Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Lee Boon Ooi
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - Psychology and Child & Human Development
Journal Articles (Central)
Ting, R. S. K., Ansloos, J., Lee, B. O., Gone, J. P., & Kirmayer, L. J. (in press). Decolonizing mental health practice through traditional healing frameworks: Insights from Canada, China, Singapore, and the United States. American Psychologist (Special Issues: Practicing decolonial and liberatio n psychologies). (IF=15.5), .(.), ..

Ting, R. S. K., Lee, B. O., Perez, M. J. N., Muhiddin, S., Liem, A., R. Balmores-Paulino, Cleofe, M. P., Gallardo, M. T. B., & Jones, L. (2024). A meeting report from SEAIP-2023: Priorities and strategies.. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. (IF=2.1), 0 0, 1-4..

Lee, B. O. (2023). Journeying through different mythic worlds: The healing story of Jing.. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation (Special Issue: Building an Equitable Global Psychology: Giving Voice to the Indigenous Psychology in Southeast Asia )., 12(2), 96'111.

Lee, B. O. & Kirmayer, L. J. (2023). Spirit mediumship and mental health: Therapeutic self-transformation among dang-kis in Singapore.. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry. (IF=2.594), 47(2), 271-300.

Chan, J. P. S., Fan, G., Ganapathi, S., Kok, J. K., Lee, B. O., & Kee, F. L. P. (2023). Impact of the pandemic on counselling practices: Self-reflection. Counselling and Psychotherapy Review Singapore, 1(1), 35-39.

Chong, W. H. & Lee, B. O. (2021). Understanding effective implementation of prevention education prog rammes: Perspective from Singapore schools. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 30(null), 23'32 (IF=2.409).

Manokara, V., Medvedev, O. N., & Lee, B. O. (2020). Parental illness representation of intellectual disability and parental emotional distress and coping. Advances in Neurodevelopme ntal Disorders, 4(null), 284-294.

Lee, B. O. & Kirmayer, L. J. (2020). Dang-Ki healing: An embodied relational healing practice in Singapore. Transcultural Psychiatry, 57(6), 786'800 (IF=3.155).

Lee, B. O. (2016). Transformation in dang-ki healing: The embodied self and perceived legi timacy. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 40(null), 422-449. (IF=2.167).

Yeo, L. S., & Lee, B.-O. (2014). School-based counseling in Singapore. Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling, 4(2), 159-167.

Chong, W. H., Lee, B. O., Tan, S. Y., Wong, S. S., & Yeo, L. S. (2013). School psycholo gy and school-based child and family intervention in Singapore.. School Psychology International, 34(2), 177-189 (IF=2.029)..

Lee, B. O. (2013). Ambivalence over emotional expression and symptom attribution are associated with self-reported somatic symptoms in Singaporean school adolescents . Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 16(3), 169-180. (IF=1.424)..

Ow, C. Y., & Lee, B. O. (2012). Relationships between perceived stigma, coping orientations, self-esteem, and quality of life in patients with schizophrenia.. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, DOI: 10.1177/1010539512 469246(null), 1-10. (IF=1.399)..

Lee, B. O., Kirmayer, L. J., & Groleau, D. (2010). Therapeutic processes and perceived helpfulness of dang-ki (Chinese shamanism) from the symbolic healing perspective. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 34(1), 56-105. (IF=2.167).

Wong, S. S., Lee, B. O ., Ang, R. P., Oei, T. P. S., & Ng, A. K. (2009). Personality, Health, and Coping: A Cross-National Study. Cross-Cultural Research, 43(3), 251-279. (IF=1.420)..

Lee, B. O. (2009). Relationships between adolescents' preferred sources of help and emotional distress, ambivalence over emotional expression, and causal attribution of symptoms: A Singapore study.. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 37(4), 433-455. (IF=1.184)..

Wong, S. S., Oei, T. P. S., Ang, R. P., Lee, B. O., Ng, A. K., & Leng, V. (2007). Personality, meta-mood, experience, life satisfaction, and anxiety in Australian versus Singaporean Students. Current Psychology, 26, 109-120 (IF=1.582)..

