Academic Profile : Faculty
Assoc Prof Ng Pak Tee
Associate Professor, Policy, Curriculum and Leadership
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Policy, Curriculum & Leadership
Journal Articles (Central)
Ng, P. T. (2021). Timely change and timeless constants: COVID-19 and educational change in Singapore. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 20(1), 19-27.
Ng, P. T. (2020). The paradoxes of student well-being in Singapore. ECNU Review of Education, 3(3), 437-451.
Retna, K., & Ng, P. T. (2016). The application of Learning Organisation to enhance learning in Singapore schools. Management in Education, 30(1), 10-18.
Ng, P. T. (2015). What is Quality Education? How can it be achieved? The Perspectives of School Middle Leaders in Singapore. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 27(4), 307-322.
Ng, P. T. (2015). Aspiring Principals' Perception of the Challenges of Beginning Principals and the Support that They Need. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 35(3), 366-376.
Goodwin, L., Low, E.L., Ng, P.T., Yeung, A. & Cai, L. (2015). Enhancing playful teachers' perception of the importance of ICT use in the classroom: the role of risk-taki ng as a mediator. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(4), 133-150.
Goodwin, L., Low, E.L, & Ng, P.T. (2015). Developing teacher leadership in Singapore: multiple pathways for differentiated journeys. The New Educator, 11(2), 107-120.
Ng, P. T. (2014). Quality and innova tion in school leadership preparation in Singapore: the Leaders in Education Programme. International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 2(3/4), 217-227.
Ng, P. T. (2013). The Global War for Talent: Responses and Challenges in the Singapore Higher Education System. Journal of Higher Education Policy & Management, 35(3), 280'292.
Ng, P. T. (2013). An examination of school accountability from the perspectives of school leader s in Singapore. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 12(2), 121-131.
Ng, P. T. (2013). An Examination of Lifelong Learning Policy Rhetoric and Practice in Singapore. International Journal of Lifel ong Education, 32(3), 318-334.
Ng, P. T. (2013). Developing Singapore School Leaders to Handle Complexity in Times of Uncertainty. Asia Pacific Education Review, 14(1), 67-73.
Ng, P. T. (2012). Singapore teach er leaders' perception of using online discussion forum as a learning tool. International Journal of Innovation in Education, 1(4), 301-310.
Ng, P. T. (2012). The Quest for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in S ingapore: Strategies and Challenges. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 10(3), 337-349.
Ng, P. T. (2012). Mentoring and Coaching Educators in the Singapore Education System. International Journal of Me ntoring and Coaching in Education, 1(1), 24-35.
Low, E.L., Hui, C.R., Taylor, P.G. & Ng, P.T. (2012). Towards Evidence-based Initial Teacher Education in Singapore: A Review of Current Literature. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 37(6), 65-77.
Tan, C. & Ng, P.T. (2012). A critical reflection of teacher professionalism in Cambodia. Asian Education and Development Studies, 1(2), 124-138.
Koh, K., Tan, C., & Ng, P.T. (2012). Creating thinking schools through authentic assessment: The case in Singapore. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 24(2), 135-149.
Ng, P. T. (2012). The Singapore Learning Society: Intellectual capital development strategies and its response to the 2008/9 financial crisis. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 9(1/2), 113-124.
Ng, P. T. (2012). An examination of school leadership in Singapore through the lens of the Fourth Way. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 11(1), 27-34.
Ng, P. T. & Liang, T. Y. (2011). Paper Dialogue: A Qualitative Research Tool for Complexity Management and Leadership. International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management, 1(4), 411-418.
Ng, P. T. (2011). How school middle leaders in Singapore unde rstand and practise 'Innovation in Education'. International Journal of Innovation in Education, 1(3), 253-262.
Tan, C. & Ng, P.T. (2011). Functional differentiation: A critique of the bilingual policy in Singapore. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 4(3), 331-341.
Ng, P. T. (2011). The Quest for Quality and Innovation in Singapore. International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 1(4), 348-359.
