Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Sim Boon Yee Jasmine
Head, Policy, Curriculum & Leadership
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Policy, Curriculum & Leadership
Journal Articles (Central)
Sim, J. B.-Y., & Kho, E. M. (2024). Social Studies and citizenship education in Singapore: Towards a progressive orientation. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 19(2), TBC.

Akiyama, N., Kajiwara, S., Uozumi, R., Akiyama, T., Hayashida, K., Sim, J. B.-Y., & Morikawa, M. (2024). Perceptions o f Uncertainty in Medical CareAmong Non-medical Professionals and Nurses inJapan: A Cross-Sectional Internet-BasedPreliminary Survey. Cureus: Journal of Medical Science, TBC. Online first. DOI: 10.7759/cureus(TBC), 1-16.

Nah, D., Lim, L. Y., Anwar, N. D., & Sim, J. B.-Y. (2023). Moulding stu dent mental health in Singapore's Character and Citizenship Education: Projected pedagogic identities. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, Published online first. DOI: 10.1080/14681366.2023.2260390, 1-24.

Sim, J. B.-Y., & Tham, P. H.-H. (2023). Demystifying character education for the Singapore co ntext. Journal of Moral Education, Published online first. DOI:10.1080/03057240.2023.2260957, 1-15.

Peterson, A., Evans, M., Fulop, M., Kiwan, D., Sim, J. B.-Y., & Davies, I. (2020). Youth activism and education across contexts: towards a framework of critical engagements. Compare: A Jou rnal of Comparative and International Education, Published online first, NIL.

Evans, M., Peterson, A., Fulop, M., Kiwan, D., Sim, J. B.-Y., & Davies, I. (2020). Pedagogy and youth civic engagement: Shifting understandings, emergent con siderations, and persistent challenges. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 15(2), 155-186.

Sim, J. B.-Y., & Chow, L. T. (2019). Confucian thinking in Singapore's citizenship education. Journal of Moral Education, 48(4), 465-482.

Krishnasamy, M., Sim, J. B.-Y., Chua, S. (2018). Rock ing the boat: Critical reflexivity in social studies teachers. Journal of Social Studies Education in Asia, 7(Spring), 1-18.

Chua, S, & Sim, J. B.-Y. (2017). Rethinking critical patriotism: A case of constructive patriotism in social studies teachers in Singapore. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 37(1), 1-13.

Sim, J. B.-Y., Chua, S., & Krishnasamy, M. (2017). "Riding the citizenship wagon": Citizenship conceptions of social studies teachers in Singapore. Teaching and Teacher Education, 63(null), 92-102.

Chua, S. & Sim , J. B.-Y. (2017). Postmodern patriotism: Teachers' perceptions of loyalty to Singapore. Asian Education and Development Studies, 6(1), 30-43.

Sim, J. B. Y., & Krishnasamy, M. (2016). Building a democratic society: Exploring Singapore students' understandings of democracy. Asian Educatio n and Development Studies, 5(1), 37-58.

Chua, S., & Sim, J. B.-Y. (2014). Crossing boundaries: An exploration of how three social studies teachers understand and teach patriotism in Singapore. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 10(1), 79-93.

Han, C., Hoskins, B., & Sim, J. B.-Y. (2014 ). The relationship between forms of efficacy and future voting: Analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data from vocational upper secondary schools in England and Singapore. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 44(5), 801-825.

Baildon, M., Sim, J. B.-Y., & Paculdar, A. (2014). A tale of two countries: Comparing civic education in the Philippines and Singapore. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 46(1), 93-115.

Lam, C.C., Alviar-Martin, T., Adler, S.A., & Sim, J. B.-Y. (2013). Curricu lum integration in Singapore: Teachers' perspectives and practice. Teaching and Teacher Education, 31(null), 23-34.

Sim, B.Y.J & Low, E.L. (2012). Character and citizenship education: conversations between personal and societal values. Asia Pacific Journal of Educa tion, 32(4), 381-394.

Jalil, Z., Chua, S.-H., & Sim, J. B.-Y. (2012). What global citizenship means to Singapore primary school students. Curriculum Perspectives, 32(3), 37-47.

