Academic Profile : Faculty

Assoc Prof Goh Wee Pin, Jonathan
Associate Professor, Policy, Curriculum and Leadership
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Policy, Curriculum & Leadership
Controlled Keywords
Dr. Jonathan WP Goh is an Associate Professor at the Policy, Curriculum and Leadership Studies (PCL) Department, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE-NTU). He obtained a first-class honors degree in Commerce from Murdoch University in 1994, and a PhD (with Distinction) in Marketing from the University of Western Australia in 2001. Dr. Goh teaches research methodology, educational marketing and school leadership-related courses in various professional development and graduate programs. His teaching and research interests include research methods, student learning and assessment, measurement (including Rasch analysis, hierarchical linear modeling, and structural equation modeling), educational marketing, and cross-cultural aspects in leadership and management. His works have been published in the International Journal of Educational Research, Educational Research, Higher Education, International Journal of Leadership in Education, and School Leadership and Management, and Educational Management, Administration and Leadership. Jonathan has also led in a large-scale Ministry of Education (Singapore) funded research on baseline study of educational leadership in Singapore, and a programmatic research (which involved four separate but interrelated research) on impact of educational leadership on teacher and organizational outcomes, and student learning and development.
Selected Funded Projects
• Effectiveness of Teacher Leaders in Singapore Schools: Context, Construct and Causality (OER 24/17 HS), $245,520 (NIE ERFP Tier 2), 2018, Co-PI.
• An Investigation of the Impact of Leadership Practices on Student Learning and Development Outcomes in Singapore Schools (OER 23/14 JG), $232,068 (NIE ERFP Tier 2), 2015, PI.
• Leadership for Collective Learning: An Effective Distributed Perspective (OER 24/14 HS), $249,604 (NIE ERFP Tier 2), 2015, Co-PI.
• Investigating Leadership and Policy Implementation for School Improvement (OER 25/14 CSK), $98,859 (NIE ERFP Tier 1), 2015, Co-PI.
• Examining Normal Academic/Technical Students’ Science Learning from a Sociological and Cultural Lens (OER 51/12 TWT), $249,980 (NIE ERFP Tier 2), 2013, Co-PI.
• The Impact of Community-Based Teacher Learning on Student Learning Outcomes (OER 14/12 HS), $197,844 (NIE ERFP Tier 2), 2012, Co-PI.
• Leadership and Organizational Change in Singapore Schools: A Baseline Study (OER 03/10 CD), $993,400 (NIE ERFP Tier 3), 2010 (Co-PI) & 2013 (PI).
Selected Funded Projects
• Effectiveness of Teacher Leaders in Singapore Schools: Context, Construct and Causality (OER 24/17 HS), $245,520 (NIE ERFP Tier 2), 2018, Co-PI.
• An Investigation of the Impact of Leadership Practices on Student Learning and Development Outcomes in Singapore Schools (OER 23/14 JG), $232,068 (NIE ERFP Tier 2), 2015, PI.
• Leadership for Collective Learning: An Effective Distributed Perspective (OER 24/14 HS), $249,604 (NIE ERFP Tier 2), 2015, Co-PI.
• Investigating Leadership and Policy Implementation for School Improvement (OER 25/14 CSK), $98,859 (NIE ERFP Tier 1), 2015, Co-PI.
• Examining Normal Academic/Technical Students’ Science Learning from a Sociological and Cultural Lens (OER 51/12 TWT), $249,980 (NIE ERFP Tier 2), 2013, Co-PI.
• The Impact of Community-Based Teacher Learning on Student Learning Outcomes (OER 14/12 HS), $197,844 (NIE ERFP Tier 2), 2012, Co-PI.
• Leadership and Organizational Change in Singapore Schools: A Baseline Study (OER 03/10 CD), $993,400 (NIE ERFP Tier 3), 2010 (Co-PI) & 2013 (PI).
Educational Leadership and Management; Educational Measurement and Assessment; Educational Marketing
- Effectiveness of Teacher Leaders in Singapore Schools: Context, Construct and Causality
- Teacher Motivations in Pursuing Micro-credentials as Professional Development
• Excellence in Teaching Commendation Award 2021, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University.
• Excellence in Teaching Commendation Award 2007, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University.
• 2001 Award of Distinction for PhD Studies at the University of Western Australia
• Excellence in Teaching Commendation Award 2007, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University.
• 2001 Award of Distinction for PhD Studies at the University of Western Australia