Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Ng Pak Tee
Associate Professor, Policy, Curriculum and Leadership
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Policy, Curriculum & Leadership
Journal Articles (Central)
Ng, P. T. (2021). Timely change and timeless constants: COVID-19 and educational change in Singapore. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 20(1), 19-27.

Ng, P. T. (2020). The paradoxes of student well-being in Singapore. ECNU Review of Education, 3(3), 437-451.

Retna, K., & Ng, P. T. (2016). The application of Learning Organisation to enhance learning in Singapore schools. Management in Education, 30(1), 10-18.

Ng, P. T. (2015). What is Quality Education? How can it be achieved? The Perspectives of School Middle Leaders in Singapore. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 27(4), 307-322.

Ng, P. T. (2015). Aspiring Principals' Perception of the Challenges of Beginning Principals and the Support that They Need. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 35(3), 366-376.

Goodwin, L., Low, E.L., Ng, P.T., Yeung, A. & Cai, L. (2015). Enhancing playful teachers' perception of the importance of ICT use in the classroom: the role of risk-taki ng as a mediator. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(4), 133-150.

Goodwin, L., Low, E.L, & Ng, P.T. (2015). Developing teacher leadership in Singapore: multiple pathways for differentiated journeys. The New Educator, 11(2), 107-120.

Ng, P. T. (2014). Quality and innova tion in school leadership preparation in Singapore: the Leaders in Education Programme. International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 2(3/4), 217-227.

Ng, P. T. (2013). The Global War for Talent: Responses and Challenges in the Singapore Higher Education System. Journal of Higher Education Policy & Management, 35(3), 280'292.

Ng, P. T. (2013). An examination of school accountability from the perspectives of school leader s in Singapore. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 12(2), 121-131.

Ng, P. T. (2013). An Examination of Lifelong Learning Policy Rhetoric and Practice in Singapore. International Journal of Lifel ong Education, 32(3), 318-334.

Ng, P. T. (2013). Developing Singapore School Leaders to Handle Complexity in Times of Uncertainty. Asia Pacific Education Review, 14(1), 67-73.

Ng, P. T. (2012). Singapore teach er leaders' perception of using online discussion forum as a learning tool. International Journal of Innovation in Education, 1(4), 301-310.

Ng, P. T. (2012). The Quest for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in S ingapore: Strategies and Challenges. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 10(3), 337-349.

Ng, P. T. (2012). Mentoring and Coaching Educators in the Singapore Education System. International Journal of Me ntoring and Coaching in Education, 1(1), 24-35.

Low, E.L., Hui, C.R., Taylor, P.G. & Ng, P.T. (2012). Towards Evidence-based Initial Teacher Education in Singapore: A Review of Current Literature. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 37(6), 65-77.

Tan, C. & Ng, P.T. (2012). A critical reflection of teacher professionalism in Cambodia. Asian Education and Development Studies, 1(2), 124-138.

Koh, K., Tan, C., & Ng, P.T. (2012). Creating thinking schools through authentic assessment: The case in Singapore. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 24(2), 135-149.

Ng, P. T. (2012). The Singapore Learning Society: Intellectual capital development strategies and its response to the 2008/9 financial crisis. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 9(1/2), 113-124.

Ng, P. T. (2012). An examination of school leadership in Singapore through the lens of the Fourth Way. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 11(1), 27-34.

Ng, P. T. & Liang, T. Y. (2011). Paper Dialogue: A Qualitative Research Tool for Complexity Management and Leadership. International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management, 1(4), 411-418.

Ng, P. T. (2011). How school middle leaders in Singapore unde rstand and practise 'Innovation in Education'. International Journal of Innovation in Education, 1(3), 253-262.

Tan, C. & Ng, P.T. (2011). Functional differentiation: A critique of the bilingual policy in Singapore. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 4(3), 331-341.

Ng, P. T. (2011). The Quest for Quality and Innovation in Singapore. International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 1(4), 348-359.

Ng, P. T. (2011). How Participants understand Complexity Theory through a School Leadership Program me in Singapore. International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management, 1(3), 301-313.