Sim, J. B-Y. (2012). The burden of responsibility: Elite students' understandings of civic pa rticipation in Singapore. Educational Review, 64(2), 195-210.

Alviar-Martin, T., Ho, L.C., Sim, J. B.-Y., and Yap, P.S. (2012). The Ecologies of Civic Competence: Students' Perceptions from one Singapore School. Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, 32(4), 473-488 .

Sim, J. B-Y. (2011). Social studies and citizenship for participation in Singapore: How one state seeks to influence its citizens. Oxford Review of Education, 37(6), 743-761.

Ho, L.C., Alviar-Martin, T., Sim, J.B.-Y.,& Yap, P.S. (2011). Civic disparities: Exploring st udents' perceptions of citizenship within Singapore's academic tracks. Theory and Research in Social Education, 39(2), 203-237.

Ho, L.; Sim, J. B.-Y., & Alviar-Martin, T. (2011). Interrogating Differentiated Citizenship Education: Students' Perceptions of Democracy, Rights, and Governance i n Two Singapore Schools. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 6(3), 265-276.

Leong, K-L., Sim, J. B-Y., & Chua, S-H. (2011). School-based curriculum development in Singapore: Bottom-up perspectives of a top-down policy. Curriculum Perspectives, 31(1), 46-68.

Sim, J. B.-Y. (20 10). Social studies, citizenship and participation. Global Education, 40(2), 58-63.

Sim, J. B.-Y., & Print, M. (2009). Citizenship education: Controlling or empowering teacher understanding and practice. Oxford Review of Education, 35(6), 705-723.

Sim, J. B-Y., & Print, M. (2009). The state, teachers and citizenship education in Singapore schools. British Journal of Educational Studies, 57(4), 380-399.

Baildon, M., & Sim, J. B-Y. (2009). Notions of criticality: Singaporean teacher perspectives of critical thinking in social studies. Cambridge Journal of Education, 39(4), 407-422.

Sim, J. B-Y (2008). What does citizenship mean? Social studies teachers understandings of citizenship in Singapore schools. Educational Review, 60(3), 253-266.

Nichol, R., & Sim, J. B-Y (2007) . Singaporean citizenship, National Education and social studies: Control, constraints, contradictions and possibilities. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 3(1), 17-31.

Sim, J.B-Y, & Print, M. (2005). Citizenship education and social studies in Singapore: A national agenda. Internationa l Journal of Citizenship and Teacher Education, 1(1), 58-73.

Sim, J.B-Y., & Adler, S.A. (2004). The role of secondary social studies in educating Singapore's citizens. Teaching and Learning, 25(2), 161-169.

Sim, J.B-Y. (2001). The development of social studies in Singapore secondary s chools. Teaching and Learning, 22(2), N.A..

Book Chapters (Central)
Sim, J. B.-Y., & Ho, L.-C. (2023). Transmitting Social and National Values Through Education in Singapore: Tensions in a Globalized Era. In Lovat, T., Toomey, R., Clement, N., & Dally, K. (Eds.), Second International Research Handbook on Values Education and Student Wellbeing(P P. 1031-1052). Berlin: Springer.

Yang, P., Baildon, M., & Sim, J. B.-Y. (2020). Educational mobility and citizenship: The Asian cases of Chinese "foreign talent" students in Singapore and Indian medical students in Ch ina. In Peterson, A., Stahl, G. & Soong, H. (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Citizenship and Education(PP. 633-647). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Sim, J. B.-Y., & Chow, L. T. (2019). Boundaries, ambiguity, and teacher ingenuity: Creating a safe environment in Singapore. In Levinson, M., & Fay, J. (Eds.), Democratic discord in schools: Cases and commentaries in educational ethics(PP. 258-262). Cambridge: Harvard Education Press.

Sim, J. B.-Y. (2019). Citizenship pedagogical practices in Singapore. In Davies, I., Evans, M., Fulop, M., Kiwan, D., Peterson, A., & Sim, J. B.-Y. (Eds.), Taking action for change: Youth civic engagement and activism(PP. 59-65). York: University of York.

