Academic Profile : Faculty
Assoc Prof Chen Wenli
Head, Learning Sciences & Assessment
Associate Professor, National Institute of Education - Learning Sciences & Assessment
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Journal Articles (Central)
Chen, W., Tan, J.S.H. & Pi, Z. (2021). The spiral model of collaborative knowledge improvement: an exploratory study of a networked collaborative classroom. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 16(1), 7-35.
Liu, Q., Yu, S., Chen, W., Wang, Q., & Xu, S. (2021). The effects of an augmented reality based magnetic experimental tool on students' knowledge improvement and cognitive load. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 37(3), 645-656.
Wang, X., Wang, Z., Wang, Q., Chen, W., & Pi, Z. (2021). Supporting digitally enhanced learning through measurement in higher education: Development and validation of a university students' digital competence scale. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 37(4), 1063-1076.
Wong, L.-H., Chan, T.-W., Chen, W., Looi, C.-K. , Chen, Z.-H., Liao, C. C. Y., King, R. B., & Wong, S. L. (2020). IDC Theory: Interest and the Interest Loop. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 15(null), no pagination (open access).
Hsu, T-C., Chen, W., & Hwang, G-J. (2023). Impacts of interactions b etween peer assessment and learning styles on students' mobile learning achievements and motivations in vocational design certification courses. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(3), 1351-1363.
Chen, W., Lyu, Q., & Su, J. (2024). How more-improvement and less-improvement groups differ i n peer feedback giving and receiving practice: An exploratory study. Instructional Science,, N.A..
Lyu, Q., Chen, W., Su, J., & Heng, K. H. J. G. (2023). Steps to implementation: The role of p eer feedback inner structure on feedback implementation. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, tbc(null), 1-14.
Lyu, Q., Chen, W., Su J., & Heng, K.H. (2023). Collaborate like expert engineers: An exploratory study of the role of individual preparation activity on students' colla borative learning. The Internet and Higher Education, 59(null), 100920.
Ali, F., Choy, D., Divaharan, S., Tay, H. Y., & Chen, W. (2023). Supporting self-directed learning and self-assessment using T eacherGAIA, a generative AI chatbot application: Learning approaches and prompt engineering. Learning: Research and Practice, 9(2), 135-147.
Tan, S.C., Chen, W., & Chua, B.L. (2023). Leveraging Generative Artificial Intelligence ba sed on Large Language Models for collaborative learning. Learning: Research and Practice, 9(2), 125-134.
Chen, W., Tan, J. S. H., Zhang, S., Pi, Z., & Lyu, Q. (2023). AppleTree system for effective computer-supported collaborative argumentation: An exploratory study. Educational Tech nology Research and Development, 71(5), 2103-2136.
Tan, S. W. J., Chen, W., Su, J., & Su, G. (2023). The mechanism and effect of class-wide peer feedback on conceptual knowledge improvement: Does different feedback type matter?. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborati ve Learning, 9(2), 393-424.
Chen, W., Zhang, S., Pi, Z., Tan, J. S. H., Wen, Y., Looi, C.K., Yeo, A, C., J., & Liu, Q. (2023). Students' appropriation of collaboration script in a networked class: An exploratory study. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 32(null), tbc.
Sun, H., Tan, J ., & Chen, W. (2023). COVID-19 and bilingual children's home language environment: Digital media, socioeconomic status, and language status. Frontiers in Psychology, 14(null), 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1115108.
Cao, T., Zhang, Z., Chen, W., & Shu. J. (2023). Utilizing clickstream data to reveal the time management of self-regulated learning in a higher education online learning environment. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(10), 6555-6572.
Chen, W., Hayashi, K., Md Khambari, M. N., Kinshuk, Mason, J., Wong, L.-H., & Xie, K. (2023) . Commentaries on IDC Theory in practice. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 18, (no pagination).
Chen, W. (2023). Reframing and redesigning learning, assessment, and teacher professional development in a post-pandemic era . Learning: Research and Practice, 9(1), 1-3.
Pi, Z,. Y, H, H., Chen, W., H., X., & Li, X. (2022). The role of teachers' emotions in students' outcomes: From the perspective of interpersonal emotions. Frontiers in Psychology, 13(null), DOI: fpsyg.2022.1075110.
Wang, X., Pang, H., W allace, W., Wang, Q., & Chen, W. (2022). Learners' perceived AI presences in AI-supported language learning: A study of AI as a humanized agent from Community of Inquiry. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 35(-), 1-27.
Tan, S. H. J., & Chen, W. (2022). Peer feedback to support collaborative knowledge improvement: What kind of feedback feed-forward?. Computers & Education, 178(null), 104467.
Chen, W., Pi, Z., Tan, S. H. J., & Lyu, Q. (2022). Preparing pre-service teachers for instructional innovation with ICT via co-design practice . Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 38(2), 133-145.
Wang, Y., Zhao, L., Shen, s., & Chen, W. (2021). Constructing a teaching presence measurement framework based on the community of inquiry theory. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(null), 694386.
Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Stein, D., Liu, Q., & Chen, W. (2021). The structure of Chinese beginning online instructors' competencies: Evidence from Bayesian factor analysis. Journal of Computers in Education, 8(3), 411-440.
Voon, X. P., Wong, L.-H., Looi, C.-K., & Chen, W. (2020). Constructivism-informed variation theory l esson designs in enriching and elevating science learning: Case studies of seamless learning design. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 57(5), 1531-1553.
Chen, W., Chan, T.K., Wong, L.H., Looi, C.K., Liao, C., Cheng, H., Wong, S.L., Mason, J., So, H.J., Murthy, S., Gu, X., & Pi, Z. (2 020). IDC Theory: Habit and the Habit Loop. Research and Practice in Technology Enhance Learning, 15(null), 10.1186/s41039-020-00127-7.
Liu, Q., Zhang, N., Chen, W., Wang, Q., & Xie, K. (2020). Categorizing teachers' gestures in classroom teaching: from the perspective of multiple represent ations. Social Semiotics, 32(2), 184-204.
Chan, T.-W., Looi, C.-K., Chang, B., Chen, W., Wong, L.-H., Wong, S. L., Yu, F.-Y., Mason, J., Liu, C.-C>, Shih,, J.-L., Wu, Y.-T., Kong, S.-C., Wu, L., Chien, T.-C., Liao, C. C. Y., Cheng, H., Chen, Z.-H., & Chou, C.-Y. (2019). IDC theory: Creat ion and the creation loop. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 14, no pagination (open access).
Chen, W., Teo M.H., Nguyen, D. (2019). Singapore parents' use of digital devices with young children: Motivations and uses. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (SSCI index ed), 7(28), 239-250.
Wang, Y., Stein, D., Liu, Q., & Chen, W. (2019). Examining Chinese beginning online instructors' competencies in teaching online based on the activity theory. Journal of Computers in Education, 6(3), 363-384.
Wang, Y., Liu, Q., Chen, W., Wang, Q., & Stein, D. (201 9). Effects of instructor's facial expressions on students' video lectures' learning. British Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI Indexed), 50(3), 1381-1395.