Ng, P. T., & Ang, H. S. (2011). Integrating quality and innovation: the case of the Singapore Police Force. International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 1(3), 237-251.

Ng, P. T. (2 011). Singapore's Response to the Global War for Talent: Politics and Education. International Journal of Educational Development, 31(3), 262-268.

Ng, P. T. & Ng, D. F. S. (2011). Towards Innovation: A Paradigm Shift in the School Leadership Preparation Programme in Singapore. Internatio nal Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 8(2), 167-178.

Retna, K. S., & Ng, P. T. (2011). Communities of Practice: Dynamics and Success Factors. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 32(1), 41-59.

Ng, P. T. (2010). The Evolution and Nature of School Accountability in the Singapore Education System. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 22(4), 275 - 292.

Ng, P. T., & Liang, T. Y. (2010). Educational Institution Reform: Insights from the Complexity-Intelligence Strategy. Human Systems Management, 29(1), 1-9.

Ng, P. T. & Tan, C. (2010). The Singapore Global Schoolhouse: An analysis of the development of the tertiary education landscape in Singapore. International Journal of Educational Management, 24(3), 178-188.

Ng, P. T. (2010). Educationa l Technology Management Approach: The Case of Singapore's ICT Masterplan Three. Human Systems Management, 29(3), 177-187.

Ng, P. T. (2009). Innovation in education: some observations and questions. International Journal of Innovation in Education, 1(1), 8-11.

Hung, D., Ng, P. T., K oh, T. S. & Lim, S. H. (2009). The social practice of learning: a craft for the 21st century. Asia Pacific Education Review, 10(2), 205-214.

Ng, P. T. (2009). The Development of School Middle Leaders in Singapore: The Management and Leadership in Schools Programme. Asian Journal of Educa tional Research and Synergy, 1(1), 31-44.

Zhang, Y. M. & Ng, P. T. (2009). Exploring Yi Jing and its implications to leadership. Chinese Management Studies, 3(2), 155-168.

Retna, K. S., & Ng, P. T. (2009). The Need for Transformational Leadership in Singapore's School-based Reform. Journal of School Leadership, 19(1), 33-48.

Ng, P. T. (2009). Examining the Use of New Science Metaphors in Learning Organisation. The Learning Organisation, 16(2), 168-180.

Ng, P. T. & Tan, C. (2009). Com munity of practice for teachers: Sensemaking or critical reflective learning?. Reflective Practice, 10(1), 37-44.

Ng, P. T. (2009). Relating quality and innovation: an exploration. International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 1(1), 3-15.

Ng, P. T. (2008). Education policy r hetoric and reality gap: a reflection. International Journal of Education Management, 22(6), 595-602.

Ng, P. T. & Chan, K. K. D. (2008). A comparative study of Singapore?s School Excellence Model with Hong Kong?s School-Based Management. International Journal of Educational Management, 2 2(6), 488-505.

Liang, T. Y. & Ng, P. T. (2008). Intelligent complex adaptive systems: an analysis of the education system and three junior colleges in Singapore. Human Systems Management, 27(2), 109-121.

Chan, K. K. D. & Ng, P. T. (2008). Developing Transnational Higher Education: Com paring the Approaches of Hong Kong and Singapore. International Journal of Educational Reform, 17(3), 291-307.

Ng, P. T. (2008). Quality Assurance in the Singapore Education System: Phases and Paradoxes. Quality Assurance in Education, 16(2), 112-125.

Ng, P. T. (2008). Educational reform in Singapore: from quantity to quality. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 7(1), 5-15.

Chan, K. K. D., & Ng, P. T. (2008). Similar Agendas, Diverse Strategies: The Quest for a Regional Hub of Higher Education in Hong Kong and Singapore. Higher Education Policy, 21(4 ), 487-503.

Retna, K. S. & Ng, P. T. (2008). The perception of staff on the effects of transformational leadership in a Singapore school. Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and Practice, 23(1), 64-77.

Ng, P. T. (2008). Developing Forward Looking and Innovative School Leaders: The S ingapore Leaders in Education Programme. Professional Development in Education, 34(2), 237-255.

