Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Wong Lung Hsiang
Senior Education Research Scientist, Centre for Research in Pedagogy & Practice
Senior Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office for Research
Journal Articles (Central)
Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2011). What seams do we remove in mobile assisted seamless learning? A critical review of the literature. Computers & Education, 57(4), 2364-2381.

Wong, L.-H., King, R. B., Chai, C. S., & Liu, M. (2016). Seamlessly learning Chinese: Contextual meaning making and vocabulary growth in a seamless Chinese as a second language learning environment. Instructional Science, 44(5), 399-422.

Wong, L.-H., Boticki, I., Sun, J., & Looi, C.-K. (2011). Improving the scaffolds of a mobile-assisted Chinese character forming game via a design-based research cycle. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(5), 1783-1793.

Wong, L.-H., Chen, W., & Jan, M.-F. (2012). How artefacts mediate small group co-creation activities in a mobile-assisted language learning environment?. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 28(5), 411-424.

Drljevic, N., Boticki, I., & Wong, L.-H. (2022). Investigating the Different Facets of Student Engagement during Augmented Reality use in Primary School. British Journal of Educational Technology, 53(5), 1361-1388.

Zhang, Q., Wangyang, C., & Wong, L.-H. (2021). Understanding and connection: Research in and practical innovations of seamless learning in the perspective of the learning sciences. Distance Education in China, 10, 60-67.

Xiao, J., Liang, X., Wong, L.-H., & Pan, Z. (2021). The foci and trends of seamless learning. Distance Education in China, 2021(2), 66-75.

Voon, X. P., Wong, L.-H. , Looi, C.-K., & Chen, W. (2020). Constructivism-informed variation theory lesson designs in enriching and elevating science learning: Case studies of seamless learning design. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 57(5), 1531-1553.

Chen, W., Chan, T.K., Wong, L.H., Looi, C.K., Liao, C., Cheng, H., Wong, S.L., Mason, J., So, H.J., Murthy, S., Gu, X., & Pi, Z. (2020). IDC Theory: Habit and the Habit Loop. Research and Practice in Technology Enhance Learning, 15(null), 10.1186/s41039-020-00127-7.

Wong, L.-H., Chan, T.-W., Chen, W., Looi, C.-K., Chen, Z.-H., Liao, C. C. Y., K ing, R. B., & Wong, S. L. (2020). IDC Theory: Interest and the Interest Loop. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 15(null), no pagination (open access).

Chan, T.-W., Looi, C.-K., Chang, B., Chen, W., Wong, L.-H., Wong, S. L., Yu, F.-Y., Mason, J., Liu, C.-C>, Shih,, J.-L., Wu, Y.-T., Kong, S.-C., Wu, L., Chien, T.-C., Liao, C. C. Y., Cheng, H., Chen, Z.-H., & Chou, C.-Y. (2019). IDC theory: Creation and the creation loop. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 14, no pagination (open access).

Aw,G.P.,Wong,L.H.,Shi,H.,Le k,H.Y. (2019). An Investigation of the Technology-Mediated Extension of Language Learning Space in Learning Chinese as a Second Language 'Two Case Studies of Singapore Seamless Learning MyCLOUD and LI-nterChange. International Journal of Chinese Language Education, 2019,3(n ull), 109-131.

Voon, X. P., Wong, L.-H., Chen, W., & Looi, C.-K. (2019). Principled practical knowledge in bridging practical and reflective experiential learning: Case studies of teachers' professional development. Asia Pacific Education Review, 2, 641-656.

Chen, W., G u, X., & Wong, L.-H. (2019). To click or not to click: Effectiveness of rating classroom behaviors on academic achievement using iPad. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(1), 440-455.

Chan, T.-W., Looi, C.-K., Chen, W., Wong, L.-H., Chang, B., Liao, C. C. Y., Cheng, H., Chen, Z.-H ., Liu, C.-C., Kong, S.-C., Jeong, H., Mason, J., So, H.-J., Murthy, S., Yu, F.-Y., Wong, S. L., King, R. B., Gu, X., Wang, M., Wu, L., Huang, R., Lam, R., & Ogata, H. (2018). Interest-driven creator theory: towards a theory of learning design for Asia in the twenty-first century. Journal of Comp uters in Education, 5(4), 435-461.

Cai, H., Gu, X., & Wong, L.-H. (2017). An investigation of twenty-first century learners' competencies in China. Asia Pacific Education Review, 18(4), 475-487.

Wong, L.-H., Looi, C.-K., & Boticki, I. (2017). Improving the design of a m CSCL Chinese character forming game with a distributed scaffolding design framework. Research and Practice in Technology-Enhanced Learning, 12(null), no pagination (open access).

Wong, L.-H., Chai, C. S., & Aw, G. P. (2017). Seamless Language Learning: Second language learning with soci al media. Comunicar, 25, 9-21.

Drljevic, N., Wong, L.-H., & Boticki, I. (2017). Where does my Augmented Reality Learning Experience (ARLE) belong? A student and teacher perspective to positioning ARLEs. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 10(4), 419-435.

Chai, C. S., Wong, L.H. & King, R. (2016). Surveying and modeling students' motivation and learning strategies for mobile-assisted seamless Chinese language learning. Educational Technology & Society, 19(3), 170-180.

Wong, L.-H., & Hsu, C.-K. (2016). Effects of learning styles on learners' collaborative patte rns in a mobile-assisted Chinese character forming game based on flexible grouping approach. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 25(1), 61-77.

Wong, L.-H., Chai, C. S., Zhang, X., & King, R. B. (2015). Employing the TPACK framework for researcher-teacher co-design of a mobile-assisted seaml ess language learning environment. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 8(2), 31-42.

Wong, L.-H., Chai, C. S., Aw, G. P., & King, R. (2015). Enculturating seamless language learning through artifact creation and social interaction process (in English). Interactive Learning Environ ments, 23(2), 130-157.

Looi, C.-K., Wong, L.-H., & Milrad, M. (2015). Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Seamless,Ubiquitous, and Contextual Learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 8(1), 2-4.

Looi, C.K. & Wong, L.H. (2014). Implementing Mobile Learning Curricula in Singap ore Schools: A Programme of Research from Innovation to Scaling. Educational Technology & Society, 17(2), 72-84.

Hwang, G.-J., & Wong, L.-H. (2014). Guest Editorial - Powering Up: Insights from distinguished mobile and ubiquitous learning projects across the world. Educational Technology & Society, 17(2), tbc.

Hwang, G.-J., & Wong, L.-H. (2014). Powering Up: Insights from Distinguished Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning Projects across the World. Educational Technology & Society, 17(2), 1-3.

Looi,C.-K., Sun,D.,Wu,L.K.,Seow,P.,Chia,G., Wong,L-H.,Soloway,E.,& Norris,C. (20 14). Implementing mobile learning curricula in a grade level:Empirical study of learning effectiveness at scale. Computers & Education, 77, 101-115.