Voon, X. P., Wong, L.-H., Chen, W., & Looi, C.-K. (2019). Principled practical knowledge in bridging practical and reflective experiential learning: Case studies of teachers' professional development. Asia Pacific Education Review, 2, 641-656.
Chan, T.-W., Looi, C.-K., Chen, W., Wong, L.-H., Chang, B., Liao, C. C. Y., Cheng, H., Chen, Z.-H., Liu, C.-C., Kong, S.-C., Jeong, H., Mason, J., So, H.-J., Murthy, S., Yu, F.-Y., Wong, S. L., King, R. B., Gu, X., Wang, M., Wu, L., Huang, R., Lam, R., & Ogata, H. (2018). Interest-driven creator theory: towards a theory of learning design for Asia in the twenty-first century. Journal of Computers in Education, 5(4), 435-461.
Chang, C.J., Chang, M.H., Chiu, B.C., Liu, C. C., Fan, C.S.H., Wen, C.T., Hwang, F.K., Wu, Y.T., Chao, P.Y., Lai, C.H., Wu, S.W., Chang, C.K., & Chen, W. (2017). An analysis of student collaborative problem solving activities mediated by collaborative simulations. Computers & Education, 114, 222-235.
Toh, Y., So, H.J., Seow, P.,& Chen, W. (2017). Transformation of Participation and Learning: Three Case Studies of Young Learners Harnessing Mobile Technologies for Seamless Science Learning. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 26(5), 305-316.
Zhang, S., Liu, Q. T., Chen, W., Wang, Q. Y., & Huan g, Z. F. (2017). Interactive networks and social knowledge construction behavioral patterns in primary school teachers' online collaborative learning activities. Computers & Education, 104(null), 1-17.
Liu, Q., Zhang, S., Wang, Q., & Chen, W. (2017). Mining online discussion data for understanding teachers' reflective thinking. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 99(1), 1.
Wen, Y., Looi, C.K. & Chen, W. (2015). Appropriation of a representational tool in a second-language classroom. International Journal of Computer-Supported C ollaborative Learning, 10(1), 1-32.
Lin, C. P., Chen, W., Lin, C. C., Su, Y. T., & Xie, W. (2014). GroupScribbles to support 'Fraction' collaborative learning in a primary school. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 9(3), 461-473.
Looi, C.K., Chen, W., & Chen, F-H. (2014). Integrating technology in the classroom: Factors that account for teachers' regressive developmental trajectories. International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies, 9(3), 1-17.
Wen, Y., Chen, W. & Looi, C. K. (2014). Facilitating a representational tool for col laborative language learning: A comparative study of two teachers' enactment. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 9(1), 189-208.
Lin, C.P., Chen, W., Yang, S.J., Xie W., & Lin, C.C. (2014). Exploring stud ents' learning effectiveness and attitude in Group Scribbles-supported collaborative reading activities: A study in the primary classroom. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 30(1), 68-81.
Wong, L.-H., Chen, W., & Chin, C. K. (2014). Development and validation of "Motivation and Atti tudes for Language Learning Inventory" (MALLI) for Singapore students' Chinese and English Language learning. Journal of Chinese Language Education, 12(1), 22-34.
Tan, S. C., Ong, K. K. A., Chai, C. S., Cheah, H. M., Wang, Q. Y., & Chen, W. L. (2013). Impleme ntation of IT Masterplan 3 in Singapore: Insights from the Mid-term Evaluation. Global Chinese Journal of Computers in Education, 10(1 & 2), 36-54.
Chen, W., Ho, J., & Ng, F.S.D. (2013). School leadership in ICT implementation: Perspectives from Singapore. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 22(3), 301-311.
Wong, L.-H., Chai, C. S., Chen, W., & Chin, C. K. (2013). Measuring Singaporean students' motivation and strategies of bilingual learning. The Asia-Pacific Journal of Education Researcher, 22(3), 263-272.
Toh, Y. , So, H. J., Seow, P., Chen, W., & Looi, C. K. (2013). Seamless learning in the mobile age: A theoretical and methodological discussion on using cooperative inquiry to study digital kids on-the-move. Learning, Media and Technology, 38(3), 301-318.
Chan, T.-W., Lin, J., Looi, C.-K., Kong, S. C., Zhu, Z., Hwang, G.-J., Yu, S., Gu, X., Chen, W., Wong, L.-H., & Wang, Q. (2013). 'How shall we recognize good academic research in this field?'. E-Education Research, 238, 5-15.
Wong, L.-H., Chen, W., & Jan, M.-F. (2012). How artefacts mediate small group co-creation activities in a mo bile-assisted language learning environment?. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 28(5), 411-424.
Chen, W., Wen, Y., & Looi, C.K. (2012). Technology enhanced pedagogical innovation in second language learning. Global Chinese Journal of Computers in Education, 8(1/2), 122-133.
So ng, Y., Chen, W., & Looi, C. K. (2012). A collaborative professional development model for rapid collaborative knowledge improvement in Singapore schools. The Asian Pacific Education Researcher, 21(1), 15-27.
Sha, L., Looi, C.-K., Chen, W.-L., Seow, P., & Wong, L.-H. (2012). Recognizing and measuring self-regulated learning in a mobile learning environment. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(2), 718-728.
Sha, L., Looi, C.K., Chen, W. & Zhang, B.H. (2012). Understanding Mobile Learning from the Perspective of Self-Regulated Learning. Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning, 28(4), 366'378.
Wen, Y., Looi, C. K., & Chen, W (2012). Supporting Teachers in Designing CSCL Activities: A Case Study of Principle-based Pedagogical Patterns in Networked Second Language Classrooms. Educational Technology & Society, 15(2), 138-153.
Chen, W., Lee, C., T an, A., Wettesinghe, M., & Wong, P. (2012). From device centric to people centric ubiquitous computing: Pre-service teachers using technology across spaces. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 7(1), 45-60.
Wong, L.-H., Chen, W., Chai, C.-S., Chin, C.-K., & Gao, P. (2011). A blended collaborative writing approach for Chinese L2 primary school students. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 27(7), 1208-1226.
Chen, W., Lim, C., & Tan, A. (2011). From many-to-one to one-to-many: The evolution of ubiquitous computing in education. Educational Techno logy, 1, 21-25.
Boticki, I., So, H. J., Toh, Y., Chen, W., & Seow, P. (2011). ColInq: A system for collaborative inquiry learning with mobile devices. International Journal of Robotics, Education, and Art, 1(2), 10-22.
Wen. Y., Looi, C. K., & Chen, W.L. (2011). Who are the beneficiari es when CSCL enters into Second Language classroom. Global Chinese Journal of Computers in Education, 7(1), 91-107.
Chen, W.,& Wen, Y., Looi, C. K. & Ooi, C (2011). Technology and Pedagogy Design for Collaborative Second Language Learning. The Communications in Information Science and Ma nagement Engineering, 1(8), 19-23.
Deng, F. Chen, W.,Chai, C.S., & Qian, Y.Y. (2011). Constructivist-oriented data-logging activities in Chinese chemistry classroom: Enhancing students' conceptual understanding and their metacognition. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 20(2), 207-2 21.
