Academic Profile : Faculty
Prof Dong Fengming
Professor, National Institute of Education - Mathematics & Mathematics Education
Journal Articles (Central)
Dong, F.M. (2000). Proof of a chromatic polynomial conjecture. J. Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 78(1), 35-44.
Dong, F.M., Ge, J., Gong, H.L., Ning, B., Ouyang, Z.D., & Tay, E.G. (2021). Proving a conjecture on chromatic polynomials by counting the number of acyclic orientations. J. Graph Theory, 96(3), 343-360.
Dong, F.M., & Koh, K.M. (2012). The 3-connectivity of a Graph and the Mult iplicity of Zero `2' of its Chromatic Polynomial. J. Graph Theory, 70(3), 262-283.
Dong, F.M., & Yan, W.G. (2017). Expression for the Number of Spanning Trees of Line Graphs of Arbitrary Connected G raphs. J. Graph Theory, 85(1), 74-93.
Dong, F.M. (2018). From G-parking functions to B-parking functions. J. Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 160, 84-110.
Huang, Y.Q., Zhang, L.C., & Dong, F .M. (2024). A new note on 1-planar graphs with minimum degree 7. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 348, 165-183.
Deng, Q.Y., Dong, F.M., Jin, X.A., &Yan, Q. (2024). Partial-dual polynomial as a framed weight system. Communications in Ma thematics, to appear(null), to appear.
Zhang, M.Q., & Dong, F.M. (2024). Compare list-color functions of hypergraphs with their chromatic polynomials (II). Discrete Mathematics, 347(1), 133-149.
Zhang, M.Q., & Dong, F.M. (2023). Z_{DP}(n) is bounded above by n^2-(n+3)/2. J. Graph Theory, 104(1), 133-149.
Zhang, M.Q., & Dong, F.M. (2023). DP color functions versus chromatic polynomials (II). J. Graph Theory, 103(4), 740-761.
Dong, F.M., &Zhang, M.Q. (2023). An improved lower bound of P(G,L)-P(G,k) for k-assignments L. J. Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 161, 109-119.
Dong, F.M., & Yan, S.H.F. (2023). Proving identities on weight polynomials of tier ed trees via Tutte polynomials. J. Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 193, 105689.
Zhang, M.Q., & Dong, F.M. (2022). Anti-ramsey number of trees in complete multi-partite graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 345(12), 113100.
Ding, Z.P., Ouyang, Z.D., Huang, Y.Q., & Dong, F.M. (2022). New upper bounds for the crossing numbers of crossing-critical graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 345(12), 113090.
Huang, Y.Q., Ouyang, Z.D., & Dong, F.M. (2022). On the size of matchings in 1-planar graphs with high minimum degree. SIAM Discrete Mathematics, 36(4), 2570-2584.
Dong, F.M., &Ge, J. (2022). Counting spanning trees in a complete bipartite graph which contain a given s panning forest. J. Graph Theory, 101(1), 79-94.
Dong, F.M., &Yang, Y. (2022). DP color functions versus chromatic polynomials. Advances in Applied Mathematics, 134, 102301.
Zhang, R.X., Dong, F.M., &Zhang, M.Q. (2022). Zer o-Free Intervals of Chromatic Polynomials of Mixed Hypergraphs. Mathematics, 10(2), 10.3390/math10020193.
Dong, F.M., Ge, J., & Ouyang, Z.D. (2022). Express the number of spanning trees in term of degrees. Applied Mathematics and Co mputation, 415, 126697.
Ouyang, Z.D., Huang, Y.Q., & Dong, F.M. (2021). The Maximal 1-Planarity and Crossing Numbers of Graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics, 37, 1333-1344.
Ouyang, Z.D., Dong, F.M., Zhang, R.X., & Tay, E.G. (2021). Properties of π-skew graphs with applications. Acta Mathematica Sinica, 37(4), 641 - 656.
Huang, Y.Q., Ouyang, Z.D., & Dong, F.M. (2021). On the sizes of bipartite 1-planar graphs. E lectronic Journal of Combinatorics, 28(2), P2.22.
Dong, F.M., Ge, J., & Yan, Y. (2021). Upper bounds on the signed edge domination number of a graph. Discrete Mathematics, 344(2), 112201.
Ouyang, Z.D., Huang, Y.Q., Dong, F.M., & Tay, E.G. (2021). Zip product of graphs and crossing numbers. J. Graph Theory, 96(2), 289-309.
Zhang, R.X., & Dong, F.M. (2020). Zero-free intervals of chromatic polynomials of hypergraphs. Discrete Mathematics, 343(12), 112134.
Zhang, R.X., & Dong, F.M. (2020). Problems on chromatic polynomials of hypergraphs. Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications, 8(2), 241-246.
Zhao, X., Dong, F.M., & Chen, C. (202 0). On nonfeasible edge sets in matching-covered graphs. J. Graph Theory, 95(2), 192-208.
Ge, J., & Dong, F.M. (2020). Spanning trees in complete bipartite graphs and resistance distance in n early complete bipartite graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 283, 542-554.
Dong, F.M. (2020). New expressions for order polynomials and chromatic polynomials. J. Graph Theory, 94(1), 30-58.
He,J.J., Hao, R.X., & Dong, F.M. (2020). The rank of a complex unit gain graph in terms of the matching number. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 589, 158-185.
Dong, F.M. (2019). A survey on the study of real roots of flow polynomials. J. Graph Theory, 92(4), 361-376.
Ouyang, Z.D., Dong, F.M., &Tay, E.G. (2019). On the skewness of Cartesian products w ith trees. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 267, 131-141.
Dong, F.M. (2018). On graphs whose flow polynomials have real roots only. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 25(3), #P3.26.
Deng, Q.Y., J in, X.A, Dong, F.M., & Tay E.G. (2018). Even subgraph expansions for the flow polynomial of planar graphs with maximum degree at most 4. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 25(2), #P2.7.
Dong, F.M., Ho, W.K. , & Zhao, D.S. (2018). A Study on Rank Commutators of Special Families of Matrices. Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 42, 15-30.
Wang, Y.N., Xing, R.D., Zhou, B., & Dong, F.M. (2017). A note on distance spectral radius of trees. Special Matrices, 5, 296-300.
Zhang, R.X., & Dong, F.M. (2017). Properties of chromatic polynomials of hypergraphs not held for chromatic polynomials of graphs. European Journal of Combinatorics, 64, 138- 151.