Wong, L.-H., Chai, C. S., Chen, W., & Chin, C. K. (2013). Measuring Singaporean students' motivation and strategies of bilingual learning. The Asia-Pacific Journal of Education Researcher, 22(3), 263-272.

Wong, L.-H., Hsu, C.-K., Sun, J., & Boticki, I. (2013). How flexible grouping affects the collaborative patterns in a mobile-assisted Chinese character learning game?. Educational Technology & Society, 16(2), 174-187.

W ong, L.-H. (2013). Enculturating self-directed seamless learners through a Facilitated Seamless Learning process framework. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 22, 319-338.

Wong, L.-H. (2013). Analysis of Students' After-School Mobile-Assisted Artifact Creation Processes in a Seamless Langu age Learning Environment. Educational Technology & Society, 16(2), 198-211.

Boticki, I., Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2013). Designing technology for content-independent collaborative mobile learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 6(1), 14-24.

Chan, T.-W., Lin, J., Loo i, C.-K., Kong, S. C., Zhu, Z., Hwang, G.-J., Yu, S., Gu, X., Chen, W., Wong, L.-H., & Wang, Q. (2013). 'How shall we recognize good academic research in this field?'. E-Education Research, 238, 5-15.

Song, Y., Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2012). Fostering personalized learning in science in quiry supported by mobile technologies. Educational Technology Research and Development, 60(4), 679-701.

Chai, C.-S., Wong, L.-H., Sim, S.-H., & Deng, F. (2012). Exploring the relationships between students' ability of computer-based Chinese input and other variables associated to their per formances in composition writing. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(3), 153-161.

Wong, L.-H., & Ogata, H. (2012). Guest Editorial: One-to-one Technology-Transformed Learning in the Age of Mobile Connectivity. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisatio n, 6(2), 95-98.

Wong, L.-H., Chai, C.-S., Chin, C.-K., Hsieh, Y.-F., & Liu, M. (2012). Towards a seamless language learning framework Mediated by the ubiquitous technology. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 6(2), 156-171.

Boticki, I., Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K . (2012). Experiences in Implementing and Using a Technological Framework for Mobile Collaborative Learning of Mathematics and Chinese Language. International Journal on Mobile Learning and Organisation, 6(1), 79-93.

Lin, C.-P., Wong, L.-H., & Shao, Y. (2012). Comparison of 1:1 and 1:m CSCL environment for collaborative concept mapping. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 28(2), 99-113.

Wong, L.-H. (2012). Mobile-assisted language learning in informal learning environment: Analysis of Singapore students' after-school idiom learning and artifact creation activities. Mode rn Distance Education Research, 2012(2), 67-73.

Sha, L., Looi, C.-K., Chen, W.-L., Seow, P., & Wong, L.-H. (2012). Recognizing and measuring self-regulated learning in a mobile learning environment. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(2), 718-728.

Wong, L.-H. (2012). A learner-centric vie w of mobile seamless learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(1), E19-E23.

Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2012). Swarm intelligence - new techniques for adaptive systems to provide learning support. Interactive Learning Environments, 20(1), 19-40.

Chai, C.-S., Wong, L.- H., Chin, C.-K., & Lim, W.-Y. (2011). Reflection of the construction of a model for ICT in Chinese Language learning with the TPACK framework. Journal of Chinese Language Education, 9(2), 1-12.

Wong, L. H., & Chin, C. K. (2011). Development of a curriculum design framework for the mobile-as sisted idiom learning process through design-based research. Journal of Chinese Language Education, 10(2), 65-78.

Wong, L.-H., Chen, W., Chai, C.-S., Chin, C.-K., & Gao, P. (2011). A blended collaborative writing approach for Chinese L2 primary school students. Australasian Journal of Ed ucational Technology, 27(7), 1208-1226.

Boticki, I., Looi, C.-K., & Wong, L.-H. (2011). Supporting Mobile Collaborative Activities through Scaffolded Flexible Grouping. Educational Technology & Society, 14(3), 190-202.

Lin, C.-P., Shao, Y.-J., Wong, L.-H., Li, Y.-J., & Niramitranon, J . (2011). The impact of using synchronous co-operative virtual Tangram in children's geometric. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(2), 250-258.

Wong, L. H., Gao, P., Chai, C. S., & Chin, C. K. (2011). Where research, practice and authority meet: A collaborative inquiry for development of technology-enhanced Chinese language curricula. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(1), 232-243.

Wong, L.-H., Chai, C.-S., & Gao, P. (2011). The Chinese input challenges for Chinese as second language learners in computer mediated writing: An explora tory study. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(3), 233-248.

Chai, C. S., Wong, L. H., Gao, P., & Wang, Q. (2011). Towards a new era of knowledge creation: A brief discussion of the epistemology for knowledge creation. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-long Learning, 21(1), 1-12.

Wong, L. H., & Chin, C. K. (2010). Towards a new era of Chinese Language learning with mobile technology. Journal of Chinese Language Education, 8(2), 69-84.

Wong, L. H., Chin, C. K., Tan, C. L., & Liu, M. (2010). Students' personal and s ocial meaning making in a Chinese idiom mobile learning environment. Educational Technology & Society, 13(4), 15-26.

Wong, L. H., Gao, P., Chin, C. K., & Chai, C. S. (2010). Collaborative inquiry - a win-win strategy for Chinese Language teachers' professional development and effective ICT integration into Chinese learning. Journal of Chinese Language Education, 8(1), 70-83.

Wong, L.H. (2010). Swarm intelligence - new techniques to accommodate the needs of the educational technology of the 21st century. Global Chinese Journal on Computers in Education, 6(1-2), 62-83.
Books (Central)
Wong, L.-H., Milrad, M., & Specht, M. (Eds.). (2015). Seamless Learning in the Age of Mobile Connectivity (PP. 500). Singapore: Springer.

Villalba Condori, K. O., Aduriz-Bravo, A., Lavonen, J., Wong, L.-H., & Wang, T.-H. (Eds.). (2020). Education and Technology in Sciences. Basel: Springer Nature.

Looi, C.-K., Wong, L.-H., Glahn, C., & Cai, S. (Eds.). (2019). Seamless Learning: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities (PP. 208). Singapore: Springer.

Wong, L.-H., & Chin, C.-K. (2014). Move, Language Learning! - Exploring Seamless and Mobile-assisted Language L earning (PP. 200). Nanjing: Nanjing University Press.

Book Chapters (Central)
Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2022). Seamless hybrid science learning: Streamlining the techno-pedagogical designs for wider diffusion. In Gil, E., Mor. Y., Dimitriadis, Y., & Koppe, C. (Eds.), Hybrid Learning Spaces(PP. 113-133). Cham: Springer.