Davies, I., Evans, M., Fulop, M., Kiwan, D., Peterson, A., & Sim, J. B.-Y. (2019). Pedagogical considerations for civic engagement and learning: Parti ng summary, comments and reflections. In Davies, I., Evans, M., Fulop, M., Kiwan, D., Peterson, A., & Sim, J. B.-Y. (Eds.), Taking action for change: Youth civic engagement and activism(PP. 66-69). York: University of York.

Davies, I., Evans, M., Fulop, M., Kiwan, D., Peterson, A., & Sim, J . B.-Y. (2019). Pedagogical considerations for youth engagement and activism: Educational approaches and practices. In Davies, I., Evans, M., Fulop, M., Kiwan, D., Peterson, A., & Sim, J. B.-Y. (Eds.), Taking action for change: Youth civic engagement and activism(PP. 12-21). York: Universit y of York.

Sim, J. B.-Y., & Chow, L.-T. (2018). The development of active participation among youth in Singapore. In Peterson, A., Stahl, G., & Soong, H. (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Citizenship and Education(PP. XX-XX). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Tan, O. S., Low, E. L., & Sim, J. B. Y. (2017). Underpinning philosophy of teacher education in Singapore: A values-driven paradigm. In O. S. Tan, W. C. Liu, & E. L. Low. (Eds.), Teacher education in the 21st century: Singapore's evolution and innovation(PP. 45-57). Singapore: Springer.

Sim, J. B.-Y. (2015). Citizenship, part icipation and elite students in Singapore. In Vickers, E., & Kumar, K. (Eds.), Constructing Modern Asian Citizenship(PP. 265-287). Oxon and New York: Routledge.

Sim, J. B.-Y. (2013). National Education: Framing the citizenship curriculum for Singapore schools. In Deng, Z., Gopinathan, S., & Lee, C. K.-E (Eds.), Globalization and the Singapore curriculum: From policy to classroom(PP. 67-83). Singapore: Springer.

Baildon, M. C., & Sim, J. B.-Y. (2012). Notions of criticality: Singaporean teachers' perspectives of critical thinking in social studies. In Wyse, D. (Ed.), Litera cy Teaching and Education(PP. XXX-XXX). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Sim, J. B-Y., & Ho, L-C. (2010). Transmitting national values through social studies: A Singapore case study. In Lovat, T., Toomey, R., & Neville, C. (Eds.), International handbook on values education and student well-being(PP. 897-917). Dordrecht: Springer.

Sim, J. B-Y. (2010). 'Simple ideological "dupes" of national governments'? Teacher agency and citizenship education in Singapore. In Kennedy, K. J., W. O. Lee, & Grossman, D. L. (Eds.), Citizenship pedagogies in Asia and the Pacific(PP. 221-242). Dordrec ht/Hong Kong: Springer and Comparative Education Research Centre The University of Hong Kong.

Baildon, M., & Sim, J. B-Y. (2010). The dilemmas of Singapore's National Education in the global society. In Reid, A., Sears, A., & Gill, J. (Eds.), Globalization, the nation-state and the citizen: Dil emmas and directions for civics and citizenship education(PP. 80-96). New York: Routledge.

Adler, S. A., & Sim, J. B-Y (2008). Secondary social studies in Singapore: Intentions and contradictions. In Grossman, D. L. & Lo, J. T-Y (Eds.), Social education in the Asia-Pacific: Critical issues and multiple perspectives(A volume in Research in social education, Series editor: Merry Merryfield)(PP. 163-182). Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing.

Print, M., Leung, Y-W., Sim, J. B-Y., Ikeno, N., & Ishimine, K. (2007). Political education across Asia. In Lange, D. H. V, & Reinhardt, V. (Eds.), Basiswissen politische bildung (Handbook ofpolitical education)(PP. 189-202). Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Verlag Hohengehren.

Sim, J.B-Y., Tan, G.C.I. & Sim, H.H. (2005). Exploring the use of enquiry-based learning through fieldwork in social studies. In Lee,C. and C hang, C. H. (Ed.), Primary social studies: Exploring pedagogy and content(PP. 33-43). Singapore: Marshall Cavendish.