Lee, B. O. (2007). Symptom attribution and preferred sources of help for psychiatric symptoms of university students in Singapore. Asian Journal of Counselling, 14(1/2), 49-90.

Ng, A. K., Ang, R. P., Lee, B. O., Wong, S. S., Tian P. S. Oei, & Leng, V. (2005). Do adaptors and innovators subscribe to opposing values?. Creativity Research Journal, 17(2), 273-281. (IF=1.645).

Ang, R.P., Ng, A.K., Wong, S.S., Lee, B.O., Oei, T.P.S., & Leng, V. (2004). Relationship between Big-Five tra its and aggression: A comparison between undergraduates from Australia and Singapore. Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies, 5, 291-305.

Lee, B. O. (2002). Chinese indigenous psychotherapies in Singapore. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 2(1), 2-10.

Lee, B. O., & Bishop , G. D. (2001). Chinese clients' belief systems about psychological problems in Singapore. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 14(3), 219-240.

Lee, B. O. (1995). Treating premature ejaculation in the multimodal therapeutic framework: A single case study. ANNALS: Academy of Medicine, Singapore. Human Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunction, 24(5), 668-675. (IF=1.351)..

Book Chapters (Central)
Lee, B. O. (in press). What can postmodern therapies learn from dang-ki healing about the cultural ontology of the self?. In T. Strong, P. Muntigl & O. Smoliak (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Postmodern Therapies. Routledge.(PP. 1-1). California: Routledge.

Le e, B. O. (2025). Multicultural school counselling in Singapore: Diversity, worldviews, and meaning making.. In M. Harrison, Q. A. Y. Lee & J. L. H. Yu (Eds.), School counselling in East and South-East Asia: A changing landscape.(PP. 51-71). ..: Routledge.

Lee, B. O. (2022). Spirit possession in dang-ki healing: An embodied, intersubjective and intercorporeal phenomenon. In M. Nitsche & O. Louchakova-Schwartz (Eds.), Image and imagination in phenomenology of religious experience(PP. 349-369). Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz GmbH.

Yong, M. & Lee, B. O. (2020). Tier 2 intervention for students with internalizing symptoms. In C. Koh (Ed.), Diversifying learner experience: A kaleidoscope of instructional approaches and strategies(PP. 207-226). Singapore: Springer.

Lee, B. O. & Foo, K. H. (2019). Psychology of culture: The case of Singapore. In W. Li, D. Hodgetts & K. H. Foo (Eds.), Asia-Pacific perspectives on intercultural psychology(PP. 75-98). New York: Routledge.

Lee, B. O. (2018). Integrating Asian healing traditions into psychotherapy. In R. Moodley, T. Lo & N. Zhu (Eds.), Asian h ealing traditions in counselling and psychotherapy(PP. 83-95). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.

Lee, B. O. (2018). Indigenous psychologies and approaches to wellbeing in East Asia.. In S. Fernando & R. Moodley (Eds.), Global psychologies: Mental health and the global south.(PP. 263-277). New York: Palgrave MacMillan.

Chong, W. H. & Lee, B. O. (2014). Social-Emotional Learning: Promotion of youth wellbeing in Singapore schools. In Wright, K. & McLeod, J. (Eds.), Rethinking Youth Wellbeing: Critical Perspectives(PP. 161-177). Melbourne: Springer.

Lee, B. O. (2010). Psychotherapy for depression. In B. Y. Ng (Ed.), Take me out of depression(PP. 62-69). Singapore: Paper-Play Publications.

Lee, B. O. (2007). Sexual attitudes clarification exercise: A school-based sexuality educational group work for adolescents. In E. Lui & S. S. Wong (Eds.), Youth guidance in Singapore: Issues, interventions, and reflection(PP. 68-78). Singapore: Prentice Hall.

Lee, B. O. (2006). Clients as co-healers. In E. Lui & S. S. Wong (Eds.), Reflection on counselling: Developing practice in schools(PP. 56-73). Singapore: Prentice Hall.