Wong, L.-H., Looi, C.-K., & Aw, G.-P. (2021). Does seamless learning translate seamlessly?: A decade of experiences in adapting seamless learning designs for various subjects, levels and technological settings. In Koh, E. R.Hung, D. W. L. (Ed.), Scaling up ICT-based Innovations in Schools(PP. 269-289). Singa pore: Springer.

Villalba-Condori, K. O., Aduriz-Bravo, A., Lavonen, J., Wong, L.-H., & Wang, T.-H. (2020). Importance of the Concept of 'Competency' in Science Teacher Education: What Are the Professional Competencies for Science Teachers?. In Villalba-Condori, K. O., Aduriz-Bravo, A., Lavonen, J. , Wong, L.-H., & Wang, T.-H. (Eds.), Education and Technology in Sciences(PP. 1-5). Cham: Springer, Cham.

Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2019). The conceptual niche of seamless learning: An invitation to dialogue. In Looi, C.-K., Wong, L.-H., Glahn, C., & Cai, S. (Eds.), Seamless Learning: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities(PP. 3-27). Singapore: Springer.

Looi, C.-K., & Wong, L.-H. (2018). Mobile Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. In Fischer, F., Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Goldman, S. R., & Reimann, P. (Eds.), International Handbook of the Learning Sciences(PP. 368-380). Abingdon: Routledge.

Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2018). Authentic Learning of Primary School Science in a Seamless Learning Environment: A Meta-Evaluation of the Learning Design. In Chang, T.-W., Huang, R., & Kinshuk (Eds.), Authentic Learning Through Advances in Technologies(PP. 137-170). Singapore: Springer.

Chen, W., & Wong, L.-H. (2017). Seamless learning supported by mobile technologies. In Chai, C. S., Koh, J. H. L., & Teo, Y. H. (Eds.), Technology Enhanced 21st Century Learning(PP. 171-193). Singapore: Pearson.

Aw,G.P,Wong,L.H.,Chai,C.S.,Liu,M (2017). The C reation of Learning Space for Second Language acquisition --A Framework of Seamless learning for Chinese Language. In Aw,G.P.,Tan,K.C.,Choong,K.C.,Hu XQ (Ed.), Teaching and Learning of Chinese Language Series,Volume 9(PP. 74-92). Singapore: Chinese Language Society(Singapore).

Looi, C.K., S un, D., Wu, L. & Wong, L.-H. (2016). Professional Development for Sustaining a Mobile Learning-enabled Curriculum. In Cumming, T. & Ng, W. (Eds.), Sustaining Mobile Learning: Theory, Research and Practice(PP. 57-84). Melbourne: Springer.

Wong, L.-H., Chai, C. S., & Aw, G. P. (2015). What se ams do we remove in learning a language? - Towards a seamless language learning framework (in English). In Wong, L.-H., Milrad, M., & Specht, M. (Eds.), Seamless Learning in the Age of Mobile Connectivity(PP. 295-318). Singapore: Springer.

Aw, G. P., Wong, L.-H., Chai, C. S., & Liu, M. (201 5). Towards a new temporal-spatial view of second language acquisition: seamless language learning framework. In Cui, J. (Ed.), Constructing a New Perspective for Teaching and Learning of Chinese Language in the 21st Century: From Teaching Materials to the Web(PP. 119-139). Singapore: SCCL Pr ess.

Wong, L.-H. (2015). A brief history of mobile seamless learning. In Wong, L.-H., Milrad, M., & Specht, M. (Eds.), Seamless Learning in the Age of Mobile Connectivity(PP. 3-40). Singapore: Springer.

Looi, C.-K., & Wong, L.-H. (2013). Designing for seamless learning. In R. Luckin, P. G oodyear, B. Grabowski, J. Underwood & N. Winters (Eds.), Handbook of Design in Educational Technology(PP. 146-157). New York: Routledge.

Milrad, M., Wong, L.-H., Sharples, M., Hwang, G.-J., Looi, C.-K., & Ogata, H. (2013). Seamless learning: An international perspective on next generation t echnology enhanced learning. In Z. L. Berge, & L. Y. Muilenburg (Eds.), Handbook of Mobile Learning(PP. 95-108). Florence, KY: Routledge.

Looi, C.K., Wong, L.H., & Song, Y. (2013). Discovering mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. In Hmelo-Silver, C., O'Donnell, A., Chan, C., & Chinn, C. (Eds.), The International Handbook of Collaborative Learning(PP. 420-436). New York: Routledge.

Goh, M.-L., Ang, S.-C., & Wong, L.-H. (2012). New concept, new design: Design and enactment of film pedagogy. In Ho, M. S. (Ed.), Reflections on Language and International Chinese La nguage Education(PP. 186-195). Suzhou: Suzhou University Press.

Looi, C.K., So, H-J., Chen, W., Zhang, B., Wong, L-H. & Seow, P. (2012). Seamless Learning. In Norbert, S. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning(PP. 2975-2979). Munich: Springer.

Wong, L.H. (2011). Web 2.0 and Mobile Technology in Chinese Language Learning. In Chin, C.K. (Ed.), The Applications of Educational Technology in Chinese Teaching and Learning: The Global Views of the 21st Century(PP. 91-108). Nanjing: Nanjing University Press.

Wong, L. H., Liu, M., Chin, C. K., Tan, C. L., & Gong, C. (2 011). Using mobile technology to extend in-class Chinese idiom learning to daily life: a pilot study. In Tan, C. L. (Ed.), Action and Reflection: Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Second Language(PP. 247-263). Nanjing: Nanjing University Press.

Wong, L.H., & Looi, C.K. (2010). Online Discu ssion and E-Mentoring Strategiesin Continuing Education Courses. In Ng, E.M.W. (Ed.), Comparative Blended Learning Practices and Environments(PP. 146-169). Hershey: IGI Global.

Wong, L.H., Quek, H.C. & Looi, C.K. (1998). An intelligent tutoring system based on inquiry teaching approach. In NA (Ed.), Gordon & Breach International Series in Engineering Technology & Applied Science(PP. NA). NA: NA.

Wong, L.H., Quek, H.C. & Looi, C.K. (1997). "PADI-2: An inquiry-based geography tutor". In NA (Ed.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: Knowledge and Media in Learning Systems, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Application Series(PP. 47-54). Amsterdam: IOS Press.

Conference Papers (Central)
Conference Papers Published in Proceedings

Wong, L.-H., Teo, C. L., Ogata, H., Song, Y., Wu, L., & Yu, F.-Y. (2021, November). Leveraging Student-Generated Ideas (SGI) to Facilitate Socio-constructivist Learning and Conceptual Change: The Roles of Technology in SGI Learning Trajectories. International Conference on Computers in Education 2021, 2, 777-782.

Huang, F., & Wong, L.-H. (2021, September). A trend analysis of lesson designs for ICT-mediated communicative language teaching for Chinese as a second language. Main Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2021, 1, 305-308.

