Academic Profile : Faculty

Prof Hung Wei Loong, David
Centre Director, Science of Learning in Education
President's Chair in Learning Sciences
Professor, National Institute of Education - Learning Sciences & Assessment
Controlled Keywords
Professor David Hung is Centre Director of Science of Learning in Education at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. He is also the President’s Chair in Learning Sciences.
His research interests are in learning and instructional technologies, constructivism and social constructivism, cognition and communities of practice. In particular, he is interested in the social cultural orientations in the contextual systems of schools in Singapore. Prof Hung has also delved into the Science of Learning in Education. His foundations in learning and the learning sciences has prepared him for his foray into the neuroscience, physiological, and other biological indicators of learning. Prof Hung juxtaposes the science of educational systems with the science of learning.
In 2004, Prof Hung initiated the set-up of the Learning Sciences Laboratory. He has been involved in the ICT MasterPlan initiative by the Ministry of Education since its inception in 1997 and has witnessed its evolution over the years in terms of student-centred inquiry learning mediated through technologies. A significant part of the present effort is on translation and the diffusion of educational innovations of which the eduLab funding initiative was pivotal. Prof Hung directed the NIE’s Interactive and Digital Media and eduLab initiatives. More recently, he has extended his interest into AI in education.
Most of Prof Hung’s keynotes are on the interplay between the intersection of policy, learning sciences and the science of learning. To date, he has over 200 publications and is well recognised in the sphere of learning sciences and educational technology communities in recent years.
Current Appointments
• Professor, National Institute of Education
• Centre Director, Science of Learning in Education Centre
• President's Chair in Learning Sciences
Previous Appointments
• Dean, Office of Education Research (Jul 2018 - Jun 2023, including covering Dean)
• Centre Director, Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice (2018 - 2020)
• Associate Dean, Education Research, Office of Education Research (2010 - 2018)
• Head, Educational Research Administration and Communication (2009)
• Head, Learning Sciences Laboratory (2008 - 2009)
• Associate Dean, Learning Sciences (2006 - 2008)
• Head, Learning Sciences and Technologies Academic Group (2004 - 2008)
His research interests are in learning and instructional technologies, constructivism and social constructivism, cognition and communities of practice. In particular, he is interested in the social cultural orientations in the contextual systems of schools in Singapore. Prof Hung has also delved into the Science of Learning in Education. His foundations in learning and the learning sciences has prepared him for his foray into the neuroscience, physiological, and other biological indicators of learning. Prof Hung juxtaposes the science of educational systems with the science of learning.
In 2004, Prof Hung initiated the set-up of the Learning Sciences Laboratory. He has been involved in the ICT MasterPlan initiative by the Ministry of Education since its inception in 1997 and has witnessed its evolution over the years in terms of student-centred inquiry learning mediated through technologies. A significant part of the present effort is on translation and the diffusion of educational innovations of which the eduLab funding initiative was pivotal. Prof Hung directed the NIE’s Interactive and Digital Media and eduLab initiatives. More recently, he has extended his interest into AI in education.
Most of Prof Hung’s keynotes are on the interplay between the intersection of policy, learning sciences and the science of learning. To date, he has over 200 publications and is well recognised in the sphere of learning sciences and educational technology communities in recent years.
Current Appointments
• Professor, National Institute of Education
• Centre Director, Science of Learning in Education Centre
• President's Chair in Learning Sciences
Previous Appointments
• Dean, Office of Education Research (Jul 2018 - Jun 2023, including covering Dean)
• Centre Director, Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice (2018 - 2020)
• Associate Dean, Education Research, Office of Education Research (2010 - 2018)
• Head, Educational Research Administration and Communication (2009)
• Head, Learning Sciences Laboratory (2008 - 2009)
• Associate Dean, Learning Sciences (2006 - 2008)
• Head, Learning Sciences and Technologies Academic Group (2004 - 2008)
Learning and instructional technologies, Science of learning in education, Apprenticeship learning and epistemic change, Scaling and diffusion of educational innovations, Social constructivism and communities of practice
- To study the process of community building through partnerships in EduLab's scaling efforts
- Teacher Leadership in Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK): A Social Network Analysis
- Translational Specifications of Neural-Informed Game-Based Interventions for Mathematical Cognitive Development of Low-Progress Learners
- Leveraging leadership to sustain the dynamic professional development and identities of preschool teachers: The case for Knowledge Building Community (KBC)
- Creating lifelong learners: Investigating metacognition as support for learning and learning transfer
- It Takes a Village 2: Mentoring through Tinkering
- PROSPER: Promoting Neuroprotective Out-of-classroom Playful Learning Interventions for Cognitive and Socio-Emotional Mathematical Competence of Pre-schoolers