Lee, B. O. & Wong S. S. (2004). An Ecological Multimodal Approach to Counselling.. In E. Tan (Ed.), Counselling in schools: Theories, processes and techniques(PP. 186-214). Singapore: McGraw-Hill.

Wong, S. S. & Lee, B. O. (2004). Multidimensional Metatheoretical Counselling Model: A Review and Reconst ruction of Counselling Theories and Techniques. In E. Tan (Ed.), Counseling in schools: Theories, processes and techniques(PP. 155-186). Singapore: McGraw-Hill.

Lee, B. O. (2002). Psychotherapy in Chinese medicine: A theoretical review. In A. G. Tan & M. Goh (Eds.), Psychology in Singapo re: Issue of an emerging discipline(PP. 124-146). Singapore: McGraw Hill.

Lee, B. O. (1999). Adolescent questions on sex. In S. C. Chang, S. Gopinathan & W. K. Ho (Eds.), Growing up in Singapore: Research perspectives on adolescents(PP. 230-247). Singapore: Prentice Hall.

Conference Papers (Central)

Conference Papers Without Proceedings

Lee, B. O. (2024, July). Working with religion and spirituality in multicultural school counseling: Worldviews, embodiment, and meaning making. Paper presented at the International Conference on Guidance and Counselling organized by the Facult y of Education, Universitas Negeri Malang (UM), Indonesia (July 24)., Jakarta, Indonesia.

Lee, B. O. (2024, July). Ecology and embodiment of ritual experience: An interdisciplinary approach. Paper presented at The 2024 Annual Conference Interdisciplinary Research and Religious College Acade mic Conference organized by Taiwan Association for Religious Studies, Taipei, Taiwan (October 25-26)., Taipei, Taiwan.

Chong, W. H., Ho, M. S., Lee, A. N., Lee, B. O., Tan, S. Y., & Lim, M. L. (2024, June). Positive Deviance: A Strength-Based Approach to Academic Adaptation in Low-Performing Cl assrooms. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore, Singapore.

Chong, W. H., Ho, M. S., Lee, B. O., Tan, S. Y., Lim, M. L., & Lee, A. N. (2023, November). Exploring academic adaptation in normal academic stream using a positive deviance approach.. Pape r presented at The ERAS-WERA International Conference 2023, Singapore (November 21-25)., Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2023, September). Reading palm lines in the counsellor's office. Paper presented at The 2023 Webinar Series: Counselling In Southeast Asian Contexts, Organized by Singapore Univer sity of Social Sciences (September 16-23)., Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2023, September). Singapore experience in the practice of intercultural counselling: What have we achieved and where do we go?. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Opening Plenary of the 2023 Webinar Series: Counsellin g In Southeast Asian Contexts, Organized by Singapore University of Social Sciences (September 16-23)., Singapore.

Lee, B. O., & Kwok, S. H. (2023, August). The body in nature and nature in the body: Spirit possession in a Chinese shamanistic practice.. Paper presented at The Society for th e Phenomenology of Religious Experience (SoPheRE) Annual Conference 2023: Religious Experience and the Phenomenology of Nature (August 16-19)., Galway/Sligo, Ireland.

Ho, M. S., Chong, W. H., Lee, B. O., Tan, S. Y., Lim, M. L., & Lee, A. N. (2023, May). Exploring Academic Adaptation in Normal A cademic Streamusing a Positive Deviance Approach. Paper presented at ERAS-WERA International Conference, Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2023, April). Altering consciousness in divine martial arts: Spiritual transformation or pathological dissociation?. Paper presented at The Society for Psychol ogical Anthropology Biennial Meeting: Ecologies of Mind: Body, Self, and Person in Cultural Context (April 27-30), San Diego, United States.

Lee, B. O. (2022, July). Altering Consciousness in Divine Martial Arts: Spiritual Wellness or Pathological Dissociation?. Paper presented at 2022 12th Conference for Chinese Psychologists (July 13-15), Taipei, Taiwan.