Wong, S. L., Md Khambari, M. N., Wong, S. L., Voon, X. P., & Wong, L.-H. (2020, November). Igniting Student Interest towards EducationalTechnology through Interest Driven Creator Theory:A Case Study at Universiti Putra Malaysia. Proceedings of International Co nference on Computers in Education 2020, 2, 279-285.

Voon, X. P., Wong, S. L., Wong, L.-H., Md Khambari, M. N., & Syed Abdullah, S. I. S. (2020, November). Effects of Computational Thinking Competencies on Scientific Argumentation Learning among Secondary School Students. Proceedings of Int ernational Conference on Computers in Education 2020, 2, 762-765.

Yin, C., Wong, L.-H., Chen, W., & Jiang, B. (2020, September). Asia language analytics (LA) and the development trend of artificial intelligence (AI) in education. Proceedings of Global Conference on Computers n Education 202 0, 1, 2-6.

Teo, C. L., Wong, L.-H., Chen, B., Chen, G., & Koh, E. (2019, December). Questions, Design, Indicators for CSCL. Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2019, 1, 6-8.

Chang, B., Chan, T.-W., Chen, W., Kong, S.-C., Looi, C.-K., Wong, L.-H., Wong, S. L., Mason, J., & Shih, J.-L. (2019, December). A learning theory design for Asia in the 21st century: Interest-driven creator theory (IDC). In null (Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education, 1, 5-5.

Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2019, September). Tracing the De cade-Long Trajectory of Implementation Research in Mobile- and Social Media-Assisted Seamless Learning in Singapore. In null (Ed.), Proceedings of World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning 2019, 0, 141-148.

Voon, X. P., Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K.. (2019, May). Analysing a seamless inquiry science lesson design and implementation through the lens of variation theory. In null (Ed.), Workshop Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2019, -, 108-115.

Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2019, May). A 'Dialogue' between Seamless Learning and other Releva nt Learning Approaches. Workshop Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2019, 0, 125-128.

Chen, C.-H., Lin, L.-F., Wong, L.-H., Wu, W.-C. V., & Yamamoto, T. (2018, November). Designing an innovative PBL pedagogy to empower English Language learners. Internatio nal Conference on Computers in Education 2018, -, i-44 - i-47.

Looi, C.-K., Wong, L.-H., Biswas, G., Du Boulay, B., Hoppe, H. U., & Mizoguchi, R. (2018, November). "Smartness of technology" or "smartness of learners": Is it a zero-sum game? Or can we have both?. Internat ional Conference on Computers in Education 2018, -, i-36 - i-42.

Wong, L.-H., Looi, C.-K., & Voon, X. P. (2018, November). A rubric for assessing seamless science learning lesson plans. Workshop Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2018, -, 754-759.

Voon, X. P., Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2018, May). Analysing the mediating processes of teacher's growth: A case study in a seamless inquiry science learning environment. Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE) 2018, 1, 773-780.

Wong, L.-H., Looi, C.-K., & Goh , S. F. (2017, December). C2FIP: A design framework for streamlining ICT-enhanced seamless science learning for wider diffusion in primary schools. Workshop Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2017, -, 275-280.

Wong, L.-H., Sharples, M., Gao, Y., Mason, J., & L ooi, C.-K. (2017, December). Meta-synthesis and trends reports of educational technologies and pedagogies: What is their value proposition?. International Conference on Computers in Education 2017, 1, i36-i40.

Wong, L. H., Hsu, C. K., & Boticki, I. (2016, November). How learners of differen t learning styles collaborate in a mobile-assisted Chinese character game Based on flexible grouping. Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2016, -, 454-463.

Chan, T.-W., Wong, L.-H., Biswas, G., Chang, M., Hoppe, U., Liu, C.-C., Mason, J., Looi, C.-K., Chen, W., & Wu, L. (2016, November). A critical dialogue on technology-enhancedInterest-Driven Creation (IDC). Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2016, 0, i40-i42.

Lam, R., Wong, L.-H., Gaydos, M., Huang, J. S., Seah, L. H., Tan, M., Kapur, M., Bielaczyc, K., & Sandova l, W. (2016, June). Designing learning contexts using student-generated ideas. Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2016, -, 1090-1097.

Gu, X., Wong, L.-H., Chan, T.-W., Shirouzu, H., Jeong, H., Crook, C., & Kong, S. C. (2016, June). How students learn in East As ian cultures and how that learning may evolve in the future. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2016, tbc, 1350-1352.

Wong, L.-H., Chan, T.-W., Chen, C.-H., & Liao, C.-Y. (2016, May). The IDC Theory: Curiosity, flow and meaningfulness for interest developme nt. Workshop Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2016, -, -.

Wang, Y. H., Chai, C. S., & Wong, L.-H. (2016, May). A Pilot Study of Content-specific Rubric Assessing Chinese Teaching Program Students' TPACK for Meaningful Learning with ICT. Workshop Proceedi ngs of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, 1, 291-297.

Wong, L.-H., Chai, C. S., King, R. B., & Liu, M. (2015, November). Implications of students' vocabulary growth in a seamless language learning environment mediated by handhelds and social media. Proceedings of Internati onal Conference on Computers in Education 2015, 0, 319-328.

Wong, L.-H., Chan, T.-W., Chen, Z.-H., King, R. B., & Wong, S. L. (2015, November). The Interest-Driven Creator (IDC) Theory: Interest and Interest Loop. Workshop Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 20 15, 0, 804-813.

Cui, H., & Wong, L.-H. (2015, September). Seamless Chinese idiom learning and writing instructions in a Singapore secondary school - An exploratory study in the use of ICT in teaching and learning Chinese. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Teaching and Learn ing Chinese as a Second Language, 0, 14.1-14.8.

Y. Dimitriadis, A. Harrer, H. U. Hoppe, C.-K. Looi, Y. Rogers, L.-H. Wong, & C. P. Ros' (2015, June). Research Trends on Design and Computational Aspects of CSCL Environments. International CSCL Conference 2015, 1, 18-25.

Wong, L.-H., & Hsu, T.-C. (2015, June). Investigating the relations between the learning styles, the collaborative roles and the learning outcomes of the students playing a mobile-assisted Chinese character game. Proceedings of International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, tbc, 674- 675.

Chai, C. S., Wong, L.-H., & King, R. B. (2015, May). Surveying and modeling seamless chinese language learning. In Gu, X. Wu, Y.-T., & Zhang, L.-J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, 2015, 593-596.

Liu, M., Wong, L.-H., Toh, Y., & Li, Y. (2015, May). The development of a holistic rubric for the assessment of students' socialmedia artifacts in a self-directed seamless language learning environment. Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2015, 0, 90-96.

