Academic Profile : Faculty

Assoc Prof Lee Ngan Hoe
Associate Dean, Professional Practice, Office of Teacher Education & Undergraduate Programmes
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Mathematics & Mathematics Education
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Lee Ngan Hoe is the Associate Dean, Professional Practice, with the Office of Teacher Education & Undergraduate Programmes at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU). He is also an Associate Professor with NIE’s Mathematics and Mathematics Education Department, and a member of the Working Committee at the Science of Learning in Education Centre under NIE’s Office of Education Research.
He holds a Bachelor of Science (First Class Honours in Pure Mathematics) from Monash University, Australia under the Colombo Plan Scholarship and the Singapore Public Service Commission’s Overseas Teaching Scholarship, a Diploma in Education (Distinction) from Institute of Education, Singapore, a Master of Science in Education (Curriculum and Instruction – Mathematics Education) from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA under the Singapore Ministry of Education’s Postgraduate Scholarship, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Education from the Psychological Studies and Mathematics & Mathematics Education Academic Groups in NIE at NTU.
His research and publication interests include the teaching and learning of mathematics at all levels, covering areas such as mathematics curriculum development, metacognition and mathematical problem solving / modelling, and constructivism in mathematics education. In the last five years, he has also extended his work on metacognition from the teaching and learning of mathematics to other subjects. In 2021, he and a team of researchers won the NIE Nexus Team Award – the highest recognition within the Institute to a team who have achieved outstanding collaboration in research.
As an Associate Dean, Professional Practice, he looks into teacher identity and professionalism. He also teaches pre- and in-service courses as well as graduate courses in mathematics education and metacognition, and supervises postgraduate students pursuing Masters, EdD, and PhD degrees. He was attached to St. Ambrose University under the Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program from August 2013 to May 2014 – the first Singaporean to be awarded the Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program. In 2016, he also won NTU’s Nanyang Education Award (School), an acknowledgement of his teaching excellence.
He holds a Bachelor of Science (First Class Honours in Pure Mathematics) from Monash University, Australia under the Colombo Plan Scholarship and the Singapore Public Service Commission’s Overseas Teaching Scholarship, a Diploma in Education (Distinction) from Institute of Education, Singapore, a Master of Science in Education (Curriculum and Instruction – Mathematics Education) from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA under the Singapore Ministry of Education’s Postgraduate Scholarship, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Education from the Psychological Studies and Mathematics & Mathematics Education Academic Groups in NIE at NTU.
His research and publication interests include the teaching and learning of mathematics at all levels, covering areas such as mathematics curriculum development, metacognition and mathematical problem solving / modelling, and constructivism in mathematics education. In the last five years, he has also extended his work on metacognition from the teaching and learning of mathematics to other subjects. In 2021, he and a team of researchers won the NIE Nexus Team Award – the highest recognition within the Institute to a team who have achieved outstanding collaboration in research.
As an Associate Dean, Professional Practice, he looks into teacher identity and professionalism. He also teaches pre- and in-service courses as well as graduate courses in mathematics education and metacognition, and supervises postgraduate students pursuing Masters, EdD, and PhD degrees. He was attached to St. Ambrose University under the Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program from August 2013 to May 2014 – the first Singaporean to be awarded the Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program. In 2016, he also won NTU’s Nanyang Education Award (School), an acknowledgement of his teaching excellence.
His research and publication interests include the teaching and learning of mathematics at all levels, covering areas such as mathematics curriculum development, metacognition and mathematical problem solving / modelling, and constructivism in mathematics education. In the last five years, he has also extended his work on metacognition from the teaching and learning of mathematics to other subjects.
For the last 5 years, he has been involved as a Lead-Principal Investigator (Lead-PI), Principal Investigator (PI) or co-Principal Investigator as well as collaborator of a total of 11 research projects that is worth a total amount of more than S$5.5 million and involving a total of more than 70 other researchers from wide spectrum of partnerships and disciplinary areas, demonstrating his active, ongoing and outreaching involvement in research. As a Lead-PI and PI to some of these funded research projects, he also leads and mentors research teams on top of managing the projects. In 2021, he and a team of researchers won the NIE Nexus Team Award – the highest recognition within the Institute to a team who have achieved outstanding collaboration in research
He is a co-author of the two primary mathematics packages Shaping Maths and Maths Works used in Singapore schools. He also co-edited two resource books for teaching mathematics – one for primary levels and one for secondary levels, which have been used widely as representative works of the Singapore approach towards teaching mathematics at the respective levels. To date, he has also co-edited five books and contributed to 37 book chapters, author to 13 journal articles, and been invited to deliver more than 40 keynote addresses. He has been invited to work with academics, curriculum planners, teachers, students, social workers, civil servants, and parents in both Singapore and overseas, such as Argentina, Australia, Bhutan, Chile, France, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Macau, Shanghai, Thailand, United Kingdom and the United States. In Singapore, he is known to work very closely with both Ministry of Education and schools to promote the research-practice nexus; he is one of the series editors for the books on Mathematics Teaching in Singapore and lead editor of Vol. 1 – Theory-informed Practices.