Chen, W., & Looi,C.K. (2011). Active classroom participation in a GroupScribbles primary science classroom. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(4), 676-686.
Chen W., & Choi, S.K.A. (2011). Internet and social support among Chinese migrants in Singapore. New Media & Societ y, 13(1), 11-18.
Looi, C.K., So, H.J., Toh, Y., & Chen, W.L. (2011). The Singapore experience: Synergy of national policy, classroom practice and design research. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 6(1), 9-37.
Looi, C.K., Zhang, B.H., Chen W., Seow, P. , & Chia, G. (2011). 1:1 mobile inquiry learning experience for primary Science students: A study of learning effectiveness. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 27(-), 269-287.
Chen, W., Looi, C. K., & Xie, W. (2011). A design research on collaborative learning enabled by GroupScribbles. China Educational Technology, 11, 1-9.
Chen, W. & Choi, S. K. (2011). Leveraging computer mediated communication for social support in immigrants' inter cultural adaptation. Cross-Cultural Communication, 7(3), 167-176.
Wong, L.H., Chin, C.K., Chen, W.L., & Chai, C.S. (2011). V.S.P .O.W. - An Innovative Collaborative Writing Process Based on Web 2.0 Technology to Improve Chinese L2 Students' Writing Skills. Global Chinese Journal on Computers in Education, 7(1-2), 72-90.
Chen, W., Seow, P., So, H.J., Toh, Y, & Looi, C.K. (2010). Connecting learning spaces using mobile technology. Educational Technology, 50(5), 45-50.
Looi,C.K., Chen, W., & Patton, C.M. (2010). Principles and enactment of rapid collaborative knowledge building in classrooms. Educational Technology, 50(5), 26-32.
Chen, W. (2010). Internet usage patterns of immigrants in the proce ss of intercultural adaptation. CyberPsychology, Behavior & Social Networking, 13(4), 387-399.
Looi, C.K., Seow, P., Zhang, B.H., So, H.J., Chen W., & Wong, L.H. (2010). Leveraging Mobile Technology for Sustainable Seamless Learning: A Research Agenda. British Journal of Educational Tech nology, 41(2), 154-169.
Chen, W., & Looi, C.K. (2010). What do students do in a F2F CSCL classroom? The optimization of multiple communications Modes. Computers & Education, 55(3), 1159-1170.
Looi, C.K., Chen, W., & Ng, F-K. (2010). Collaborative activities enabled by GroupScribbles (GS): An exploratory study of learning effectiveness.. Computers & Education, 54(1), 14-26.
Teo, T., Tan, S. C., Lee, C. B., Chai, C. S., Koh, J. H. L., Chen, W. L., & Cheah, H. M. (2010). The Self-Directed Learning with Technology Scale (SDLTS) for young students: An initial development an d validation. Computers & Education, 55, 1764-1771.
Zhang, B., Looi, C. K., Seow, P., Chia, G., Wong, L. H., Chen, W., So, H., Soloway, E., Norris, C. (2010). Deconstructing and reconstructing: Transforming primary science learning via a mobilized curriculum. Computers & Education, 55(4), 1504-1523.
Looi, C.K & Chen, W.L. (2010). Community-based individual knowledge construction in the classroom: A process-oriented account. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 26(3), 202-213.
Wong, L.H., Chen, W., Looi, C.K., & Zhang, B.H. (2010). Analysis of attributes of mobile l earning activities: Two case studies of m-learning design. China Educational Technology, 2010(2), 7-15.
Chen, F-H., Looi, C.K., & Chen, W. (2009). Integrating technology in the classroom: A visual conceptualization of teachers' knowledge, goals and beliefs. Journal of Computer-Assisted L earning, 25(5), 470-488.
Looi, C.K., Wong, L.H., So, H., Seow, P., Toh, Y., Norris, C., Soloway, E., Chen, W., & Zhang, B. (2009). Anatomy of a mobilized lesson: Learning My Way. Computers & Education, 53(4), 1120-1132.
Seow, P., Zhang, B.H., Chen, W., Looi, C.K., & Tan, N. (2009). De signing a seamless learning environment to learn reduce, reuse and recycle in environmental education. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organization, 3(1), 60-83.
Chen, W., Tan, N., Looi, C.K., Zhang, B.H., & Seow, P. (2008). Handheld computers as cognitive tools: Technology-en hanced environmental learning. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(3), 231-252.
Looi, C.K., & Chen, W. (2007). Bridging research to practice in technology-mediated learning: A learning sciences perspective. China Educational Technology, 12(null), 1-7.
Chen, W., & Looi C.K. (2007). Incorporating online discussion in face to face classroom learning: A new blended learning approach. Australasian Journal of Educational Research, 23(3), 308-327.
Looi, C.K., Hung, D., Chen, W., & Wong, L.H. (2006). A research agenda for fostering deep learning mediated by technologies: Perspective from Singapore. Global Chinese Journal on Computers in Education, 4(1-2), 85-100.
Choi, A. & Chen, W. (2003). Internet and family relations: Impact of the new medium on youth. Journal of Youth Studies, 6(2), 91-102.
Liu, Q., Yu, S., Chen, W., Wang, Q., & Xu, S. (2021). The effects of an augmented reality based magnetic experimental tool on students' knowledge improvement and cognitive load. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 37(3), 645-656.
Wang, X., Wang, Z., Wang, Q., Chen, W., & Pi, Z. (2021). Supporting digitally enhanced learning through measurement in higher education: Development and validation of a university students' digital competence scale. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 37(4), 1063-1076.
Wong, L.-H., Chan, T.-W., Chen, W., Looi, C.-K. , Chen, Z.-H., Liao, C. C. Y., King, R. B., & Wong, S. L. (2020). IDC Theory: Interest and the Interest Loop. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 15(null), no pagination (open access).
Hsu, T-C., Chen, W., & Hwang, G-J. (2023). Impacts of interactions b etween peer assessment and learning styles on students' mobile learning achievements and motivations in vocational design certification courses. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(3), 1351-1363.
Chen, W., Lyu, Q., & Su, J. (2024). How more-improvement and less-improvement groups differ i n peer feedback giving and receiving practice: An exploratory study. Instructional Science,, N.A..
Lyu, Q., Chen, W., Su, J., & Heng, K. H. J. G. (2023). Steps to implementation: The role of p eer feedback inner structure on feedback implementation. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, tbc(null), 1-14.
Lyu, Q., Chen, W., Su J., & Heng, K.H. (2023). Collaborate like expert engineers: An exploratory study of the role of individual preparation activity on students' colla borative learning. The Internet and Higher Education, 59(null), 100920.
Ali, F., Choy, D., Divaharan, S., Tay, H. Y., & Chen, W. (2023). Supporting self-directed learning and self-assessment using T eacherGAIA, a generative AI chatbot application: Learning approaches and prompt engineering. Learning: Research and Practice, 9(2), 135-147.
Tan, S.C., Chen, W., & Chua, B.L. (2023). Leveraging Generative Artificial Intelligence ba sed on Large Language Models for collaborative learning. Learning: Research and Practice, 9(2), 125-134.
