Academic Profile : No longer with NTU

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Assoc Prof Lim Lee Hean
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Policy, Curriculum and Leadership
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Dr. Lim Lee Hean is an Associate Professor at the Policy, Curriculum and Leadership Academic Group, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Dr. Lim earned her PhD at Nanyang Technological University. As a former MOE senior education officer, she had practical experiences as head of department and vice-principal. She was invited by MOE curriculum specialists to contribute towards zonal professional talks as well as project creation, implementation, and reviews. She served as the project leader of an international team at SEAMEO-RECSAM while on scholarship and was also the Singapore country leader of an international AERA study. She also served as the program leader of the inaugural National Institute of Education program for incumbent and aspiring Master Teachers. Dr. Lim currently serves as one of the AG PhD Program Leaders. She is involved in the development and delivery of courses for the professional development of in-service school educators and post-graduate students. The courses pertain to leadership mentoring, management, and adult learning.
Prof Lim’s interests encompass leadership and teacher mentoring, adult learning, and gender studies.
  • Scaling UP the Education Research: MAGICAL (SUPER-MAGICAL): Use of Comics in Teaching Mathematics
• 2006 Excellence in Teaching Commendation NIE
• 2005 Excellence in Teaching Commendation NIE
• 2004 Excellence in Teaching Commendation NIE
• 1996 NTU Research Scholarship NTU