For the last 5 years, he has been involved as a Lead-Principal Investigator (Lead-PI), Principal Investigator (PI) or co-Principal Investigator as well as collaborator of a total of 11 research projects that is worth a total amount of more than S$5.5 million and involving a total of more than 70 other researchers from wide spectrum of partnerships and disciplinary areas, demonstrating his active, ongoing and outreaching involvement in research. As a Lead-PI and PI to some of these funded research projects, he also leads and mentors research teams on top of managing the projects. In 2021, he and a team of researchers won the NIE Nexus Team Award – the highest recognition within the Institute to a team who have achieved outstanding collaboration in research
He is a co-author of the two primary mathematics packages Shaping Maths and Maths Works used in Singapore schools. He also co-edited two resource books for teaching mathematics – one for primary levels and one for secondary levels, which have been used widely as representative works of the Singapore approach towards teaching mathematics at the respective levels. To date, he has also co-edited five books and contributed to 37 book chapters, author to 13 journal articles, and been invited to deliver more than 40 keynote addresses. He has been invited to work with academics, curriculum planners, teachers, students, social workers, civil servants, and parents in both Singapore and overseas, such as Argentina, Australia, Bhutan, Chile, France, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Macau, Shanghai, Thailand, United Kingdom and the United States. In Singapore, he is known to work very closely with both Ministry of Education and schools to promote the research-practice nexus; he is one of the series editors for the books on Mathematics Teaching in Singapore and lead editor of Vol. 1 – Theory-informed Practices.
- Core 3 Research Programme: Baseline Investigation of Subject-Domain Pedagogies in Singapore's Primary and Secondary Classrooms (C3-PP)
- Creating lifelong learners: Investigating metacognition as support for learning and learning transfer
- Paving the Way Towards Lifewide and Lifelong Learning: Exploring and Fostering Metacognition for Learning and Transfer
- Systematic Review of Trace and Microanalytic Measures of Self-Regulated Learning
- Teaching Mathematics Through Problem-solving: Developing a pedagogical approach for low progress students in Singapore
- Self-Regulated Learning, Emotion, and Achievement: Applying Multimodal Classroom Research in a Singapore School
• 2021 NIE NEXUS Team Award NIE
• 2016 Excellence In Teaching Commendation NIE
• 2013 – 2014 Recipient, Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (USA)
• 2007 Excellence In Teaching Commendation NIE
• 2005 Excellence In Teaching Commendation NIE
• 2004 Excellence In Teaching Commendation NIE
• 1997 – 1998 Recipient, Postgraduate Scholarship MOE (Singapore)
• 1989 Recipient, Prize for Theory Institute of Education (Singapore)
• 1985 – 1986 Recipient, Teaching Scholarship Public Service Commission (Singapore)
• 1985 – 1986 Recipient, Colombo Plan Scholarship Australian Government
• 1984 – 1986 Recipient, Faculty Scholar Monash University (Australia)
• 2016 Excellence In Teaching Commendation NIE
• 2013 – 2014 Recipient, Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (USA)
• 2007 Excellence In Teaching Commendation NIE
• 2005 Excellence In Teaching Commendation NIE
• 2004 Excellence In Teaching Commendation NIE
• 1997 – 1998 Recipient, Postgraduate Scholarship MOE (Singapore)
• 1989 Recipient, Prize for Theory Institute of Education (Singapore)
• 1985 – 1986 Recipient, Teaching Scholarship Public Service Commission (Singapore)
• 1985 – 1986 Recipient, Colombo Plan Scholarship Australian Government
• 1984 – 1986 Recipient, Faculty Scholar Monash University (Australia)
Courses Taught
Teaching and Learning of Primary / Secondary Mathematics (Pre-service)
School-based Curriculum Development in Mathematics (In-service)
Promoting Metacognition in Primary Mathematics Children (in-Service)
Metacognition in the (Secondary) Mathematics Classroom (In-service)
What's the Fuss about Big Ideas in Mathematics (In-service)
Constructivist Approach to Promote Inquiry-Based Learning in Primary / Secondary / A-level Mathematics (In-service)
Assessment and Metacognition Literacy for Feedback for A-Level Mathematics (In-service)
Metacognition for Teaching and Learning (In-service)
Curriculum Studies in Mathematics (Postgraduate)
Numbers and Teaching of Numbers (Postgraduate)
Theoretical Perspectives and Issues in Mathematics Education Research
School-based Curriculum Development in Mathematics (In-service)
Promoting Metacognition in Primary Mathematics Children (in-Service)
Metacognition in the (Secondary) Mathematics Classroom (In-service)
What's the Fuss about Big Ideas in Mathematics (In-service)
Constructivist Approach to Promote Inquiry-Based Learning in Primary / Secondary / A-level Mathematics (In-service)
Assessment and Metacognition Literacy for Feedback for A-Level Mathematics (In-service)
Metacognition for Teaching and Learning (In-service)
Curriculum Studies in Mathematics (Postgraduate)
Numbers and Teaching of Numbers (Postgraduate)
Theoretical Perspectives and Issues in Mathematics Education Research
Supervision of PhD Students
Pearlyn Lim Li Gek (2022) - Professional Development for Teachers Teaching Critical Thinking in the Singapore Primary Mathematics Classroom
Chang Suo Hui (2020) - The Teaching and Learning of Primary Mathematics Using Representations – A Case of Primary Three Equivalent Fractions
Loh Mei Yoke (2015) - Metacognitive strategies secondary one students employed while solving mathematics problems
Chang Suo Hui (2020) - The Teaching and Learning of Primary Mathematics Using Representations – A Case of Primary Three Equivalent Fractions
Loh Mei Yoke (2015) - Metacognitive strategies secondary one students employed while solving mathematics problems