Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Sally Ann Jones
Senior Lecturer, National Institute of Education - English Language & Literature
Journal Articles (Central)
Jones, S. A.Seilhamer, M. F. (2022). Girls becoming mathematicians: Identity and agency in the figured world of the English-medium primary school. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 21(5), 330-346.

Lo Bianco, J., Jones, S.A . & Loh, J. (2021). English language education in Singapore: research, practice & implications. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 41(4), 635-640.

Jones, S. A. (2021). A Local Research Evidence Base for English Language Education (ELE) in Singapore from 2010 to 2020 (early childhood to secondary school),. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 41(4), 641-656.

Jones, S. A.Seilhamer, M. F. (2019). Teaching the language of mathematics at three levels of an English -medium primary school. Oxford Review of Education, 45(5), 639-656.

Jones, S. A. (2019). Home school relations in Singaporean primary schools: teachers', parents' and children's views. Oxford Review of Education, 44(1), 32-49.

Jones, S. A. (2018). Telling cases of bilingual children's reading and writing for English-medium school: implications for pedagogy and policy. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 41(3), 166-176.

Jones, S. A. (2016). Writing Learning Outcome s for English Language Lessons in Multilingual Schools. TESOL Journal, 7(2), 469-493.

Jones, S. A. (2016). A pedagogy for teacher education: Making theory, practice, and context connections for English language teaching. AsTEN Journal of Teacher Education, 1(2), 72-89.

Jones, S . A. (2015). Children reading series books: Ways into peer culture and reading development. Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education, 22(3), 307-325.

Jones, S. A. (2012). Recontextualising reading, rethin king teaching: Reading in the English medium primary school in Singapore. Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, 40(3), 243-258.

Jones, S. A. (2011). Educational policy and children's experience: R unning records in the lower primary Singaporean English language classroom. Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education., 39(1), 49-64.

Jones, S. A. (2010). The possible cultural consequences for children as they learn to read in English at pri mary three in Singapore. RELC Journal: A Journal of Language Teaching and Research in Southeast Asia, 41(3), 229-251.

Books (Central)
Netto-Shek, J. A.,Pelly, C.,Whitson, G., &Jones, S. A., (Eds.). (2007). Developing language and literacy through project work: Ideas for the classroom (PP. 50). Singapore: Pearson Education.

Jones, S. A., Deterding, D. (2007). Phonics and Beginning Reading : A Practical Guide for Teachers in Southeast Asia (PP. 71). Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education (Asia).

Conference Papers (Central)

Conference Papers Without Proceedings

Jones, S. A. (2022, September). Meta-talk for Meta-thinking: Preliminary Findings. Paper presented at British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom.

Jones, S. A. (2022, June). Metacognitive a wareness in young learners and their talk in lessons. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPIC) 2022, Singapore.

Jones, S. A. (2022, June). The introduction, maintenance, and diversion of learning outcomes during classroom interaction in English language lesson s. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPIC) 2022, Singapore.

Jones, S. A. (2022, June). Knowledge building in the primary school. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPIC) 2022, Singapore.

Jones, S. A. (2022, March). Some Implications for Inclusive and Equitable Pedagogies from Cultural and Neurodiversity. Paper presented at 56th RELC International Conference Equitable and Inclusive Language Education: New Paradigms, Pathways, and Possibilities, Singapore.

Jones, S. A. (2021, March). Children's linguistic i dentities related to their attitudes to learning English. Paper presented at 55th RELC International Conference - Sustainable Language Education: Standards, Strategies and Systems, Singapore.

Jones, S. A. (2021, March). Reorienting grammar teaching for more purposeful use and transfer. Paper presented at 55th RELC International Conference - Sustainable Language Education: Standards, Strategies and Systems, Singapore.

Jones, S. A. (2020, September). Policies, philosophies, and perceptions of English as a subject on the curriculum. Paper presented at Brit ish Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2020,(Conference cancelled), Liverpool, United Kingdom.

Jones, S. A. (2019, November). Pragmatism and Segmentation in Singaporean Primary School English. Paper presented at 20th English in Southeast Asia ConferenceRe-thinking Par adigms and Approaches to Researching, Teaching and Learning English, Singapore.

Jones, S. A. (2019, September). Pragmatic and Aesthetic Orientations to Reading in the Singaporean Primary School. Paper presented at British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2019, Manch ester, United Kingdom.

Jones, S. A. (2019, July). 'Learner' and 'engaged' reader identities among young Singaporean children. Paper presented at United Kingdom Literacy Association 55th International Conference 2019, Literacy and Play for All: Improvisation, possibility and imagination, Sh effield, United Kingdom.

Jones, S. A. (2019, March). Joy of learning. What about joy of reading?. Paper presented at 54th RELC Conference on Teaching and Learning of English for Academic, Professional and Other Purposes in the Digital Era, Singapore.

