Academic Profile : Faculty

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Assoc Prof Goh Wee Pin, Jonathan
Associate Professor, Policy, Curriculum and Leadership
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Policy, Curriculum & Leadership
Journal Articles (Central)
Hairon, S., & Goh, J.W.P. (2015). Pursuing the elusive construct of distributed leadership: Is the search over?. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership, 43(5), 693-718.

Hairon, S., Goh, J.W.P, Chua, C.S.K, & Wang, L.Y. (2017). A research agenda for professional learning commu nities: Moving Forward. Professional Development in Education, 43(1), 72-86.

Hairon, S., Goh, J. W. P., & Chua, S. K. (2015). Teacher leadership enactment in PLC contexts: Towards a better understanding of the phenomenon. School Leadership and Management, 35(2), 163-182.

Dimmock, C . and Goh, J.W.P. (2011). Transformative Leadership and School Organisation for the 21st Century Knowledge-based Economy: the Case of Singapore. School Leadership and Management, 31(3), 215-234.

Goh, J.W.P. (2009). Parallel leadership in an ?unparallel? world?: Cultural constraints on the t ransferability of Western educational leadership theories across cultures.. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 12(4), 319-346.

Teo, T. W., Goh, W. P. J., Khin, M. A., & Yeo, L. W. (2018). Rethinking teaching and learning of science inference competencies of lower track students in Singapore: A Rasch investigation. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 12(3), 10.1080/02188791.2018.1476320.

Hairon, S., & Goh, J.W.P. (2015). Leadership for collective learning: A distributed perspective. International Business Education Journal, 8(1), 79-94.

Hairon, S., Goh, J.W.P., & Lin, T.B. (2014). Distributed leadership to support PLCs in Asian pragmatic Singapore schools. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 17(3), 370-386.

Goh, J.W.P., Quek, C.J. & Lee, O.K. (20 10). An Investigation of Students? Perceptions of Learning Benefits of Weblogs in an East Asian Context: A Rasch Analysis. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 13(2), 90-101.

Goh, J.W.P., Lee, O.K. & Hairon S. (2010). Self-rating and respondent anonymity. Educational Research, 52 (3), 229-245.

Goh, J.W.P., Lee, O.K., & Hairon, S. (2009). A comparison of self-ratings of teachers' and their reporting officers' teaching and leadership skills across Singapore and Bahrain. International Journal of Educational Research, 48(4), 258-273.

Goh, J.W.P. (2009). Globalizat ion's culture consequences of MBA education across Australia and Singapore. Higher Education, 58(2), 1-30.

Tan, J.K.L. and Goh, J.W.P. (2006). Why do they not talk? - Towards an understanding of students? cross-cultural encounters from an individualism/ collectivism perspective. Internat ional Education Journal, 7(5), 651-667.

Books (Central)
Hairon, S., & Goh, J.W.P. (Eds.). (2019). Perspectives on School Leadership in Asia Pacific Contexts (PP. 175). Cham: Springer.

Book Chapters (Central)
Goh, J.W.P., Lim, S.Q.W. & Hairon, S. (2024). 'Are we really that different?' ' A Rasch investigation of cultural work values of school leaders, middle managers, and teachers in Singapore.. In P. Liu & L.M., Thien (Eds.), Educational Leadership and Asian Culture(PP. 191-229). Oxford: Routledge.

Goh, J.W.P., Hairon, S., & Lim, S.Q.W. (2019). Understanding distributed leadership practices in the cultural context of Singapore schools. In Hairon, S., & Goh, J.W.P. (Eds.), Perspectives of School Leadership in Asia Pacific Contexts(PP. 11-29). Cham: Springer.

Hairon , S., & Goh, J.W.P. (2018). Teacher leaders in professional learning communities in Singapore. In Harris, A., Jones, M., & Huffman, J.B. (Eds.), Teachers leading educational reform: The power of professional learning communities(PP. 86-99). New York: Routledge.

Goh, J.W.P., Lee, O.K. & Hair on, S. (2017). Assessing Students' Growth in Mathematics and English Language in Singapore: The Practice, the Evidence and the Perceptions. In Eryaman, M.Y. and Schneider, B. (Ed.), Evidence-based and Evidence'-informed Educational Policy, Research and Practice for the Public Good [Series title: Educational Governance Research](PP. 97-123). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Tan,J.K.L. and Goh, J.W.P. (2014). Cultural Values and Study Approaches: A Comparison of Local and International (Malaysian and Singaporean) Undergraduates Studying in Australia. In Kulich, S., Prosse r, M.H. & Weng L.P. (Eds.), Values Dimensions and their Contextual Dynamics across Cultures - Intercultural Research Volume 5(PP. 202-224). Shanghai, China: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press (SFLEP).

Goh. J.W.P. (2011). When East and West collide: Applying Western-based work motivat ion theories in Chinese societies in South East Asia. In Laouisset, D.E. (Ed.), Managerial Transfer of Technology(PP. 1-34). United States: Nova Science Publishers.

Dimmock, C. & Goh, J.W.P. (2011). Innovative Principals? Practices in Singapore: A School System in Transition. In J. MacBeath & T. Townsend (Eds.), International handbook on leadership for learning(PP. 225-242). Netherlands: Springer Publishers.

Conference Papers (Central)

Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)

Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)

Professional Articles

Goh, J.W.P., Ng, P.T.,Ng, D.F.S., Hairon S. & Choy, W.K.W. (2013, June). Research in Education (REed) Guest Editor for "School Leadership", 10, 1-10.

Goh, J.W.P (2013, February). SingTeach All about Assessment, Issue 40, 1-8.