Ng, P. T. (2011). How Participants understand Complexity Theory through a School Leadership Program me in Singapore. International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management, 1(3), 301-313.
Ng, P. T., & Ang, H. S. (2011). Integrating quality and innovation: the case of the Singapore Police Force. International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 1(3), 237-251.
Ng, P. T. (2 011). Singapore's Response to the Global War for Talent: Politics and Education. International Journal of Educational Development, 31(3), 262-268.
Ng, P. T. & Ng, D. F. S. (2011). Towards Innovation: A Paradigm Shift in the School Leadership Preparation Programme in Singapore. Internatio nal Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 8(2), 167-178.
Retna, K. S., & Ng, P. T. (2011). Communities of Practice: Dynamics and Success Factors. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 32(1), 41-59.
Ng, P. T. (2010). The Evolution and Nature of School Accountability in the Singapore Education System. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 22(4), 275 - 292.
Ng, P. T., & Liang, T. Y. (2010). Educational Institution Reform: Insights from the Complexity-Intelligence Strategy. Human Systems Management, 29(1), 1-9.
Ng, P. T. & Tan, C. (2010). The Singapore Global Schoolhouse: An analysis of the development of the tertiary education landscape in Singapore. International Journal of Educational Management, 24(3), 178-188.
Ng, P. T. (2010). Educationa l Technology Management Approach: The Case of Singapore's ICT Masterplan Three. Human Systems Management, 29(3), 177-187.
Ng, P. T. (2009). Innovation in education: some observations and questions. International Journal of Innovation in Education, 1(1), 8-11.
Hung, D., Ng, P. T., K oh, T. S. & Lim, S. H. (2009). The social practice of learning: a craft for the 21st century. Asia Pacific Education Review, 10(2), 205-214.
Ng, P. T. (2009). The Development of School Middle Leaders in Singapore: The Management and Leadership in Schools Programme. Asian Journal of Educa tional Research and Synergy, 1(1), 31-44.
Zhang, Y. M. & Ng, P. T. (2009). Exploring Yi Jing and its implications to leadership. Chinese Management Studies, 3(2), 155-168.
Retna, K. S., & Ng, P. T. (2009). The Need for Transformational Leadership in Singapore's School-based Reform. Journal of School Leadership, 19(1), 33-48.
Ng, P. T. (2009). Examining the Use of New Science Metaphors in Learning Organisation. The Learning Organisation, 16(2), 168-180.
Ng, P. T. & Tan, C. (2009). Com munity of practice for teachers: Sensemaking or critical reflective learning?. Reflective Practice, 10(1), 37-44.
Ng, P. T. (2009). Relating quality and innovation: an exploration. International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 1(1), 3-15.
Ng, P. T. (2008). Education policy r hetoric and reality gap: a reflection. International Journal of Education Management, 22(6), 595-602.
Ng, P. T. & Chan, K. K. D. (2008). A comparative study of Singapore?s School Excellence Model with Hong Kong?s School-Based Management. International Journal of Educational Management, 2 2(6), 488-505.
Liang, T. Y. & Ng, P. T. (2008). Intelligent complex adaptive systems: an analysis of the education system and three junior colleges in Singapore. Human Systems Management, 27(2), 109-121.
Chan, K. K. D. & Ng, P. T. (2008). Developing Transnational Higher Education: Com paring the Approaches of Hong Kong and Singapore. International Journal of Educational Reform, 17(3), 291-307.
Ng, P. T. (2008). Quality Assurance in the Singapore Education System: Phases and Paradoxes. Quality Assurance in Education, 16(2), 112-125.
Ng, P. T. (2008). Educational reform in Singapore: from quantity to quality. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 7(1), 5-15.
Chan, K. K. D., & Ng, P. T. (2008). Similar Agendas, Diverse Strategies: The Quest for a Regional Hub of Higher Education in Hong Kong and Singapore. Higher Education Policy, 21(4 ), 487-503.
Retna, K. S. & Ng, P. T. (2008). The perception of staff on the effects of transformational leadership in a Singapore school. Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and Practice, 23(1), 64-77.