Lee, K.E.C., Cherian, M., Ismail, R., Ng, M., Sim, J. and Chee, M. F. (2004). Children's Experiences of Multiracial Relationships in Informal Primary School Settings. In Lai Ah Eng (Ed.), Beyond Rituals and Riots: Ethnic Relations and Social Cohesion in Singapore(PP. 114 -145). Singapore: Times Academic Press.

Conference Papers (Central)

Conference Papers Without Proceedings

Sim, J. B.-Y. (2024, March). Navigating centralized decentralization in Singapore's school-based curriculum development. Paper presented at 2024 Asia-Pacific Conference on Curriculum Studies and Instructional Designing (Theme: Curriculum Studi es Across Diverse Context: Designing the Future), Bangkok, Thailand.

Sim, J. B.-Y., Anwar, N. D., & Lim, I. M. (2024, January). Citizenship education in Singapore 1950s-2020s: From 'ideal citizen' to moulding every 'citizen leader'. Paper presented at Virtuous Leadership and Character: 12th Annual Conference of the Jubilee Centre for Virtues and Character Education, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Sim, J. B.-Y., & Tham, P. H.-H. (2024, January). Locating 'leadership' in Singapore's Character and Citizenship Education. Paper presented at Virtuous Leadership and Character: 12th Annual Conference of the Jubilee Centre for Virtues and Character Education, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Sim, J. B.-Y. (2023, August). Eastern conceptions of flourishing with special attention on the Confucian perspective. Paper presented at Flourishing as an aim of education: Consultation-Conference, Jerusalem, Israel.

Sim, J. B.-Y. (2021, December). Development of citizenship education in Singapore: Tensions and possibilities. Paper presented at Discourse of Politics of Citizenship Education in Asia Symposium Webinar, Kyushu, Japan.

Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)

Editorships of Special Issue of Journal

Sim, J. B.-Y., & Low, E. L. (Ed.) (2012). Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, Character and citizenship education, 32 (4).

Keynote Addresses

Sim, J. B.-Y. (2020, November). 2020 International Conference on Education for Futur e Citizens: Powerful Learning and Innovative Education. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, What is critically-reflexivity and why it matters, Taipei, Taiwan.

Sim, J. B.-Y. (2019, October). Conference on Educating for Democracy: Reflecting on the Role of Education. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Education for democrati c citizenship: Some considerations for the Bhutan context, Paro, Bhutan.

Sim, J. B.-Y. (2017, November). West Zone Character and Citizenship Education Symposium. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, From Curriculum to Practice: The Teacher in Citizenship Education, Singapore.

Sim, J. B.-Y. (2015, March). International comparative research on citizenship, diversity and democracy. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Character and Citizenship Education in Singapore: A critical appraisal, Kyoto, Japan.

Sim, J. B.-Y. (2014, June). Far Eastern University Faculty Day. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Thoughtful, knowledgeable a nd active citizens: A proposed pedagogical approach, Manila, Philippines.

Sim, J. B.-Y. (2013, January). Development and Application of School Bullying Prevention Programmes Conference. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Character and Citizenship Education: The case of Singapore, Seoul, Korea.

Sim, J. B.-Y . (2012, December). Miyagi University of Education International Understanding Conference. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Society, education and citizenship in Singapore, Sendai, Japan.

Sim, J. B.-Y. (2012, September). 4th Japan Conference on the Evaluative Study on Educational Programmes of Citizensh ip Education. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, National Education: Framing the citizenship curriculum for Singapore schools, Tokyo, Japan.

Sim, J. B-Y (2009, October). 2009 International Conference of Social Studies and Citizenship Education, Hangzhou, China. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Social studies, citizenshi p and participation in Singapore, Hangzhou, China.

Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)

Technical Reports or Monographs

Sim, J. B.-Y., & Alviar-Martin, T. (2012, March). Towards engaged citizens: Understanding Singaporean students' civic knowledge, participation, attitudes, and perceptions, 46.