Sim, S. H. A., & Lee, B. O. (2021, December). Use and perceived helpfulness of metaphors in dang-ki (Chinese mediumship) healing.. Paper presented at Paper presented at the First Southeast Asian Indigenous Psychology Scient ific Meeting 2021: (virtual via ZOOM; December 4-5, 2021)., Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2019, August). From burnout to resilience. Paper presented at (Invited) the NCAM 2019 Symposium in Novel Technologies in Cancer Care, 6th NCIS Annual Research Meeting, Nat ional University Hospital, Singapore (August 2-3), Singapore.

Lee, B. O. & Kirmayer, J. L. (2018, November). Cultural phenomenology of self-transformation among dang-kis in Singapore. Paper presented at Paper presented at The Society for Phenomenology of Religious Experience (SOPHERE) Bienn ial Congress: Image, Phenomenon, and Imagination in the Phenomenology of Religious Experience, Prague, Czech (November 2-4), Prague, Czech Republic.

Lee, B. O. (2018, October). Therapeutic processes of dang-ki healing in Singapore.. Paper presented at Invited paper presented at Culture and Global Mental Health: Culture, Spirituality and Mental Health, Kathmandu, Nepal (October 29-30), Kathmandu, Nepal.

Lee, B. O. & Kirmayer, J. L. (2017, April). Dang-Ki Healing: An Embodied Relational Healing. Paper presented at Other Psychotherapies ' across time, space, and cultures, Glasgo w, United Kingdom.

Thong, X. J. F. & Lee, B. O. (2015, October). Relationship between self-construal, ambivalence over emotional expression, and perceived emotional distress.. Paper presented at Poster presented at the Regional Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health 2015, Singap ore (1st ' 2nd October)., Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2015, October). Integration of Asian traditional healing into psychotherapy: Rationales, opportunities and challenges. Paper presented at the Singapore Association for Counselling Symposium: Evidence Informed Practice ' Towards a Better State of Well-being (15th ' 16th October), Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2015, April). Dissociative experience and transformation in dang-ki healing.. Paper presented at The Society for Psychological Anthropology 2015 Biennial Meeting, Boston, United States.

Lee, B. O. (2014, December). Restoratio n of social relationships through ethical, relational, and spiritual healing in Asian culture. Paper presented at The 20th APECA Biennial Conference-Workshop 2014, Singapore (4th ' 6th December)., Singapore.

Lee, B. O., & Kirmayer, L. J. (2014, September). Therapeutic transformation in spir itual healing. Paper presented at the 6th International Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (26 ' 28 September), Taipei, Taiwan.

Tan, S. Y., Wong, S. S., & Lee, B. O. (2013, September). Counsellor efficacy through supervision. Paper present ed at The 2013 Joint SELF Biennial International Conference and Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) Conference, Singapore.

Tan, S.Y.,Wong S.S., & Lee B.O. (2013, July). Efficacy Beliefs in Diverse Settings: Educational Applications in Singapore : Paper 3: Role of Counselor Eff icacy in School Counseling Training. Paper presented at Joint 7th Self-concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Biennial International Conference and Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) Conference 2013, Singapore.

S.Y. Tan., B.O. Lee., & S.S. Wong (2012, June). The Effect of On-the-Job Group Supervision on School Counsellor Professionalism. Paper presented at Eighth International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision, New York, United States.

Ban, L., Lee, B. O., Vargas, S., Ryder, A., & Kirmayer, L. J. (2012, March). Culture and th e folk concept of resilience. Paper presented at The 3rd World Association of Cultural Psychiatry, London, United Kingdom.

Vargas, S., Ban, L., Lee, B. O., Kirmayer, L.J. & Ryder, A. G. (2011, June). Culture, folk psychiatry and the concept of resilience.. Paper presented at The 11th An nual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture, Washington, United States.

Ban, L., Lee, B. O., Ryder, A. G. & Kirmayer, L.J. (2011, April). Culture and the folk concept of resilience. Paper presented at The First International Conference on Cultural Psychiatry in the F rench Speaking World, 'Migration Challenges and Mental Health, Paris, France.

