Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Yan Yaw Kai
Associate Dean, Programme Planning & Management, Office of Teacher Education & Undergraduate Programmes
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Natural Sciences & Science Education
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Journal Articles (Central)
Yan, Y.K. & Subramaniam*, R. (2018). Using a multi-tier diagnostic test to explore the nature of students' alternative conceptions on reaction kinetics. Chemistry Education Research and Practice (UK), 18(1), 213-226.

Teo, T. W., Yan, Y. K., & Ong, W. L. M. (2017). An investigation of Singapore preschool children's emerging concepts of floating and sinking. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 12(4), 1-15.

Goh, Y. Y., Yan, Y. K., Tan, N. S., Goh, S. A., Li, S., Teoh, Y. C., Lee, P. P. F. (2016). Downregulation of Oncogenic RAS and c-Myc Expression in MOLT-4 Leukaemia Cells by a Salicylaldehyde Semicarbazone Copper(II) Complex. Scientific Reports, 6, 36868.

Yan, Y.K. & Subramaniam*, R. (2016). Diagnostic appraisal of grade 12 students' understanding of reaction kinetics. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 17(4), 1114-1126.

Teo, T. W., Yan, Y. K., & Goh, M. T. (2016). Using P rediction-Observation-Explanation-Revision to Structure Young Children's Learning of Floating and Sinking. Journal of Emergent Science, Winter 2016(10), 12-23.

Kee, C. L., Zhou, F., Su, H., & Yan, Y. K.* (2015). Formation of ' A-frame' dirhenium(I) hexacarbonyl complexes by trans-1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethylene and bis(bidentate) ligands. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 792, 211 - 219.

Teo, T. W., Tan, K. C. D., Yan, Y. K., Teo, Y. C., & Yeo, L. W. (2014). How flip teaching supports chemistry undergraduate laboratory learning. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 15(4), 550-567.

Haidad Ali, S. M., Yan, Y.-K.*, Lee, P. P. F., Khong, K. Z. X.,Sk, M. A., Lim, K. H., Klejevskaja, B., Vilar, R. (2014). Copper(II) Complexes of Substituted Salicylaldehyde Dibenzyl Semicarbazones: Synthesis, Cytotoxicity and Interaction with Quadruplex DNA. Dalton Transactions, 43(3), 1449 - 1459.

Ma, C., Wang, J., Zhao, L., Shi, Y., Luo, W., Yan, Y. K., Fang, M., Wang, X., & Liu, H.-K. (2013). (M3L4 + M2L4): a unique example of a co-crystal containing M3L4 and M2L4 metallocages. CrystEngComm, 15(47), 10311-10315.

Ho, J.M., Lee, W.Y., Koh, K.J.T., Lee, P.P.F., Yan, Y.K. (2013). Rhenium(I) Tricarbonyl Complexes of Salicylaldehyde Semicarbazones: Synthesis, Crystal Structures and Cytotox icity. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 119, 10-20.

Tan, S. J., Sk, M. A., Lee, P. P. F., Yan, Y. K., Lim, K. H. (2012). Structural requirements of salicylaldehyde benzoylhydrazones and their Cu(II) complexes for anticancer activity. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 90, 762-775.

Yo ng, F. F., Teo, Y. C.*, Yan, Y. K., & Chua, G. L. (2012). Low catalyst loadings for copper-catalyzed O-arylation of phenols with aryl and heteroaryl halides under mild conditions. Synlett, 23, 101-106.

Lee, W.Y., Yan, Y.K., Lee, P.P.F.*, Tan, S.J., Lim, K.H. (2012). DNA binding and nucleoly tic properties of Cu(II) complexes ofsalicylaldehyde semicarbazones. Metallomics, 4(2), 188-196.

Tan, S.J., Yan, Y.K.*, Lee, P.P.F., Lim, K.H. (2010). Copper, Gold and Silver Compounds as Potential New Anti-tumour Metallodrugs. Future Medicinal Chemistry, 2(10), 1591-1608.