Ng, P. T., Ang, H. S. (2007). Managing knowledge through communities of practice: the case of the Singapore Police Force. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 1(3/4), 356 -367.

Tan, C. H. P. & Ng, P. T. (2007). The dynamics of change: the decentralized centralism of education in Singapore. Journal of Educational Change, 8(2), 155-168.

Ng, P. T. (2007). Quality assurance in the Singapore education system in an era of diversity and innovation. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 6(3), 235-247.

Ng, P. T., Tan, C. H. P. (2006). From school to economy: Innovation and Enterprise in Singapore. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, 11(3), 1-12.

Retna, K. S., Ng, P. T. (2006). The challenges of adopting the learning organisation philosophy in a Singapore school. International Journal of Educational Management, 20(2), 140-152.

Liang, T. Y. & Ng, P. T. (2005). Human resource management and development of highlyintelligent interacting agents: a paradigm shift inSingapore. International Journal of Human Resources Developmentand Management, 5(2), 180-189.

Ng, P. T. & Liang, T. Y (2005). Speaking the Unspeakable: the Paper Dialogue Approach. International Journal of Human Resources Developmentand Management, 5(2), 190-203.

Khong, L. Y. L. & Ng, P. T. (2005). School-Parent Par tnerships in Singapore. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 4(1), 1-11.

Ng, P. T. (2004). The Learning Organisation and the InnovativeOrganisation. Human Systems Management, 23(2), 93-100.

Ng, P. T., Khong, L. Y. L., & Tan, J. E. T (2004). Developing reflective teachers: The experience of two modules in the teacher training programme at the National Institute of Education. Asia Pacific Education Review, 5(2), 200-206.

Ng, P. T. (2004). Innovation and Enterprise in Singapore Schools. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 3(3), 183-198.

Ng, P . T. (2004). Students? perception of change in the Singaporeeducation system. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 3(1), 77-92.

Seet, C. & Ng, P. T. (2004). Dialogue?s Impact on the Quality of Relationships. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 2(3), 205-214.

Ng, P. T. (2003). The Singapore School and the School Excellence Model. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 2(1), 27-39.

Books (Central)
Ng, P. T. (2017). Learning from Singapore: The Power of Paradoxes (PP. 202). New York: Routledge.

Tan, E. T. J. & Ng, P. T. (Eds.). (2008). Thinking Schools, Learning Nation: C ontemporary Issues and Challenges (PP. 261). Singapore: Prentice Hall.

Ng, P. T. (2005). The Learning School: Innovation and Enterprise (PP. 261). Singapore: Prentice Hall.

Ng, P. T. (2005). GROW ME! Coaching for Schools (2nd Ed). Singapore: Prentice Hall.

Tan, E. T. J., & Ng , P. T. (Eds.). (2005). Shaping Singapore's Future: Thinking Schools, Learning Nation (PP. 166). Singapore: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Low, G.T, Ng P. T.,Baruch J. (2003). Big Fish Eat Small Fish: Lenses to see the world. Singapore: Prentice Hall.

Book Chapters (Central)
Ng, P. T. (2023). Afterword: Estonia's story and Singapore's story. In Mehisto, P. & Kitsing, M. (Eds.), Lessons from Estonia's Education Success Story: Exploring Equity and High Performance through PISA(PP. 227-229). London: Routledge.

Ng, P. T. (2020). Change in the Early Childhood Care and Education Sector in Singapore. In Jones, M. & Harris, A. (Eds.), Leading and Transforming Education Systems - Evidence, Insights, Critique and Reflections(PP. 47-60). Singapore: Springer.

Ng, P. T. (2018). SkillsFuture: The Future of Lifelong Learning in Sin gapore. In Malone, H. J., Rinc'n-Gallardo, S., & Kew, K. (Eds.), Future Directions of Educational Change: Social Justice, Professional Capital, and Systems Change(PP. 205-221). New York: Routledge.

Ng,P.T.,& Low,E.L. (2017). Teacher Learning and Development Across the Continuum: Pre-Service to In-Service. In Tan,O.S., Liu,W.C., & Low,E.L. (Eds.), Teacher Education in the 21st Century: Singapore's Evolution and Innovation(PP. 267-282). Singapore: Springer.