Dong, F.M., &Jin, X.A. (2015). Bounds for Zeros of Jones polynomials of graphs. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 22(3), #P3.23.
Ng, B.L., & Dong, F.M. (2015). The Chromatic Equivalence Classes of K_{1,n, n+2}. Discrete Mathematics, 338(5), 674-687.
Dong, F.M. (2015). On graphs having no flow zeros in (1,2). Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 22(1), #P1.82.
Dong, F.M. (2015). On Zero-free Intervals of Flow Polynomials. J. Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 111, 181-200.
Dong, F.M., Tay, E.G., &Koh, K.M. (2014). Nowhere-zero 3-flows in tensor products of graphs. Ars Combinatoria, 117, 375-386.
Xing, R.D., Zhou, B. & Dong, F.M. (2014). The effect of a graft transformation on distance spectral radius. Linear Algebra and its applications , 457, 261-274.
Dong, F.M., Zhao, D.S., & Ho, W.K. (2014). On the largest outscribed equilateral triangle. The Mathematical Gazette, 97, 79-84.
Dong, F.M., Yan, W.G., &Zhang, F.J. (2013). On the number of perfect matchings of line graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161(6), 794-801.
Dong, F.M., Ho, W.K., & Lee, T.Y. (2013). A Family of Identities via Arbitrary Polynomials. The College Mathematics Journal, 44, 43-47.
Koh, K.M., Ting, T.S., & Dong, F.M. (2012). A Characterisation of Cycle-Disjoint Graphs with Unique Minim um Weakly Connected Dominating Set. Australas. J. Combinatorics, 54, 177-187.
Dong, F.M. (2012). A New Expression for Matching Polynomials. Discrete Mathematics, 312, 803-807.
Xing, R., Zhou, B., & Dong F.M. (2011). On atom-bond connectivity index of connected graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 159(15), 1617-1630.
Dong, F.M., & Jackson, B. (2011). A zero-free interval for chromatic polynomials of nearly 3-connected plane graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics, 25, 1103-1118.
Dong, F.M., Royle, G., & Wagner, D. (2011). Chromatic roots of a ring of f our cliques. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 18(1), #151.
Jin, X.A., Zhang, F.J., Dong, F.M., & Tay, E.G. (2010). Zeros of the Jones polynomial aredense in the complex plane. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 17, #R94.
Dong, F.M., &Koh, K.M. (2010). On Zero-free Interva ls in (1,2) of Chromatic Polynomials of Some Families of Graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics, 24, 370-378.
Koh, K.M., Ting, T.S., Xu, Z.L. & Dong, F.M. (2010). Lower Bound on the Weakly Connected Domination Number of a Cycle-disjoint Graph. Australas. J. Combinatorics, 46, 157-166.
Dong, F.M., Ge, J., Gong, H.L., Ning, B., Ouyang, Z.D., & Tay, E.G. (2021). Proving a conjecture on chromatic polynomials by counting the number of acyclic orientations. J. Graph Theory, 96(3), 343-360.
Dong, F.M., & Koh, K.M. (2012). The 3-connectivity of a Graph and the Mult iplicity of Zero `2' of its Chromatic Polynomial. J. Graph Theory, 70(3), 262-283.
Dong, F.M., & Yan, W.G. (2017). Expression for the Number of Spanning Trees of Line Graphs of Arbitrary Connected G raphs. J. Graph Theory, 85(1), 74-93.
Dong, F.M. (2018). From G-parking functions to B-parking functions. J. Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 160, 84-110.
Huang, Y.Q., Zhang, L.C., & Dong, F .M. (2024). A new note on 1-planar graphs with minimum degree 7. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 348, 165-183.
Deng, Q.Y., Dong, F.M., Jin, X.A., &Yan, Q. (2024). Partial-dual polynomial as a framed weight system. Communications in Ma thematics, to appear(null), to appear.
Zhang, M.Q., & Dong, F.M. (2024). Compare list-color functions of hypergraphs with their chromatic polynomials (II). Discrete Mathematics, 347(1), 133-149.
Zhang, M.Q., & Dong, F.M. (2023). Z_{DP}(n) is bounded above by n^2-(n+3)/2. J. Graph Theory, 104(1), 133-149.
Zhang, M.Q., & Dong, F.M. (2023). DP color functions versus chromatic polynomials (II). J. Graph Theory, 103(4), 740-761.
Dong, F.M., &Zhang, M.Q. (2023). An improved lower bound of P(G,L)-P(G,k) for k-assignments L. J. Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 161, 109-119.
Dong, F.M., & Yan, S.H.F. (2023). Proving identities on weight polynomials of tier ed trees via Tutte polynomials. J. Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 193, 105689.
Zhang, M.Q., & Dong, F.M. (2022). Anti-ramsey number of trees in complete multi-partite graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 345(12), 113100.
Ding, Z.P., Ouyang, Z.D., Huang, Y.Q., & Dong, F.M. (2022). New upper bounds for the crossing numbers of crossing-critical graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 345(12), 113090.
Huang, Y.Q., Ouyang, Z.D., & Dong, F.M. (2022). On the size of matchings in 1-planar graphs with high minimum degree. SIAM Discrete Mathematics, 36(4), 2570-2584.
Dong, F.M., &Ge, J. (2022). Counting spanning trees in a complete bipartite graph which contain a given s panning forest. J. Graph Theory, 101(1), 79-94.
Dong, F.M., &Yang, Y. (2022). DP color functions versus chromatic polynomials. Advances in Applied Mathematics, 134, 102301.
Zhang, R.X., Dong, F.M., &Zhang, M.Q. (2022). Zer o-Free Intervals of Chromatic Polynomials of Mixed Hypergraphs. Mathematics, 10(2), 10.3390/math10020193.
Dong, F.M., Ge, J., & Ouyang, Z.D. (2022). Express the number of spanning trees in term of degrees. Applied Mathematics and Co mputation, 415, 126697.
Ouyang, Z.D., Huang, Y.Q., & Dong, F.M. (2021). The Maximal 1-Planarity and Crossing Numbers of Graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics, 37, 1333-1344.
Ouyang, Z.D., Dong, F.M., Zhang, R.X., & Tay, E.G. (2021). Properties of π-skew graphs with applications. Acta Mathematica Sinica, 37(4), 641 - 656.
Huang, Y.Q., Ouyang, Z.D., & Dong, F.M. (2021). On the sizes of bipartite 1-planar graphs. E lectronic Journal of Combinatorics, 28(2), P2.22.
