Academic Profile : Faculty

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Prof Kwek Leong Chuan
Professor, National Institute of Education - Natural Sciences & Science Education
Professor, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Co-Director, Quantum Science and Engineering Centre (QSec), Nanyang Technological University
Dr Kwek is currently a Principal Investigator (PI) at the Center for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore, a Professor of Education at the National Institute of Education, Singapore and a Professor of Engineering at the Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Nanyang Technological University. He is currently a co-Director of the Quantum Science and Engineering Centre (QSEC) at the Nanyang Technological University. He was (until December 2020) also the current Deputy Secretary General of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). Other appointments include: the regional representative of Organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers (USA); the Secretary General for the South East Asian Theoretical Physics Association; Council Member for Working Group 5, IUPAP, on Women in Physics; Council Member of Tan Kah Kee Foundation and International Society; the Secretary General, Federation of ASEAN Physics Societies; the President of the Asian Physics Olympiad International Board (since 2015), etc. He was one of the founding Co-Director of the Quantum Engineering Program, NRF; a past President of the Institute of Physics, Singapore (2008-2012); Fujitsu Visiting Professor at the University of Cambridge (2004).

Dr Kwek has published more than 300 publications with several papers in Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, Review of Modern Physics, Physics Reports and so forth. He is the PI or co-PI for numerous projects totaling about $43.1 million from 2021-2023). He supervises more than 25 PhD students (current and graduated). He has received numerous awards: Laureate of Scientia Vinces Award of the First President of the Republic of Sakha; Institute of Physics President Award, Singapore, National Science Award, Singapore and so forth. He is the Editor in Chief for The Physics Educator, an associate Editor with AVS Quantum Science, Quantum Science and Technology and Physical Review A, an editor of Entropy and the International Journal of Quantum Information. He is also an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Institute of Physics (UK) and the Institute of Physics Singapore.

His main research interests are foundation in quantum mechanics including quantifying multipartite quantum entanglement; quantum cryptography, quantum synchronization, quantum computation and atomtronics.

郭龙泉是新加坡国立大学量子技术中心的首席研究员国立教育学院教育学教授。他也是南洋理工大学量子科学与工程中心的联席主任。他还是国际纯与应用物理联盟(IUPAP)的现任副秘书长。其他任务包括:华人物理与天文学家协会的区域代表(美国);东南亚理论物理协会秘书长;国际纯与应用物理学联合会妇女物理工作组(WG5)理事会成员;陈嘉庚基金会和国际社会理事会理事;东盟物理学会联合会秘书长;亚洲物理奥林匹克国际委员会主席 (20015-)等。他曾经担任国家研究基金会(NRF)量子工程计划的创始联席主任;前新加坡物理研究所所长(2008-2012);剑桥大学富士客座教授(2004年), 并是目前海南大学客座教授。

郭博士已发表了300多篇论文,并在《自然光子学》,《自然通讯》,《物理评论快报》,《现代物理学评论》等刊物发表了多篇文章。他是多个项目(总金额约为2370万美元) 的首席研究员或主要研究员。他指导超过25名博士生(当前和已毕业),也获得了无数奖项:苏联萨哈共和国第一任总统Scientia Vinces奖;新加坡物理研究所会长奖,新加坡国家科学奖等。他也是《物理教育家》和《蒲公英》的主编,《AVS量子科学》和《物理评论A》的副主编,《熵》和《国际量子信息杂志》的主编。他也是美国科学促进会,英国物理学会 和新加坡物理物理学会的会士。

郭博士的主要研究领域是量子力学的基础, 包括量子纠缠, 量子密码术, 量子同步, 量子计算和 原子电子学等。
Quantum information science, biomedical physics
2021 Service to Education Award (School Advisory/Management Committee)
2019 Laureate of Scientia Vince, Sakha Republic, Russia
2006 IPS World Scientific Premier Science Award, Singapore
2006 National Science Award (Team), Singapore
2004 Fujitsu Visiting Professorship, University of Cambridge
1984 University of Otago Award
1982 Robert Jack Prize, University of Otago
1980 Colombo Plan Scholarship
Fellowships & Other Recognition
2016 Institute of Physics President Award, Singapore
2009 Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
2008 Elected Fellow, Institute of Physics (UK)
2005 Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies, NTU
Courses Taught
AAP20C, Quantum Mechanics, AY21 – AY22; INS2214,
Stimulating and Simulating Physics for JC Teachers,AY21 – AY22;
AAP43C, Nanoscience, AY20 - AY21;
AAP20C,Quantum Mechanics, AY20 – AY21;
AAP20C,Quantum Mechanics, AY19 – AY20;
MLS941, Critical Inquiry (Clean Energy Physics), AY19 – AY20;
MLS952, Nanotechnology, AY19 – AY20;
INS2042, Teaching and Learning of H3 Physics,AY19 –AY20;
MLS941,Critical Inquiry (Clean Energy Physics), AY18 – AY19;
AAP43C, Nanoscience,AY18 – AY19;
MLS844, Applied Quantum Mechanics,AY18 – AY19;
INS2042, Teaching and Learning of H3 Physics,AY18 –AY19:
INS2120, Use of Physics in Everyday Contexts for Teaching,AY17 – AY18;
AAP20C, Quantum Mechanics,AY17 – AY18;
INS2042, Teaching and Learning of H3 Physics, AY17 – AY18;
MLS842, Nanotechnology, AY17 – AY18;
INS2042 (FLH3), Teaching and Learning of H3 Physics,AY17 – AY18;
Supervision of PhD Students
Nie Hanlin; Zhan Yuancheng; Lin Hexiang; Yan Rudai; Shen Yuan (EEE, NTU); Jonathan Lau Wei Zhong; Lim Kian Hwee; Harshank Shrotriya; Zeen Sun; Michael Tsesmelis; Moritz Straeter;
Zhu Hui Hui (EEE, NTU); Zhang Hui (EEE, NTU); Wan Ling Xiao (EEE, NTU); Kishor Bharti (CQT); Sivakumar M Maniam (NIE)
Tobias Haug (CQT); Hermanni Heimonen (CQT); Ng Tiong Eng (NIE); Thiha Kyaw (CQT); Ewan Munro (CQT); Zhang Gong (EEE,NTU); Nie Wei (CQT); Frederic Leroux (CQT); Davit Aghamalyan (CQT); Koh Chee Yeong (NIE); Li Ying (CQT); Huo Mingxia (CQT); Dai Li (NUS); Choo Keng Wah (NIE); Wang Zisheng (NUS)