Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Ang Keng Cheng
Dean, Graduate Studies & Professional Learning
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Mathematics & Mathematics Education
Journal Articles (Central)
Tan, L. S., & Ang, K. C. (2016). A school-based professional development programme for teachers of mathematical modelling in Singapore. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 19, 399-432.

Soon, W. M., & Ang, K.C. (2015). Introducing Queuing Theory Through Simulations. Research Journal of Mathematics and Technology, 4(2), 33-47.

Solekhudin, I., & Ang, K. C. (2015). A Laplace transform DRBEM with a predictor-corrector scheme for time-dependent infiltration from periodic channels with root-water uptake. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 50, 141-147.

Soon, W.M., Ang, K.C., & Teo, K.M. (2014). Comparison of Pricing Models with Simulated Demand Data. Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology, 8(3), 195-208.

Solekhudin, I., & Ang, K. C. (2013). A DRBEM for time-dependent infiltration from periodic irrigation channels in a homogeneous soil . Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements, 11(1), 1-12.

Solekhudin, I., & Ang, K.C. (2013). A Dual-Reciprocity Boundary Element Method for Steady Infiltration Problems. Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal, 54, 171-180.

Solekhudin, I., & Ang, K.C. ( 2012). Suction Potential and Water Absorption from Periodic Channels in Different Types of Homogeneous Soils. Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements, 10(2), 42-55.

Solekhudin, I., & Ang, K.C. (2012). A DRBEM with A Predictor-Corrector Scheme for Steady Infiltration from Periodic Channels w ith Root-Water Uptake. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 36(8), 1199-1204.

Ang, K.C., & Tan, L.S. (2008). A numerical approach to modelling avascular tumour evolution with white noise. Australia and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal, 50, C569-C582.

A ng, K.C. (2008). Introducing the boundary element method with MATLAB. International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology, 39(4), 505-519.

Ang, W.T. and Ang, K.C. (2006). A dual-reciprocity boundary element solution of a generalized non-linear Schrodinger equation. N umerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 20(6), 843-854.

Ang, K.C. (2004). A simple model for a SARS epidemic. Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications, 23(4), 181-188.

Ang, W.T., Ang, K.C. and Dehghan, M. (2003). The determination of a control parameter in a two- dimensi onal diffusing equation using a dual- reciprocity boundary element method. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 78(1), 65-74.

Books (Central)
Ang, K. C. (2019). Mathematical Modelling for Teachers: Resources, Pedagogy and Practice (PP. 172). London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis.

Tan, L.S. & Ang, K.C. (2010). Mathematical Modelling of Avascular Tumour Growth (PP. 100). Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publish ing.

Ang, K.C. (2009). Numerical Mathematics with MATLAB (PP. 140). Singapore: Pearson Education.

Ang, K.C. (2006). Differential Equations: Models and Methods. Singapore: McGraw-Hill.

Book Chapters (Central)
Ang, K.C. (2021). Computational Thinking and Mathematical Modelling. In Leung, F.K.S., Stillman, G.A., Kaiser, G., & Wong, K.L. (Eds.), Mathematical Modelling Education in East and West(PP. 30-45). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Ang, K.C. (2015). Mathematical Modell ing in Singapore Schools: A framework for Instruction. In Lee, N.H., & Ng, K.E.D. (Eds.), Mathematical Modelling - From Theory to Practice(PP. 57-72). Singapore: World Scientific.

Ang, K.C. (2013). Real life modelling within a traditional curriculum: Lessons from a Singapore experience. In Stillman, G., Kaiser, G., Blum, W., & Brown, J. (Eds.), International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling(PP. 131-140). Melbourne: Springer.

Tan, L.S., & Ang, K.C. (2013). Pre-Service Secondary School Teachers' Knowledge in Mathematical Modelling - A Case Stu dy. In Stillman, G., Kaiser, G., Blum, W., & Brown, J. (Eds.), International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling(PP. 373-384). Melbourne: Springer.

Conference Papers (Central)
Conference Papers Published in Proceedings

Ang, K.C. (2020, December). Computational thinking as habits of mind for mathematical modelling. In Yang, W.C., & Meade, D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th Asian Technology Conf erence in Mathematics, 25, 126-137.