Dong, F.M., Ge, J., & Yan, Y. (2021). Upper bounds on the signed edge domination number of a graph. Discrete Mathematics, 344(2), 112201.
Ouyang, Z.D., Huang, Y.Q., Dong, F.M., & Tay, E.G. (2021). Zip product of graphs and crossing numbers. J. Graph Theory, 96(2), 289-309.
Zhang, R.X., & Dong, F.M. (2020). Zero-free intervals of chromatic polynomials of hypergraphs. Discrete Mathematics, 343(12), 112134.
Zhang, R.X., & Dong, F.M. (2020). Problems on chromatic polynomials of hypergraphs. Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications, 8(2), 241-246.
Zhao, X., Dong, F.M., & Chen, C. (202 0). On nonfeasible edge sets in matching-covered graphs. J. Graph Theory, 95(2), 192-208.
Ge, J., & Dong, F.M. (2020). Spanning trees in complete bipartite graphs and resistance distance in n early complete bipartite graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 283, 542-554.
Dong, F.M. (2020). New expressions for order polynomials and chromatic polynomials. J. Graph Theory, 94(1), 30-58.
He,J.J., Hao, R.X., & Dong, F.M. (2020). The rank of a complex unit gain graph in terms of the matching number. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 589, 158-185.
Dong, F.M. (2019). A survey on the study of real roots of flow polynomials. J. Graph Theory, 92(4), 361-376.
Ouyang, Z.D., Dong, F.M., &Tay, E.G. (2019). On the skewness of Cartesian products w ith trees. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 267, 131-141.
Dong, F.M. (2018). On graphs whose flow polynomials have real roots only. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 25(3), #P3.26.
Deng, Q.Y., J in, X.A, Dong, F.M., & Tay E.G. (2018). Even subgraph expansions for the flow polynomial of planar graphs with maximum degree at most 4. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 25(2), #P2.7.
Dong, F.M., Ho, W.K. , & Zhao, D.S. (2018). A Study on Rank Commutators of Special Families of Matrices. Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 42, 15-30.
Wang, Y.N., Xing, R.D., Zhou, B., & Dong, F.M. (2017). A note on distance spectral radius of trees. Special Matrices, 5, 296-300.
Zhang, R.X., & Dong, F.M. (2017). Properties of chromatic polynomials of hypergraphs not held for chromatic polynomials of graphs. European Journal of Combinatorics, 64, 138- 151.
Dong, F.M., &Jin, X.A. (2015). Bounds for Zeros of Jones polynomials of graphs. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 22(3), #P3.23.
Ng, B.L., & Dong, F.M. (2015). The Chromatic Equivalence Classes of K_{1,n, n+2}. Discrete Mathematics, 338(5), 674-687.
Dong, F.M. (2015). On graphs having no flow zeros in (1,2). Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 22(1), #P1.82.
Dong, F.M. (2015). On Zero-free Intervals of Flow Polynomials. J. Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 111, 181-200.
Dong, F.M., Tay, E.G., &Koh, K.M. (2014). Nowhere-zero 3-flows in tensor products of graphs. Ars Combinatoria, 117, 375-386.
Xing, R.D., Zhou, B. & Dong, F.M. (2014). The effect of a graft transformation on distance spectral radius. Linear Algebra and its applications , 457, 261-274.
Dong, F.M., Zhao, D.S., & Ho, W.K. (2014). On the largest outscribed equilateral triangle. The Mathematical Gazette, 97, 79-84.
Dong, F.M., Yan, W.G., &Zhang, F.J. (2013). On the number of perfect matchings of line graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161(6), 794-801.
Dong, F.M., Ho, W.K., & Lee, T.Y. (2013). A Family of Identities via Arbitrary Polynomials. The College Mathematics Journal, 44, 43-47.
Koh, K.M., Ting, T.S., & Dong, F.M. (2012). A Characterisation of Cycle-Disjoint Graphs with Unique Minim um Weakly Connected Dominating Set. Australas. J. Combinatorics, 54, 177-187.
Dong, F.M. (2012). A New Expression for Matching Polynomials. Discrete Mathematics, 312, 803-807.
Xing, R., Zhou, B., & Dong F.M. (2011). On atom-bond connectivity index of connected graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 159(15), 1617-1630.
Dong, F.M., & Jackson, B. (2011). A zero-free interval for chromatic polynomials of nearly 3-connected plane graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics, 25, 1103-1118.
Dong, F.M., Royle, G., & Wagner, D. (2011). Chromatic roots of a ring of f our cliques. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 18(1), #151.
Jin, X.A., Zhang, F.J., Dong, F.M., & Tay, E.G. (2010). Zeros of the Jones polynomial aredense in the complex plane. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 17, #R94.
Dong, F.M., &Koh, K.M. (2010). On Zero-free Interva ls in (1,2) of Chromatic Polynomials of Some Families of Graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics, 24, 370-378.
Koh, K.M., Ting, T.S., Xu, Z.L. & Dong, F.M. (2010). Lower Bound on the Weakly Connected Domination Number of a Cycle-disjoint Graph. Australas. J. Combinatorics, 46, 157-166.
Books (Central)
Koh, K. M., Dong, F. M., & Tay, E. G. (2023). Introduction to Graph Theory/ With solutions to selected problems (PP. 294). Singapore: World Scientific.
Koh, K. M., Dong, F. M., Ng, K. L., & Tay, E. G. (2015). Graph Theory: Undergraduate Mathematics (PP. 479). Singapore: World Scienti fic.
Fan, L.H., Cheang, W.K., Dong, F.M., Leong, Y.H., Lim-Teo, S.K., Ng, W.L., Quek, K.S., Tang, W.K., Tay, E.G., Teo, K.M., Toh, T.L., Yap, S.F., Yeap, B.H., & Zhao, D.S. (2008). New Express Mathematics 4 (PP. 304). Singapore: Mutimedia Communications.
Fan, L.H., Cheang, W.K., Dong, F.M ., Leong, Y.H., Lim-Teo, S.K., Ng, W.L., Quek, K.S., Tang, W.K., Tay, E.G., Teo, K.M., Toh, T.L., Yap, S.F., Yeap, B.H., & Zhao, D.S. (2008). New Express Mathematics 2 (PP. 352). Singapore: Multimedia Communications.