Lee, W.Y ., Lee, P.P.F.*, Yan, Y.K., Lau, M. (2010). Cytotoxic Copper(II) Salicylaldehyde Semicarbazone Complexes: Mode of Action and Proteomics Analysis. Metallomics, 2, 694-705.

Teo, Y. C.*, Yong, F. F., Poh, C. Y., Yan, Y. K., & Chua, G. L. (2009). Manganese-catalyzed cross coupling reactions of nitrogen nucleophiles with aryl halides in water. Chemical Communications, -, 6258 - 6260.

Yan, Y. K., Tan, K. F., Kurmoo, M. (2009). Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Properties of [CuII(H2O)6][CuII2(nta)2(pyz)].4H2O: a Channeled Solid with Three-Dimensional Hydrogen-Bonding Network. Ino rganica Chimica Acta, 362, 4017-4024.

Zhao, X.X., Lee, P.P.F., Yan, Y.K., Chu, C.K. (2007). Synthesis, Crystal Structures and Cytotoxicities of Some Transition Metal Complexes with N-[2-{(pyridin-2-ylmethylidene)amino}ethyl]acetamide. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 101(2), 321-328.

Saw, M. M., Kurz, P., Agorastos, N., Hor, T. S. A., Sundram, F. X., Yan, Y. K., Alberto, R. (2006). Complexes with the fac-{M(CO)3}+ (M = 99mTc, Re) Moiety and Long Alkyl Chain Ligands as Lipiodol Surrogates. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 359, 4087-4094.

Wang, W., Hor, T. S. A., Yan, Y. K. (20 06). Synthesis and X-Ray Structures of Rhenium(I) Carbonyl Aminoalkoxide and Aminocarboxylate Complexes. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 359, 3754-3762.

Zhao, X., Yan, Y. K., Chu, C. K. (2006). Synthesis and Characterization of Polyamidoamine Dendrimers Surface-Functionalized with Bromotricarbonyl pyridyliminerhenium(I) Units. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 691, 5540-5546.

Yan, Y. K., Melchart, M., Habtemariam, A., Peacock, A. F. A., Sadler, P. J. (2006). Catalysis of Regioselective Reduction of NAD+ by Ruthenium(II) Arene Complexes Under Biologically Relevant Conditions. Jo urnal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 11, 483-488.

Yan, Y. K., Melchart, M., Habtemariam, A., Sadler, P. J. (2005). Organometallic Chemistry, Biology and Medicine: Ruthenium Arene Anticancer Complexes. Chem. Commun.,, 4764-4776.

Ouh, L. L., M'ller, T. E., Yan, Y. K. (2005). Intramo lecular Hydroamination of 6-Aminohex-1-yne Catalyzed by Lewis Acidic Rhenium(I) Carbonyl Complexes. J. Organomet. Chem, 690, 3774-3782.

Fan, W., Zhang, R., Leong, W. K., Chu, C. K., Yan, Y. K. (2005). Rhenium Carbonyl Complexes with Monodentate-Coordinated Diphosphines: Activation of Termin al Phosphino Groups towards Amine-Oxide Oxidation. J. Organomet. Chem., 690, 3765-3773.

Yan, Y. K., Khoo, L. E. (2005). A 1:1 adduct of 3-(piperidin-1-yl)propionic acid with triphenyltin chloride. Acta Cryst.,, E61, m781-m783.

Fan, W., Zhang, R., Leong, W. K., Yan, Y. K. (2004). Re actions of the Complexes [Re2(CO)9(eta1-P-P)] (P-P = Ph2P(CH2)nPPh2, n = 1-6) with Me3NO: Formation of Close-Bridged Complexes [Re2(CO)8(mu-P-P)] and Phosphine Oxide Complexes [Re2(CO)9{P-P(O)}]. Inorg. Chim. Acta, 357, 2441-2450.

Zhang, R., Kee, C. L., Leong, W. K., Yan, Y. K. (2004). Oxal ate-bridged Dirhenium(I) Hexacarbonyl Complexes: Synthesis, Reactions, and Crystal Structures. J. Organomet. Chem., 689, 2837-2844.