Liu, M., Wong, L.-H., Tay, W. Y., Li, Y., & Zhang, X. (2 014, May). Assessing written interactions in a seamless language learning environment. Workshop Proceedings of the Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2014, -, 89-93.

Wong, L.-H. (2014, May). Towards a Seamless Language Learning Framework. Workshop Proceedings of the Glob al Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2014, -, 84-87.

Wong, L.-H., Chai, C. S., King, R. B., Zhang, X., & Aw, G. P. (2014, January). Unpacking the researcher-teacher co-design process of a seamless language learning environment with the TPACK framework (in English). Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2014, 1, 886-895.

Toh, Y., Wong, L.-H., Chai, C. S., Lee, J. Y. L., & Ng, J. P. S. (2013, November). Complex interaction between technology, pedagogy and content knowledge: Case study in a Chinese Language classroom. In Wong, L.-H., Liu, C.-C ., Hirashima, T., & Lukman, M. (Eds.), International Conference on Computers in Education 2013, 1, 865-875.

Wong, L.-H. (2013, November). Bridging the past and the future of the seamless learning research. Workshop Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education 201 3, 1, 56-64.

Looi, C.-K., Song, Y., & Wong, L.-H. (2013, May). Mobile technology-assisted personalized learning in science inquiry. Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2013, -, 174-180.

Wong, L.-H., Liu, M., Aw, G. P., Li, Y., & Toh, Y. (2013, May). The enculturation strategies for the seamless language learning model of MyCLOUD. Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2013, -, 1315-1323.

Li, Y., Wong, L.-H., Quek, G. H., Chin, S. K., & Lim, K. S. (2013, May). Seamless language learning through contextual interac tions. Teachers' Forum Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, -, 1389-1396.

So, H. J., Zhang, X., & Wong, L. H. (2012, November). Mobile CSCL: Possibilities and Challenges Arising from the Future School Experience. Workshop Proceedings of the International Co nference on Computers in Education ICCE 2012, 1, 711-715.

Wong, L.-H., Hsu, C.-K., Sun, J., & Boticki, I. (2012, July). The Impacts of Flexible Grouping in a Mobile-Assisted Game-based Chinese Character Learning Approach. Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2012 , 1, 235-242.

Wong, L.-H., Jan, M., Toh, Y., & Chai, C.-S. (2012, July). Exploratory Study on the Physical Tool-based Conceptions of Learning of Young Students in a Technology-Rich Primary School. Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2012, 1, 243-250.

Wong, L.-H., Hsu, C.-K., & Sun, J. (2012, May). The Analysis of Flexible Grouping Strategies in a Mobile-Assisted Game-based Chinese Character Learning Approach for Primary School Students. Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2012, 0, 467-474.

Hsu, C.-K., & Wong, L .-H. (2012, May). Meta-Analysis of Mobility-Assisted Chinese Learning Literature. Workshop Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2012, -, 366-374.

Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2012, March). Enculturing self-directed seamless learners: Towards a Facilitated Seamle ss Learning Process Framework mediated by mobile technology. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile, and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education 2012, 1, 1-8.

Zhang, B. H., Wong, L.-H., Seow, P., Chia, G., & Looi, C.-K. (2011, November). Promoting sustainable teacher change during design research on seamless learning. Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2011, 1, 619-626.

Wong, L.-H., Looi, C.-K., Boticki, I., & Sun, J. (2011, November). Improving the teacher, peer and technological scaffolds of a mobile-assisted Chinese cha racter forming game with the SCAPE Framework. International Conference on Computers in Education 2011, tbc, 149-156.

Wong, L.-H., Song, Y., Chai, C.-S., & Zhan, Y. (2011, November). Analyzing students' after-school artifact creation processes in a mobile-assisted language learning environme nt. Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2011, 1, 349-356.

Boticki, I., Wong, L.-H., & Looi, C.-K. (2011, October). Designing content-independent mobile learning technology: Learning fractions and Chinese Language. Proceedings of World Conference on Mobile an d Contextual Learning 2011, tbc, 129-136.

Wong, L.-H., Chai, C.-S., Chin, C.-K., Hsieh, Y.-F., & Liu, M. (2011, October). Leveraging ubiquitous technology for seamless language learning: From 'Move, Idioms!' to MyCLOUD. Proceedings of the World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning 2 011, tbc, 231-239.

Wong, L.-H., Chen, W., Chai, C.-S., & Chin, C.-K. (2011, September). The development and validation of "MOtivation and Attitudes for Language Learning Inventory" (MOALLI) for Singapore students' Chinese and English Language learning. Proceedings of International Conferenc e on Teaching and Learning Chinese as Second Language 2011, 1, 1-8.

Wong, L.-H., Boticki, I., Sun, J., & Looi, C.-K. (2011, July). Improving the mCSCL approach of a mobile Chinese character forming game via a design-based research cycle. Proceedings of International Conference on Computer S upported Collaborative Learning 2011, 1, 168-175.

Wong, L.-H., Chen, W., Zhan, Y., & Chin, C.-K. (2011, July). Analysis of small group interactions in a seamless language learning environment: An artifact-oriented approach. Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Supported Colla borative Learning 2011, 1, 144-151.

Wong, L.-H. (2011, January). Move, Chinese! - Mobile technology and seamless language learning. International Conference on Internet Chinese Education 2011, -, 211-212.

Boticki, I., Looi, C. K., & Wong, L. H. (2010, December). Can one-to-one computi ng help children learn cooperatively?. Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2010, tbc, 407-411.

Goh, M. L., Ang, S. C., & Wong, L. H. (2010, December). New concept, new design - Design and enactment of film pedagogy. Proceedings of Conference on Reflections o n Language Curriculum and International Chinese Education 2010, 1, 365-373.

Lin, C.-P., Lee, M.-H., Wong, L.-H., & Shao, Y. (2010, December). A feasibility study of applying MMS for mobile learning of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2010, tbc, 474-476.

Lin, C.-P., Shao, Y., Wong, L.-H., & Li, Y. (2010, October). The Impact of Using Synchronous Co-operative Virtual Tangram in Children's Geometric. Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference of Technologies Enhanced Learning 2010, -, 127-134.

Wong, L.H., Ch in, C.K., Tan, C.L., Liu, M., & Gong, C. (2010, July). Students' Meaning Making in a Mobile Assisted Chinese Idiom Learning Environment. Proceedings of International Conference on Learning Sciences 2010, -, 349-356.

Ang, S. C., & Wong, L. H. (2010, July). Technology-Enhanced Strategies for Teaching and Learning of Thinking Skills. Proceedings of International Conference on New Technologies in Teaching and Learning Chinese, -, 94-101.

Wong, L. H. (2010, June). From facilitated seamless learning to self-directed seamless learning. In Wang, Q., Kong, S.-C., Yu, S., Chen, M.-P., Wong, L. H., Zhang, J., Cheng, J., Tseng, S.-S., Chang, S., Kwok, L.-F., & Chai, C. S. (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2010, -, 33-40.