Ban, L. Lee, B. O., Ryder, A. G., Vargas, S., & Kirmayer, L.J. (2011, March). Culture and the folk concept of resilience. Paper presented at The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Lee, B. O. (2010, July). Chinese spiritual healing in Singapore: Lessons for indigenous psychotherapy. Paper presented at The First International Conference of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Lee, B. O., & Chong, W. H. (2009, October). Psychology, therapeutic beliefs, and psychiatric diagnosis in Singapore schools. Paper presented at Therapy Culture Revisited: The Impact of the Language of Therapy on Public Policy and Societal Resilience. Conference organized by the Centre of Excellence for National Security, S. Rajaratnam School of International St udies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2009, August). The perceived helpfulness of spiritual healing from a cultural and psychological perspective. Paper presented at The International Association for the Psychology of Religion Congress 2009, Vienna, Austria.

Tan, S.Y., Wong, S.S., Lee, B.O. & Chew, L.C. (2008, November). Singapore Full-time School Counsellors' (FTSCs) perceptions of supervision needs and preferences of supervisory emphasis. Paper presented at APERA Conference - Educational Research for Innovation & Quality in Education: Policy & Peda gogical Engagement Across Contexts, Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2008, June). Therapeutic processes and outcomes of dang-ki: A Chinese shamanistic healing in Singapore. Paper presented at The 2008 Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax, Canada, Canada.

Lee, B. O. ( 2007, October). Psychosocial interventions for cancer patients with emotional distress. Paper presented at SingHealth Nursing Conference, Singapore.

Wong, S. S., Lee, B. O., Ang, R. P., Ng, A. K., Oei, T. P. S. & Leng, V. (2004, November). Neither East nor West: Interdependent self-const rual and independent self-construal in Singaporean versus Australian students. Paper presented at Education Research Association of Singapore Conference, Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2004, August). What's behind the symptom? Psychosocial aspects of pain. Paper presented at The Painted Faces: Transformation is Possible, Singapore.

Ang, R. P., Wong, S. S., Lee, B. O., Khoo, A., Huan, V. S. & Cheng Y. S. (2003, November). Adolescents' suicidal ideation and emotional intelligence. Paper presented at Education Research Association of Singapore 2003 Annual Conference, Singapore.

An g, R. P., Cheng, Y. S., Huan, V. S., Khoo, A., Lee, B. O. & Wong S. S. (2003, November). Impact of internalized shame on anxiety, depression, and aggression in adolescents. Paper presented at Education Research Association of Singapore Conference, Singapore.

Wong, S. S., Ang, R. P., Ng, A. K., Lee, B. O., & Leng, V. (2003, November). Deconstructing emotional intelligence: A critical analysis of the concept, theories, and research of emotional intelligence. Paper presented at Education Research Association of Singapore Conference, Singapore.

Ng, A. K., Ang, R. P., Lee, B. O., Wong, S. S., Oei, T. P. S. & Leng, V. (2003, June). Investigating the values of adaptors and innovators in Singapore and Australia. Paper presented at Asia Pacific Conference on Education, Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2003, March). Dang-ki: An alternative psychotherapy. Paper presented at The 6th Pacific Rim Congress of Group Psychotherapy / the 3rd Pacific Conference on Psychotherapy, Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2003, March). Illness cognition, the interpretation of symptoms, and the preferred sources of help of Singaporean students: A preliminary report. Paper presented at The 6th Pacific Rim Congress of Group Psychotherapy / the 3rd Pacific Conference on Psychotherapy, Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2003, March). Multimodal therapy for adult cancer patients. Paper presented at The 6th Pacific Rim Congress of Group Psychotherapy / the 3rd Pacific Conference on Psychother apy, Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2002, July). Chinese indigenous psychotherapies: Learning from the traditional Chinese medicine and folk therapies. Paper presented at The XXV International Congress of Applied Psychology, Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2001, March). Sexual concerns and behaviour of Singaporean adolescents. Paper presented at The 12th ASEAN Forum on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2000, May). Adolescents' concerns about sex. Paper presented at The Conference of Psychosocial Disturbances in Childhood and Adolescents: Challenges in Management , Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (1998, March). Lay beliefs about the etiology and treatment of psychological problems: Psychotherapy with Chinese clients in Singapore. Paper presented at The Annual Scientific Meeting, Singapore Psychiatric Association, Singapore.