Fu, Y. J., Wong, T. K. S., Yan, Y. K., Hu, X. (2003). Synthesis, Characterization and Luminescent Properties of Sm(III) and Eu(III) Chelate Complexes for Organ ic Electroluminescent Device Applications. J. Alloys Cpds, 358, 235-244.

Wang, W., Yan, Y. K., Hor, T. S. A., Vittal, J. J., Wheaton, J. R., Hall, I. H. (2002). Synthesis, X-Ray Structures, and Cytotoxicity of Rhenium(I) Carbonyl 2-(Dimethylamino)ethoxide Complexes. Polyhedron, 21, 1 991-1999.

Zhang, J., Vittal, J. J., Henderson, W., Wheaton, J. R., Hall, I. H., Hor, T. S. A., Yan, Y. K. (2002). Tricarbonylrhenium(I) Complexes of Phosphine-Derivatized Amines, Amino Acids and a Model Peptide: Structures, Solution Behaviour and Cytotoxicity. J. Organomet. Chem, 650, 123-1 32.

Fu, Y. J., Wong, T. K. S., Yan, Y. K., Wang, G. M., Hu, X. (2002). Synthesis, Characterization and Luminescent Properties of an Europium(III) Complex. Thin Solid Films, 417, 78-84.

Liu, H., Jiang, C., Yeo, J. S. L., Mok, K. F., Liu, L. K., Hor, T. S. A., Yan, Y. K. (2000). Reactions o f [Pt2(mu-S)2(PPh3)4] with Group 6 and 7 Metal Carbonyls; Crystal Structure of the Apparently-unsaturated Heterometallic Complex [Pt2Re(mu3-S)2(PPh3)4(CO)3]+. J. Organomet. Chem, 595, 276-284.

Jiang, C., Hor, T. S. A., Yan, Y. K., Henderson, W., McCaffrey, L. J. (2000). Ligand Exchange Reac tions of [Re2(mu-OR)3(CO)6]- (R = H, Me) with Sulfur, Selenium, Phosphorus and Nitrogen Donor Ligands, Investigated by Electrospray Mass Spectrometry.. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 3204-3211.

Yan, Y. K., Koh, W., Jiang, C., Leong, W. K., Hor, T. S. A. (2000). Amine-oxide-mediated Oxidative Methanolysis of Metal-metal Bonds in [MM'S(CO)10] (M = Mn, Re; M'S = Re) and [Os3(CO)12]; Crystal Structure of fac-[Re{OC(O)OMe}(CO)3(eta2-dppf)]. Polyhedron, 19, 641-647.

M'ller, T. E., Grosche, M., Herdtweck, E., Pleier, A.-K., Walter, E., Yan, Y. K. (2000). Developing Transition-Metal C atalysts for the Intramolecular Hydroamination of Alkynes. Organometallics, 19, 170-183.

Yan, Y. K., Cho, S. E., Shaffer, K. A., Rowell, J. E., Barnes, B. J., Hall, I. H. (2000). Cytotoxicity of Rhenium(I) Alkoxo and Hydroxo Carbonyl Complexes in Murine and Human Tumour Cells. Pharmazie, 55, 307-313.

Jiang, C., Hor, T. S. A., Yan, Y. K., Henderson, W., McCaffrey, L. J. (2000). Fragmentation Pathways of [Re2(mu-OR)3(CO)6]- (R = H, Me) and Ligand Exchange Reactions with Oxygen Donor Ligands, Investigated by Electrospray Mass Spectrometry.. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 3 197-3203.

Li, Z., Loh, Z.-H., Fong, S.-W. A., Yan, Y.-K., Henderson, W., Mok, K. F., Hor, T. S. A. (2000). Ligand-stabilization of an Unusual Square-based Pyramidal Geometry of Cd(II) and Zn(II) in a Heterometallic {MPt2S2} Core (M = Cd, Zn). J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1027-1031.