Chai, C.K., & Wong, L.H. (2010, June). Web 2.0 and constructivist e-learning units. Proceedings of Global Chin ese Conference on Computers in Education 2010, -, 38-41.

Boticki, I., Looi, C. K., & Wong, L. H. (2010, June). Doing collaboration and learning fractions with mobile devices. Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2010, -, 9-15.

Lin C.P., Wong L.H., Shao, Y .J., Niramitranon, J., & Tong, C.J. (2010, April). 1:1 Learning Technology to Support Collaborative Concept Mapping:A Case Study of Social Studies Lesson in Elementary School. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education 2010, 0, 3-10 .

Wong, L.H., & Looi, C.K. (2010, April). Mobile-Assisted Vocabulary Learning in Real-Life Setting for Primary School Students: Two Case Studies. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education 2010, 0, 88-95.

Lin, C.P., Wong, L.H., Liu, T.C., & Shao, Y.J. (2010, January). An Analysis of the Interactional Patterns in One-to-One and One -to- Many Collaborative Concept Mapping Activities. Proceedings of International Conference on Learning Sciences 2010, 0, 282-283.

Looi, C.K., Wong, L.H., So, H-J., & Seow, P. (2009, Nov ember). An Anatomy of a Mobilized English Preposition Lesson: Towards Personalized Learning. In Kong, S-C. (Ed.), International Conference on Computers in Education, -, -.

Wong, L.H., Chin, C.K., Chen, W., & Gao, P. (2009, June). V.S.P.O.W.: An Innovative Collaborative Writing Approach to I mprove Chinese as L2 Pupils' Linguistic Skills. In - (Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, -, 651-661.

Wong, L.H. (2009, June). Nurturing teachers' literacy in "integrating ICT into Chinese Language teaching and learning". Proceeding s of International Conference on Internet Chinese Education 2009, 0, 280-280.

Wong, L.H., Chin, C.K., Chen, W., Chai, C.S., & Gao, P. (2009, May). V.S.P.O.W. - An Innovative Collaborative Writing Process Based on Web 2.0 Technology to Improve Chinese L2 Students' Writing Skills. Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education '09, -, 353-362.

Wong, L.H., Chen, W.L., Looi, C.K., & Zhang, B. (2009, January). Analysis of Attributes of Mobile Learning Activities: Two Case Studies of M-Learning Design. Proceedings on Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Edu cation '09, -, 66-71.

Zhang, B. H., Wong, L. H., Seow, P., Chen, W., & Looi, C. K. (2009, January). ?Mobilizing? curriculum materials for seamless learning?Opportunities and challenges. Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, 59-65.

Wong, L.H., Gao, P., Chai, C.S., Chin, C.K., & Chung, T.M. (2008, June). Collaborative Inquiry on Co-constructing ICT-mediated Curricula for Chinese Literacy in Singapore Context. In - (Ed.), Proceedings of Int'l Conference on Learning Sciences (ICLS'08), -, 157-158.

Wong, L.H., Gao, P., Chai, C.S., Chin, C.K., & Chung, T.M. (20 08, March). Collaborative inquiry in co-constructing a better understanding of effectively using ICT in Chinese learning. In - (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education Coference 2008, -, 3652-3659.

Wong, L.H., Gao, P., Chung, T.M., & Chai, C.S. (2007, Dec ember). Singapore students' perceptions and challenges in ICT-mediated Chinese compositions. In - (Ed.), Proceedings of International Forum on Chinese Teaching and Learning 2007, -, (no pagination).

Wong, L.H., Zhang, B.H., & Jacobson, M.J. (2007, July). Co-Designing Inquiry-based Pedagogy with a Primary Science Teacher when Integrating Computer-based Modelling: Opportunities and Challenges. In Li, H., Shi, K.-C.., Wang, Q., & Zhao, Y. (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE'07), 2, 20-26.

Wong, L.H., & Looi, C.K. (2006, June). Cluste ring and visualization of online chat. In Cheng, J. & Han, X. (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE'06), 47-53.

Zhang, B. H., Wong, L. H., Chew, L. C., Jacobson, M. J., & Looi, C. K. (2006, May). Using Computer-Based Modelling for Primary Science Learning and Assessment. In NA (Ed.), 32nd Annual Conference of International Association for Educational Assessment, (no pagination).

Looi, C.K., E. Ong & L-H Wong (2005, December). Multi-tiered peer learner support. In Looi, C.K., Jonassen, D., & Ikeda, M. (Eds.), International Confere nce on Computers in Education, 2005, 1, 779-782.

Ong, E., Looi, C.K. & Wong, L.H. (2004, December). From Knowledge Maps to Collaborative Interactions. In NA (Ed.), International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), 0, 0.

Wong, L.H., Looi, C.K., Lai, T.W., Lee, P., Chong, C. & Ong, P.Y. (2004, July). Adaptable learning pathway planning. In NA (Ed.), International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce (AIWTIC), 200-208.

Wong, L.H. & Looi, C.K. (1999, July). Agent aggregation model in virtual learning environments. In Lajoie, S. P ., & Vivet, M. (Eds.), International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AI-ED), 774-776.

Lo, W.C., Looi C.K. & Wong L.H. (1998, June). Multimedia learning environments: A case study in TransportationALIVE!. In NA (Ed.), Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education , 157 - 163.

Wong L.H., Looi C.K. & Lo W.C. (1998, June). Collaborative learning environments: Teaching thinking skills through six thinking hats. In NA (Ed.), Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, 88 - 93.

Wong, L.H., Looi C.K. & Quek H.C. (1996, June). Issues in Compu terizing the Inquiry Dialogue Planning Process. In NA (Ed.), Third International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 252-260.

Wong, L.H., Looi, C.K. & Quek H.C. (1995, December). Delivery Planning in an ITS to Plan Inquiry Dialogue. In NA (Ed.), International Conference on Comput ers in Education, Singapore, NA.

Wong, L.H., Looi, C.K. & Quek H.C. (1995, August). An ITS to Plan Inquiry Dialogue. In NA (Ed.), 7th International Conference on AI in Education, 461-468.

Looi, C.K., Wong, L.H. & Quek, H.C. (1994, August). An Agenda Planner for Inquiry Teaching. In NA (Ed.), Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer & Education, 0.

Conference Papers Without Proceedings

Aw,G.P.,Wong,L.H.,Shi,H. (2018, September). A Reflection of the Exploration Technology Enhanced Optimal Language Learning Space in the Teaching and Learning of Chinese in Singapo re Primary School and Secondary School Context. Paper presented at The 5th International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second language, Singapore.

Looi, C.-K., Wong, L.-H., Chen, S. Y.-H., Zhang, J., & Chang, M. (2018, May). Smart technology and smart environments: What kind of "smart people" to nurture?. Paper presented at Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2018, Guangzhou, China.

