Positive Psychology Principles in Fostering Academic Motivation/Engagement and Wellbeing of Low-Progress Learners in Singapore
• 1995 Commonwelath Academic Staff Scholarship Common Wealth
• 2016 Singapore National Day Long Service Medal PMO Singapore