Xie, Y., Tan, G. K., Yan, Y. K., Vittal, J. J., Ng, S. C., Hor, T. S. A. (1999). Reductive Coupling of Halothiophenes and Halothiazoles Catalyzed by Pd(II) in a Basic Alcohol Medium. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans, 773-779.

Jiang, C., Wen, Y.-S., Liu, L.-K., Hor, T. S. A., Yan, Y. K. (1999). Rheniu m(I) Methoxo Carbonyl Complexes Containing Tetraphosphine or Triphosphine Ligands; Facile Separation and X-Ray Crystallographic Studies of d/l'and meso'[{Re2(mu-OMe)2(CO)6}2(mu,mu'- 1,1,4,7,10,10-hexaphenyl-1,4,7,10-tetra-phosphadecane)]. J. Organomet. Chem, 590, 138-148.

Tan, Y. S. S., Tan , B. H. I., Lee, H. K., Yan, Y. K., Hor, T. S. A. (1998). Designing a Self-contained Qualitative Analysis Test for Transition Metal Ions.. J. Chem. Ed., 75, 456-458.

Jiang, C., Wen, Y.-S., Liu, L.-K., Hor, T. S. A., Yan, Y. K. (1998). Controlled Acidolysis of Hexacarbonyltris(mu-alkoxo)dirh enium(I) Anions: Facile Synthesis of Hexa-carbonylbis(mu-alkoxo)[mu-1,1'-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene]dirhenium(I) Complexes and Nonacarbonyltris(mu-methoxo)(mu3-methoxo)-trirhenium(I). Organometallics, 17, 173-181.

Jiang, C., Henderson, W., Hor, T. S. A., McCaffrey, L. J., Yan, Y. K. (1 998). Electrospray Mass Spectrometric Studies of the Rhenium Hydroxy and Methoxy Carbonyl Complexes [Re2(mu-OR)3(CO)6]- (R = H, Me).. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 2029-2030.

Yan, Y. K., Goh, N. K., Khoo, L. E. (1998). 8-Ammonioquinolinium Dichloride. Acta Cryst., C54, 1322-1324.

J iang, C., Wen, Y.-S., Liu, L.-K., Hor, T. S. A., Yan, Y. K. (1997). Amine-oxide-mediated Reactions of Re2(CO)10 with Phenol and Aliphatic Alcohols: The Formation of Re3(CO)14(mu-H) and a Hydroxo-methoxo Trirhenium Aggregate [Me3NH]+[Re3(CO)9(mu-OH)2(mu-OMe)(mu3-OMe)]-. J. Organomet. Chem., 543, 179-188.

Low, P. M. N., Yong, Y. L., Yan, Y. K., Hor, T. S. A., Lam, S.-L., Chan, K. K., Wu, C., Au-Yeung, S. C. F., Wen, Y.-S., Liu, L.-K. (1996). One-Step Synthesis, Structures, NMR, and Dynamic Laser-Light Scattering of Re2(mu-OMe)2[mu-Ph2P(CH2)nPPh2](CO)6 (n = 1-4). Organometallics, 15, 1369-1375.

Yan, Y. K., Mingos, D. M. P., Williams, D. J., Kurmoo, M. (1995). Synthesis, Structures and Physical Properties of Bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalenium Salts of Paramagnetic Metallacarborane Anions. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans.,, 3221-3230.

Yan, Y. K., Mingos, D. M. P., M'ller, T. E., Williams, D. J., Kurmoo, M. (1995). Synthesis and Characterisation of the Mixed-sandwich Complex closo-[3-(eta-C5Me5)Fe- 4-Me2S-1,2-C2B9H10] and its Charge-transfer Salts; Crystal Structure of [Fe(eta-C5Me5)-(C2B9H10SMe2)]+[ddq]'-.CH2Cl2 (ddq = 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano- p-benzoquinone ). J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans.,, 2509-2514.

Yan, Y. K., Mingos, D. M. P., Kurmoo, M., Li, W.-S., Scowen, I. J., McPartlin, M., Coomber, A. T., Friend, R. H. (1995). Synthesis, Structure and Physical Properties of Tetrathiafulvalenium Salts of the Ferracarborane Complex commo-[3,3'-Fe{1-(C4 H3S)- 1,2-C2B9H10}2]. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans.,, 2851-2860.