Ng, P. T. (2017). The Critical Importance of Schools and School Leaders. In Tan, O. S., Low, E. L., & Hung, D. (Eds.), Lee Kuan Yew's Educational Legacy: The Challenges of Success(PP. 43-54). Singapore: Springer.

Ng, P. T. (2016). Whole systems approach: Professional Capital in Singapore. In Evers, J., & Kneyber, R. (Eds.), Flip the System: Changing Education from the Ground Up(PP. 151-158). New York: R outledge.

Ng, P. T. (2015). Developing leaders for Schools in Singapore. In Harris, A., & Jones, M. (Eds.), Leading Futures ' Global Perspectives on Educational Leadership(PP. 162-176). New York: SAGE.

Hargreaves, A., Boyle, A., Harris, A., Gurn, A., Stone-Johnson, C. & Ng, P. T. (2014). Creativity and Counter-flow. In Hargreaves, A., Boyle, A. & Harris, A. (Eds.), Uplifting Leadership(PP. 45-66). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Wiley.

Ng, P. T. (2013). 15 Years of Thinking Schools Learning Nation: A Review. In Malone, H. (Ed.), Leading Educational Change: Global Issues, Challenges, and Lessons on Whole-System Reform(PP. 118-122). New York: Teachers College Press.

Ng, P. T. (2012). Academic Achievement in Singapore. In Hattie, J. and Anderman, E. M. (Ed.), International Guide to Student Achievement(PP . 484-486). London: Routledge.

Hargreaves, A., Shirley, D., & Ng, P. T. (2012). Singapore: Innovation, Communication, and Paradox. In Hargreaves, A., Shirley, D. (Ed.), The Global Fourth Way: The Quest for Educational Excellence(PP. 71-91). Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press.

Ng, P. T. (2012). H igh Technology Cluster Growth Initiatives in Singapore. In Bas, T. G., & Zhao, J. Y. (Eds.), Comparing High Technology Firms in Developed and Developing Countries: Cluster Growth Initiatives(PP. 26-36). Hershey: IGI Global Publisher.

Ang, H. S., & Ng, P. T. (2012). Knowledge Management in t he Public Service: the Case of the Singapore Health Promotion Board. In Ord''ez de Pablos, P., & Lytras, M. D. (Eds.), Knowledge Management and Drivers of Innovation in Services Industries(PP. 41-54). Hershey: IGI Global Publisher.

Ng, P. T. (2011). Embracing Emerging Technologies: The Case of the Singapore Intelligent Nation 2015 Vision. In Ord''ez de Pablos, P., Lee, W. B. & Zhao, J. (Eds.), Regional Innovation Systems and Sustainable Development: Innovation and Emerging Technologies(PP. 115-123). Hershey, PA: IGI Publishers.

Ng, P. T. (2011). Theory'making in the Social Sc iences: Trade-off between generalisability and fit with context. In 'rtenblad, A., Kumari, R., Babur, M., & Bajunid, I. A. (Eds.), Are Theories Universal?(PP. 71-78). Malaysia: Exploring Leadership and Learning Theories Association (ELLTA).

Ng, P. T. (2010). Singapore: System of Education. In McGaw, B., Baker, E. & Peterson, P (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (3rd Edition)(PP. 776-781). Oxford: Elsevier.

Yeong, A. & Ng, P. T. (2009). An Examination of the Project Work Initiative: A Reflection on Singapore?s Education Reform. In Ng, C. H. & Renshaw, P. (Eds.), Reforming Learning: Issues, Concepts and Practices in the Asian-Pacific Region(PP. 109 - 128). Netherlands: Springer.

Conference Papers (Central)

Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)

Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)
Chapters in a Government Report

Ng, P. T. (2012). The Globalised Knowledge Economy and Talent War: Singapore's Responses and Challenges.. In Cooper, D. (Ed.), Commonwealth Advisory Bureau Policy Briefing (Issues before Education Ministers at Mauritius in August 2012), REPORT COMMISIO NED BY .40.