Chen, W., Tan, J. S. H., Zhang, S., Pi, Z., & Lyu, Q. (2023). AppleTree system for effective computer-supported collaborative argumentation: An exploratory study. Educational Tech nology Research and Development, 71(5), 2103-2136.
Tan, S. W. J., Chen, W., Su, J., & Su, G. (2023). The mechanism and effect of class-wide peer feedback on conceptual knowledge improvement: Does different feedback type matter?. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborati ve Learning, 9(2), 393-424.
Chen, W., Zhang, S., Pi, Z., Tan, J. S. H., Wen, Y., Looi, C.K., Yeo, A, C., J., & Liu, Q. (2023). Students' appropriation of collaboration script in a networked class: An exploratory study. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 32(null), tbc.
Sun, H., Tan, J ., & Chen, W. (2023). COVID-19 and bilingual children's home language environment: Digital media, socioeconomic status, and language status. Frontiers in Psychology, 14(null), 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1115108.
Cao, T., Zhang, Z., Chen, W., & Shu. J. (2023). Utilizing clickstream data to reveal the time management of self-regulated learning in a higher education online learning environment. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(10), 6555-6572.
Chen, W., Hayashi, K., Md Khambari, M. N., Kinshuk, Mason, J., Wong, L.-H., & Xie, K. (2023) . Commentaries on IDC Theory in practice. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 18, (no pagination).
Chen, W. (2023). Reframing and redesigning learning, assessment, and teacher professional development in a post-pandemic era . Learning: Research and Practice, 9(1), 1-3.
Pi, Z,. Y, H, H., Chen, W., H., X., & Li, X. (2022). The role of teachers' emotions in students' outcomes: From the perspective of interpersonal emotions. Frontiers in Psychology, 13(null), DOI: fpsyg.2022.1075110.
Wang, X., Pang, H., W allace, W., Wang, Q., & Chen, W. (2022). Learners' perceived AI presences in AI-supported language learning: A study of AI as a humanized agent from Community of Inquiry. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 35(-), 1-27.
Tan, S. H. J., & Chen, W. (2022). Peer feedback to support collaborative knowledge improvement: What kind of feedback feed-forward?. Computers & Education, 178(null), 104467.
Chen, W., Pi, Z., Tan, S. H. J., & Lyu, Q. (2022). Preparing pre-service teachers for instructional innovation with ICT via co-design practice . Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 38(2), 133-145.
Wang, Y., Zhao, L., Shen, s., & Chen, W. (2021). Constructing a teaching presence measurement framework based on the community of inquiry theory. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(null), 694386.
Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Stein, D., Liu, Q., & Chen, W. (2021). The structure of Chinese beginning online instructors' competencies: Evidence from Bayesian factor analysis. Journal of Computers in Education, 8(3), 411-440.
Voon, X. P., Wong, L.-H., Looi, C.-K., & Chen, W. (2020). Constructivism-informed variation theory l esson designs in enriching and elevating science learning: Case studies of seamless learning design. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 57(5), 1531-1553.
Chen, W., Chan, T.K., Wong, L.H., Looi, C.K., Liao, C., Cheng, H., Wong, S.L., Mason, J., So, H.J., Murthy, S., Gu, X., & Pi, Z. (2 020). IDC Theory: Habit and the Habit Loop. Research and Practice in Technology Enhance Learning, 15(null), 10.1186/s41039-020-00127-7.
Liu, Q., Zhang, N., Chen, W., Wang, Q., & Xie, K. (2020). Categorizing teachers' gestures in classroom teaching: from the perspective of multiple represent ations. Social Semiotics, 32(2), 184-204.
Chan, T.-W., Looi, C.-K., Chang, B., Chen, W., Wong, L.-H., Wong, S. L., Yu, F.-Y., Mason, J., Liu, C.-C>, Shih,, J.-L., Wu, Y.-T., Kong, S.-C., Wu, L., Chien, T.-C., Liao, C. C. Y., Cheng, H., Chen, Z.-H., & Chou, C.-Y. (2019). IDC theory: Creat ion and the creation loop. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 14, no pagination (open access).
Chen, W., Teo M.H., Nguyen, D. (2019). Singapore parents' use of digital devices with young children: Motivations and uses. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (SSCI index ed), 7(28), 239-250.
Wang, Y., Stein, D., Liu, Q., & Chen, W. (2019). Examining Chinese beginning online instructors' competencies in teaching online based on the activity theory. Journal of Computers in Education, 6(3), 363-384.
Wang, Y., Liu, Q., Chen, W., Wang, Q., & Stein, D. (201 9). Effects of instructor's facial expressions on students' video lectures' learning. British Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI Indexed), 50(3), 1381-1395.
Voon, X. P., Wong, L.-H., Chen, W., & Looi, C.-K. (2019). Principled practical knowledge in bridging practical and reflective experiential learning: Case studies of teachers' professional development. Asia Pacific Education Review, 2, 641-656.
Chan, T.-W., Looi, C.-K., Chen, W., Wong, L.-H., Chang, B., Liao, C. C. Y., Cheng, H., Chen, Z.-H., Liu, C.-C., Kong, S.-C., Jeong, H., Mason, J., So, H.-J., Murthy, S., Yu, F.-Y., Wong, S. L., King, R. B., Gu, X., Wang, M., Wu, L., Huang, R., Lam, R., & Ogata, H. (2018). Interest-driven creator theory: towards a theory of learning design for Asia in the twenty-first century. Journal of Computers in Education, 5(4), 435-461.
Chang, C.J., Chang, M.H., Chiu, B.C., Liu, C. C., Fan, C.S.H., Wen, C.T., Hwang, F.K., Wu, Y.T., Chao, P.Y., Lai, C.H., Wu, S.W., Chang, C.K., & Chen, W. (2017). An analysis of student collaborative problem solving activities mediated by collaborative simulations. Computers & Education, 114, 222-235.
Toh, Y., So, H.J., Seow, P.,& Chen, W. (2017). Transformation of Participation and Learning: Three Case Studies of Young Learners Harnessing Mobile Technologies for Seamless Science Learning. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 26(5), 305-316.
Zhang, S., Liu, Q. T., Chen, W., Wang, Q. Y., & Huan g, Z. F. (2017). Interactive networks and social knowledge construction behavioral patterns in primary school teachers' online collaborative learning activities. Computers & Education, 104(null), 1-17.
Liu, Q., Zhang, S., Wang, Q., & Chen, W. (2017). Mining online discussion data for understanding teachers' reflective thinking. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 99(1), 1.
Wen, Y., Looi, C.K. & Chen, W. (2015). Appropriation of a representational tool in a second-language classroom. International Journal of Computer-Supported C ollaborative Learning, 10(1), 1-32.
Lin, C. P., Chen, W., Lin, C. C., Su, Y. T., & Xie, W. (2014). GroupScribbles to support 'Fraction' collaborative learning in a primary school. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 9(3), 461-473.
Looi, C.K., Chen, W., & Chen, F-H. (2014). Integrating technology in the classroom: Factors that account for teachers' regressive developmental trajectories. International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies, 9(3), 1-17.