Ng, P. T. (2008). Developing Forward Looking and Innovative School Leaders: The S ingapore Leaders in Education Programme. Professional Development in Education, 34(2), 237-255.
Ng, P. T., Ang, H. S. (2007). Managing knowledge through communities of practice: the case of the Singapore Police Force. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 1(3/4), 356 -367.
Tan, C. H. P. & Ng, P. T. (2007). The dynamics of change: the decentralized centralism of education in Singapore. Journal of Educational Change, 8(2), 155-168.
Ng, P. T. (2007). Quality assurance in the Singapore education system in an era of diversity and innovation. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 6(3), 235-247.
Ng, P. T., Tan, C. H. P. (2006). From school to economy: Innovation and Enterprise in Singapore. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, 11(3), 1-12.
Retna, K. S., Ng, P. T. (2006). The challenges of adopting the learning organisation philosophy in a Singapore school. International Journal of Educational Management, 20(2), 140-152.
Liang, T. Y. & Ng, P. T. (2005). Human resource management and development of highlyintelligent interacting agents: a paradigm shift inSingapore. International Journal of Human Resources Developmentand Management, 5(2), 180-189.
Ng, P. T. & Liang, T. Y (2005). Speaking the Unspeakable: the Paper Dialogue Approach. International Journal of Human Resources Developmentand Management, 5(2), 190-203.
Khong, L. Y. L. & Ng, P. T. (2005). School-Parent Par tnerships in Singapore. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 4(1), 1-11.
Ng, P. T. (2004). The Learning Organisation and the InnovativeOrganisation. Human Systems Management, 23(2), 93-100.
Ng, P. T., Khong, L. Y. L., & Tan, J. E. T (2004). Developing reflective teachers: The experience of two modules in the teacher training programme at the National Institute of Education. Asia Pacific Education Review, 5(2), 200-206.
Ng, P. T. (2004). Innovation and Enterprise in Singapore Schools. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 3(3), 183-198.
Ng, P . T. (2004). Students? perception of change in the Singaporeeducation system. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 3(1), 77-92.
Seet, C. & Ng, P. T. (2004). Dialogue?s Impact on the Quality of Relationships. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 2(3), 205-214.
Ng, P. T. (2003). The Singapore School and the School Excellence Model. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 2(1), 27-39.
Ng, P. T. (2020). The paradoxes of student well-being in Singapore. ECNU Review of Education, 3(3), 437-451.
Retna, K., & Ng, P. T. (2016). The application of Learning Organisation to enhance learning in Singapore schools. Management in Education, 30(1), 10-18.
Ng, P. T. (2015). What is Quality Education? How can it be achieved? The Perspectives of School Middle Leaders in Singapore. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 27(4), 307-322.
Ng, P. T. (2015). Aspiring Principals' Perception of the Challenges of Beginning Principals and the Support that They Need. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 35(3), 366-376.
Goodwin, L., Low, E.L., Ng, P.T., Yeung, A. & Cai, L. (2015). Enhancing playful teachers' perception of the importance of ICT use in the classroom: the role of risk-taki ng as a mediator. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(4), 133-150.
Goodwin, L., Low, E.L, & Ng, P.T. (2015). Developing teacher leadership in Singapore: multiple pathways for differentiated journeys. The New Educator, 11(2), 107-120.
Ng, P. T. (2014). Quality and innova tion in school leadership preparation in Singapore: the Leaders in Education Programme. International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 2(3/4), 217-227.
Ng, P. T. (2013). The Global War for Talent: Responses and Challenges in the Singapore Higher Education System. Journal of Higher Education Policy & Management, 35(3), 280'292.
Ng, P. T. (2013). An examination of school accountability from the perspectives of school leader s in Singapore. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 12(2), 121-131.
Ng, P. T. (2013). An Examination of Lifelong Learning Policy Rhetoric and Practice in Singapore. International Journal of Lifel ong Education, 32(3), 318-334.