Yan, Y. K., Mingos, D. M. P. (1995). Structural, Magnetic, and Conductivity Properties of Charge-Transfer Salts Derived from Metallacarboranes. Chem. Soc. Rev., 24, 203-213.

Yan, Y. K., Mingos, D. M. P., Williams, D. J . (1995). Diastereomers of the Carborane Sandwich Complex commo-[3,3'-Fe{4-(Me2S)-1,2-C2B9H10}2]; Crystal Structure of meso-[Fe(C2B9H10SMe2)2]. J. Organomet. Chem.,, 498, 267-274.

Yan, Y. K., Mingos, D. M. P., Kurmoo, M., Li, W.-S., Scowen, I. J., McPartlin, M., Coomber, A. T., Friend, R. H . (1995). Two Tetrathiafulvalene Salts of a New Thiophene-functionalised Ferracarborane: Electrical Conductivity as a Function of Crystal Composition,. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.,, 997-998.

Lam, S.-L., Cui, Y.-X., Au-Yeung, S. C. F., Yan, Y.-K., Hor, T. S. A. (1994). Solution Characteriza tion, Conformation Analysis and Dynamics of the Ligand 1,1'-Bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene (dppf) in Re2(mu-OMe)2(mu-dppf)(CO)6. Inorg. Chem., 33, 2407-2412.

Forward, J. M., Mingos, D. M. P., M'ller, T. E., Williams, D. J., Yan, Y.-K. (1994). Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Me tallacarborane Sandwich Salts with Tetrathiafulvalene (ttf), [M(C2B9H11)2][ttf] (M=Cr, Fe, Ni). J. Organomet. Chem., 467, 207-216.

Yan, Y. K., Mingos, D. M. P., M'ller, T. E., Williams, D. J., Kurmoo, M. (1994). Synthesis and Structure of a Charge-compensated Ferracarborane, commo-[3,3'-Fe{ 4-(Me2S)- 1,2-C2B9H10}2], and Its Charge-transfer Salt with 2,3-Dichloro-5,6-dicyano- p-benzoquinone. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans.,, 1735-1741.

Low, P. M. N., Yan, Y. K., Chan, H. S. O., Hor, T. S. A. (1993). Synthesis of 1,1'-Bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene-bridged Complexes with Two Heter ometallic Au-M (M=Mn and Re) Bonds. J. Organomet. Chem., 454, 205-209.

Hor, T. S. A., Low, P. M. N., Yan, Y. K., Liu, L.-K., Wen, Y.-S. (1993). Unexpected Formation of Two Diphenylphosphine Complexes from the Oxidation of Pentacarbonylrhenate by Chlorodiphenylphosphine. Crystal and Molecul ar Structures of eq-Re2(CO)9(PPh2H) and cis-ReCl(CO)4(PPh2H). J. Organomet. Chem., 448, 131-137.

Yan, Y. K., Chan, H. S. O., Hor, T. S. A., Tan, K.-L., Liu, L.-K., Wen, Y. S. (1992). Methoxylation of the Re-Re Bond in [Re2(CO)10] by Methanol under Ambient Conditions. J. Chem. Soc., Dalto n Trans.,, 423-426.

Hor, T. S. A., Chan, H. S. O., Tan, K.-L., Phang, L.-T., Yan, Y. K., Liu, L.-K., Wen, Y.-S. (1991). Rhenium 1,1'-Bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene (dppf) Complexes Derived from [Re2(CO)9]. Crystal Structures of Two Isomorphous Pentametallic [M2(CO)9]2(mu-dppf)] (M=Mn, Re) and Trimetallic [Re2(CO)9(dppfO)] Complexes. Polyhedron, 10, 2437-2450.

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Yan, Y. K. (Ed.) (2012). COSMOS, Biomedical applications of coordination compounds, 8 (1).

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