Koh, K.M., Dong, F.M., & Tay, E.G. (2007). Introduction to Graph Theory (Solution Manual) (PP. 260). Singapore: World Scientific.
Koh, K.M., Dong, F.M., &Tay, E.G. (2007). Introduction to Graph Theory (H3 Mathematics) (PP. 244). Singapore: W orld Scientific.
Fan, L.H., Cheang, W.K., Dong, F.M., Leong, Y.H., Lim-Teo, S.K., Ng, W.L., Quek, K.S., Tang, W.K., Tay, E.G., Teo, K.M., Toh, T.L., Yap, S.F., Yeap, B.H., & Zhao, D.S. (2007). New Express Mathematics 3 (PP. 373). Singapore: Multimedia Communications.
Fan, L.H., Cheang, W. K., Dong, F.M., Leong, Y.H., Lim-Teo, S.K., Ng, W.L., Quek, K.S., Tang, W.K., Tay, E.G., Teo, K.M., Toh, T.L., Yap, S.F., Yeap, B.H., & Zhao, D.S. (2007). New Express Mathematics 1 (PP. 368). Singapore: Multimedia Communications.
Dong, F. M., Koh, K. M., & Teo, K. L. (2005). CHROMATIC POLYNOMIALS AND CHROMATICITY OF GRAPHS (PP. 384). Singapore: World Scientific.
Koh, K. M., Dong, F. M., Ng, K. L., & Tay, E. G. (2015). Graph Theory: Undergraduate Mathematics (PP. 479). Singapore: World Scienti fic.
Fan, L.H., Cheang, W.K., Dong, F.M., Leong, Y.H., Lim-Teo, S.K., Ng, W.L., Quek, K.S., Tang, W.K., Tay, E.G., Teo, K.M., Toh, T.L., Yap, S.F., Yeap, B.H., & Zhao, D.S. (2008). New Express Mathematics 4 (PP. 304). Singapore: Mutimedia Communications.
Fan, L.H., Cheang, W.K., Dong, F.M ., Leong, Y.H., Lim-Teo, S.K., Ng, W.L., Quek, K.S., Tang, W.K., Tay, E.G., Teo, K.M., Toh, T.L., Yap, S.F., Yeap, B.H., & Zhao, D.S. (2008). New Express Mathematics 2 (PP. 352). Singapore: Multimedia Communications.
Koh, K.M., Dong, F.M., & Tay, E.G. (2007). Introduction to Graph Theory (Solution Manual) (PP. 260). Singapore: World Scientific.
Koh, K.M., Dong, F.M., &Tay, E.G. (2007). Introduction to Graph Theory (H3 Mathematics) (PP. 244). Singapore: W orld Scientific.
Fan, L.H., Cheang, W.K., Dong, F.M., Leong, Y.H., Lim-Teo, S.K., Ng, W.L., Quek, K.S., Tang, W.K., Tay, E.G., Teo, K.M., Toh, T.L., Yap, S.F., Yeap, B.H., & Zhao, D.S. (2007). New Express Mathematics 3 (PP. 373). Singapore: Multimedia Communications.
Fan, L.H., Cheang, W. K., Dong, F.M., Leong, Y.H., Lim-Teo, S.K., Ng, W.L., Quek, K.S., Tang, W.K., Tay, E.G., Teo, K.M., Toh, T.L., Yap, S.F., Yeap, B.H., & Zhao, D.S. (2007). New Express Mathematics 1 (PP. 368). Singapore: Multimedia Communications.
Dong, F. M., Koh, K. M., & Teo, K. L. (2005). CHROMATIC POLYNOMIALS AND CHROMATICITY OF GRAPHS (PP. 384). Singapore: World Scientific.
Book Chapters (Central)
Dong, F.M., & Koh K.M. (2022). Foundations of the Chromatic Polynomial. In Ellis-Monaghan J., & Moffatt I. (Eds.), Handbook of the Tutte polynomial and related topics(PP. 213-251). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
Toh, T.L., Chan, C.M.E., Tay, E.G., Leong, Y.H., Quek, K.S., Toh, P.C., Ho, W.K., Dindyal J., Ho, F.H., Dong, F.M. (2019). Problem solving in the Singapore school mathematics Curriculum. In Toh, T.L., Kaur, B., & Tay, E.G. (Eds.), Mathem atics Education in Singapore(PP. 141 - 164). Singapore: Springer.
Toh, T.L., Chan, C.M.E., Tay, E.G., Leong, Y.H., Quek, K.S., Toh, P.C., Ho, W.K., Dindyal J., Ho, F.H., Dong, F.M. (2019). Problem solving in the Singapore school mathematics Curriculum. In Toh, T.L., Kaur, B., & Tay, E.G. (Eds.), Mathem atics Education in Singapore(PP. 141 - 164). Singapore: Springer.
Conference Papers (Central)
Conference Papers Published in Proceedings
Quek, K. S., Tay, E. G., Choy, B. H., Dong, F. M., Toh, T. L., & Ho, F. H. (2007, June). Mathematical Problem Solving for Integrated Programme Students: Beliefs and performance in non-routine problems. In Lim, C. S., Fatimah, S., Munirah, G., Hajar , S., Hashimah, M. Y., Gan, W. L., Hwa, T. Y. (Ed.), Proceedings EARCOME 4 2007: Meeting the Challenges of Developing a Quality Mathematics Education Culture, 1, 492-497.
Tay, E. G., Quek, K. S., Dong, F. M., Toh, T. L., & Ho, F. H. (2007, June). Mathematical Problem Solving for Integrated Programme Students: The Practical Paradigm. In Lim, C. S., Fatimah, S., Munirah, G., Hajar, S., Hashimah, M. Y., Gan, W. L., Hwa, T. Y. (Ed.), Proceedings EARCOME 4 2007: Meeting the Challenges of Developing a Quality Mathematics Education Culture, 1, 463-470.
Dong, F.M., Lee, T.Y., Tay, E. G. & Toh, T.L. (2002, January). Performance of Singapore Junior College Students on Some Nonroutine Problem. In Douglas Edge and Yeap Ban Har (Ed.), EARCOME, 2002, 71-77.
Dong, F.M., & Koh, K.M. (1999, January). The acyclic colouring, triangle number and chromatic polynomial of a graph. In NA (Ed.), Algebras and Combinatorics - an international congress, ICAC '97, 217-236.