Ng, P. T. (2013). Developing Singapore School Leaders to Handle Complexity in Times of Uncertainty. Asia Pacific Education Review, 14(1), 67-73.
Ng, P. T. (2012). Singapore teach er leaders' perception of using online discussion forum as a learning tool. International Journal of Innovation in Education, 1(4), 301-310.
Ng, P. T. (2012). The Quest for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in S ingapore: Strategies and Challenges. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 10(3), 337-349.
Ng, P. T. (2012). Mentoring and Coaching Educators in the Singapore Education System. International Journal of Me ntoring and Coaching in Education, 1(1), 24-35.
Low, E.L., Hui, C.R., Taylor, P.G. & Ng, P.T. (2012). Towards Evidence-based Initial Teacher Education in Singapore: A Review of Current Literature. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 37(6), 65-77.
Tan, C. & Ng, P.T. (2012). A critical reflection of teacher professionalism in Cambodia. Asian Education and Development Studies, 1(2), 124-138.
Koh, K., Tan, C., & Ng, P.T. (2012). Creating thinking schools through authentic assessment: The case in Singapore. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 24(2), 135-149.
Ng, P. T. (2012). The Singapore Learning Society: Intellectual capital development strategies and its response to the 2008/9 financial crisis. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 9(1/2), 113-124.
Ng, P. T. (2012). An examination of school leadership in Singapore through the lens of the Fourth Way. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 11(1), 27-34.
Ng, P. T. & Liang, T. Y. (2011). Paper Dialogue: A Qualitative Research Tool for Complexity Management and Leadership. International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management, 1(4), 411-418.
Ng, P. T. (2011). How school middle leaders in Singapore unde rstand and practise 'Innovation in Education'. International Journal of Innovation in Education, 1(3), 253-262.
Tan, C. & Ng, P.T. (2011). Functional differentiation: A critique of the bilingual policy in Singapore. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 4(3), 331-341.
Ng, P. T. (2011). The Quest for Quality and Innovation in Singapore. International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 1(4), 348-359.
Ng, P. T. (2011). How Participants understand Complexity Theory through a School Leadership Program me in Singapore. International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management, 1(3), 301-313.
Ng, P. T., & Ang, H. S. (2011). Integrating quality and innovation: the case of the Singapore Police Force. International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 1(3), 237-251.
Ng, P. T. (2 011). Singapore's Response to the Global War for Talent: Politics and Education. International Journal of Educational Development, 31(3), 262-268.
Ng, P. T. & Ng, D. F. S. (2011). Towards Innovation: A Paradigm Shift in the School Leadership Preparation Programme in Singapore. Internatio nal Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 8(2), 167-178.
Retna, K. S., & Ng, P. T. (2011). Communities of Practice: Dynamics and Success Factors. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 32(1), 41-59.
Ng, P. T. (2010). The Evolution and Nature of School Accountability in the Singapore Education System. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 22(4), 275 - 292.
Ng, P. T., & Liang, T. Y. (2010). Educational Institution Reform: Insights from the Complexity-Intelligence Strategy. Human Systems Management, 29(1), 1-9.
Ng, P. T. & Tan, C. (2010). The Singapore Global Schoolhouse: An analysis of the development of the tertiary education landscape in Singapore. International Journal of Educational Management, 24(3), 178-188.
Ng, P. T. (2010). Educationa l Technology Management Approach: The Case of Singapore's ICT Masterplan Three. Human Systems Management, 29(3), 177-187.
Ng, P. T. (2009). Innovation in education: some observations and questions. International Journal of Innovation in Education, 1(1), 8-11.
Hung, D., Ng, P. T., K oh, T. S. & Lim, S. H. (2009). The social practice of learning: a craft for the 21st century. Asia Pacific Education Review, 10(2), 205-214.
Ng, P. T. (2009). The Development of School Middle Leaders in Singapore: The Management and Leadership in Schools Programme. Asian Journal of Educa tional Research and Synergy, 1(1), 31-44.
