Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Teo Chua Tee
Lecturer, National Institute of Education - Psychology and Child & Human Development
Controlled Keywords
Dr. Chua-Tee Teo has been a teacher educator at the National Institute of Education. She has been invited to be a keynote speaker at several international and regional conferences. These include the International Conference hosted by the Korea Social Studies Association in 2009; the Beijing International Forum on Citizenship for Children and Youths in 2008 and 2006 organized by the Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences; the First International Symposium on Creative Education 2005, organized by KAIST and the Korean Institute of Science and Technology; and the 2005 Conference of the Korean Society for the Gifted at Seoul National University; and the International Academic Conference celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Special Education at Soon Chun Hyang University in Korea in 2008.
Self-knowledge, Volitional Development, Unconditioned Happiness, Positive Thinking, Development of Gifts and Talents, and Teacher Education.
  • Harnessing Positive Psychology Principles in Fostering Academic Motivation/Engagement and Wellbeing of Low-Progress Learners in Singapore