Conference Papers
(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
Lee, B. O. (2022, October). The place of culture in counseling: Context, diversity, and symbolic meaning. Invited paper presented at the Singapore Association for Counselling 40th Anniversary Symposium: 40 years of caring for the nation, building communities of carers, Singapore (October 22).

Lee, B. O. (2022, July). Altering consciousness in divine martial arts: Spiritual wellness or pathological dissociation? Paper presented at 2022 12th Conference for Chinese Psychologists, Taipei, Taiwan (July 13-15).

Sim, S. H. A., & Lee, B. O. (2021, December). Use and perceived helpfulness of metaphors in dang-ki (Chinese mediumship) healing. Paper presented at the First Southeast Asian Indigenous Psychology Scientific Meeting 2021: (virtual via ZOOM; December 4-5, 2021).

Lee, B. O. (2019, August). From burnout to resilience. Invited paper presented at the NCAM 2019 Symposium in Novel Technologies in Cancer Care, 6th NCIS Annual Research Meeting, National University Hospital, Singapore (August 2-3).

Lee, B. O. (2019, February). Cultural phenomenology of self-transformation of dang-kis in Singapore. Invited paper presented at the Interdisciplinary Cluster for Research on Intercultural Contact and Interaction (CRICI), the School of Humanities, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (February 13).

Lee, B. O. (2019, January). Concepts of self and indigenous approaches to wellbeing in East Asian cultures. Keynote panel at the 4th International Conference of Counseling, Psychotherapy and Wellness; and the 5th Congress of the Society for Integrating Traditional Healing into Counseling, Psychotherapy and Psychiatry [organized by University of Toronto (Canada) and Christ University (India)], Bengaluru, India (January 3-6).

Lee, B. O. & Kirmayer, J. L. (2018, November). Cultural phenomenology of self-transformation among dang-kis in Singapore. Paper presented at The Society for Phenomenology of Religious Experience (SOPHERE) Biennial Congress: Image, Phenomenon, and Imagination in the Phenomenology of Religious Experience, Prague, Czech (November 2-4).

Lee, B. O. (2018, October). Therapeutic processes of dang-ki healing in Singapore. Invited paper presented at Culture and Global Mental Health: Culture, Spirituality and Mental Health [organized by McGill University (Canada), University of Oslo (Norway) and Tribhuvan University (Nepal)], Kathmandu, Nepal (October 29-30).

Lee, B. O. & Kirmayer, J. L. (2017, April). Dang-Ki healing: An embodied relational healing. Paper presented at Other Psychotherapies – Across Time, Space, and Cultures (organized by University of Glasgow), Glasgow, UK (April 1 – 2).

Lee, B. O. (2015, October). Integration of Asian traditional healing into psychotherapy: Rationales, opportunities and challenges. Paper presented at the Singapore Association for Counseling Symposium: Evidence Informed Practice – Towards a Better State of Well-being, Singapore (October 15 – 16).

Thong, X. J. F. & Lee, B. O. (2015, October). Relationship between self-construal, ambivalence over emotional expression, and perceived emotional distress. Poster presented at the Regional Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health 2015, Singapore (October 1-2).

Lee, B. O. (2015, April). Dissociative experience and transformation in dang-ki healing. Paper presented at the Society for Psychological Anthropology Biennial Meeting, Boston, USA (April 9-12).

Lee, B. O. (2014, December). Restoration of social relationships through ethical, relational, and spiritual healing in Asian culture. Paper presented at the 20th APECA Biennial Conference-Workshop 2014, Singapore (December 4-6).

Lee, B. O., & Kirmayer, L. J. (2014, September). Therapeutic transformation in spiritual healing. Paper presented at the 6th International Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (September 26-28).

Tan, S. Y., Wong, S. S., & Lee, B. O. (2013, September). Counselor efficacy through supervision. Paper presented at the 2013 Joint SELF Biennial International Conference and Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) Conference, Singapore (September 9-11).