Jones, S. A. (2018, September). Con structions of childhood in primary reading classrooms in English-medium education. Paper presented at British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, 11-13th September, 2018, Newcastle, United Kingdom.

Jones, S. A. (2018, July). Learning to Read and Learning to be a Child in Sin gapore: Literature across Cultural Contexts. Paper presented at United Kingdom Literacy Association 54th International Conference, 6th to the 8th July, 2018., Cardiff, United Kingdom.

Jones, S. A., Seilhamer, M. F. (2018, March). Teaching language in mathematics lessons: how do teachers do it?. Paper presented at 53rd RELC International Conference on 50 Years of English Language Teaching and Assessment - Reflections, Insights, Possibilities, Singapore.

Jones, S. A. (2018, March). Teachers' beliefs about reading and childhood in the classroom: pedagogies and values. Paper presented at 53rd RELC Conference on 50 Years of English Language Teaching and Assessment- Reflections, Insights and Possibilities, Singapore.

Jones, S. A. (2017, May). Researching how series books and the peer group motivate nine-year-old children to read. Paper presented at Redesigning Pe dagogy International Conference, Singapore.

Jones, S. A. (2017, March). Learning to read: young children's recollections of their reading histories. Paper presented at 52nd RELC International Conference on Dimensions of Language Education: Policy, Perspectives, Practice, 13-15 March, Singap ore.

Jones, S. A. (2017, March). Writing Learning Outcomes for English Lessons. Paper presented at 52nd RELC International Conference on Dimensions of Language Education: Policy, Perspectives, Practice, 13-15 March, Singapore., Singapore.

Jones, S. A. (2017, February). How young multil ingual children remember learning to read English: implications for teachers. Paper presented at CamTESOL-UECA Regional ELT Research Symposium, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)

Keynote Addresses

Jones, S. A. (2016, November). International Seminar of English Language Teaching (ISELT) for Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, The Role of English Teacher Education in the Era of the ASEAN Economic Community, Serang City, Banten Province, I ndonesia.

Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)

Professional Articles

Jones, S. A., Yeo, L. R-C., Yeo, K. K. J., Seilhamer, M. F., Loh, M. Y., & Ho, H. L. (2019, June). Dilemmas in English teaching and learning: Singaporean primary classrooms Dilemmas in English teaching and learning: Singaporean primary classrooms, Booklet 2, 1-16.

Jones, S. A., Yeo, L. R-C., Yeo, K. K. J., Seilhamer, M. F., Loh, M. Y., & Ho, H. L. (2019). (2019, June). Transfer of learning in English and mathematics: Singaporean primary classrooms Transfer of learning in English and mathematics: Singaporean primary classrooms, Booklet 3, 1-20.

Jones, S. A., Yeo, L. R-C., Yeo, K. K. J., Seilhamer, M. F., Loh, M. Y., & Ho, H. L. (2019, June). Language matters in mathematics: Singaporean pr imary classrooms Language matters in mathematics: Singaporean primary classrooms, Booklet 1, 1-16.

Technical Reports or Monographs

Jones, S. A., Loh, C. E. (2021, September). Guide to NIE Projects Researching English Language & Literature Teaching from Pre-School to Pre-Univers ity Completed 2010-2020, 48.

Jones, S. A., Loh C. E. (2021, September). Considerations about Local Impact and Teacher Education arising from NIE's Report on Research Projects in English Language Teaching from 2010 to 2020 (presented at the (2021) 1st ELSC Meeting). A report prepared for the 2nd E LSC meeting on 13th September 2021., 24.

Jones, S. A., Loh C. E. (2021, March). A Report on Ongoing and Completed Research Projects Conducted into English Language Teaching (Pre-school to Pre-university) at NIE from 2010 to 2020. A report prepared for the 1st (2021) English Language Steering Comm ittee Meeting on the 7th April, 2021, 40.

S.A. JONES (2020, January). An exploration of children's experiences of learning English and mathematics at school and elsewhere in multilingual, postcolonial Singapore., 3.

Curdt-Christiansen, X. L., &Jones, S. A. (2006, January). Love of Reading: An Evaluation of Reading Attitudes in KidsREAD ClubsReport for the National Library Board, Singapore, 22.

Workshops and Seminars

Jones, S. A. (2017, August). Writing learning outcomes for English Lessons: applying theory to practice for KPs of the South Four Cluster.

Jones, S. A. (2017, May). Writing learning outcomes for English Lessons: applying theory to practice.

Jones, S. A. (2017, March). Writing learning outcomes for English lessons: applying theory to practice.

Jones, S. A. (2016, November). Teaching Writing in the Era of the ASEAN Economic Community: International seminar on academic writing.