Wen, Y., Chen, W. & Looi, C. K. (2014). Facilitating a representational tool for col laborative language learning: A comparative study of two teachers' enactment. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 9(1), 189-208.
Lin, C.P., Chen, W., Yang, S.J., Xie W., & Lin, C.C. (2014). Exploring stud ents' learning effectiveness and attitude in Group Scribbles-supported collaborative reading activities: A study in the primary classroom. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 30(1), 68-81.
Wong, L.-H., Chen, W., & Chin, C. K. (2014). Development and validation of "Motivation and Atti tudes for Language Learning Inventory" (MALLI) for Singapore students' Chinese and English Language learning. Journal of Chinese Language Education, 12(1), 22-34.
Tan, S. C., Ong, K. K. A., Chai, C. S., Cheah, H. M., Wang, Q. Y., & Chen, W. L. (2013). Impleme ntation of IT Masterplan 3 in Singapore: Insights from the Mid-term Evaluation. Global Chinese Journal of Computers in Education, 10(1 & 2), 36-54.
Chen, W., Ho, J., & Ng, F.S.D. (2013). School leadership in ICT implementation: Perspectives from Singapore. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 22(3), 301-311.
Wong, L.-H., Chai, C. S., Chen, W., & Chin, C. K. (2013). Measuring Singaporean students' motivation and strategies of bilingual learning. The Asia-Pacific Journal of Education Researcher, 22(3), 263-272.
Toh, Y. , So, H. J., Seow, P., Chen, W., & Looi, C. K. (2013). Seamless learning in the mobile age: A theoretical and methodological discussion on using cooperative inquiry to study digital kids on-the-move. Learning, Media and Technology, 38(3), 301-318.
Chan, T.-W., Lin, J., Looi, C.-K., Kong, S. C., Zhu, Z., Hwang, G.-J., Yu, S., Gu, X., Chen, W., Wong, L.-H., & Wang, Q. (2013). 'How shall we recognize good academic research in this field?'. E-Education Research, 238, 5-15.
Wong, L.-H., Chen, W., & Jan, M.-F. (2012). How artefacts mediate small group co-creation activities in a mo bile-assisted language learning environment?. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 28(5), 411-424.
Chen, W., Wen, Y., & Looi, C.K. (2012). Technology enhanced pedagogical innovation in second language learning. Global Chinese Journal of Computers in Education, 8(1/2), 122-133.
So ng, Y., Chen, W., & Looi, C. K. (2012). A collaborative professional development model for rapid collaborative knowledge improvement in Singapore schools. The Asian Pacific Education Researcher, 21(1), 15-27.
Sha, L., Looi, C.-K., Chen, W.-L., Seow, P., & Wong, L.-H. (2012). Recognizing and measuring self-regulated learning in a mobile learning environment. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(2), 718-728.
Sha, L., Looi, C.K., Chen, W. & Zhang, B.H. (2012). Understanding Mobile Learning from the Perspective of Self-Regulated Learning. Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning, 28(4), 366'378.
Wen, Y., Looi, C. K., & Chen, W (2012). Supporting Teachers in Designing CSCL Activities: A Case Study of Principle-based Pedagogical Patterns in Networked Second Language Classrooms. Educational Technology & Society, 15(2), 138-153.
Chen, W., Lee, C., T an, A., Wettesinghe, M., & Wong, P. (2012). From device centric to people centric ubiquitous computing: Pre-service teachers using technology across spaces. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 7(1), 45-60.
Wong, L.-H., Chen, W., Chai, C.-S., Chin, C.-K., & Gao, P. (2011). A blended collaborative writing approach for Chinese L2 primary school students. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 27(7), 1208-1226.
Chen, W., Lim, C., & Tan, A. (2011). From many-to-one to one-to-many: The evolution of ubiquitous computing in education. Educational Techno logy, 1, 21-25.
Boticki, I., So, H. J., Toh, Y., Chen, W., & Seow, P. (2011). ColInq: A system for collaborative inquiry learning with mobile devices. International Journal of Robotics, Education, and Art, 1(2), 10-22.
Wen. Y., Looi, C. K., & Chen, W.L. (2011). Who are the beneficiari es when CSCL enters into Second Language classroom. Global Chinese Journal of Computers in Education, 7(1), 91-107.
Chen, W.,& Wen, Y., Looi, C. K. & Ooi, C (2011). Technology and Pedagogy Design for Collaborative Second Language Learning. The Communications in Information Science and Ma nagement Engineering, 1(8), 19-23.
Deng, F. Chen, W.,Chai, C.S., & Qian, Y.Y. (2011). Constructivist-oriented data-logging activities in Chinese chemistry classroom: Enhancing students' conceptual understanding and their metacognition. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 20(2), 207-2 21.
Chen, W., & Looi,C.K. (2011). Active classroom participation in a GroupScribbles primary science classroom. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(4), 676-686.
Chen W., & Choi, S.K.A. (2011). Internet and social support among Chinese migrants in Singapore. New Media & Societ y, 13(1), 11-18.
Looi, C.K., So, H.J., Toh, Y., & Chen, W.L. (2011). The Singapore experience: Synergy of national policy, classroom practice and design research. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 6(1), 9-37.
Looi, C.K., Zhang, B.H., Chen W., Seow, P. , & Chia, G. (2011). 1:1 mobile inquiry learning experience for primary Science students: A study of learning effectiveness. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 27(-), 269-287.
Chen, W., Looi, C. K., & Xie, W. (2011). A design research on collaborative learning enabled by GroupScribbles. China Educational Technology, 11, 1-9.
Chen, W. & Choi, S. K. (2011). Leveraging computer mediated communication for social support in immigrants' inter cultural adaptation. Cross-Cultural Communication, 7(3), 167-176.
Wong, L.H., Chin, C.K., Chen, W.L., & Chai, C.S. (2011). V.S.P .O.W. - An Innovative Collaborative Writing Process Based on Web 2.0 Technology to Improve Chinese L2 Students' Writing Skills. Global Chinese Journal on Computers in Education, 7(1-2), 72-90.
Chen, W., Seow, P., So, H.J., Toh, Y, & Looi, C.K. (2010). Connecting learning spaces using mobile technology. Educational Technology, 50(5), 45-50.
Looi,C.K., Chen, W., & Patton, C.M. (2010). Principles and enactment of rapid collaborative knowledge building in classrooms. Educational Technology, 50(5), 26-32.
Chen, W. (2010). Internet usage patterns of immigrants in the proce ss of intercultural adaptation. CyberPsychology, Behavior & Social Networking, 13(4), 387-399.
Looi, C.K., Seow, P., Zhang, B.H., So, H.J., Chen W., & Wong, L.H. (2010). Leveraging Mobile Technology for Sustainable Seamless Learning: A Research Agenda. British Journal of Educational Tech nology, 41(2), 154-169.
Chen, W., & Looi, C.K. (2010). What do students do in a F2F CSCL classroom? The optimization of multiple communications Modes. Computers & Education, 55(3), 1159-1170.
Looi, C.K., Chen, W., & Ng, F-K. (2010). Collaborative activities enabled by GroupScribbles (GS): An exploratory study of learning effectiveness.. Computers & Education, 54(1), 14-26.