Tan, S. Y., Wong, S. S., & Lee, B. O. (2013, September). Efficacy beliefs in diverse settings: Educational applications in Singapore: Role of counselor efficacy in school counseling training. Paper presented at the Joint 7th Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Biennial International Conference and Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) Conference, Singapore (September 9-11).

Tan, S.Y., Lee, B.O., & Wong, S. S. (2012, June). The Effect of On-the-Job Group Supervision on School Counselor Professionalism. Paper presented at Eighth International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision, New York, USA.

Ban, L., Lee, B. O., Vargas, S., Ryder, A., & Kirmayer, L. J. (2012, March). Culture and the folk concept of resilience. Paper presented at the 3rd World Association of Cultural Psychiatry, London, U.K. (March 9-11).

Vargas, S., Ban, L., Lee, B. O., Kirmayer, L.J. & Ryder, A. G. (2011, June). Culture, folk psychiatry and the concept of resilience. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture, ‘Integrating Medicine and Psychiatry in Multi-Ethnic Settings’, Washington, USA (June 2-4).

Ban, L., Lee, B. O., Ryder, A. G. & Kirmayer, L.J. (2011, April). Culture and the folk concept of resilience. Paper presented at the First International Conference on Cultural Psychiatry in the French Speaking World, ‘Migration Challenges and Mental Health’, Paris, France (April 18-20).

Ban, L. Lee, B. O., Ryder, A. G., Vargas, S., & Kirmayer, L.J. (2011, March). Culture and the folk concept of resilience, Presentation at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Conference, Toronto, Canada (March 28).

Lee, B. O. (2010, July). Chinese spiritual healing in Singapore: Lessons for indigenous psychotherapy. Paper presented at the First International Conference of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (July 24-27).

Lee, B. O. (2010, February). Indigenous Healing Systems for Emotional Distress. Invited Distinguished Lecture at the 2nd ICCS International Convention on Psychological Communication, Quezon City, Manila, the Philippines (February 13).

Lee, B. O., & Chong, W. H. (2009, October). Psychology, therapeutic beliefs, and psychiatric diagnosis in Singapore schools. Invited paper presented at Therapy Culture Revisited: The Impact of the Language of Therapy on Public Policy and Societal Resilience. Conference organized by the Centre of Excellence for National Security, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (October 4-6).

Lee, B. O. (2009, August). The perceived helpfulness of spiritual healing from a cultural and psychological perspective. Paper presented at the International Association for the Psychology of Religion Congress 2009, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (August 23-27).

Tan, S. Y., Wong, S. S., Lee, B. O., & Chew, L. C. (2008, November). Singapore full-time school counselors' perceptions of supervision needs and preferences of supervisory emphasis. Paper presented at APERA, Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2008, June). Therapeutic processes and outcomes of dang-ki: A Chinese shamanistic healing in Singapore. Paper presented at the 2008 Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (June 12 - 14).

Lee, B. O. (2007, October). Psychosocial interventions for cancer patients with emotional distress. Invited paper presented at SingHealth Nursing Conference, Singapore (October 25-27).

Wong, S. S., Lee, B. O., Ang, R. P., Ng, A. K., Oei, T. P. S. & Leng, V. (2004, November). Neither East nor West: Interdependent self-construal and independent self-construal in Singaporean versus Australian students. Paper presented at Education Research Association of Singapore Conference, Singapore.

Ang, R. P., Wong, S. S., Lee, B. O., Khoo, A., Huan, V. S. & Cheng Y. S. (2003, November). Adolescents' suicidal ideation and emotional intelligence. Paper presented at Education Research Association of Singapore 2003 Annual Conference, Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2004, August). What’s behind the symptom? Psychosocial aspects of pain. Invited paper presented at the Painted Faces: Transformation is Possible, a conference organized by the Singapore Hospice Council at the National Cancer Centre, Singapore (August 14).

Ang, R. P., Cheng, Y. S., Huan, V. S., Khoo, A., Lee, B. O. & Wong S. S. (2003, November). Impact of internalized shame on anxiety, depression, and aggression in adolescents. Paper presented at Education Research Association of Singapore Conference, Singapore.

