Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Tay Eng Guan
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Mathematics & Mathematics Education
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Tay Eng Guan is an Associate Professor and immediate past Head in the Mathematics and Mathematics Education Academic Group of the National Institute of Education at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Dr. Tay obtained his Ph.D. in the area of graph theory from the National University of Singapore. He has continued his research in graph theory and mathematics education and has published over 100 journal papers, book chapters and papers in conference proceedings in both fields. He has co-authored a number of books, including Counting, Graph Theory: Undergraduate Mathematics and Making Mathematics Practical. Dr Tay has taught in Singapore junior colleges and also served a stint in the Ministry of Education. He was a member of the steering committee for the review of the Singapore Secondary School Mathematics Curriculum and is currently a member of the steering committee for the review of the Junior College curriculum. He was also a member of the Mathematics Senior Advisory Group for PISA 2021.
His areas of research in mathematics education are mathematical problem solving, curriculum development, commognition theory, and computational thinking. His areas of research in mathematics is in Graph Theory and Combinatorics.
  • Big Ideas in School Mathematics
  • Hands-On Minds-Engaged (HOME): A revisit of the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) Strategy
  • Research towards some open problems in graph theory
2009 Commendation for Excellent Teaching NIE