Teo, T., Tan, S. C., Lee, C. B., Chai, C. S., Koh, J. H. L., Chen, W. L., & Cheah, H. M. (2010). The Self-Directed Learning with Technology Scale (SDLTS) for young students: An initial development an d validation. Computers & Education, 55, 1764-1771.
Zhang, B., Looi, C. K., Seow, P., Chia, G., Wong, L. H., Chen, W., So, H., Soloway, E., Norris, C. (2010). Deconstructing and reconstructing: Transforming primary science learning via a mobilized curriculum. Computers & Education, 55(4), 1504-1523.
Looi, C.K & Chen, W.L. (2010). Community-based individual knowledge construction in the classroom: A process-oriented account. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 26(3), 202-213.
Wong, L.H., Chen, W., Looi, C.K., & Zhang, B.H. (2010). Analysis of attributes of mobile l earning activities: Two case studies of m-learning design. China Educational Technology, 2010(2), 7-15.
Chen, F-H., Looi, C.K., & Chen, W. (2009). Integrating technology in the classroom: A visual conceptualization of teachers' knowledge, goals and beliefs. Journal of Computer-Assisted L earning, 25(5), 470-488.
Looi, C.K., Wong, L.H., So, H., Seow, P., Toh, Y., Norris, C., Soloway, E., Chen, W., & Zhang, B. (2009). Anatomy of a mobilized lesson: Learning My Way. Computers & Education, 53(4), 1120-1132.
Seow, P., Zhang, B.H., Chen, W., Looi, C.K., & Tan, N. (2009). De signing a seamless learning environment to learn reduce, reuse and recycle in environmental education. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organization, 3(1), 60-83.
Chen, W., Tan, N., Looi, C.K., Zhang, B.H., & Seow, P. (2008). Handheld computers as cognitive tools: Technology-en hanced environmental learning. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(3), 231-252.
Looi, C.K., & Chen, W. (2007). Bridging research to practice in technology-mediated learning: A learning sciences perspective. China Educational Technology, 12(null), 1-7.
Chen, W., & Looi C.K. (2007). Incorporating online discussion in face to face classroom learning: A new blended learning approach. Australasian Journal of Educational Research, 23(3), 308-327.
Looi, C.K., Hung, D., Chen, W., & Wong, L.H. (2006). A research agenda for fostering deep learning mediated by technologies: Perspective from Singapore. Global Chinese Journal on Computers in Education, 4(1-2), 85-100.
Choi, A. & Chen, W. (2003). Internet and family relations: Impact of the new medium on youth. Journal of Youth Studies, 6(2), 91-102.
Books (Central)
Tan, S. C., Cheah, H. M., Chen, W. L., & Choy, D. (2017). Pushing the frontier: A cohesive system-wide approach to integrating ICT into education. (PP. 155). Singapore: Springer.
Book Chapters (Central)
Chen, W., & Wen, Y. (2017). Brainstorming and collaborating with technology.. In Chai, C. S., Koh, H. L. J., and Teo, Y. H. (Ed.), Technology Enhanced 21st Century Learning(PP. 115-132). Singapore: Pearson.
Chen, W., & Wong, L.-H. (2017). Seamless learning supported by mobile technologies. In Chai, C. S., Koh, J. H. L., & Teo, Y. H. (Eds.), Technology Enhanced 21st Century Learning(PP. 171-193). Singapore: Pearson.
Looi, C.K., Xie, W., Chen, W. (2015). Design and implementation of an educational innovation in different contexts: A case study of GroupScribbles. In Looi, C.K. & The, L.W. (Eds.), Scaling Educational Innovations(PP. 123-150). Singapore: Spinger.
Yeo, J., Chen, W., Tan, T.T.M., & Lee Y.-J. (2021). Innovative Science and STEM pedagogies in Singapore. In O. S. Tan, E. L. Low, E. G. Tay & Y. K. Yan (Eds.), Singapore Math and Science Education Innovation - Beyond PISA(PP. 189-206). Singapore: Springer Nature.
Looi, C. K., Lim, W. Y., & Chen, W. (2008). Communities of practice for continuing professional development in the Twenty-first Century. In Voogt, J., & Knezek,G. (Eds.), International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education(PP. 489-502). NewYork: Springer.
Looi, C.K., Song, Y., Wen, Y. & Chen, W. (2013). Identifying Pivotal Contributions for Group Progressive Inquiry in a Multimodel Interaction Environment. In Suthers, D., Lund, K., Rose, C.P., Teplovs, C. & Law, N. (Eds.), Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions(PP. 265-290). New York: Springer.
Looi, C.K., So, H-J., Toh, Y., & Chen, W. (2021). The Singapore experience: Synergy of national policy, classroom practice, and design research. In Stahl, G. (Ed.), Theoretical Investigations: Philosophical Foundations of Group Cognition(PP. 291-318). N.A.: Springer International Publishing.
Chen, W., & Koh, R. E (2021). Learning analytics for education. In Tan, S.C., Quek, C.L., & Diva, S. (Eds.), Technology for Mea ningful Learning(PP. 63-80). Singapore: Springer.
Lee, V. Y A., & Chen, W. (2021). Technology-supported assessment. In Tan, S.C., Quek, C.L., & Diva, S. (Eds.), Technology for Meaningful Learning(PP. 159-170). Singapore: Springer.
Chen, W. & Looi, C.K. (2013). GroupScri bbles-supported collaborative learning in a primary grade 5 Science class. In Suthers, D., Lund, K., Rose, C.P., Teplovs, C. & Law, N. (Eds.), Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions(PP. 257-263). New York: Springer.
Looi, C.K., So, H-J., Chen, W., Zhang, B., Wong, L- H. & Seow, P. (2012). Seamless Learning. In Norbert, S. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning(PP. 2975-2979). Munich: Springer.
Wen, Y., Chen, W., & Looi, C.K. (2010). GroupScribles-enabled Collaborative Learning in Chinese Language Learning: Research and Practice in A Singapore Secondary Classroom. In Chin, C.K. (Ed.), ICT in Chinese language Learning: Global Perspectives in 21st Century(PP. 100-121). Nanjing: Nanjing University Press.
Chai, C. S., Chen, W., & Tan, L. (2010). Creating meaningful e-learning units. In Chai, C. S., & Wang, Q. (Eds.), ICT for self -directed learning and collaborative learning(PP. 310-321). Singapore: Pearson.
Chin, C. K., Tan, C. L., Ang, S. C., & Chen, W.L. (2009). Professional development of in-service Chinese language teachers: A large scale survey on Singapore teachers. In Cai, C. Z (Ed.), Multiple perspectives o f Chinese language teaching and learning(PP. 282 - 286). Guang Xi: GuangXi Normal University Press.
Chen, W., & Wong, L.-H. (2017). Seamless learning supported by mobile technologies. In Chai, C. S., Koh, J. H. L., & Teo, Y. H. (Eds.), Technology Enhanced 21st Century Learning(PP. 171-193). Singapore: Pearson.