Wong, S. S., Ang, R. P., Ng, A. K., Lee, B. O., & Leng, V. (2003, November). Deconstructing emotional intelligence: A critical analysis of the concept, theories, and research of emotional intelligence. Paper presented at Education Research Association of Singapore Conference, Singapore.

Ng, A. K., Ang, R. P., Lee, B. O., Wong, S. S., Oei, T. P. S. & Leng, V. (2003, June). Investigating the values of adaptors and innovators in Singapore and Australia. Paper presented at Asia Pacific Conference on Education, Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2003a, March). Dang-ki: An alternative psychotherapy. In D. Y. F. Ho (Chair), Asian approaches to psychotherapy. Symposium conducted at the 6th Pacific Rim Congress of Group Psychotherapy / the 3rd Pacific Conference on Psychotherapy, Singapore (March 13-15).

Lee, B. O. (2003b, March). Multimodal therapy for adult cancer patients. Paper presented at the 6th Pacific Rim Congress of Group Psychotherapy / the 3rd Pacific Conference on Psychotherapy, Singapore (March 13-15).

Lee, B. O. (2003c, March). Illness cognition, the interpretation of symptoms, and the preferred sources of help of Singaporean students: A preliminary report. Paper presented at the 6th Pacific Rim Congress of Group Psychotherapy / the 3rd Pacific Conference on Psychotherapy, Singapore (March 13-15).

Lee, B. O. (2002, July). Chinese indigenous psychotherapies: Learning from the traditional Chinese medicine and folk therapies. Paper presented at the XXV International Congress of Applied Psychology, Singapore (July 7-12).

Lee, B. O. (2001, March). Sexual concerns and behavior of Singaporean adolescents. Invited paper presented at the 12th ASEAN Forum on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2000, May). Adolescents’ concerns about sex. Invited paper presented at the Conference of Psychosocial Disturbances in Childhood and Adolescents: Challenges in Management (organized by the Mount Elizabeth-Charter Behavioral Health Services). Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (1998, March). Lay beliefs about the etiology and treatment of psychological problems: Psychotherapy with Chinese clients in Singapore. Paper presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting, Singapore Psychiatric Association.
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)

Keynote Addresses

Lee, B. O. (2023, November). The 2023 Singapore Counselling and Psychotherapy Symposium: Counselling in Asia: Globally Competent, Locally Relevant. Organized by the Singapore Association for Counselling, Singapore (November 2).. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Counselling an d Mental Health in Asia, Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2022, October). The Singapore Association for Counselling 40th Anniversary Symposium: 40 years of caring for the nation, building communities of carers, Singapore (October 22).. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, The place of culture in counseling: Context, div ersity, and symbolic meaning, Singapore.

Lee, B. O. (2019, January). 4th International Conference of Counselling, Psychotherapy and Wellness and the 5th Congress of the Society for Integrating Traditional Healing into Counselling, Psychotherapy and Psychiatry (January 3-6). KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Concepts of self and indigenous approaches to wellbeing in East Asian cultures., Bengaluru, India.

Lee, B. O. (2010, February). The 2nd ICCS International Convention on Psychological Communication. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Indigenous Healing Systems for Emotional Distress, Quezon, Philippines.

Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues
(Not applicable to NIE
staff as info will be
pulled from PRDS)
Lee, B. O. (2022, October). The place of culture in counseling: Context, diversity, and symbolic meaning. Keynote address at the Singapore Association for Counselling 40th Anniversary Symposium: 40 years of caring for the nation, building communities of carers, Singapore (October 22).

Lee, B. O. (2019, January). 4th International Conference of Counselling, Psychotherapy and Wellness and the 5th Congress of the Society for Integrating Traditional Healing into Counselling, Psychotherapy and Psychiatry (January 3-6). KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Concepts of self and indigenous approaches to wellbeing in East Asian cultures., Bengaluru, India.

Lee, B. O. (2010, February). The 2nd ICCS International Convention on Psychological Communication. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Indigenous Healing Systems for Emotional Distress, Quezon, Philippines.
Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)

Professional Articles

Lee, B. O. (2021, January). Relate Insights. Idioms of distress and indigenous healing system in Asia., No. 1, 1-13.