Ho, W. K., & Ang, K. C. (2015, December). Developing Computational Thinking Through Coding. In Yang, W. C., Meade, D., & Liu, C. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twentieth Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, 1, 73-87.

Soon, W.M. & Ang, K.C. (2013, November). Introducing queuing theory through simulations. In King, D., Loch, B., & Rylands, L. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th DELTA conference on the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics and statistics, 0, 124-131.

Ang, K.C. (2012, December). Mathematical Modelling as a Lear ning Experience in the Classroom. Proceedings of the 17th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, 17, 84-92.

Tan, L.S., & Ang, K.C. (2012, July). Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Mathematical Modelling Instruction. 35th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 2, 714-721.

Lim-Teo, S.K., Soon, W.M. & Ang, K.C. (2011, November). Student Teachers' Understanding of Fundamentals in Mathematics. In Hannah, J.& Thomas, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of Volcanic Delta 2011, The Eighth Southern Hemisphere Conference on Teaching and Learning Undergra duate Mathematics and Statistics, 1, 202 - 215.

Soon, W. M., Ang, K. C., & Teo, K. M (2010, December). Using MATLAB to Implement a Complementarity-constrained Pricing Model. In Yang, W. C., Majewski, M., Alwis, T. D., & Hew, W. P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifteen Asian Technology Conferen ce in Mathematics, 1, 143-152.

Ang, K.C. (2010, April). Mathematical Modelling in the Singapore Curriculum: Opportunities and Challenges. Educational Interfaces between Mathematics and Industry Study Conference (ICMI), 1, 53-61.

Soon, W. M., Ang, K. C., & Teo, K. M. (2009, June). Nume rical Implementations of a Pricing Model with Complementarity Constraints. In Yahya Abu Hasan et al. (Ed.), 5th Asian Mathematical Conference Proceedings, 2, 205-211.

Ang, K.C. (2005, January). A finite difference formulation for a traffic flow model. In NA (Ed.), The 10th Asian Technolo gy Conference in Mathematics, NA.

Ang, K.C. and Li, Z. (2000, January). An analysis of the model for dengue transmission with two strains. In NA (Ed.), The 5th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, 96 - 107.

Conference Papers Without Proceedings

Ang, K. C. (2014, Nov ember). Computer Programming and Mathematics. Paper presented at UGM Mathematics Colloquium, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Ang, K.C. (2013, March). Mathematical Modelling with High School Mathematics supported by Technology. Paper presented at The 2nd International Conference of Mathematics and Technology in Mathematics Education, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Ang, K.C. (2012, September). Mathematics Teachers Preparation - the Singapore experience. Paper presented at Mathematics and Science Education Colloquium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)

Keynote Addresses

Ang, K. C. (2017, December). Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Teaching mathematical modelling in a technology-enabled environment, Chungli, Taiwan.

Ang, K.C. (2016, May). Annual Convention of the Mathematical Society of the Phi lippines. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Mathematical Modelling: Process, Practice and Pedagogy, Cebu, Philippines.

Ang, K.C. (2014, November). Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Professional Development for Teachers in Mathematical Modelling, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Ang, K .C. (2013, August). Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics Korea 2013. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Student Projects in Mathematical Modelling, Cheongju, Korea.

Ang, K.C. (2011, December). Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics - Taiwan Chapter. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Mathematical Modelling an d technology in Singapore Schools, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

Ang, K.C. (2011, July). The 6th SEAMS-GMU International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, A quasi-stochastic diffusion-reaction dynamic model for tumour growth, Yogjakarta, Indonesia.

Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)

Technical Reports or Monographs

Lee, N.H., & Ang, K.C. (2015, February). Developing Teachers' Competencies in the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling, 31.

Workshops and Seminars

Ang, K. C. (2014, September). Developing Competencies in Mathematical Modelling.

Ang, K. C. (2014, July). Mathematical Modelling for the Beginner.

Ang, K.C. (2013, May). Mathematical Modelling for Secondary School Teachers (N5 Cluster).

Ang, K.C. (2013, May). Modelling the Spread of Infectious Diseases.

Ang, K.C. (2013, January). Mathemati cal Modelling - A Framework for Instruction.


Ang, K.C. (2013). International Christian School Hong Kong Mathematics Curriculum Review Report . Singapore: N.A..