Wong, L.-H., Chai, C. S., & Aw, G. P. (2017, May). SMILLA Framework: Bridging the seams among the contexts for second language learning with social media. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy Conference 2017, Singapore.

Wong, L.-H. (2016, May). The "engaged" readers? The "functional" reading activities?. Paper presented at Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2016, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China).

Wong, L.-H. (2015, May). Strategizing th e nurturing of learning interests. Paper presented at Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2015, Taipei, Taiwan.

Wong, L.-H. (2012, May). My library, whose epistemological beliefs?. Paper presented at International Symposium on E-Learning and Innovative Applications in Li braries, Taipei, Taiwan.

Wong, L.-H. (2012, May). The last and next 15 years of GCCCE from a conference organizer and participant's point of view. Paper presented at Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2012, Taipei, Taiwan.

Wong, L.-H. (2011, November). Technology-Trans formed Learning: Beyond the One-to-One Model?. Paper presented at International Conference on Computers in Education 2011, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Wong, L.-H. (2010, December). What seams do we remove? - The ten dimensions of mobile-assisted seamless learning. Paper presented at Internati onal Conference on Computers in Education, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Wong, L. H. (2010, June). A brief analysis on the literature in Web 2.0 and mobile learning in Chinese Language learning. Paper presented at Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2010, Singapore.

Wong, L. H., Li n, C.-P., Song, Y.-L., Chin, S. K., & Chin, C. K. (2010, June). An innovative collaborative writing approach V.S.P.O.W. - Comparative study of wiki-based writing in Singapore and GroupScribbes-based writing in Taiwan. Paper presented at Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2010 , Singapore.

Zhang, B., Wong, L.H., & Jacobson, M.J. (2007, April). Primary science students? computer-based models and their association to student understanding of content, models and modelling. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference 2007, Chicago, United States.

Ahmad, S.I., Jin, J., Kong, C.T., Gu, X., Looi, C.K., Raghuraman, K.N., Tan, C.K., Tan, S.C., Wang, X., Wong, L.H., Tiong, H.Y. & Esuvaranathan, K. (2004, December). Medical intelligent tutoring systems in diagnosis and management of prostate and bladder cancers. Paper presen ted at Asia-Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC'04), Singapore.

Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)
Editorships of Conference Proceedings

Wong, L.-H., Cheng, H., Lin, C.-P., Huang, R., Guo, S., & Guo, J. (Ed.) (2020). Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2020. PROCEEDINGS OF THE Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2020. China

Chang, M ., So, H.-J., Wong, L.-H., Yu, F.-Y., & Shih, J.-L. (Ed.) (2019). Proceedings of ICCE 2019. PROCEEDINGS OF THE International Conference on Computers in Education 2019. Taiwan

Yang, J.-C., Chang, M., Wong, L.-H., & Rodrigo, M. T. (Ed.) (2018). 26th International Conference on Computers in Education: Main Proceedings. PROCEEDINGS OF THE International Conference on Computers in Education 2018. Philippines

Wong, L.-H., Liu, C.-C., Hirashima, T., Sumedi, P., & Lukman, M. (Ed.) (2013). Main Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education. PROCEEDIN GS OF THE International Conference on Computers in Education 2013. Indonesia

Chen, W., Ogata, H., Liu, C.-C., Biswas, G., Wong, L.-H., Hirashima, T., & Chen, W. (Ed.) (2012). Doctoral Student Consortia Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2012. PROCEEDINGS OF TH E International Conference on Computers in Education 2012. Singapore

Chang, B., Tan, S. C., Matsui, T., Biswas, G., Wong, L. H., Hirashima, T., & Chen W. (Ed.) (2012). Workshop Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2012. PROCEEDINGS OF THE International Conferenc e on Computers in Education 2012. Singapore

Biswas, G., Wong, L.-H., Hirashima, T., & Chen, W. (Ed.) (2012). Main Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2012. PROCEEDINGS OF THE International Conference on Computers in Education 2012. Singapore

Lee, J., Choy, D. , Biswas, G., Wong, L.-H., Hirashima, T., & Chen, W. (Ed.) (2012). Work-in-Progress Poster Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education 2012. PROCEEDINGS OF THE International Conference on Computers in Education 2012. Singapore

Wang Q., Kong, S.-C., Zhang, B., Chang, B. , Wong, L. H., Looi, C. K., Cheng, G., Shih, J., Lee, J., Sim, S. H., Tseng, C.-C., Chun, C.-C., Chao, C.-C., Wang, A. C., Yen, C. J., Chen, C. P., Hong, J.-C., Miao, C., Li, X., & Shen, Z. (Ed.) (2010). Workshop Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2010. PROCEED INGS OF THE Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2010. Singapore

Wang, Q., Kong, S.-C., Wong, L. H., Chai, C. S., Yu, S., Chen, M.-P., Zhang, J., Cheng, J., Tseng, S.-S., Chang, S., & Kwok, L.-F. (Ed.) (2010). Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 201 0. PROCEEDINGS OF THE Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2010. Singapore

Editorships of Special Issue of Journal

Hwang, G.-J., & Wong, L.-H. (Ed.) (2014). Educational Technology & Society, Powering Up: Insights from Distinguished Mobile and Ubiquitous Learni ng Projects across the World, 17 (2).

Wong, L.-H., & Ogata, H. (Ed.) (2012). International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, Technology-Transformed Learning: Going Beyond the One-to-One Model?, 6 (3).

Wong, L.-H. (Ed.) (2011). Journal of Chinese Language Education, The T rends of ICT for Chinese Language Learning, 9 (2).

Wong, L. H., Gao, P., Wang, Q., & Chai, C. S. (Ed.) (2011). International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, Towards a New Era of Knowledge Creation, 21 (1).

Keynote Addresses

Wong, L.-H. (2021 , November). 2nd DOST-SEI Project STAR Conference. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Techno-Pedagogical Innovations in the Classroom and Beyond: Singapore's Experience, Manila, Philippines.

Wong, L.-H. (2021, July). International Joint Conference on Intelligent Education 2021. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Learni ng without interruption during and beyond the pandemic: How seamless learning may inform New Education Normal?, Fuzhou, China.

Wong, L.-H. (2021, June). 4th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Is the pandemic accelerating a techno-pedagogical reform i n the classroom and beyond?: Singapore's experience, Manila, Philippines.

Wong, L.-H. (2021, May). The 2nd Cloud Symposium on International Chinese Language Teaching. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Language Learning with no Barrier of Time and Space: A Recount of Decade-Long Research on Seamless Language Learning, Singapore.

Wong, L.-H. (2020, November). 28th International Conference on Computers in Education. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Towards cross-fertilisation between diversified research orientations in technology-enhanced learning: Case studies of mobile learning, Chung-Li, Taiwan.