Looi, C.K., Xie, W., Chen, W. (2015). Design and implementation of an educational innovation in different contexts: A case study of GroupScribbles. In Looi, C.K. & The, L.W. (Eds.), Scaling Educational Innovations(PP. 123-150). Singapore: Spinger.
Yeo, J., Chen, W., Tan, T.T.M., & Lee Y.-J. (2021). Innovative Science and STEM pedagogies in Singapore. In O. S. Tan, E. L. Low, E. G. Tay & Y. K. Yan (Eds.), Singapore Math and Science Education Innovation - Beyond PISA(PP. 189-206). Singapore: Springer Nature.
Looi, C. K., Lim, W. Y., & Chen, W. (2008). Communities of practice for continuing professional development in the Twenty-first Century. In Voogt, J., & Knezek,G. (Eds.), International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education(PP. 489-502). NewYork: Springer.
Looi, C.K., Song, Y., Wen, Y. & Chen, W. (2013). Identifying Pivotal Contributions for Group Progressive Inquiry in a Multimodel Interaction Environment. In Suthers, D., Lund, K., Rose, C.P., Teplovs, C. & Law, N. (Eds.), Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions(PP. 265-290). New York: Springer.
Looi, C.K., So, H-J., Toh, Y., & Chen, W. (2021). The Singapore experience: Synergy of national policy, classroom practice, and design research. In Stahl, G. (Ed.), Theoretical Investigations: Philosophical Foundations of Group Cognition(PP. 291-318). N.A.: Springer International Publishing.
Chen, W., & Koh, R. E (2021). Learning analytics for education. In Tan, S.C., Quek, C.L., & Diva, S. (Eds.), Technology for Mea ningful Learning(PP. 63-80). Singapore: Springer.
Lee, V. Y A., & Chen, W. (2021). Technology-supported assessment. In Tan, S.C., Quek, C.L., & Diva, S. (Eds.), Technology for Meaningful Learning(PP. 159-170). Singapore: Springer.
Chen, W. & Looi, C.K. (2013). GroupScri bbles-supported collaborative learning in a primary grade 5 Science class. In Suthers, D., Lund, K., Rose, C.P., Teplovs, C. & Law, N. (Eds.), Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions(PP. 257-263). New York: Springer.
Looi, C.K., So, H-J., Chen, W., Zhang, B., Wong, L- H. & Seow, P. (2012). Seamless Learning. In Norbert, S. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning(PP. 2975-2979). Munich: Springer.
Wen, Y., Chen, W., & Looi, C.K. (2010). GroupScribles-enabled Collaborative Learning in Chinese Language Learning: Research and Practice in A Singapore Secondary Classroom. In Chin, C.K. (Ed.), ICT in Chinese language Learning: Global Perspectives in 21st Century(PP. 100-121). Nanjing: Nanjing University Press.
Chai, C. S., Chen, W., & Tan, L. (2010). Creating meaningful e-learning units. In Chai, C. S., & Wang, Q. (Eds.), ICT for self -directed learning and collaborative learning(PP. 310-321). Singapore: Pearson.
Chin, C. K., Tan, C. L., Ang, S. C., & Chen, W.L. (2009). Professional development of in-service Chinese language teachers: A large scale survey on Singapore teachers. In Cai, C. Z (Ed.), Multiple perspectives o f Chinese language teaching and learning(PP. 282 - 286). Guang Xi: GuangXi Normal University Press.
Conference Papers (Central)
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)
Editorships of Conference Proceedings
Chen, W., Yang, J.C., Ayub, A.F., Wong, S.L., & Mitrovic, A. et al (Ed.) (2017). Technology and Innovation: Computer-Based Education Systems for the 21st Century. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 25th International Conference on Computers in Education. New Zea land
Chang, M., Jong, M., Chan,T-W., Yu, S., Wu, F., Li, B., Chen, W., Hsu, T-C., Chuang, T-Y., Hsu, C-Y., Zhou, Y., Liu, M., Chen, G., Chang, C-C., & Tu, S. (Ed.) (2017). Proceedings of the 21st Global Chinese Conference onComputers in Education. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 21st Global Chinese Conf erence on Computers in Education. China
Ogata, H., Chen, W.L., Kong, S.K., Qiu, F., Chang, M., Chen, W. et al. (Ed.) (2015). Main Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education. China
C hen, W., Gu, X., & Wu, Y.T. (Ed.) (2014). Proceedings of the Global Chinese Conference of Computers in Education 2014. PROCEEDINGS OF THE Global Chinese Conference of Computers in Education 2014. China
Biswas, G., Wong, L.-H., Hirashima, T., & Chen, W. (Ed.) (2012). Main Proceedings of I nternational Conference on Computers in Education 2012. PROCEEDINGS OF THE International Conference on Computers in Education 2012. Singapore
Weinberger, A., Chen, W., Hernandez-Leo, D., & Chen, B. (Ed.) (2022). International Collaboration Towards Education Innovations for All: Overarching Research, Development, and Practices. Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 15th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Japan
Wong, S. L., Kong, S.C., Yu, F-Y., Arnseth, H. C., Chang, B., Ch ee, Y.S., & Chen, W., Hirashima, T., Huang, Y.M., Klett, F., Lee, I., Mitrovic, A., Nakabayashi, K., Ogata, H., Oshima, J., Reimann, P., Specht, M., Supnithi, T., Teo, T., Wang. M.M. (Ed.) (2010). Enhancing and sustaining new knowledge through the use of digital technology in education. PROCE EDINGS OF THE 18th International Conference on Computers in Education. Malaysia
Keynote Addresses
Chen, W. (2021, September). NYP Education Symposium 2021. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Learning analytics for learning design, Singapore.
Chen, W. (2020, November). 28th International C onference on Computers in Education. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, From cooperation to collaboration: Designing computer-supported collaborative knowledge improvement in classrooms, Darwin, Australia.
Looi, C.K., & Chen, W. (2020, November). EduTech Asia Virtual Festival of Education. KEYNOTE ADDRES S, Artificial Intelligence for Digital Transformation in Education: Promises and Challenges, Singapore.
Chen, W. (2020, August). UNESCO International Forum for ICT in Higher Education. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Scaffolding and assessing computer-supported collaborative argumentation, Shenzhen, China .
Chen, W. (2021, February). EduTech Conference Middle East. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Preparing future-ready learner: Pedagogical and technological design for computer-supported collaborative learning in classrooms, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Chen, W. (2023, November). International Conferen ce on Technology for Education. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Augmenting collaborative learning in classrooms: Technological and pedagogical design, Mumbai, India.
Chen, W. (2023, November). Hong Kong STEM Education Forum. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Technology-enhanced collaborative inquiry for science learni ng: Perspectives from Singapore, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China).
Chen, W. (2022, September). 2nd world Conference of Chinese Education. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Analytics-driven collaborative learning design, Nanjing, China.
Chen, W. (2022, July). Smart Technology empowered Educational Innovatio ns conference. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Developing future-ready collaborative learners: Technological and pedagogical innovations in Singapore classrooms, Xining, China.
Chen, W. (2022, April). Teck Whye Primary School Virtual Learning Festival. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Fostering student interaction an d engagement through Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: Technological and Pedagogical design, Singapore.
