Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Sim Boon Yee Jasmine
Head, Policy, Curriculum & Leadership
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Policy, Curriculum & Leadership
Controlled Keywords
Jasmine B.-Y. Sim is Associate Professor at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She is the Head at the Policy, Curriculum and Leadership Department. A/P Sim was awarded the Australian International Postgraduate Research Scholarship and the International Postgraduate Award in 2003 to pursue her doctoral studies at the University of Sydney, and subsequently obtained her PhD in 2007. A/P Sim also holds a Master of Education in Learning and Teaching from Harvard University, and a Bachelor of Arts (Upper Class Honours) in English and History from the Victoria University of Wellington. She was a recipient of the Ministry of Education Overseas Postgraduate Scholarship and the Singapore Government Scholarship.

A/P Sim researches in civics and citizenship, values education, social studies education, multicultural education, reflexivity and reflexive practice, and school-based curriculum development. In 2013, A/P Sim received the World Cultural Council Award, an honour bestowed to a select number of talented researchers who have had an international impact through their research early in their careers. A/P Sim has published widely in top tier international peer reviewed journals. Her article, 'Notions of criticality: Singaporean teacher perspectives of critical thinking in social studies', won the Cambridge Journal of Education Best Paper Award in 2009.

A/P Sim has held several local and international grants inquiring into civics and citizenship education. A recently completed six countries comparative study of youth civic activism was funded by the Leverhulme International Network Grant (UK). A/P Sim is a member of the PISA 2018 Global Competence Expert Group, Regional (Asia-Pacific) Editor of Citizenship Teaching and Learning, and sits in the Editorial Boards of London Review of Education, Nordic Journal of Comparative Education, and the following book series, Moral Development and Citizenship Education, and Curriculum and School Development in Asia.
Civic and Citizenship Education, Values Education, Social Studies and Democratic Education, School-base Curriculum Development, Curriculum Policy and Development
  • Phase 1 of CORE 4 Research Programme: Baseline Investigations of Designated Subject Domain (DSD) Pedagogies in Singapore's Primary and Secondary Classrooms (C4P1)
Cambridge Journal of Education Best Article Prize 2010
Baildon, M., & Sim, J. B-Y. (2009). Notions of criticality: Singaporean teacher perspectives of critical thinking in social studies. Cambridge Journal of Education, 39,(4), 407-422.
Courses Taught
MCT 901: Curriculum Theories and Issues
AED 18A: Curriculum Design
MLS Capstone Project
QCL 52A: Social Studies in the Secondary School Classroom (Postgraduate Diploma in Education)
ACL 22B: Social Studies in the Secondary School Classroom (Degree)
Supervision of PhD Students
Nur Diyanah binte Anwar
Dr Tang Tze Yin
Dr Ravinder Mohan Sharma
Dr Chee Min Fui
Dr Sim Hwee Hwang