Conference Papers Without Proceedings
Dong, F.M. (2023, August). New expressions for order polynomials and chromatic polynomials. Paper presented a t the 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics 20-25 Aug, Tokyo, Japan.
Dong, F.M., & Zhang, M.Q. (2023, June). List color-function versus chromatic polynomial. Paper presented at the 2023 Xinjiang-Shanghai Graph Theory and Combinatorial Mathematics Seminar, Urumqi, China.
Dong, F.M. (2023, April). List-color functions versus chromatic polynomials. Paper presented at AMS 2023 Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, Online, United States.
Dong, F.M. (2022, May). DP color functions ve rsus chromatic polynomials. Paper presented at AMS Spring 2022 Western Sectional Meeting (online), Denver, Colorado, US, United States.
Zhao, X., Dong, F.M., & Chen S. (2019, March). On non-feasible edge sets of matching-covered bipartite graphs. Paper presented at international confere nce on graph theory and combinatorics at Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China.
Dong, F.M., Ge, J., Gong, H.L., Ning B., Ouyang, Z.D. & Tay, T.G., (2018, June). Proof of Lundow and Markstr'm'sconjecture on chromaticpolynomials via novel inequalities. Paper presented at Workshop on Gra phs and Knots, Xiamen, China.
Dong, F.M. (2017, December). From G-parking functions to B-parking functions. Paper presented at The third conference of Combinatorics and Graph Theory at Hunan University, Changsha, China.
Ho, W. K., Teo, K. M., Zhao D., Yap, R. A. S., Tay E. G., Toh, P. C., Toh, T. L., Cheang, W. K., Zhu, Y., Dong, F., Shutler, P. M. E., & Quek, K. S. (2017, July). Reading mathematics: A holistic curriculum approach. Paper presented at Psychology of Mathematics Education 41, Singapore.
Dong, F.M. (2017, May). Uniquely restricted matchings andan extension o f G-parking functions. Paper presented at The Ninth Shanghai Conference on Combinatorics (9SHCC), Shanghai, China.
Dong, F.M. (2016, December). On the study of roots of Jones polynomials. Paper presented at 2016 Conference on the advances on Combinatorics and related topic, Xiamen, Chin a.
Dong, F.M. (2016, July). A Survey on Chromatic polynomials of hypergraphs. Paper presented at The Asian Mathematical Conference (AMC 2016 Bali), Bali, Indonesia.
Dong, F.M. (2016, June). On flow polynomials with real roots only. Paper presented at The workshop on graphs and knot s, Xiamen, China.
Dong, F.M. (2015, April). On flow polynomials having no roots in (1,2). Paper presented at The 2015 International Conference on Graph Theory at Fuzhou, Fuzhou, China.
Dong F.M., Yan W.G. (2014, November). Proof of a Conjecture On the Number of Spanning Trees of Line G raphs and its Generalization. Paper presented at The Sixth National conference of Combinatorics and Graph Theory in China, Guangzhou, China.
Dong, F.M. (2014, June). Study on the Real Roots of Flow Polynomials. Paper presented at International Symposium on Graph Polynomials and their ap plications, Xiamen, China.
Dong, F.M., Zhao D.S., & Ho, W.K. (2013, November). On the largest outscribed equilateral triangles. Paper presented at The Third Lee Peng Yee Symposium (LPYS) in 2013, Singapore.
Toh, T. L., Toh, P. C., Tay, E. G., Quek, K. S., Leong, Y. H., Dindyal, J., Ho, F. H., Dong, F. M. (2013, November). Making Mathematical Problem Solving Practical. Paper presented at 3rd Lee Peng Yee Symposium, Singapore.
Dong, F.M., Royle, G., & Wagner, D. (2013, June). Chromatic Roots of a Ring of Four Cliques. Paper presented at 2013 International and seventh C ross-strait Conference on Graph Theory and Combinatorics, Changsha, China, China.
Dong, F.M. (2012, December). On G-parking functions and spanning trees. Paper presented at The International workshop on discrete mathematics in 2012, Fuzhou, China, China.
Dong, F.M., & Koh, K.M. (2012, Jul y). The 3-connectivity of a Graph and the Multiplicity of Zero '2' of its Chromatic Polynomial. Paper presented at The Fifth National Conference of Combinatorics and Graph Theory in China, Luoyang, China.
Dong, F.M. (2012, July). Matrices and Matching Polynomials. Paper presented at The 10th International Conference on Matrix Theory and its Applications in China, Guiyang, China.
Dong, F.M. (2010, August). Relation between Matching Polynomials and Characteristic polynomials. Paper presented at International Conference on Mathematical Chemistry 2010, Xiamen, China.
Don g, F.M. (2010, July). Survey on the distribution of chromatic zeros. Paper presented at International Symposium on Graph Theory and Combinatorial Algorithms (GTCA'2010), Beijing, China.
Dong, F.M., &Koh, K.M. (2009, July). On Zero-free Intervals in (1,2) of Chromatic Polynomials of Some Families of Graphs. Paper presented at 2009 International and Fifth Cross-strait Conference on Graph Theory and Combinatorics, Tianjin, Tianjin, China, China.
Dong, F.M., & Koh, K.M. (2008, December). Bounded locations of Real Zeros of Chromatic Polynomials. Paper presented at Internat ional Conference on Graph Theory with Applications, Beijing, China.
Quek, K. S., Toh T. L., Boey, K. L., Tay E. G. & Dong F. M. (2008, July). Teaching of Discrete Mathematics at Advanced Level in Singapore : Teachers' Perspectives. Paper presented at 11th International Congress on Mathemati cal Education, Monterrey, Mexico.
Dong, F.M. (2008, June). Bounds for the real zeros of Chromatic polynomials. Paper presented at Program 'Combinatorics and Statistical Mechanics', Cambridge, UK, United Kingdom.
Dong, F.M., &Koh, K.M. (2007, April). Domination numbers and zeros of chro matic polynomials. Paper presented at One-day seminar at the department of mathematics at University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tay, E. G., Dong, F. M., & Koh, K. M. (2007, April). Roman Domination. Paper presented at One Day Mathematics Seminar, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpu r, Malaysia.
Tay E. G., Quek K. S., Dong F., Lee T. Y., Lim-Teo S. K., Toh T. L., & Ho F. H. (2006, May). Mathematical Problem Solving for Integrated Programme Students. Paper presented at ERAS Conference 2006 Diversity for Excellence: Engaged Pedagogy, Singapore.