Zhang, Y. M. & Ng, P. T. (2009). Exploring Yi Jing and its implications to leadership. Chinese Management Studies, 3(2), 155-168.
Retna, K. S., & Ng, P. T. (2009). The Need for Transformational Leadership in Singapore's School-based Reform. Journal of School Leadership, 19(1), 33-48.
Ng, P. T. (2009). Examining the Use of New Science Metaphors in Learning Organisation. The Learning Organisation, 16(2), 168-180.
Ng, P. T. & Tan, C. (2009). Com munity of practice for teachers: Sensemaking or critical reflective learning?. Reflective Practice, 10(1), 37-44.
Ng, P. T. (2009). Relating quality and innovation: an exploration. International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 1(1), 3-15.
Ng, P. T. (2008). Education policy r hetoric and reality gap: a reflection. International Journal of Education Management, 22(6), 595-602.
Ng, P. T. & Chan, K. K. D. (2008). A comparative study of Singapore?s School Excellence Model with Hong Kong?s School-Based Management. International Journal of Educational Management, 2 2(6), 488-505.
Liang, T. Y. & Ng, P. T. (2008). Intelligent complex adaptive systems: an analysis of the education system and three junior colleges in Singapore. Human Systems Management, 27(2), 109-121.
Chan, K. K. D. & Ng, P. T. (2008). Developing Transnational Higher Education: Com paring the Approaches of Hong Kong and Singapore. International Journal of Educational Reform, 17(3), 291-307.
Ng, P. T. (2008). Quality Assurance in the Singapore Education System: Phases and Paradoxes. Quality Assurance in Education, 16(2), 112-125.
Ng, P. T. (2008). Educational reform in Singapore: from quantity to quality. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 7(1), 5-15.
Chan, K. K. D., & Ng, P. T. (2008). Similar Agendas, Diverse Strategies: The Quest for a Regional Hub of Higher Education in Hong Kong and Singapore. Higher Education Policy, 21(4 ), 487-503.
Retna, K. S. & Ng, P. T. (2008). The perception of staff on the effects of transformational leadership in a Singapore school. Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and Practice, 23(1), 64-77.
Ng, P. T. (2008). Developing Forward Looking and Innovative School Leaders: The S ingapore Leaders in Education Programme. Professional Development in Education, 34(2), 237-255.
Ng, P. T., Ang, H. S. (2007). Managing knowledge through communities of practice: the case of the Singapore Police Force. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 1(3/4), 356 -367.
Tan, C. H. P. & Ng, P. T. (2007). The dynamics of change: the decentralized centralism of education in Singapore. Journal of Educational Change, 8(2), 155-168.
Ng, P. T. (2007). Quality assurance in the Singapore education system in an era of diversity and innovation. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 6(3), 235-247.
Ng, P. T., Tan, C. H. P. (2006). From school to economy: Innovation and Enterprise in Singapore. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, 11(3), 1-12.
Retna, K. S., Ng, P. T. (2006). The challenges of adopting the learning organisation philosophy in a Singapore school. International Journal of Educational Management, 20(2), 140-152.
Liang, T. Y. & Ng, P. T. (2005). Human resource management and development of highlyintelligent interacting agents: a paradigm shift inSingapore. International Journal of Human Resources Developmentand Management, 5(2), 180-189.
Ng, P. T. & Liang, T. Y (2005). Speaking the Unspeakable: the Paper Dialogue Approach. International Journal of Human Resources Developmentand Management, 5(2), 190-203.
Khong, L. Y. L. & Ng, P. T. (2005). School-Parent Par tnerships in Singapore. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 4(1), 1-11.
Ng, P. T. (2004). The Learning Organisation and the InnovativeOrganisation. Human Systems Management, 23(2), 93-100.
Ng, P. T., Khong, L. Y. L., & Tan, J. E. T (2004). Developing reflective teachers: The experience of two modules in the teacher training programme at the National Institute of Education. Asia Pacific Education Review, 5(2), 200-206.
Ng, P. T. (2004). Innovation and Enterprise in Singapore Schools. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 3(3), 183-198.