Wong, L.- H. (2020, August). 27th Annual Conference of the Society for Media and Science. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Re-conceptualising Seamless Learning, Winterthur, Switzerland.

Wong, L.-H. (2019, December). International Congress on Education and Technology in Sciences. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Removing Seam s in Learning Science: From Proof-of-Concept to Scaling Up Seamless Science Learning in Singapore, Arequipa, Peru.

Wong, L.-H. (2019, December). International Joint Conference on Information, Media and Engineering. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Mobile Seamless Learning (MSL): What is the Conceptual and Practical Niche?, Osaka, Japan.

Wong, L.-H. (2019, November). International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research on Sustainable Development. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Seamless Learning Across Physical, Social and Technological Contexts ' Implications for Business and Management Education, Pune, India.

Wong, L.-H. (2019, September). Technology-enhanced and Seamless Language Learning Space in the Age of Mobile Connectivity. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Technology-enhanced and Seamless Language Learning Space in the Age of Mobile Connectivity, Khon Kaen, Thailand.

Wong, L.-H. (2018, August). International Conference on Learning Innovation 2018. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Mobile seamless learning: What is the research and practical niche?, Malang, Indonesia.

Wong, L.-H. (2018, June). International Mobile Learning Festival 2018. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Mobile learning in the Lion City: Peri pheral or integral?, Singapore.

Wong, L.-H. (2017, May). Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2017. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, "Between 'Dream-making' and 'Down-to-Earth': Towards cross-fertilization of diversified research directions in the learning technology field, Beijing, Chi na.

Wong, L.-H. (2013, October). Tainan International Conference on Educational Applications of Cloud Computing and Mobile Learning. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Move, Lion City! - The current trends of mobile learning in Singapore, Tainan, Taiwan, Taiwan.

Wong, L.-H. (2012, December). 2012 Taipei International Conference of Innovative ICT Education. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Personalized learning in the age of mobile and cloud computing, Taipei, Taiwan.

Wong, L.-H. (2012, September). International Conference on Active Learning 2012. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Personalized and Active Learning in t he Age of Mobile Connectivity, Malacca, Malaysia.

Wong, L.-H. (2012, April). International Symposium on E-Learning and Innovative Applications in Libraries. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Personalized learning in the age of mobile connectivity: The impacts on libraries and digital archives, Taipei, Taiwa n.

Wong, L.-H. (2011, October). Internatinal Conference of e-Learning and Digital Archives. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, The Global Trends of Innovative Technologies in e-Learning, Taipei, Taiwan.

Wong, L.H. (2010, April). Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology Enhanced Learning Conference. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, An analysis of the trend of mobile assisted Chinese Language learning, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)

Patent/Licences/Commerical Products

Fairchild, K.M., Looi, C.K., Wong, L.H., Foong, K., & Olivo, M. (2004). Optimizing delivery of computer media. PATENT NO.United States Patent 6728760.

Professional Articles

Wong, L.H., & Chin, C.K. (2009, April). Lianhe Za obao "Move, Chinese!" - Mobile learning to open up a new direction for Chinese Language learning, 0, 0-0.

Wong, L.H. (2007, December). Lianhe Zaobao The "new literacies" of teachers of the 21st century, -, -.

Wong, L.H. (2007, November). Lianhe Zaobao Bridging formal and informal e ducation with the technologies, -, -.

Wong, L.H. (2007, August). Lianhe Zaobao Cultivation of New Literacies ' Essential Skills to Acquire for the 21st Century Learners, -, -.

Wong, L.H. (2007, August). Lianhe Zaobao Unraveling the "Eight-Part" Stereotyped Writing Mindset, -, - .

Wong, L.H. (2007, August). Lianhe Zaobao Chinese Language Education in Singapore ' Pedagogical Design Should Start from the Heart, -, -.

Wong, L.H. (2007, July). Lianhe Zaobao From streaming by ability to division of work ' Keeping our educational perspectives abreast of the times, - , -.

Wong, L.H. (2003, December). System Catalyst The "software bugs" that can solve your problems: Introduction to self-organising agent technology, -, 10-11.

Wong, L.H. (2003, June). System Catalyst e-Mentoring - Be your e-learners' 'learning companion', -, 6-7.

Techn ical Reports or Monographs

Seow, P., Wong, L. H., & Wu, L. (2020, October). Volume 4: Local Evidence Synthesis on Information & Communications Technology (ICT) in Education, 64.

Sharples, M., de Roock, R., Fergus en, R., Gaved, M., Herodotou, C., Koh, E., Kukulska-Hulme, A., Looi, C.-K., McAndrew, P., Rienties, B., Weller, M., & Wong, L.-H. (2016, November). Innovating Pedagogy 2016, 0.

Wong, LH., Jan, M., & Liang, YH (2014, February). NIE Working Paper Series: Learning Sciences, 34.

Wong, L.-H., Aw, G .-P., Chai, C.-S. (2014, February). MyCLOUD - A semleass Chinese language learning environment leveraging on ubiquitous technokogy and the construction of mental lexicon, 24.

Wong, L.-H. (2013, April). A mobile-assisted game-based learning environment to improve pupils' Chinese character learning , 30.

Wong, L.H., Gao, P., Chai, C.S., Chua, C.L., Seow, P., & Chung, T.M. (2006, January). Primary School Students' Chinese Composition WritingMediated by ICT Tools, 46.

Workshops and Seminars

Sun, D., Boticki, I., Wong, L.-H., & Uosaki, N. (2018, November). Innovative Designs for Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning: 1:1 and Beyond.

Chen, H.-H., Tseng, Y.-H., Matsumoto, Y., & Wong, L.-H. (2015, July). The 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications (NLP-TEA-2).

Wong, L.-H., & Hsu, C.-K. (2014, May). 3rd International Workshop on the Trends of Research & Practice in Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning.

Wong, L.-H., Song, Y., & Hsu, C.-K. (2013, November). 4th International Workshop on "Technology-Transformed Learning: Going Beyond the One-to-One Model?".

Wong, L.-H., Yu, S., Hwang, G.-J., & Song, Y. ( 2013, May). 2nd International Workshop on the Trends of Research & Practice in Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning.

So, H.-J., Song, Y., & Wong, L.-H. (2012, November). 3rd International Workshop on "Technology-Transformed Learning: Going Beyond the One-to-One Model?".

Wong, L.-H., Yu , S., & Hwang, G.-J. (2012, May). International Workshop on Digital Classroom, Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning.

Wong, L.-H. (2011, December). Technology Transformed Learning: Going Beyond One-to-One Model?.

Looi, C.-K., Ogata, H., & Wong, L.-H. (2010, December). Technology Tran sformed Learning: Going Beyond One-to-One Model?.

Wong, L.H., & Sim, S.H. (2010, June). International Workshop on "Where Web 2.0 and Mobile Technology Meet Chinese Language Learning".

Web of Science