Dong, F.M., &Koh, K.M. ( 2006, April). Bounds for the coefficients of flow polynomials,. Paper presented at the workshop of discrete mathematics at Fuzhou University of China, Fuzhou, China.
Dong, F.M. (2005, July). Explain identities. Paper presented at Asian Mathematics Conference, Singapore.
Dong, F.M., &Koh, K.M. (2005, June). On Plane Graphs Without Chromatic Zeros in (1,2). Paper presented at 2005 International and Third Cross-strait Conference on Graph Theory and Combinatorics, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China.
Dong, F.M. (2005, May). Chromatic polynomials. Paper presented at the confer ence of Logic and computation, Kun Ming, China.
Quek, K. S., Tay, E. G., Choy, B. H., Dong, F. M., Toh, T. L., & Ho, F. H. (2007, June). Mathematical Problem Solving for Integrated Programme Students: Beliefs and performance in non-routine problems. In Lim, C. S., Fatimah, S., Munirah, G., Hajar , S., Hashimah, M. Y., Gan, W. L., Hwa, T. Y. (Ed.), Proceedings EARCOME 4 2007: Meeting the Challenges of Developing a Quality Mathematics Education Culture, 1, 492-497.
Tay, E. G., Quek, K. S., Dong, F. M., Toh, T. L., & Ho, F. H. (2007, June). Mathematical Problem Solving for Integrated Programme Students: The Practical Paradigm. In Lim, C. S., Fatimah, S., Munirah, G., Hajar, S., Hashimah, M. Y., Gan, W. L., Hwa, T. Y. (Ed.), Proceedings EARCOME 4 2007: Meeting the Challenges of Developing a Quality Mathematics Education Culture, 1, 463-470.
Dong, F.M., Lee, T.Y., Tay, E. G. & Toh, T.L. (2002, January). Performance of Singapore Junior College Students on Some Nonroutine Problem. In Douglas Edge and Yeap Ban Har (Ed.), EARCOME, 2002, 71-77.
Dong, F.M., & Koh, K.M. (1999, January). The acyclic colouring, triangle number and chromatic polynomial of a graph. In NA (Ed.), Algebras and Combinatorics - an international congress, ICAC '97, 217-236.
Conference Papers Without Proceedings
Dong, F.M. (2023, August). New expressions for order polynomials and chromatic polynomials. Paper presented a t the 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics 20-25 Aug, Tokyo, Japan.
Dong, F.M., & Zhang, M.Q. (2023, June). List color-function versus chromatic polynomial. Paper presented at the 2023 Xinjiang-Shanghai Graph Theory and Combinatorial Mathematics Seminar, Urumqi, China.
Dong, F.M. (2023, April). List-color functions versus chromatic polynomials. Paper presented at AMS 2023 Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, Online, United States.
Dong, F.M. (2022, May). DP color functions ve rsus chromatic polynomials. Paper presented at AMS Spring 2022 Western Sectional Meeting (online), Denver, Colorado, US, United States.
Zhao, X., Dong, F.M., & Chen S. (2019, March). On non-feasible edge sets of matching-covered bipartite graphs. Paper presented at international confere nce on graph theory and combinatorics at Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China.
Dong, F.M., Ge, J., Gong, H.L., Ning B., Ouyang, Z.D. & Tay, T.G., (2018, June). Proof of Lundow and Markstr'm'sconjecture on chromaticpolynomials via novel inequalities. Paper presented at Workshop on Gra phs and Knots, Xiamen, China.
Dong, F.M. (2017, December). From G-parking functions to B-parking functions. Paper presented at The third conference of Combinatorics and Graph Theory at Hunan University, Changsha, China.
Ho, W. K., Teo, K. M., Zhao D., Yap, R. A. S., Tay E. G., Toh, P. C., Toh, T. L., Cheang, W. K., Zhu, Y., Dong, F., Shutler, P. M. E., & Quek, K. S. (2017, July). Reading mathematics: A holistic curriculum approach. Paper presented at Psychology of Mathematics Education 41, Singapore.
Dong, F.M. (2017, May). Uniquely restricted matchings andan extension o f G-parking functions. Paper presented at The Ninth Shanghai Conference on Combinatorics (9SHCC), Shanghai, China.
Dong, F.M. (2016, December). On the study of roots of Jones polynomials. Paper presented at 2016 Conference on the advances on Combinatorics and related topic, Xiamen, Chin a.
Dong, F.M. (2016, July). A Survey on Chromatic polynomials of hypergraphs. Paper presented at The Asian Mathematical Conference (AMC 2016 Bali), Bali, Indonesia.
Dong, F.M. (2016, June). On flow polynomials with real roots only. Paper presented at The workshop on graphs and knot s, Xiamen, China.
Dong, F.M. (2015, April). On flow polynomials having no roots in (1,2). Paper presented at The 2015 International Conference on Graph Theory at Fuzhou, Fuzhou, China.
Dong F.M., Yan W.G. (2014, November). Proof of a Conjecture On the Number of Spanning Trees of Line G raphs and its Generalization. Paper presented at The Sixth National conference of Combinatorics and Graph Theory in China, Guangzhou, China.
Dong, F.M. (2014, June). Study on the Real Roots of Flow Polynomials. Paper presented at International Symposium on Graph Polynomials and their ap plications, Xiamen, China.
Dong, F.M., Zhao D.S., & Ho, W.K. (2013, November). On the largest outscribed equilateral triangles. Paper presented at The Third Lee Peng Yee Symposium (LPYS) in 2013, Singapore.
Toh, T. L., Toh, P. C., Tay, E. G., Quek, K. S., Leong, Y. H., Dindyal, J., Ho, F. H., Dong, F. M. (2013, November). Making Mathematical Problem Solving Practical. Paper presented at 3rd Lee Peng Yee Symposium, Singapore.
Dong, F.M., Royle, G., & Wagner, D. (2013, June). Chromatic Roots of a Ring of Four Cliques. Paper presented at 2013 International and seventh C ross-strait Conference on Graph Theory and Combinatorics, Changsha, China, China.
Dong, F.M. (2012, December). On G-parking functions and spanning trees. Paper presented at The International workshop on discrete mathematics in 2012, Fuzhou, China, China.
Dong, F.M., & Koh, K.M. (2012, Jul y). The 3-connectivity of a Graph and the Multiplicity of Zero '2' of its Chromatic Polynomial. Paper presented at The Fifth National Conference of Combinatorics and Graph Theory in China, Luoyang, China.