Ng, P . T. (2004). Students? perception of change in the Singaporeeducation system. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 3(1), 77-92.
Seet, C. & Ng, P. T. (2004). Dialogue?s Impact on the Quality of Relationships. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 2(3), 205-214.
Ng, P. T. (2003). The Singapore School and the School Excellence Model. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 2(1), 27-39.
Books (Central)
Ng, P. T. (2017). Learning from Singapore: The Power of Paradoxes (PP. 202). New York: Routledge.
Tan, E. T. J. & Ng, P. T. (Eds.). (2008). Thinking Schools, Learning Nation: C ontemporary Issues and Challenges (PP. 261). Singapore: Prentice Hall.
Ng, P. T. (2005). The Learning School: Innovation and Enterprise (PP. 261). Singapore: Prentice Hall.
Ng, P. T. (2005). GROW ME! Coaching for Schools (2nd Ed). Singapore: Prentice Hall.
Tan, E. T. J., & Ng , P. T. (Eds.). (2005). Shaping Singapore's Future: Thinking Schools, Learning Nation (PP. 166). Singapore: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Low, G.T, Ng P. T.,Baruch J. (2003). Big Fish Eat Small Fish: Lenses to see the world. Singapore: Prentice Hall.
Tan, E. T. J. & Ng, P. T. (Eds.). (2008). Thinking Schools, Learning Nation: C ontemporary Issues and Challenges (PP. 261). Singapore: Prentice Hall.
Ng, P. T. (2005). The Learning School: Innovation and Enterprise (PP. 261). Singapore: Prentice Hall.
Ng, P. T. (2005). GROW ME! Coaching for Schools (2nd Ed). Singapore: Prentice Hall.
Tan, E. T. J., & Ng , P. T. (Eds.). (2005). Shaping Singapore's Future: Thinking Schools, Learning Nation (PP. 166). Singapore: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Low, G.T, Ng P. T.,Baruch J. (2003). Big Fish Eat Small Fish: Lenses to see the world. Singapore: Prentice Hall.
Book Chapters (Central)
Ng, P. T. (2023). Afterword: Estonia's story and Singapore's story. In Mehisto, P. & Kitsing, M. (Eds.), Lessons from Estonia's Education Success Story: Exploring Equity and High Performance through PISA(PP. 227-229). London: Routledge.
Ng, P. T. (2020). Change in the Early Childhood Care and Education Sector in Singapore. In Jones, M. & Harris, A. (Eds.), Leading and Transforming Education Systems - Evidence, Insights, Critique and Reflections(PP. 47-60). Singapore: Springer.
Ng, P. T. (2018). SkillsFuture: The Future of Lifelong Learning in Sin gapore. In Malone, H. J., Rinc'n-Gallardo, S., & Kew, K. (Eds.), Future Directions of Educational Change: Social Justice, Professional Capital, and Systems Change(PP. 205-221). New York: Routledge.
Ng,P.T.,& Low,E.L. (2017). Teacher Learning and Development Across the Continuum: Pre-Service to In-Service. In Tan,O.S., Liu,W.C., & Low,E.L. (Eds.), Teacher Education in the 21st Century: Singapore's Evolution and Innovation(PP. 267-282). Singapore: Springer.
Ng, P. T. (2017). The Critical Importance of Schools and School Leaders. In Tan, O. S., Low, E. L., & Hung, D. (Eds.), Lee Kuan Yew's Educational Legacy: The Challenges of Success(PP. 43-54). Singapore: Springer.
Ng, P. T. (2016). Whole systems approach: Professional Capital in Singapore. In Evers, J., & Kneyber, R. (Eds.), Flip the System: Changing Education from the Ground Up(PP. 151-158). New York: R outledge.
Ng, P. T. (2015). Developing leaders for Schools in Singapore. In Harris, A., & Jones, M. (Eds.), Leading Futures ' Global Perspectives on Educational Leadership(PP. 162-176). New York: SAGE.