Chen, W. (2022, April). K-12 Online Education Forum. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Designing meaningful collaborative learning in technology-rich classrooms, Nanjing, China.
Chen, W. (2022, January). Preparing for future language learner seminar. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Technology supported collaborative language learning, Singapore.
Chen, W. (2021, November). Raffles Girls School Professional Development Seminar. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Preparing future-ready learners: Designing fo r computer-supported collaborative knowledge improvement, Singapore.
Chen, W. (2021, August). Academic of Singapore Teachers High Ability Learners Learning Day. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Preparing future-ready learners: Designing for computer-supported collaborative knowledge improvement in classroo ms, Singapore.
Chen, W. (2019, November). Learning Sciences and Future Education Summit. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, From cooperation to collaboration: Technological and pedagogical design in classrooms, Beijing, China.
Chen, W. (2019, March). MOE CPDD iMTL Portal NLC Professional Sharing. KE YNOTE ADDRESS, Advancing collaborative knowledge improvement through ICT, Singapore.
Chen, W. (2019, March). OER-AST Seminar on 'Learning with Technology: Principles, Perspectives and Practices'. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Learning to argue and arguing to learn: Computer-supported collaborative argum entation in classrooms, Singapore.
Chen, W. (2018, November). International Forum on Educational Technology 2018. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Preparing for future learning ky knowledge co-creation and collaboration, Wuhan, China.
Chen, W. (2018, November). 2nd International Congress of Trends in Educational Innovation. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Bridging formal learning and informal learning, Arequipa, Peru.
Chen, W. (2018, March). National Conference of Innovative Practices in Teaching. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Flipped classroom in higher education: Theories and practices, Tainan, Taiwan.
Chen, W., Yang, J.C., Ayub, A.F., Wong, S.L., & Mitrovic, A. et al (Ed.) (2017). Technology and Innovation: Computer-Based Education Systems for the 21st Century. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 25th International Conference on Computers in Education. New Zea land
Chang, M., Jong, M., Chan,T-W., Yu, S., Wu, F., Li, B., Chen, W., Hsu, T-C., Chuang, T-Y., Hsu, C-Y., Zhou, Y., Liu, M., Chen, G., Chang, C-C., & Tu, S. (Ed.) (2017). Proceedings of the 21st Global Chinese Conference onComputers in Education. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 21st Global Chinese Conf erence on Computers in Education. China
Ogata, H., Chen, W.L., Kong, S.K., Qiu, F., Chang, M., Chen, W. et al. (Ed.) (2015). Main Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education. China
C hen, W., Gu, X., & Wu, Y.T. (Ed.) (2014). Proceedings of the Global Chinese Conference of Computers in Education 2014. PROCEEDINGS OF THE Global Chinese Conference of Computers in Education 2014. China
Biswas, G., Wong, L.-H., Hirashima, T., & Chen, W. (Ed.) (2012). Main Proceedings of I nternational Conference on Computers in Education 2012. PROCEEDINGS OF THE International Conference on Computers in Education 2012. Singapore
Weinberger, A., Chen, W., Hernandez-Leo, D., & Chen, B. (Ed.) (2022). International Collaboration Towards Education Innovations for All: Overarching Research, Development, and Practices. Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 15th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Japan
Wong, S. L., Kong, S.C., Yu, F-Y., Arnseth, H. C., Chang, B., Ch ee, Y.S., & Chen, W., Hirashima, T., Huang, Y.M., Klett, F., Lee, I., Mitrovic, A., Nakabayashi, K., Ogata, H., Oshima, J., Reimann, P., Specht, M., Supnithi, T., Teo, T., Wang. M.M. (Ed.) (2010). Enhancing and sustaining new knowledge through the use of digital technology in education. PROCE EDINGS OF THE 18th International Conference on Computers in Education. Malaysia
Keynote Addresses
Chen, W. (2021, September). NYP Education Symposium 2021. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Learning analytics for learning design, Singapore.
Chen, W. (2020, November). 28th International C onference on Computers in Education. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, From cooperation to collaboration: Designing computer-supported collaborative knowledge improvement in classrooms, Darwin, Australia.
Looi, C.K., & Chen, W. (2020, November). EduTech Asia Virtual Festival of Education. KEYNOTE ADDRES S, Artificial Intelligence for Digital Transformation in Education: Promises and Challenges, Singapore.
Chen, W. (2020, August). UNESCO International Forum for ICT in Higher Education. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Scaffolding and assessing computer-supported collaborative argumentation, Shenzhen, China .
Chen, W. (2021, February). EduTech Conference Middle East. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Preparing future-ready learner: Pedagogical and technological design for computer-supported collaborative learning in classrooms, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Chen, W. (2023, November). International Conferen ce on Technology for Education. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Augmenting collaborative learning in classrooms: Technological and pedagogical design, Mumbai, India.
Chen, W. (2023, November). Hong Kong STEM Education Forum. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Technology-enhanced collaborative inquiry for science learni ng: Perspectives from Singapore, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China).
Chen, W. (2022, September). 2nd world Conference of Chinese Education. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Analytics-driven collaborative learning design, Nanjing, China.
Chen, W. (2022, July). Smart Technology empowered Educational Innovatio ns conference. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Developing future-ready collaborative learners: Technological and pedagogical innovations in Singapore classrooms, Xining, China.
Chen, W. (2022, April). Teck Whye Primary School Virtual Learning Festival. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Fostering student interaction an d engagement through Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: Technological and Pedagogical design, Singapore.
Chen, W. (2022, April). K-12 Online Education Forum. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Designing meaningful collaborative learning in technology-rich classrooms, Nanjing, China.
Chen, W. (2022, January). Preparing for future language learner seminar. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Technology supported collaborative language learning, Singapore.
Chen, W. (2021, November). Raffles Girls School Professional Development Seminar. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Preparing future-ready learners: Designing fo r computer-supported collaborative knowledge improvement, Singapore.
Chen, W. (2021, August). Academic of Singapore Teachers High Ability Learners Learning Day. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Preparing future-ready learners: Designing for computer-supported collaborative knowledge improvement in classroo ms, Singapore.
Chen, W. (2019, November). Learning Sciences and Future Education Summit. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, From cooperation to collaboration: Technological and pedagogical design in classrooms, Beijing, China.
Chen, W. (2019, March). MOE CPDD iMTL Portal NLC Professional Sharing. KE YNOTE ADDRESS, Advancing collaborative knowledge improvement through ICT, Singapore.
Chen, W. (2019, March). OER-AST Seminar on 'Learning with Technology: Principles, Perspectives and Practices'. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Learning to argue and arguing to learn: Computer-supported collaborative argum entation in classrooms, Singapore.
Chen, W. (2018, November). International Forum on Educational Technology 2018. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Preparing for future learning ky knowledge co-creation and collaboration, Wuhan, China.
Chen, W. (2018, November). 2nd International Congress of Trends in Educational Innovation. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Bridging formal learning and informal learning, Arequipa, Peru.
Chen, W. (2018, March). National Conference of Innovative Practices in Teaching. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Flipped classroom in higher education: Theories and practices, Tainan, Taiwan.
Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)