Dong, F.M. (2012, July). Matrices and Matching Polynomials. Paper presented at The 10th International Conference on Matrix Theory and its Applications in China, Guiyang, China.
Dong, F.M. (2010, August). Relation between Matching Polynomials and Characteristic polynomials. Paper presented at International Conference on Mathematical Chemistry 2010, Xiamen, China.
Don g, F.M. (2010, July). Survey on the distribution of chromatic zeros. Paper presented at International Symposium on Graph Theory and Combinatorial Algorithms (GTCA'2010), Beijing, China.
Dong, F.M., &Koh, K.M. (2009, July). On Zero-free Intervals in (1,2) of Chromatic Polynomials of Some Families of Graphs. Paper presented at 2009 International and Fifth Cross-strait Conference on Graph Theory and Combinatorics, Tianjin, Tianjin, China, China.
Dong, F.M., & Koh, K.M. (2008, December). Bounded locations of Real Zeros of Chromatic Polynomials. Paper presented at Internat ional Conference on Graph Theory with Applications, Beijing, China.
Quek, K. S., Toh T. L., Boey, K. L., Tay E. G. & Dong F. M. (2008, July). Teaching of Discrete Mathematics at Advanced Level in Singapore : Teachers' Perspectives. Paper presented at 11th International Congress on Mathemati cal Education, Monterrey, Mexico.
Dong, F.M. (2008, June). Bounds for the real zeros of Chromatic polynomials. Paper presented at Program 'Combinatorics and Statistical Mechanics', Cambridge, UK, United Kingdom.
Dong, F.M., &Koh, K.M. (2007, April). Domination numbers and zeros of chro matic polynomials. Paper presented at One-day seminar at the department of mathematics at University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tay, E. G., Dong, F. M., & Koh, K. M. (2007, April). Roman Domination. Paper presented at One Day Mathematics Seminar, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpu r, Malaysia.
Tay E. G., Quek K. S., Dong F., Lee T. Y., Lim-Teo S. K., Toh T. L., & Ho F. H. (2006, May). Mathematical Problem Solving for Integrated Programme Students. Paper presented at ERAS Conference 2006 Diversity for Excellence: Engaged Pedagogy, Singapore.
Dong, F.M., &Koh, K.M. ( 2006, April). Bounds for the coefficients of flow polynomials,. Paper presented at the workshop of discrete mathematics at Fuzhou University of China, Fuzhou, China.
Dong, F.M. (2005, July). Explain identities. Paper presented at Asian Mathematics Conference, Singapore.
Dong, F.M., &Koh, K.M. (2005, June). On Plane Graphs Without Chromatic Zeros in (1,2). Paper presented at 2005 International and Third Cross-strait Conference on Graph Theory and Combinatorics, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China.
Dong, F.M. (2005, May). Chromatic polynomials. Paper presented at the confer ence of Logic and computation, Kun Ming, China.
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)
Keynote Addresses
Dong, F.M. (2021, March). 11th international conference on Graph Theory and Algebraic combinatorics. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Counting spanning trees, Urmia, Iran.
Dong, F.M. (2019, April). Seminar on Graph Theory and its applications. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Counting spanning trees, kuala lumpur, Malaysia.
Dong, F.M. (2018, October). The 5th International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education (ICMSE 2018), Oct 8-9, 2018.. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Applications of Graph Theory, Bali, Indonesia.
Don g, F.M. (2017, December). The third conference of Combinatorics and Graph Theory at Hunan University. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, From G-parking functions to B-parking functions, Changsha, China, China.
Dong, F.M. (2017, September). Sing apore Mathematical Society Symposium 2017. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Research triggered by 4CC, Singapore.
Dong, F.M. (2017, May). International Conferences in Combinatorics. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Chromat ic polynomials of Hypergraphs, Taipei, Taiwan.
Dong, F.M. (2015, July). 'Workshop on New Directions for the Tutte Polynomial: Extensions, Interrelations, and Applications' at Royal Holloway University of London, 11th-14th July 2015.. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, On Zero-free intervals of flow polynomia ls, London, United Kingdom.
Dong, F.M. (2008, May). Combinatorics and Statistical Mechanics. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, On the shameful conjecture, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Dong, F.M. (2008, January). Combinatorics and Statistical Mechanics. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, On graphs whose chromatic polyn omials have no zeros in (1,2), Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Keynote Addresses
Dong, F.M. (2021, March). 11th international conference on Graph Theory and Algebraic combinatorics. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Counting spanning trees, Urmia, Iran.
Dong, F.M. (2019, April). Seminar on Graph Theory and its applications. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Counting spanning trees, kuala lumpur, Malaysia.
Dong, F.M. (2018, October). The 5th International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education (ICMSE 2018), Oct 8-9, 2018.. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Applications of Graph Theory, Bali, Indonesia.
Don g, F.M. (2017, December). The third conference of Combinatorics and Graph Theory at Hunan University. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, From G-parking functions to B-parking functions, Changsha, China, China.
Dong, F.M. (2017, September). Sing apore Mathematical Society Symposium 2017. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Research triggered by 4CC, Singapore.
Dong, F.M. (2017, May). International Conferences in Combinatorics. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Chromat ic polynomials of Hypergraphs, Taipei, Taiwan.
Dong, F.M. (2015, July). 'Workshop on New Directions for the Tutte Polynomial: Extensions, Interrelations, and Applications' at Royal Holloway University of London, 11th-14th July 2015.. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, On Zero-free intervals of flow polynomia ls, London, United Kingdom.
Dong, F.M. (2008, May). Combinatorics and Statistical Mechanics. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, On the shameful conjecture, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Dong, F.M. (2008, January). Combinatorics and Statistical Mechanics. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, On graphs whose chromatic polyn omials have no zeros in (1,2), Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)
Dong F.M. (2014). [Review of Wang, G.H., Wang, T., &Liu, G.Z. Long properly colored cycles in edge colored complete graphs]. Mathematical Reviews of American Mathematical Society, MR3176693.
Dong, F.M. (2013). [Review of Delia G., Andrew G., &Jaroslav N. Contractors for f lows]. Mathematical Reviews of American Mathematical Society, MR3034412.
Dong, F.M. (2012). [Review of Jaroslav, N., &Robert, '. Tension cont inuous maps'their structure and application]. Mathematical Reviews of American mathematical Society, MR2904986.