Hargreaves, A., Boyle, A., Harris, A., Gurn, A., Stone-Johnson, C. & Ng, P. T. (2014). Creativity and Counter-flow. In Hargreaves, A., Boyle, A. & Harris, A. (Eds.), Uplifting Leadership(PP. 45-66). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Wiley.
Ng, P. T. (2013). 15 Years of Thinking Schools Learning Nation: A Review. In Malone, H. (Ed.), Leading Educational Change: Global Issues, Challenges, and Lessons on Whole-System Reform(PP. 118-122). New York: Teachers College Press.
Ng, P. T. (2012). Academic Achievement in Singapore. In Hattie, J. and Anderman, E. M. (Ed.), International Guide to Student Achievement(PP . 484-486). London: Routledge.
Hargreaves, A., Shirley, D., & Ng, P. T. (2012). Singapore: Innovation, Communication, and Paradox. In Hargreaves, A., Shirley, D. (Ed.), The Global Fourth Way: The Quest for Educational Excellence(PP. 71-91). Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press.
Ng, P. T. (2012). H igh Technology Cluster Growth Initiatives in Singapore. In Bas, T. G., & Zhao, J. Y. (Eds.), Comparing High Technology Firms in Developed and Developing Countries: Cluster Growth Initiatives(PP. 26-36). Hershey: IGI Global Publisher.
Ang, H. S., & Ng, P. T. (2012). Knowledge Management in t he Public Service: the Case of the Singapore Health Promotion Board. In Ord''ez de Pablos, P., & Lytras, M. D. (Eds.), Knowledge Management and Drivers of Innovation in Services Industries(PP. 41-54). Hershey: IGI Global Publisher.
Ng, P. T. (2011). Embracing Emerging Technologies: The Case of the Singapore Intelligent Nation 2015 Vision. In Ord''ez de Pablos, P., Lee, W. B. & Zhao, J. (Eds.), Regional Innovation Systems and Sustainable Development: Innovation and Emerging Technologies(PP. 115-123). Hershey, PA: IGI Publishers.
Ng, P. T. (2011). Theory'making in the Social Sc iences: Trade-off between generalisability and fit with context. In 'rtenblad, A., Kumari, R., Babur, M., & Bajunid, I. A. (Eds.), Are Theories Universal?(PP. 71-78). Malaysia: Exploring Leadership and Learning Theories Association (ELLTA).
Ng, P. T. (2010). Singapore: System of Education. In McGaw, B., Baker, E. & Peterson, P (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (3rd Edition)(PP. 776-781). Oxford: Elsevier.
Yeong, A. & Ng, P. T. (2009). An Examination of the Project Work Initiative: A Reflection on Singapore?s Education Reform. In Ng, C. H. & Renshaw, P. (Eds.), Reforming Learning: Issues, Concepts and Practices in the Asian-Pacific Region(PP. 109 - 128). Netherlands: Springer.
Ng, P. T. (2020). Change in the Early Childhood Care and Education Sector in Singapore. In Jones, M. & Harris, A. (Eds.), Leading and Transforming Education Systems - Evidence, Insights, Critique and Reflections(PP. 47-60). Singapore: Springer.
Ng, P. T. (2018). SkillsFuture: The Future of Lifelong Learning in Sin gapore. In Malone, H. J., Rinc'n-Gallardo, S., & Kew, K. (Eds.), Future Directions of Educational Change: Social Justice, Professional Capital, and Systems Change(PP. 205-221). New York: Routledge.
Ng,P.T.,& Low,E.L. (2017). Teacher Learning and Development Across the Continuum: Pre-Service to In-Service. In Tan,O.S., Liu,W.C., & Low,E.L. (Eds.), Teacher Education in the 21st Century: Singapore's Evolution and Innovation(PP. 267-282). Singapore: Springer.
Ng, P. T. (2017). The Critical Importance of Schools and School Leaders. In Tan, O. S., Low, E. L., & Hung, D. (Eds.), Lee Kuan Yew's Educational Legacy: The Challenges of Success(PP. 43-54). Singapore: Springer.