Professional Articles
Koh, K.M., Dong, F.M., &Tay, E.G. (2009, June). Math. Medley Graphs and Their Applications (11), 35, 3-11.
Koh, K. M., Dong, F. M ., & Tay, E. G. (2008, May). Mathematical Medley Graphs and their applications (10), 34, 2-12.
Koh, K. M., Dong, F. M., & Tay, E. G. (2006, December). Mathematical Medley Graphs and their applications (9), 33, 7-14.
Koh, K.M., Dong, F.M., & Tay, E.G. (2006, September). Math. Med ley Graphs and their applications (8),, 33, 7-17.
Koh, K.M., Dong, F.M., & Tay, E.G. (2005, December). Math. Medley Graphs and their applications (7), 32, 10-18.
Koh, K.M., Dong, F.M., &Tay, E.G. (2005, June). Mathematical Medley Graphs and their applications (6), 32, 2-10.
K oh, K.M., Dong F.M., & Tay E.G. (2004, December). Mathematical Medley Graphs and their applications (5), 31, 77-87.
Dong, F.M., Lee, T.Y., Leong, Y.H., Tay, E.G., Toh, T.L., &Wood, E. (2004, June). Mathematical Medley Generalization of a Geometric problem, 31, 24-29.
Koh, K.M., Don g, F.M., & Tay, E.G. (2004, June). Mathematical Medley Graphs and their applications (4), 31, 9-19.
Koh, K.M., Dong, F.M., & Tay E.G. (2003, December). Mathematical Medley Graphs and their applications (3), 30, 102-116.
Workshops and Seminars
Dong, F.M. (2023, Octobe r). Workshop on Uniqueness and Discernment in Graph Polynomials.
Dong, F.M. (2012, December). International workshop on Discrete mathematics in Fuzhou University.
Dong, F.M., & Koh, K.H. (2009). Multiplicity of Zero `2' of Chromatic Polynomials . Singapo re: Please update with the neccessary information.
Dong, F.M., &KOh, K.M. (2009). On Zero-free Intervals in (1, 2) of Chromatic Polynomials of Some Families of Graphs . Singapore: Please update with the neccessary information.
Koh K.M., Ting T.S., Xu Z.L., & Dong F.M.(Corresponding author ) (2009). Lower Bound on the Weakly Connected Domination Number of a Cycle-disjoint Graph . Singapore: Please update with the neccessary information.
F.M. Dong, E.G. Tay, & K.M. Koh (2007). Generation of Graphs Admitting Nowhere-zero 3-flows . Singapore: Please update with the necces sary information.
F.M. Dong, E.G. Tay, & K.M. Koh (2007). The Existence of Nowhere-Zero 3-flows in TensorProducts of Graphs . Singapore: Please update with the neccessary information.
F.M. DONG & K.M. KOH (2006). POLYMER SYSTEM AND BOUNDS FOR THE REAL ZEROS OF CHROMATIC POLYNOMIALS . Singapore: Please update with the neccessary information.
Dong F.M. (2014). [Review of Wang, G.H., Wang, T., &Liu, G.Z. Long properly colored cycles in edge colored complete graphs]. Mathematical Reviews of American Mathematical Society, MR3176693.
Dong, F.M. (2013). [Review of Delia G., Andrew G., &Jaroslav N. Contractors for f lows]. Mathematical Reviews of American Mathematical Society, MR3034412.
Dong, F.M. (2012). [Review of Jaroslav, N., &Robert, '. Tension cont inuous maps'their structure and application]. Mathematical Reviews of American mathematical Society, MR2904986.
Professional Articles
Koh, K.M., Dong, F.M., &Tay, E.G. (2009, June). Math. Medley Graphs and Their Applications (11), 35, 3-11.
Koh, K. M., Dong, F. M ., & Tay, E. G. (2008, May). Mathematical Medley Graphs and their applications (10), 34, 2-12.
Koh, K. M., Dong, F. M., & Tay, E. G. (2006, December). Mathematical Medley Graphs and their applications (9), 33, 7-14.
Koh, K.M., Dong, F.M., & Tay, E.G. (2006, September). Math. Med ley Graphs and their applications (8),, 33, 7-17.
Koh, K.M., Dong, F.M., & Tay, E.G. (2005, December). Math. Medley Graphs and their applications (7), 32, 10-18.
Koh, K.M., Dong, F.M., &Tay, E.G. (2005, June). Mathematical Medley Graphs and their applications (6), 32, 2-10.
K oh, K.M., Dong F.M., & Tay E.G. (2004, December). Mathematical Medley Graphs and their applications (5), 31, 77-87.
Dong, F.M., Lee, T.Y., Leong, Y.H., Tay, E.G., Toh, T.L., &Wood, E. (2004, June). Mathematical Medley Generalization of a Geometric problem, 31, 24-29.
Koh, K.M., Don g, F.M., & Tay, E.G. (2004, June). Mathematical Medley Graphs and their applications (4), 31, 9-19.
Koh, K.M., Dong, F.M., & Tay E.G. (2003, December). Mathematical Medley Graphs and their applications (3), 30, 102-116.
Workshops and Seminars
Dong, F.M. (2023, Octobe r). Workshop on Uniqueness and Discernment in Graph Polynomials.
Dong, F.M. (2012, December). International workshop on Discrete mathematics in Fuzhou University.
Dong, F.M., & Koh, K.H. (2009). Multiplicity of Zero `2' of Chromatic Polynomials . Singapo re: Please update with the neccessary information.
Dong, F.M., &KOh, K.M. (2009). On Zero-free Intervals in (1, 2) of Chromatic Polynomials of Some Families of Graphs . Singapore: Please update with the neccessary information.
Koh K.M., Ting T.S., Xu Z.L., & Dong F.M.(Corresponding author ) (2009). Lower Bound on the Weakly Connected Domination Number of a Cycle-disjoint Graph . Singapore: Please update with the neccessary information.
F.M. Dong, E.G. Tay, & K.M. Koh (2007). Generation of Graphs Admitting Nowhere-zero 3-flows . Singapore: Please update with the necces sary information.
F.M. Dong, E.G. Tay, & K.M. Koh (2007). The Existence of Nowhere-Zero 3-flows in TensorProducts of Graphs . Singapore: Please update with the neccessary information.
F.M. DONG & K.M. KOH (2006). POLYMER SYSTEM AND BOUNDS FOR THE REAL ZEROS OF CHROMATIC POLYNOMIALS . Singapore: Please update with the neccessary information.