Ng, P. T. (2016). Whole systems approach: Professional Capital in Singapore. In Evers, J., & Kneyber, R. (Eds.), Flip the System: Changing Education from the Ground Up(PP. 151-158). New York: R outledge.
Ng, P. T. (2015). Developing leaders for Schools in Singapore. In Harris, A., & Jones, M. (Eds.), Leading Futures ' Global Perspectives on Educational Leadership(PP. 162-176). New York: SAGE.
Hargreaves, A., Boyle, A., Harris, A., Gurn, A., Stone-Johnson, C. & Ng, P. T. (2014). Creativity and Counter-flow. In Hargreaves, A., Boyle, A. & Harris, A. (Eds.), Uplifting Leadership(PP. 45-66). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Wiley.
Ng, P. T. (2013). 15 Years of Thinking Schools Learning Nation: A Review. In Malone, H. (Ed.), Leading Educational Change: Global Issues, Challenges, and Lessons on Whole-System Reform(PP. 118-122). New York: Teachers College Press.
Ng, P. T. (2012). Academic Achievement in Singapore. In Hattie, J. and Anderman, E. M. (Ed.), International Guide to Student Achievement(PP . 484-486). London: Routledge.
Hargreaves, A., Shirley, D., & Ng, P. T. (2012). Singapore: Innovation, Communication, and Paradox. In Hargreaves, A., Shirley, D. (Ed.), The Global Fourth Way: The Quest for Educational Excellence(PP. 71-91). Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press.
Ng, P. T. (2012). H igh Technology Cluster Growth Initiatives in Singapore. In Bas, T. G., & Zhao, J. Y. (Eds.), Comparing High Technology Firms in Developed and Developing Countries: Cluster Growth Initiatives(PP. 26-36). Hershey: IGI Global Publisher.
Ang, H. S., & Ng, P. T. (2012). Knowledge Management in t he Public Service: the Case of the Singapore Health Promotion Board. In Ord''ez de Pablos, P., & Lytras, M. D. (Eds.), Knowledge Management and Drivers of Innovation in Services Industries(PP. 41-54). Hershey: IGI Global Publisher.
Ng, P. T. (2011). Embracing Emerging Technologies: The Case of the Singapore Intelligent Nation 2015 Vision. In Ord''ez de Pablos, P., Lee, W. B. & Zhao, J. (Eds.), Regional Innovation Systems and Sustainable Development: Innovation and Emerging Technologies(PP. 115-123). Hershey, PA: IGI Publishers.
Ng, P. T. (2011). Theory'making in the Social Sc iences: Trade-off between generalisability and fit with context. In 'rtenblad, A., Kumari, R., Babur, M., & Bajunid, I. A. (Eds.), Are Theories Universal?(PP. 71-78). Malaysia: Exploring Leadership and Learning Theories Association (ELLTA).
Ng, P. T. (2010). Singapore: System of Education. In McGaw, B., Baker, E. & Peterson, P (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (3rd Edition)(PP. 776-781). Oxford: Elsevier.
Yeong, A. & Ng, P. T. (2009). An Examination of the Project Work Initiative: A Reflection on Singapore?s Education Reform. In Ng, C. H. & Renshaw, P. (Eds.), Reforming Learning: Issues, Concepts and Practices in the Asian-Pacific Region(PP. 109 - 128). Netherlands: Springer.
Conference Papers (Central)
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)
Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)
Chapters in a Government Report
Ng, P. T. (2012). The Globalised Knowledge Economy and Talent War: Singapore's Responses and Challenges.. In Cooper, D. (Ed.), Commonwealth Advisory Bureau Policy Briefing (Issues before Education Ministers at Mauritius in August 2012), REPORT COMMISIO NED BY .40.
Ng, P. T. (2012). The Globalised Knowledge Economy and Talent War: Singapore's Responses and Challenges.. In Cooper, D. (Ed.), Commonwealth Advisory Bureau Policy Briefing (Issues before Education Ministers at Mauritius in August 2012), REPORT COMMISIO NED BY .40.